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Hypocrisy They call us "manchildren" but when we want to be with a female who is on our mental level we're evil paedos

I have nothing in common with women in my age. I've tried but have been rejected due to my ideas and opinions of the world around me. I also despise the mental illness these 25+ women have and from what I've learned its a combination of alcohol, SSRIs and social isolation that makes them act this way in real life. Some of these 25+ women do in fact prey on young teenage boys below the age of 17 for sex but then reject them later once their sexual fantasy has been achieved then move onto their next young victim.

I have autism, but I'm more of an adult than a child because I do not use my focused mind on useless crap such as anime & porn. I work most of the time and on break I usually read a book that I bring with me. The inmates always ask me what I'm reading and it is a great conversation starter. I managed to get a few inmates reading The Gulag Archipelago by Alexander Solzhenitsyn.

When it comes to women who are 25+, I find them all drug addicted, in debt, poor caretakers, jobless children. I love young women, but not those below the age of 18 as I find that as jewish subversion of degeneracy.

View: https://old.reddit.com/r/IncelTear/comments/homwuk/so_he_sees_himself_mentally_on_par_with_kids_and/fxiu4kk/

Jfl at thinking any 25+ oldcel here has anything in common with women his age. Even if we were to accept their bodycount they'd still be lightyears ahead of us in social development, sexual experience, etc. What would we even talk about?

" People who use autism to justify their bullshit are just children in adult bodies. "
Ragefuel. To normies, all it takes to qualify as bullshit is me failing to be normal enough for their high expectations. Even by a slight margin like one awkward gesture or not knowing one random celeb shit. For them, it's you make the cut 100% or you go fuck yourself. No empathy. It always shows, even if at first, they let you make mistakes, they always build up hate for you.

So he sees himself mentally on par with kids and lackluster to women his age because he doesn't have experience... that he thinks dating teens would give him but, would likely make things worse for the both because they wouldn't be able to handle his insecurities..... sad man!
Dating teens is fucking stupid. Expectations are still the same. I've tried to date adults as a preteen and teens 1-3 years younger than me as a teen. Age is irrelevant to expectations, only to maturity and 'self-actualization' aka being able to say no and avoid being taken advantage of. Afraid to say more because I don't need another warning.
Why is 18 such a magic number?
His post wouldn't get half the anger if he didn't invoke numbers less than 18--though of course IT will take any chance to mock inkwells they get.
I have nothing in common with women in my age. I've tried but have been rejected due to my ideas and opinions of the world around me. I also despise the mental illness these 25+ women have and from what I've learned its a combination of alcohol, SSRIs and social isolation that makes them act this way in real life. Some of these 25+ women do in fact prey on young teenage boys below the age of 17 for sex but then reject them later once their sexual fantasy has been achieved then move onto their next young victim.

I have autism, but I'm more of an adult than a child because I do not use my focused mind on useless crap such as anime & porn. I work most of the time and on break I usually read a book that I bring with me. The inmates always ask me what I'm reading and it is a great conversation starter. I managed to get a few inmates reading The Gulag Archipelago by Alexander Solzhenitsyn.

When it comes to women who are 25+, I find them all drug addicted, in debt, poor caretakers, jobless children. I love young women, but not those below the age of 18 as I find that as jewish subversion of degeneracy.
For most social creatures, "adulthood" is not about maturity of interests or behaviour but rather how much bullshit you can take from other people without breaking down emotionally.

For more ragefuel for OP, look at the "milestone" links here.
How can you form trust over mistrust if people dislike every little thing you do?
I'm 25+ and I have nothing whatsoever in common with women my age, or really women in general, and this realization honestly helped me more than it hurt. Tbh I wouldn't want to be with them anyway, and they obviously wouldn't want to be with me either. At some point I just accepted that this is my life and the pain kinda lessened in severity.
“AUtiSm iS nOt aN eXcUsE”

does this fag realize autism is a spectrum and people with autism can have all kinds of issues? Many people with autism will do things they don’t know are wrong and often have trouble knowing what is right or wrong. This is very common among aspies and he doesn’t wanna admit this because he wants to have an excuse to hate on people

people with autism also view things differently from society, which is why this guy questions the jb hysteria
When you point double standards people are attached to to them, they will not only not accept it's a double standard, they'll hate you for exposing them as hypocrites.
“AUtiSm iS nOt aN eXcUsE”

does this fag realize autism is a spectrum and people with autism can have all kinds of issues? Many people with autism will do things they don’t know are wrong and often have trouble knowing what is right or wrong. This is very common among aspies and he doesn’t wanna admit this because he wants to have an excuse to hate on people

people with autism also view things differently from society, which is why this guy questions the jb hysteria

