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The uncanny valley: Why curries and sand are so ugly.

>'people with high fertility rates are totally mogged by ricecels who never reproduce guiz' :soy:
if we go by Fertility rate then this would mean caucasians and rice are truecels while bengals represent the gigachad ubermensch. soy or not it doesn't add up habibo
You guys need to understand that OP is a self hating cuck who sexually fetishizes his self hatred. Similar to @tehgymcel420 although at least he is somewhat joking at time. And like @WorthlessSlavicShit said the last time I had to argue this deranged cope with @svgmn1 "if europeans are the beauty standard, which every study confirms, then the more European adjacent you look, the better" and this applies most to arabs and central asians.

I already have addressed every cope OP has brought up in various threads, including his faulty studies, so I don't even want to argue with him again.

Here are three relevant threads where I already address every retarded argument OP is making

you addressed nothing. you're a fucking joke my nigger
it's amazing how you're trying to convey to others how we were "self loathing cucks" and how you proved something there, when in reality the only thing you proved was being a turkroach obsessed about arabs which is actually cucked :feelscomfy: that's enough of a decent reality check for you ig


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You just ignored both of the studies I posted. If what you say is true curries should be higher than blacks but nobody in their right mind believes that. Curries are caucasian and blacks are negroid.

Argue with the data. Here it is. Both Sand and Curry at the bottom.
I ignored them because I have already addressed these before in the threads that I linked. So why should I repeat myself?

Indian men X Chinese women is highly common in Singapore, so keep coping.
Curries are by far and away the most hated race of men. Korea outright banned Indians from their bars and restaurants. Asians hate and look down on brown and black people.
Doesn't change SMV. Whites hate blacks, that doesn't magically change black SMV biologically.
I posted two studies earlier in the thread. I will repost them. View attachment 1278650 View attachment 1278646
In the first study, 96% of curries were excluded and 95% of sand. The two worst scores. In the second study, sand and curry got the lowest scores for increased attraction at 84 and 61, respectively. They were also the most likely to cause decreased attraction in foids. Curries getting 270 and Arabs get 167.
Already addressed this literal YEARS ago. So fuck off.
JFL at this cope. White skin is the most attractive on men and that partially explains why whites do better than sand. You can take a photo of a sandcel, lighten it in Photoshop, and repost it on Tinder, and you will get more likes. People have done this experiment.
It's tan skin that constantly is shown to be best on men, every study backs this up. It's tall dark and handsome, not tall pale and handsome.

No, both have weird ethnic features, including bug eyes.
Bug eyes still mog slanty eyes


No, having a big nose is always a negative.
Nope, stop being a stupid nigger.

View: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/sDMpf1IpUaE

Women select for genes. It's the same reason they hate overly hairy men, eben though you can cut the hair.
Irrelevant. Unibrows are next to irrelevant in actual SMV. Takes 2 seconds to get rid of.
That map is fake
JFL at this cope.
because it says Scandinavians are as hairy as Meds and Arabs. JFL. Arabs are hairier than Meds but both are hairy.
Scandinavians ARE as hairy as meds and arabs, they just have blonde body hair so it's HARDER to actually see. JFL I worked with some blonde white woman who was a trucker and the bitch had fucking SIDEBURNS.
I already posted two studies again.
And I've already addressed these faulty conclusions YEARS ago.
I never said Asians could compete with whites. Browns are forced into the same dating niche as whites because of our shared traits. This is actually a disadvantage. Asians and Blacks fill their own niche.
No they're not, what the fuck are you blathering about? You're just pulling shit out of your ass at this point.
You always post the whitest passing sands.
I have posted plenty of brown arabs who STILL mog gooks.

I filled the thread with many crowd photos of Sands where you can see dozens of them. None of them look like your cherry-picked photos. This is what sand actually looks like.
Already addressed this above. If you're gonna keep insisting and using crowd photos, I can do the same for the gooks who's cocks you love to suck so much.

I LOVE my skin color #brownpower
Group photos are a much better representation of races than a lone cherrypicked sand with blue eyes.
No, they're not because facial features are altered when people make facial expressions. It's why when you take a photo ID, they tell you not to smile, let alone your dumbass posting pictures of angry/distraught expressiongs.
Students, sports fans, migrants, protests, etc give you a huge sample size and paint a general picture.
Funny as fuck that you say that yet plenty of the people in your pic are old men, are wearing masks, or look good, so even your gay spamming of crowds shows you're a dumbass.
Searching the internet for the rare sand wity blonde hair is lying both to yourself and other users of what sands look like. The biggest Arab ethnicity is Egyptian too, not levantine.
I have posted countless brown arabs as well, holy fuck, this dumbass only sees what he wants to see.

