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The uncanny valley: Why curries and sand are so ugly.

So it's not just about looks.
You didn't even watch the videos. They tell you why they won't date them. "They LOOK goofy," "They LOOK ugly," "They are not very attractive," "I don't find them attractive," "They stink," and "They're built funny," It's all about their looks and smell. Reputation matters but pajeets are objectively hideous and you can't tell because you are coping with this caucasian BS. Read the thread, OP, to understand why they had this reaction. Reality proves me right but you keep denying it. They are telling to your face they think they are ugly.

I can find more videos like this. It's all over the internet. Watch them it's brutal.

View: https://youtu.be/C8ttZyAkz6Q?si=_uVKhePy2g4rKBC6

View: https://youtu.be/dNKBrILSsE8?si=g6dCJy0grjxkE1PK

View: https://youtube.com/shorts/kH7xW7oA_yQ?si=mL8hUE3F9ChOQQNG

Here's another one. They all say Indian and he asks why and the white foid says. "It's just the way they look" didn't pick or say that about asians or blacks. This caucasian cope needs to die. They are telling you they hate the way they look.
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Aren't Turks basically Greek/Armenians?
No, not at all. Greeks are mostly still europeans. And Armenians are LESS europeans than turks, they're closer to iraqis than turks are.
He's a Turk that defends Arabs? The Turks I know absolutely despise Arabs. And that's pretty universal. Even online like on Reddit there's lots of hate.

Now his comment saying Turks and Arabs are identical is even more interesting to me.
Just because turkey and arab countries speak different languages doesn't magically alter their genetics. It's still broadly the same race
If you're Turkish, those features can be easily explained. The Ottomans brought in all kinds of people. From Slavs to Caucasians. Plus, the local Greek population in Turkey, especially in the west, was already mixed with Balkanites and had fairer features.

A DNA test won’t really show those different influences since it compares you to modern reference groups. It’s like how a DNA test wouldn’t pick out how much Celtic ancestry I have since it’s already mixed into the modern german reference panel. It'll just say "Germany" or something.
My ancestory was east anatolian, north iraqi and west anatolian, which is ottomans territory in the past. I got NO western anatolian, that's how I know there's no european in me
My ancestory was east anatolian, north iraqi and west anatolian, which is ottomans territory in the past. I got NO western anatolian, that's how I know there's no european in me

Yeah makes sense then.
You didn't even watch the videos. They tell you why they won't date them. "They LOOK goofy," "They LOOK ugly," "They are not very attractive," "I don't find them attractive," "They stink," and "They're built funny," It's all about their looks and smell. Reputation matters but pajeets are objectively hideous and you can't tell because you are coping with this caucasian BS. Read the thread, OP, to understand why they had this reaction. Reality proves me right but you keep denying it. They are telling to your face they think they are ugly.

I can find more videos like this. It's all over the internet. Watch them it's brutal.

View: https://youtu.be/C8ttZyAkz6Q?si=_uVKhePy2g4rKBC6

View: https://youtu.be/dNKBrILSsE8?si=g6dCJy0grjxkE1PK

View: https://youtube.com/shorts/kH7xW7oA_yQ?si=mL8hUE3F9ChOQQNG

Here's another one. They all say Indian and he asks why and the white foid says. "It's just the way they look" didn't pick or say that about asians or blacks. This caucasian cope needs to die. They are telling you they hate the way they look.

This applies to the average Indian who had veddoid and mongoloid mixture. Again, I'm talking about NW indians since they are the ones who are usually more caucasion
This is what Indians look like.
And they mog niggers


The idea that blacks are more caucasian than them is schizophrenia levels of delusion.
I already showed you a map of West Eurasian DNA. Keep chimping out at reality.
These photos are not North Indians, but normal Indians.
And I dont give a fuck, because I was not talking about anyone ASIDE from NW indians. Since, again, most other indians have Veddoid and Mongoloid mixture.

Women would rather pick a black or asian guy over these men.
source: my ass
Both blacks and Asians are less caucasian than Indians, not just the north.
Blacks, not really. West Africans can be as high as 30% caucasion, and African Americans even moreso.

FYI, the fact that the Kyrgyz and Hazara, despite being part caucasion/part mongoloid, STILL are envious and look up to bollywood and Pashtun stacies as their source of beauty shows that yes, caucasioness DOES matter.
You are literally insane if you think negroids from Africa are more caucasian than Indians.
Some are, but again, I'm only talking of NW indians


>cherrypicks the ugliest blacks again.
Those are just congolese chimpanzees.