Too many normies literally think that "you can stop being autistic".
Too many bullies also think that socially unadjusted males that are called out for breaking unspoken rules of social conduct gives them a greenlight to harass and bully them.

"People who use autism to justify their bullshit are just children in adult bodies."
It is amazing how much IncelTear users reveal their prejudice against marginalized groups like ethnics and autistic males every time they express wrongthink.

"Ah the autistic sob story. Now I am also autistic but unlike you I haven't acted like a child. No one is stopping you from not being a bit awkward, not having social interactions with other women, etc. You sure doing that yourself, so quite blaming your disability and grow up. Your almost 22 and I expect you to act like a man."

Toxic masculinity btw

When you point double standards people are attached to to them, they will not only not accept it's a double standard, they'll hate you for exposing them as hypocrites.

But they will deny they are hating and just double down on mocking you for not seeing things their way and act like you are in the wrong.

View: https://old.reddit.com/r/IncelTear/comments/horozf/if_you_have_that_kind_os_mental_development_issue/fxjq0de/

Just act like an adult with 15 years of social and sexual experience under your belt when you're a 30 year old KHHV jfl :lul:

Do they really think any 30 year old woman would date a man with zero sexual and romantic experience and the emotional maturity of a high schooler? We cannot date women our age because not only do we have nothing in common, they simply reject us. We cannot date older women for the same reason plus females almost never date younger men anyway. We also cannot date younger women because then we're paedos. So who are we supposed to date? Riddle me this, cucktears.

View: https://old.reddit.com/r/IncelTear/comments/horozf/if_you_have_that_kind_os_mental_development_issue/fxjq0de/

Just act like an adult with 15 years of social and sexual experience under your belt when you're a 30 year old KHHV jfl :lul:

Do they really think any 30 year old woman would date a man with zero sexual and romantic experience and the emotional maturity of a high schooler? We cannot date women our age because not only do we have nothing in common, they simply reject us. We cannot date older women for the same reason plus females almost never date younger men anyway. We also cannot date younger women because then we're paedos. So who are we supposed to date? Riddle me this, cucktears.

I love how one of the aspies says “I’m autistic and I don’t act this way” what this fuckin faggot doesn’t know is that autism is a SPECTRUM. People with autism are very heterogeneous and diverse in the things they struggle with and they can have many kinds of problems. I met many aspies and they all have many kinds of issues that many other aspies won’t have. So saying “I’m autistic and I don’t act this way” is a dumb pathetic anecdotal fallacy argument. One aspie’s experience doesn’t represent all. If he has autism he should know this

Also 16 and 22 is pedohpilia? JFL they’re only 6 years apart. One is only in his early 20s the other is nearly 18. That’s a Romeo and Juliet age difference it’s not some 40 year old pervert molesting a 10 year old. It’s funny because these fags say “pedos should be raped and killed” yes because a 6 year age difference is just as bad as killing.

And they tell us to grow up and act like adults when they literally spend their time using vulgar language and mocking other people on the internet. Sure, a typical 40 year old will think we’re losers but they’ll think the same thing about IT. Ask anyone in their 30s/40s ANYONE that age what they’d think of IT and most would tell them that people who mock “misogynistic virgins” are just as pathetic and dumb as “misogynistic virgins”. They’d say that IT are just as immature and that it’s stupid to screenshot people and mock them online. Also most IT fags who claim to be in their 30s are usually lying and say that to viewed as mature wise people who people can listen to when in reality they’re probably only 21 or something. If they’re actually 40, they’re probably a man child who hangs out with other man children.

so IT stop calling us immature when mature people would use internet more productive things. Using vulgar language and mocking others on the internet on a forum dedicated to mocking people is NOT mature.
I will never listen to women's advice. Ever.

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