He literally can't stop cherrypicking. That asian guy is in his 50s and sub 5 by Asian standards. This is what the largest ethnicity of arabs looks like. 116 million and growing. These guys would be truecels in the west.
Everyone in those pics still mog chinks. Also, it's hilarious how all your pics gotta be full of angry people who's facial features are contorted and/or a bunch of bald old men JFL


It's funny because even this photo you posted most of these men look handsome JFL

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You guys need to understand that OP is a self hating cuck who sexually fetishizes his self hatred.
That in general applies to a good number of ethnics here tbh:feelsjuice:. Probably not the majority, I'd hope so and thankfully it seems so, but still a decently-sized minority:feelswhat:.

Both pajeets and rice are counted as Asian in the UK. Your own source shows pajeets have the lowest rares of intermarriage at 7%. The Japanese are 52%. Your own data proves you wrong. Here is a study showijg racial exclusion rates by ethnicity. Sand and Curry are the most excluded. 95% excluded sand and 96% excluded curry.
That's not the point @anandkonda.belgrade was making:feelsthink:. When it comes to intermarriage, the absolute only thing that matters is the gender ratio. People who don't marry out can always marry in, but if their prospective partners already married out, well...

There's a reason why, out of the minorities living in the West, East Asian males are overrepresented among incels and are clearly the most likely to create online spaces obsessed about dating and their presentation in the media, despite still marrying out more than blacks and Hispanics. That's because while they might marry out more, their women do so at much higher rates, while blacks net take women of other groups and Latinos marry out as much as their women, meaning that those who can't marry out face an extremely real chance of being incel forever due to their dating pool being artifically deflated from the higher number of women outmarrying.

The data anandkonda posted clearly shows that, at least in the UK, Arabs are in one of the best positions out of all ethnicities as far as outmarriage is concerned, as they net take women from other groups, which means that for them, outmarriage actually even artifically inflates the dating/marriage pool for those of their men who don't outmarry, while Indians have a 50/50 gender split in outmarriage, both of which are positions the groups who net lose their women to other groups, those being East Asians and non-British whites, can only wish to be in and undoubtedly would switch places with the moment they.
I ignored them because I have already addressed these before in the threads that I linked. So why should I repeat myself?
You never addressed them. You have a conspiracy theory that whites don't know what sands look like when sands are plastered on the TV 24/7 for decades. What is the actual argument against the studies? Say it now and stop deflecting. Give me a real argument.
Indian men X Chinese women is highly common in Singapore, so keep coping.
Doubt and mixed couples are rare in general.
Doesn't change SMV. Whites hate blacks, that doesn't magically change black SMV biologically.
NO ONE EXCEPT THE INSANE WOULD ARGUE CURROES HAVE HIGHER SMV THAN BLACKS. Curries are at the absolitr bottom. Women are repulsed by them. Blacks are negroid but more desirable. There is your caucasian theory debunked. Blacks don't look like whites at all but slay.
Already addressed this literal YEARS ago. So fuck off.
You never have JFL. You are not now and never have. I posted TWO studies not just one. They both came to the same conclusions. Argue with the data

It's tan skin that constantly is shown to be best on men, every study backs this up. It's tall dark and handsome, not tall pale and handsome.
JFL at this coping sandcel. White Northern European skin is the most desirable. You can take a sand lighten his skin to matcj Northern Euros and he will get more matches on Tinder. People have already done this experiment. I'm just repeating myself.
Bug eyes still mog slanty eyes
Asians mog browns. Argue with the data.
Nope, stop being a stupid nigger.
Big noses are the reason Jews are called ugly. Not even sands think big noses are attractive considering rhinoplasty is the biggest plastic surgery in the middle east. I have been there before and saw both men and women with tape over their noses from the nose reduction surgery.

>One cannot walk down a street in Tehran and not come across the signature of a nose job: bandages fixed on the nasal bridge. The craze for having a small, straight nose has been on the rise since a few decades ago among both women and men in Iran. Now Iran has the highest rate of nose surgery in the world, with more nose surgeries per capita than any other country. With people flocking to the country to get their noses done by Iranian doctors, Iran has become a rhinoplasty hub in the world.

Sands get more nose jobs than any other race in the world. It's the same with Turks and Arabs. Turkey has one of the highest rates of nose jobs in the world. Not even sands think a big nose is atttactive. It's both men and women as the quote said.
Irrelevant. Unibrows are next to irrelevant in actual SMV. Takes 2 seconds to get rid of.
They do care and it correlates with excess bosy hair and likely balding. Sands habe the highest balding rate.
Scandinavians ARE as hairy as meds and arabs, they just have blonde body hair so it's HARDER to actually see. JFL I worked with some blonde white woman who was a trucker and the bitch had fucking SIDEBURNS.
Nordics are nowhere near as hairy as meds and sands. This should honestly be common sense. They are in reality the least hairy Europeans. I dare you to go to a greek beach and then a norwegian beach. Then cross compare how hairy the men are. You can watch youtube videos. Sands and meds are hairiest.
I have posted plenty of brown arabs who STILL mog gooks.
They have whiter bone structure. The typical sands look like the photos I have posted.