It's adorable how dumb you are, so dumb that you accuse me of "chewwypicking" niggers, then you try and make it seem like you aren't cherrypicking

>m-muh cherrypicking is more valid then yours:feels::feels::feels::feels::feels:

Just fuck off lmao
All you do is cherrypick to suit your interests.
Says the guy who cherrypicks to suit his interests.
Blacks do better than browns in the dating market.
Niggers with European DNA don't count.
Blacks are less caucasian than browns.
Not always the case.
Your caucasian cope can't explain it.
That's because you can't understand nuance, and to be blunt, we have had this conversation before in your previous banned account, so I dont feel like wasting my time again.
Now you are saying blacks are actually more caucasian than pajeets.
Didn't say that.
Your brain is cooked. I will post some attractive blacks to counter your bad cherrypicking.
>NOOO HOW DARE YOU CHERRY PICK!:feels::feels::feels::feels::feels::feels:
>Now watch as I cherrypick:soy::soy::soy:
In all dating data and common sense will tell you that blacks mkg curries and curries are more caucasian.
Blacks mog due to other factors like their height and muscles, however, even then, that's not all blacks, and plenty of NW indians mog negroes, and indians sure as fuck mog chinks
I FUCKING KNEW YOU WERE GOING TO SAY THIS . The idea that white people don't know what sands look like is mental ward levels of insanity.

Sands are on television 24/7 and that has been the case for decades. There are sands on my TV screen right now. All news presentations have been covering sand events for 30+ years. That is almost certainly longer than you have been alive.

White people know exactly what we look like. They know it better than you because your brain has been fried with photoshopped Instagram models. They just don't like what they see.

There were two studies. TWO. The second one was more recent and both sand and curries were at the bottom. Explain that. They know what we look like. We are on their news station all the time.

Jeet's mog absolutely no one. Are you just going to ignore the two videos I posted with foids saying they would never date Indians? You ignore all the evidence in your face.

They are ugly. It is about looks. White normies are disgusted with the way curries look. That's not true with Asians. Have you been on Canadian social media?

Pakis are also incels. Asians and Blacks mog pakis. Women pick them over pakis.

Asians hate brown men even more than white foids. Where the fuck did you get this insane cope? Try being brown in Korea, China, and Japan. Watch how the locals treat you. Curries are banned from many stores there. They are not even allowed to enter. No curries allowed. The idea that white skin obsessed Asian foids like brown men is laughably crazy.

Southern Indians look closer to caucasians than negroids. Pay attention. I keep repeating everything because you can't read.

African Americans are not 30-60% caucasian. It's more like 15%. East Africans are more caucasian than west African negroids but west africans mog them. You can't explain this and keep ignoring it.

Somalis are the biggest truecel race of black. The negroid black bantu west african type is the Tyrone who slays. They look less caucasian than both Somalis and Indians, but mog both.

The ideal skin tone is Northern European not brown arab. You can whiten arabs put them back on Tinder and they will get more matches. Women hate shitskins. This should be obvious for a JBW believer.

Shitskins don't have the ideal skin tone jfl. Whites do. The cope is unreal.

Dravidians look more like whites (caucasian) than both Asians and Blacks. Blacks and Asians mog pakis. No girl wants northern Indians or pakis over Tyrone and even Chang.

Yes they are.

"Yes. Asian is a racial category (not an ethnic category). The U.S. Census Bureau, and the federal government and most state government data collection agencies, include India and the entire Indian subcontinent (including Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, etc.) in the Asian racial category"
Check yourself before you wreck yourself.

Yes you do. You post shooped models. I post normal people.

1. Yes they are. That's why sand men get nose reduction surgery and why jews get made fun of for their big nose. Check the stats on nose surgery in Iran and Turkey. I already posted it.
2. Yeah because big noses are ugly. Are you fucking mentally retarded? Thanks for making my point.

Yes women are the sexual selectors. They care. Duh.

Yes sands and meds are hairier than norwegians. Go watch beach footage from Sweden and then Greece.

mentally ill if you think swedes are as hairy as greeks, turks, and iranians.


Somalis are literally caucasian. Southern Indians are more caucasian than negroids.

No they fucking don't JFL. Your brain is mush. That guy is nowhere near as caucasian as jeet or somali. Get your eyes ad brain checked.

Yes they do.

This is what white women think of pajeets. They don't even want to see their faces on hlthe dating apps. They don't say this about chinks and niggers.
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I'm not replying to any of that, since I remembered that you're the same monkey I had this conversation with months ago, yet you still come back with the same tired arguments despite how badly I steamrolled your ass last time.

I will say this though: The fact that you pathetically try to exclude white passing Arabs and white boned Arabs already shows your dumbass is wrong when trying to claim Arabs are uglier than blacks and asians. Those white-passing Arabs or white-boned Arabs aren't magically non-Arab all of a sudden just because you say so.
And they mog niggers
No, they don't. I posted two studies saying the opposite.
I already showed you a map of West Eurasian DNA. Keep chimping out at reality.
The Caucasian race was historically regarded as a biological taxon which, depending on which of the historical race classifications was being used, usually included ancient and modern populations from all or parts of Europe, Western Asia, Central Asia, South Asia, North Africa, and the Horn of Africa

Sub-Saharan Africa is not included. South Asia and the Horn of Africa are included.

Some Saharan Africans are partly Caucasian but Indians are more caucasian.
And I don't give a fuck, because I was not talking about anyone ASIDE from NW Indians. Since, again, most other indians have Veddoid and Mongoloid mixture
They are still more caucasian than Negroids from Sub-Saharan Africa. Same with Asians. Pajeets are considered uglier than both blacks and Asians. That includes immigrants from Africa. Idris Elba is pure african. African immigrants in the west do better than pajeets. You don't see Canadian girls saying all this stuff about black Africans.
source: my ass
Blacks, not really. West Africans can be as high as 30% Caucasian, and African Americans even more so.
Africans have a negroid skull shape including African Americans. Most Indians, not just the Northern ones, have a caucasian skull shape. A few blacks in the Sahara who mixed with Arabs are partly caucasian, but African Americans mostly do not descend from them. They descend from negroids. The blacks migrating to the west are negroid, and they have a higher SMV than pajeets.
Those are just congolese chimpanzees.

It's adorable how dumb you are, so dumb that you accuse me of "chewwypicking" niggers, then you try and make it seem like you aren't cherrypicking

>m-muh cherrypicking is more valid then yours
You specifically cherry picked thr ugliest black. I have been posting pictures of normal looking sands and curries throughout the thread. I can do the same with blacks.
Says the guy who cherrypicks to suit his interests
You cherrypick non-stop. You even cherry-pick what information enters your brain.
Niggers with European DNA don't count.
Black migrants from Africa do better than pajeets in both Canada and America. You never hear Canadian women complain about how ugly black men are, but social media is filled with that. The studies also put blacks ahead. African Americans are still mostly negroid. Most curries are caucasian.
Not always the case.
Yes, always the case. Curries have caucasian skull shape. The only blacks with a caucasian skull shape are East Africans. African immigrants and African Americans have a negroid skull shape. Some Saharans have caucasian admixture, but it's not enough to override the negroid, and both African Americans and African migrants don't descend from these groups in large numbers.
That's because you can't understand nuance, and to be blunt, we have had this conversation before in your previous banned account, so I dont feel like wasting my time again.
It was never banned. My dad took my computer and phone. He almost found out I was using this site so I had to delete the account. Ask the mods if you don't believe me. My parents almost caught me using .is that's what happened.
Didn't say that.
That is exactly what you are saying. You are saying blacks are more caucasian than most Indians excluding the far north. I posted a bunch of pics from Indians, not from the north. They are clearly more caucasian than blacks. Only Somalis look somewhat caucasian.
>NOOO HOW DARE YOU CHERRY PICK!:feels::feels::feels::feels::feels::feels:
>Now watch as I cherrypick
All you do is cherry pick when I post photos of normal people.
Blacks mog due to other factors like their height and muscles, however, even then, that's not all blacks, and plenty of NW indians mog negroes, and indians sure as fuck mog chinks
Indians don't mog Chinks. There is no data and no information on the planet that says Indians. I already posted two studies and three videos saying the opposite.

I am going to repost photos of the pajeets. I want you to answer whether you think blacks are more caucasian than them.

Indian man smiles pink background 862994 538852


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No, they don't. I posted two studies saying the opposite.

The Caucasian race was historically regarded as a biological taxon which, depending on which of the historical race classifications was being used, usually included ancient and modern populations from all or parts of Europe, Western Asia, Central Asia, South Asia, North Africa, and the Horn of Africa

Sub-Saharan Africa is not included. South Asia and the Horn of Africa are included.

Some Saharan Africans are partly Caucasian but Indians are more caucasian.

They are still more caucasian than Negroids from Sub-Saharan Africa. Same with Asians. Pajeets are considered uglier than both blacks and Asians. That includes immigrants from Africa. Idris Elba is pure african. African immigrants in the west do better than pajeets. You don't see Canadian girls saying all this stuff about black Africans.


Africans have a negroid skull shape including African Americans. Most Indians, not just the Northern ones, have a caucasian skull shape. A few blacks in the Sahara who mixed with Arabs are partly caucasian, but African Americans mostly do not descend from them. They descend from negroids. The blacks migrating to the west are negroid, and they have a higher SMV than pajeets.

You specifically cherry picked thr ugliest black. I have been posting pictures of normal looking sands and curries throughout the thread. I can do the same with blacks.

You cherrypick non-stop. You even cherry-pick what information enters your brain.

Black migrants from Africa do better than pajeets in both Canada and America. You never hear Canadian women complain about how ugly black men are, but social media is filled with that. The studies also put blacks ahead. African Americans are still mostly negroid. Most curries are caucasian.

Yes, always the case. Curries have caucasian skull shape. The only blacks with a caucasian skull shape are East Africans. African immigrants and African Americans have a negroid skull shape. Some Saharans have caucasian admixture, but it's not enough to override the negroid, and both African Americans and African migrants don't descend from these groups in large numbers.

It was never banned. My dad took my computer and phone. He almost found out I was using this site so I had to delete the account. Ask the mods if you don't believe me. My parents almost caught me using .is that's what happened.