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you addressed nothing. you're a fucking joke my nigger
it's amazing how you're trying to convey to others how we were "self loathing cucks" and how you proved something there, when in reality the only thing you proved was being a turkroach obsessed about arabs which is actually cucked :feelscomfy: that's enough of a decent reality check for you ig
lmao shut the fuck up, your dumbass legit tried to claim white-passing arabs are the result of "racemixing with europeans" and when I called out your bullshit on that, you STOPPED replying.

No, they're not because facial features are altered when people make facial expressions. It's why when you take a photo ID, they tell you not to smile, let alone your dumbass posting pictures of angry/distraught expressiongs.
Models like you post are also told to alter their facial features. This would be obvious if you weren't double digit IQ but models are not representative of the general population. Model photoshoots are specifically designed to make the person appear as good looking as possible and they even edit the photos to change his appearance. Regular everyday people are much better samples.
Funny as fuck that you say that yet plenty of the people in your pic are old men, are wearing masks, or look good, so even your gay spamming of crowds shows you're a dumbass.
All of those guys would be incel in the west. They are ugly.
I have posted countless brown arabs as well, holy fuck, this dumbass only sees what he wants to see.
You specifically pick models with whiter bone steucture. I just pick normal people and show many of them. Here is what normal people look like. It's over for them in the west.


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OP is delusional, he essentially just sees what he wants to see
I have scientific data on my side while he has coping. He has not even acknowledged this because it blatantly proves him wrong. He will continue to ignore it throughout the thread.


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lmao shut the fuck up, your dumbass legit tried to claim white-passing arabs are the result of "racemixing with europeans" and when I called out your bullshit on that, you STOPPED replying.

Prove these studies wrong. In my daily life I see both blacks and asians doijg better than both curry and sand. That is exactly what the data says too. Curries and sands scored dead last in both of them.


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You have a conspiracy theory that whites don't know what sands look like when sands are plastered on the TV 24/7 for decades. What is the actual argument against the studies? Say it now and stop deflecting. Give me a real argument.
Already addressed all this. Just go back and read them.
Doubt and mixed couples are rare in general.
Just go to the wiki page for Chindians. Says so there.
I was talking relative to Asians. Indians mog asians, not blacks. But this also depends on which race of women you are going after.
Curries are at the absolitr bottom. Women are repulsed by them. Blacks are negroid but more desirable. There is your caucasian theory debunked. Blacks don't look like whites at all but slay.
Indians in this context I meant NW indians, most other indians are mixed with Veddoid and Mongoloid blood.

FYI Many blacks are caucasion as well, especially if you're talking about African Americans, but even Saharan, West African and East African Blacks also have some caucasion DNA.


You never have JFL. You are not now and never have. I posted TWO studies not just one. They both came to the same conclusions. Argue with the data
Already addressed them years ago. I dont want to repeat myself. Maybe I'll just copy paste my previous posts.
JFL at this coping sandcel. White Northern European skin is the most desirable. You can take a sand lighten his skin to matcj Northern Euros and he will get more matches on Tinder. People have already done this experiment. I'm just repeating myself.
Muh teeektoook experimantarino doesn't take precedence over actual studies.

Asians mog browns. Argue with the data.
JFL dont talk to me about muh data when asian males are shown to get the lowest matches on every dating app.
Big noses are the reason Jews are called ugly.
Not an argument
Not even sands think big noses are attractive considering rhinoplasty is the biggest plastic surgery in the middle east.
Rhinoplasty is common in Europe as well.

Dinarid phenotype is known for it's massive nose described as CONVEX SHAPED and its almost exclusively in europe


I have been there before and saw both men and women with tape over their noses from the nose reduction surgery.
How does this magically negate the fact that big noses are seen as masculine? So because some faggots shave their beards, does that also mean beards are not masculine?