That is exactly what you are saying. You are saying blacks are more caucasian than most Indians excluding the far north. I posted a bunch of pics from Indians, not from the north. They are clearly more caucasian than blacks. Only Somalis look somewhat caucasian.

All you do is cherry pick when I post photos of normal people.

Indians don't mog Chinks. There is no data and no information on the planet that says Indians. I already posted two studies and three videos saying the opposite.

I am going to repost photos of the pajeets. I want you to answer whether you think blacks are more caucasian than them.

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You're just wrong. Go argue with other users and none of them will agree with you. Bye

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I'm not replying to any of that, since I remembered that you're the same monkey I had this conversation with months ago, yet you still come back with the same tired arguments despite how badly I steamrolled your ass last time.

I will say this though: The fact that you pathetically try to exclude white passing Arabs and white boned Arabs already shows your dumbass is wrong when trying to claim Arabs are uglier than blacks and asians. Those white-passing Arabs or white-boned Arabs aren't magically non-Arab all of a sudden just because you say so.
I was proven right. I only stopped responding because my dad took my phone and PC after he got curious about what forum I was posting on.

You can't fucking read the thread. I said Arabs have the most variation in SMV, hence the uncanny valley. White passing Arabs are ok but the non-white passing ones are screwed even more than Blacks and Asians. White passing sands are very rare. They really only exist in the levant. I am whiter than most sands and I don't pass. The largest sand country is Egypt, with 116 million people and growing. Almost no Egyptians pass.

Failing to pass as white drops your SMV to zero despite still being caucasian. Almost all don't pass.


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Why is OP grouping sands with curries?

Curries are on another level of fucked up
You're just wrong. Go argue with other users and none of them will agree with you. Bye

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I posted two studies and three videos proving you wrong. You started arguing blacks are more caucasian than pajeets with zero evidence and everything pointing against that. Are those pajeets I posted more or less Caucasian than blacks? You avoided the question. Blacks are more attractive than pajeets everywhere. Not just in America but in Canada and Europe too. The same applies to Asians. Neither group is as caucasian as pajeets.
I was proven right. I only stopped responding because my dad took my phone and PC after he got curious about what forum I was posting on.

You can't fucking read the thread. I said Arabs have the most variation in SMV, hence the uncanny valley. White passing Arabs are ok but the non-white passing ones are screwed even more than Blacks and Asians. White passing sands are very rare. They really only exist in the levant. I am whiter than most sands and I don't pass. The largest sand country is Egypt, with 116 million people and growing. Almost no Egyptians pass.

Failing to pass as white drops your SMV to zero despite still being caucasian. Almost all don't pass.
Yes curries are at the bottom. Everyone knows this. Why are you trying to prove that water is wet
I was proven right. I only stopped responding because my dad took my phone and PC after he got curious about what forum I was posting on

What was his reaction to seeing Incel.Is??
shit skins go out now and revenge on white race and white supremacy rape as many white girl as possible and save some for Jewish allies like me let’s fight against racial discrimination
I posted two studies and three videos proving you wrong. You started arguing blacks are more caucasian than pajeets with zero evidence and everything pointing against that. Are those pajeets I posted more or less Caucasian than blacks? You avoided the question. Blacks are more attractive than pajeets everywhere. Not just in America but in Canada and Europe too. The same applies to Asians. Neither group is as caucasian as pajeets.
The only time a pajeet is Caucasus is if he race mixed with a white foid
IMG 4828
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I was proven right. I only stopped responding because my dad took my phone and PC after he got curious about what forum I was posting on.

You can't fucking read the thread. I said Arabs have the most variation in SMV, hence the uncanny valley. White passing Arabs are ok but the non-white passing ones are screwed even more than Blacks and Asians. White passing sands are very rare. They really only exist in the levant. I am whiter than most sands and I don't pass. The largest sand country is Egypt, with 116 million people and growing. Almost no Egyptians pass.

Failing to pass as white drops your SMV to zero despite still being caucasian. Almost all don't pass.
JFL didn't read, but they all mog chinks and niggers

What was his reaction to seeing Incel.Is??
He didn't find out. My electronics are password protected but he suspected I was up to something and seized my stuff.
He didn't find out. My electronics are password protected but he suspected I was up to something and seized my stuff.
Next time he seizes your stuff, just elbow him to the face. That always works.
JFL didn't read, but they all mog chinks and niggers

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Arabs do mog chinks and niggers.

Only the northoid curries or curries who are Arab passing are even worth considering when we talk about being Caucasian. Jfl at all the posts saying curries are Caucasian when literally 90% of curries are just abo mixed with a tiny amount of steppe central Eurasian blood
Arabs do mog chinks and niggers.

Only the northoid curries or curries who are Arab passing are even worth considering when we talk about being Caucasian. Jfl at all the posts saying curries are Caucasian when literally 90% of curries are just abo mixed with a tiny amount of steppe central Eurasian blood
Yep, exactly the same point I'm making which the retaeded OP can't comprehend. Most Indians have massie AASI mixture which basically nullifies their Caucasion blood

JFL didn't read, but they all mog chinks and niggers

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No, they don't chinks and niggers do better everywhere in the world. Pajeets are at the bottom sand slightly higher.

Who is more caucasian the kinds of blacks in places like France, Britain, Canada, America, and Germany or these pajeets? Exclude east africans. I still think curries are more caucasian than them but I don't want to get distracted.

If they are more caucasian than blacks and asian than why do Asians and blacks mog them.

Asians have zero caucasian DNA but they are still more desirable pajeets. Explain this. Don't just say that Indians actually mog rice because all of the data goes against that. The blacks in the west have almost none excluding African Americans and they are still negroid because black genes are dominant. Asians are mongoloid and mog curries.

Who has more caucasian features the people below or blacks in France, Britain, Canada, and America?


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Yep, exactly the same point I'm making which the retaeded OP can't comprehend. Most Indians have massie AASI mixture which basically nullifies their Caucasion blood

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OP needs to go outside jfl

Too much curry hindu nationalistic propaganda spreads misinformation that all curries are Bollywood actors - when in reality only 10% of even less percentage as a whole come remotely even close.

It’s just colourism or wanting to be close to whitenesss as a whole.

I understand arabs and latinos also practise this “marrying up aka marrying whiter people” to improve their bloodline.

Hence why I urge curries to only race mix with white women. This is if they can Jfl but I know it’s not a walk in the park.

I also would urge curries to not race mix with rice women or sheboons. That’s just the worst combination possibke
No, they don't chinks and niggers do better everywhere in the world. Pajeets are at the bottom sand slightly higher.

Who is more caucasian the kinds of blacks in places like France, Britain, Canada, America, and Germany or these pajeets? Exclude east africans. I still think curries are more caucasian than them but I don't want to get distracted.

If they are more caucasian than blacks and asian than why do Asians and blacks mog them.

Asians have zero caucasian DNA but they are still more desirable pajeets. Explain this. Don't just say that Indians actually mog rice because all of the data goes against that. The blacks in the west have almost none excluding African Americans and they are still negroid because black genes are dominant. Asians are mongoloid and mog curries.

Who has more caucasian features the people below or blacks in France, Britain, Canada, and America?
NW Indians mog Chinks and Niggers. Simple As.

No, they don't chinks and niggers do better everywhere in the world. Pajeets are at the bottom sand slightly higher.

Who is more caucasian the kinds of blacks in places like France, Britain, Canada, America, and Germany or these pajeets? Exclude east africans. I still think curries are more caucasian than them but I don't want to get distracted.

If they are more caucasian than blacks and asian than why do Asians and blacks mog them.

Asians have zero caucasian DNA but they are still more desirable pajeets. Explain this. Don't just say that Indians actually mog rice because all of the data goes against that. The blacks in the west have almost none excluding African Americans and they are still negroid because black genes are dominant. Asians are mongoloid and mog curries.

Who has more caucasian features the people below or blacks in France, Britain, Canada, and America?
Jfl please stop bringing curries into this.

That is not Caucasian admixture. That’s some weird regional evolution as a result of the caste system for over 4000 years. It’s primarily just abo bloodlines that has been culturally evolved to look the way it does. Blame lack of meat and protein in their diets for the weird skull shape and by no means is it Caucasian
Here are two studies showing actual Sand and Curry smv. You keep denying and ignoring them. What about all of those videos of foids saying curries are the race they won't date. I posted 3 of them.

"The Caucasian race was historically regarded as a biological taxon which, depending on which of the historical race classifications was being used, usually included ancient and modern populations from all or parts of Europe, Western Asia, Central Asia, South Asia, North Africa, and the Horn of Africa."

Sub saharan africans are not caucasian. Some saharans have admixture but blacks in the west largely do not descend from these groups. Curries are more Caucasian than both Asians and Blacks but are considered uglier. The same applies to most sands, but you are in denial.


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Jfl please stop bringing curries into this.

That is not Caucasian admixture. That’s some weird regional evolution as a result of the caste system for over 4000 years. It’s primarily just abo bloodlines that has been culturally evolved to look the way it does. Blame lack of meat and protein in their diets for the weird skull shape and by no means is it Caucasian
Indians as a whole have a more caucasian skull than Asians and Blacks. It's not just the far north. Curries are at the bottom of the dating hierarchy despite being closer to whites in skull shape. If you told a computer to analyze the faces of races it would say curries are closer to whites than Asians and Blacks. Northern curries and Pakistanis are still way more incel and less desirable than black and rice.
Indians as a whole have a more caucasian skull than Asians and Blacks. It's not just the far north. Curries are at the bottom of the dating hierarchy despite being closer to whites in skull shape. If you told a computer to analyze the faces of races it would say curries are closer to whites than Asians and Blacks. Northern curries and Pakistanis are still way more incel and less desirable than black and rice.
This is sheer autism.

Curries are not a comparative study group because I insist we are not Caucasian.

The super successful curry academics and white collar immigrants into the western countries starting in the 60s in the USA have consistently tried to tamper the data on curry genetics.

They have worked on the pseudoscience of the colonial white administrators of British india to spread misinformation on a collosal scale and influence westerners into thinking curries are a subgroup of the white race. Jfl at still buying this cope in 2024. Curries are a subgroup of aborigines.

Also just for your reference and so that @Made in Heaven can also understand - I have dug deep into aboriginal history As a curry In Australia.

The aborigines of southern Australian states like Victoria and New South Wales and Tasmania have all but absorbed into the white population. That’s what abo blood does. It is much easier to be bleached out. Abo vs African Bantu jungle nigger phenols are very dissimilar. Infact the Australians classified abos as proto Caucasian at some point.

All this to say, curries are the bottom because we manifest what aborigines are. Except the purebred abos are numbering in less than 100,000 In Australia and most have a life expectancy of 45-55.
Northern Indians and Pakistanis are the two biggest incel races. Blacks and Asians are always more desirable. If you doubt that, take a 5/10 North Indian, then put a black guy and an Asian guy on Tinder. The curry will be last place.

Is the following statement true or false? India, not just the north, has a closer resemblance to white features than East Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa.

To me, the answer is obviously yes. They are still less desirable though, because they aren't white.

You see the same with foids btw. East Asian women are more desriable than both sand and curry women on average. Sand just has more variation in attractiveness which I talked about in my OP.


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This is sheer autism.

Curries are not a comparative study group because I insist we are not Caucasian.

The super successful curry academics and white collar immigrants into the western countries starting in the 60s in the USA have consistently tried to tamper the data on curry genetics.

They have worked on the pseudoscience of the colonial white administrators of British india to spread misinformation on a collosal scale and influence westerners into thinking curries are a subgroup of the white race. Jfl at still buying this cope in 2024. Curries are a subgroup of aborigines.

Also just for your reference and so that @Made in Heaven can also understand - I have dug deep into aboriginal history As a curry In Australia.

The aborigines of southern Australian states like Victoria and New South Wales and Tasmania have all but absorbed into the white population. That’s what abo blood does. It is much easier to be bleached out. Abo vs African Bantu jungle nigger phenols are very dissimilar. Infact the Australians classified abos as proto Caucasian at some point.

All this to say, curries are the bottom because we manifest what aborigines are. Except the purebred abos are numbering in less than 100,000 In Australia and most have a life expectancy of 45-55.
I never said curries are a sub group of the white race. I don't even consider sand a sub group of the white race. I am saying both curry and sand are uglier on average than rice and black. That's backed up by studies and what we see in real life. Sand has more variation in SMV because some of them can cross the uncanny valley and become white-passing. That is a small percentage though.

Curries have more caucasian admixture and a more caucasian skull shape than both rice and black. That is just a fact. @Made in Heaven was actually arguing that blacks look more caucasian than curries, which is madness.

I have never said curries are white or the same as whites. Sands aren't white either. We are our own race.


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Jfl even the north West Indians/Pakistanis need to fit a certain Caucasian look to mog chinks and niggers.

Curries are just a offshoot derivative race of abos
Yes, that's what i said to OP. NW Indians mog chinks and niggers, but other Indians tend to look like Abos EI not caucasian
Here are two studies showing actual Sand and Curry smv. You keep denying and ignoring them. What about all of those videos of foids saying curries are the race they won't date. I posted 3 of them.

"The Caucasian race was historically regarded as a biological taxon which, depending on which of the historical race classifications was being used, usually included ancient and modern populations from all or parts of Europe, Western Asia, Central Asia, South Asia, North Africa, and the Horn of Africa."

Sub saharan africans are not caucasian. Some saharans have admixture but blacks in the west largely do not descend from these groups. Curries are more Caucasian than both Asians and Blacks but are considered uglier. The same applies to most sands, but you are in denial.
Blacks in the west descend from west and central africans, and some west africans have 20 to 30% caucasion dna. And this is irrelevant anyways since .most modern African Americans have significant european mixture.
This is sheer autism.

Curries are not a comparative study group because I insist we are not Caucasian.

The super successful curry academics and white collar immigrants into the western countries starting in the 60s in the USA have consistently tried to tamper the data on curry genetics.

They have worked on the pseudoscience of the colonial white administrators of British india to spread misinformation on a collosal scale and influence westerners into thinking curries are a subgroup of the white race. Jfl at still buying this cope in 2024. Curries are a subgroup of aborigines.

Also just for your reference and so that @Made in Heaven can also understand - I have dug deep into aboriginal history As a curry In Australia.

The aborigines of southern Australian states like Victoria and New South Wales and Tasmania have all but absorbed into the white population. That’s what abo blood does. It is much easier to be bleached out. Abo vs African Bantu jungle nigger phenols are very dissimilar. Infact the Australians classified abos as proto Caucasian at some point.

All this to say, curries are the bottom because we manifest what aborigines are. Except the purebred abos are numbering in less than 100,000 In Australia and most have a life expectancy of 45-55.
Yes, I've also noticed australian aboriginal are easy as fuck to bleach despite looking similar to nigs.
That is just a fact. @
Made in Heaven
@Made in Heaven was actually arguing that blacks look more caucasian than curries, which is madness.
I didn't say that

Is the following statement true or false? India, not just the north, has a closer resemblance to white features than East Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa.
Facially, yes, but not in terms of body shape and skin color, which also matter in looking similar to europeans

Bodily, africans resemble Europeans
Skin color wise, asians resemble Europeans
Facially, Indians resemble Europeans.

They all 3 have different failos that don't make them white at all, but it depends on the combination of factors as to who is more ugly

Yes, that's what i said to OP. NW Indians mog chinks and niggers, but other Indians tend to look like Abos EI not caucasian
You never answered. Do those curries posted LOOK more causian than East Asians and Blacks? If the answer is yes, then why do both blacks and Asians mog curries?

View: https://youtu.be/dNKBrILSsE8?si=twmUCHJ4qScMPUFN

View: https://youtu.be/kH7xW7oA_yQ?si=XbImLDNWZxm6wxYc

All of this also applies to sand. Here is a German girl rejecting a sandcel.

View: https://youtu.be/nBujzTMzIPg?si=konKI0iaQwC7seGr

Both sand and curries are closer in physiognomy to whites than blacks and Asians.

Explain these studies. Don't say whites don't know what sands look like. Sands are on my television right now.


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Yes, I've also noticed australian aboriginal are easy as fuck to bleach despite looking similar to nigs.
Niggers = genetic throw back evident in 3 generations of race mixing with whites.

Proof: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sandra_Laing

A white woman born to 2 biological white parents in South Africa. The race mixing happened 200 years ago. Yet the woman in question was classified as being black since she isn’t white passing. This happened in the not so distant past in apartheid South Africa.

For comparison, aboriginal Australians within 3 generations give you white children provided the race mixing happens in a controlled environment with whites being selected as sexual partners.

IMG 4839
IMG 4838

The white Australia policy along with the stolen generation practice of selective race breeding out the “black” off aboriginal Australian population has given rise to white aborigines all around Australia and this is visible in the southern states wherein the abos got absorbed into the white population.

It was only until recently that the whites who claim aboriginal ancestry have come forward in droves seeking benefits from the government for its sins committed against their ancestors.
Which is hilarious because the government were doing them a favour by forcing whites to mix with the native abos in order to improve their race.

Australia succeeded where the Brazilians failed with racial whitening aka Blanqueamiento https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blanqueamiento

Again what I’m trying to conclude is it’s pointless arguing about the whiteness scale of curries when they aren’t white passing. However I am of the opinion there are indeed white passing arabs because I interact with them. In Australia we have many Lebanese and Levantine arabs who have fair skin, light eyes even. I don’t care who you are if you are not white passing, this world will be unfair to you.

The best thing any ethnic can do for his child is to race mix with the most fat unattractive white woman so the kid can at least feel good about mogging even the best good looking member of the ethnic side of his family.
You never answered. Do those curries posted LOOK more causian than East Asians and Blacks?
Its not just about looking caucasion. Ive never once said that.
If the answer is yes, then why do both blacks and Asians mog curries?
They don't


All of this also applies to sand. Here is a German girl rejecting a Sandcel

Des8ais b9a7d026 28e4 4f4e 9d9f 21e491d800cb

Both sand and curries are closer in physiognomy to whites than blacks and Asians.
True for arabs, but with indians, they have body and skin color difference. But indians di mog asians since they don't have flat noses and slanted eyes like Asians

Aa4503a6 db08 4498 be81 06b4b941b00f

Explain these studies. Don't say whites don't know what sands look like. Sands are on my television right now.
White americans don't know what Sands look like. Me and @comradespiderman29 have shown plenty of evidence to show you this. I'm on my phone so I can't really show those posts but you know what I'm talking about.

Even users on this forum multiple fuxking times have mistaken pakis for northern arabs when we don't look alike

I didn't say that

Facially, yes, but not in terms of body shape and skin color, which also matter in looking similar to europeans

Bodily, africans resemble Europeans
Skin color wise, asians resemble Europeans
Facially, Indians resemble Europeans.

They all 3 have different failos that don't make them white at all, but it depends on the combination of factors as to who is more ugly

View attachment 1279099View attachment 1279100
No they're not.

West Africans and African Americans also have caucasion blood, dumb fuck. Average West African is 20-30% Caucasion, and when you consider many African Americans are DESCENDED from West African PLUS having European DNA, most African Americans are probably 30-60% Caucasion.

Many blacks have caucasion features,

No they dont

Some are, but again, I'm only talking of NW indians

Not always the case.

All of these no they aren't is when I said Indians look more Caucasian than blacks. You are just backpedaling now. You literally said blacks look more caucasian than pajeets and it was nuts. Even African Americans who are mixed with whites look less caucasian because of the dominance of black genes.

I already know Asians white skin gives them an edge. White people say Indian faces look ugly. It's not just the body. They say the same about sands. Sand faces look ugly. You keep ignoring the studies I post.


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Niggers = genetic throw back evident in 3 generations of race mixing with whites.

Proof: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sandra_Laing

A white woman born to 2 biological white parents in South Africa. The race mixing happened 200 years ago. Yet the woman in question was classified as being black since she isn’t white passing. This happened in the not so distant past in apartheid South Africa.

For comparison, aboriginal Australians within 3 generations give you white children provided the race mixing happens in a controlled environment with whites being selected as sexual partners.

View attachment 1279101View attachment 1279102

The white Australia policy along with the stolen generation practice of selective race breeding out the “black” off aboriginal Australian population has given rise to white aborigines all around Australia and this is visible in the southern states wherein the abos got absorbed into the white population.

It was only until recently that the whites who claim aboriginal ancestry have come forward in droves seeking benefits from the government for its sins committed against their ancestors.
Which is hilarious because the government were doing them a favour by forcing whites to mix with the native abos in order to improve their race.

Australia succeeded where the Brazilians failed with racial whitening aka Blanqueamiento https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blanqueamiento

Again what I’m trying to conclude is it’s pointless arguing about the whiteness scale of curries when they aren’t white passing. However I am of the opinion there are indeed white passing arabs because I interact with them. In Australia we have many Lebanese and Levantine arabs who have fair skin, light eyes even. I don’t care who you are if you are not white passing, this world will be unfair to you.

The best thing any ethnic can do for his child is to race mix with the most fat unattractive white woman so the kid can at least feel good about mogging even the best good looking member of the ethnic side of his family.
JFL based and true AF. White men raping ethnic women and blessing them with half white kids is a mercy snd charity upon them, so it's always a laugh when I see niggers or spics crying about how "whitey raped muh native American woman and niggeress slaves" as if you don't deep down in your heart appreciate that. It the same reason why I laugh when fags cry about 70 year old white guys fucking 15 year old Philippines girls, as if that isn't an act of mercy upon them. FFS, most of the models and actors in the Philippines nowadays are all half white.

Even at my mosque I constantly see arab people with light eyes light hair and tan to white skin tones

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wtf i thought arabs were all brown
some of these girls even have blue eyes
JFL thanks for proving my point. @Shitskin=Shitlife is coping hard as fuck when he insists that white normies know what arabs look like

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All of these no they aren't is when I said Indians look more Caucasian than blacks. You are just backpedaling now. You literally said blacks look more caucasian than pajeets and it was nuts. Even African Americans who are mixed with whites look less caucasian because of the dominance of black genes.

I already know Asians white skin gives them an edge. White people say Indian faces look ugly. It's not just the body. They say the same about sands. Sand faces look ugly. You keep ignoring the studies I post.
I never said that. Looks isn't just about face, but skin color eye color and body shape. You simply can't understand nuance so that's your problem
Its not just about looking caucasion. Ive never once said that.
You have been saying that for this entire thread. The more Caucasian phenotype the more it mogs non-caucasian.
They don't
Everyone says they do except you. Curries are at the bottom.
What race would you not date? Indian, even though they are small in number.

View: https://youtu.be/dNKBrILSsE8?si=twmUCHJ4qScMPUFN

View: https://youtu.be/kH7xW7oA_yQ?si=XbImLDNWZxm6wxYc

True for arabs, but with indians, they have body and skin color difference. But indians di mog asians since they don't have flat noses and slanted eyes like Asians
Arabs also have body and skin color difference. Arabs are shorter, darker, and smaller on average. No one thinks Indians mog anyone except you.
White americans don't know what Sands look like. Me and @
@comradespiderman29 have shown plenty of evidence to show you this. I'm on my phone so I can't really show those posts but you know what I'm talking about.
Sands are on television 24/7. They know what we look like. They have seen thousands of sand faces throughout their life. The most populous sand country is Egypt, lebanon has 5 million and Egypt has 116 million people.

You don't know what sands look like. I am whiter than most sands. I posted my leg. I am still brown. You cherry-pick blue-eyed white sands and paint them as normal. The photos I have posted throughout the thread are what sands look like and those people would be truecels in the west. This is what I mean by passing as white is essential. All of these guys would be incel.


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I never said that. Looks isn't just about face, but skin color eye color and body shape. You simply can't understand nuance so that's your problem
That doesn't even address what I said in that post. Do you knkw how to read? All of those no they aren't was you saying blacks look more Caucasian than pajeeets. You started backpedaling now.

Whites say sand and curry faces are ugly. I don't know how to get this through to you. Sand and curries rank near the bottom. You said curries mog rice, even though no one thinks that. You also said blacks are more caucasian than Indians except the north. That's blatantly wrong.

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