>One cannot walk down a street in Tehran and not come across the signature of a nose job: bandages fixed on the nasal bridge. The craze for having a small, straight nose has been on the rise since a few decades ago among both women and men in Iran. Now Iran has the highest rate of nose surgery in the world, with more nose surgeries per capita than any other country. With people flocking to the country to get their noses done by Iranian doctors, Iran has become a rhinoplasty hub in the world.
Didn't read
Sands get more nose jobs than any other race in the world. It's the same with Turks and Arabs. Turkey has one of the highest rates of nose jobs in the world. Not even sands think a big nose is atttactive. It's both men and women as the quote said.
whites get nose jobs as well. In fact, according to this list, among the top 10 countries, Poland, Croatia, Czech, and Spain are all on the list, while only Turkey is there from MENA. JFL Poland is even NUMBER ONE

They do care
source: my ass
and it correlates with excess bosy hair
Mediteraneans are hairier than iranians, iraqis, and gulfies.
Sands habe the highest balding rate.
source: my ass
Nordics are nowhere near as hairy as meds and sands. This should honestly be common sense. They are in reality the least hairy Europeans. I dare you to go to a greek beach and then a norwegian beach. Then cross compare how hairy the men are. You can watch youtube videos. Sands and meds are hairiest.
Argue with the map, nigger.


They have whiter bone structure. The typical sands look like the photos I have posted.
>post white arabs


>post brown arabs


JFL at this faggot.


And yes, you dumb faggot. That was the point I was making. Arabs have more similar features to Whites and so they are 2nd after Europeans, not chinks or niggers.
OP is delusional, he essentially just sees what he wants to see
Yeah, he loves being a cuck.
Models like you post are also told to alter their facial features.
The ones I post have neautral facial features. I'm sorry you're a retarded nigger, but there's a reason why people are told NOT to make facial expressions when taking photos for an ID.
. Model photoshoots are specifically designed to make the person appear as good looking as possible and they even edit the photos to change his appearance. Regular everyday people are much better samples.
These aren't model photo shoots you deranged monkey. Half of them are literal rando shots.
All of those guys would be incel in the west. They are ugly.
Irrelevant. There are blonde blue eyed incels in the west, so that's not the point. The point is that many of the people in your crowd photos are either

1. Old balding men
2. Children
3. Have their faces covered by fucking masks
4. Are actually good looking, like these 2 guys for example.


You specifically pick models
No I dont. Some of these are literal random people from tiktok
with whiter bone steucture.
All arabs have whiter bone structure relative to Asians, so concession accepted. I win.
I just pick normal people
No you dont. You pick people who's features are contorted by yelling, old bald men, and people with masks JFL
and show many of them. Here is what normal people look like.
bald old men and pictures where you can't even see peoples faces isn't normal
It's over for them in the west.
Maybe, maybe not. They still mog chinks and nigs.
You would have to pick a KPOP Chang to make it fair
Also, the fact that you have the fucking nerve to bring up "muh kpop chang" when most of those fags get nose jobs, eyelid jobs, skin bleaching, jawline jobs, is insane and truly shows the depths of delusion you're in. Holy FUCKING KEEEEEK

when in reality the only thing you proved was being a turkroach obsessed about arabs which is actually cucked :feelscomfy:
Why is that cucked?
Already addressed all this. Just go back and read them
You have never addressed it. Saying you have adressed it before is not an argument. Link the argument. It needs to cover both studies. Both of them.
Just go to the wiki page for Chindians. Says so there.
Asians hate pajeets and all browns. Mixed relationships are rare in general. You can find all mixes but they are a minority.
I was talking relative to Asians. Indians mog asians, not blacks. But this also depends on which race of women you are going after.
INDIANS DON'T MOG ANYONE JFL AT THIS SCHIZO. Indians are at the bottom of every dating hierarchy. When you ask people what race they would not date they say Indian despite Indians being smaller in number than Asians in America.

View: https://youtu.be/dNKBrILSsE8?si=NI30B8QjUgQKceQp

View: https://youtu.be/C8ttZyAkz6Q?si=0I7XcQuPukZ5MhEW

Jfl. Keep in mind there are virtually no Indians in America. Canadian reddit isjust white women trashing Indian men. I will try to find the screenshots later. Actual mental illness to even argue this.
Indians in this context I meant NW indians, most other indians are mixed with Veddoid and Mongoloid blood.

FYI Many blacks are caucasion as well, especially if you're talking about African Americans, but even Saharan, West African and East African Blacks also have some caucasion DNA.
Southern Indians are mkre caucasian than negroids but negroids are more desirable. You have been proven wrong again. East Africans are far less deisrable than West Africans and African Americans, despite being caucasian.

Somalis are the lowest SMV blacks. You keep digging your own grave. The negroid blacks slay.
Muh teeektoook experimantarino doesn't take precedence over actual studies.
A tan is not the same as having brown skin like the guy I posted. That's not true at all. The ideal skin tone for mdn is similar to what Swedes have, not Arabs. Arabs are too dark obviously.
JFL dont talk to me about muh data when asian males are shown to get the lowest matches on every dating app.
Indian men are shown to get the lowest match. Try going on tinder as a 5/10 pajeet vs a 5/10 rice. The pajeet always does worse. I just posted two studies woth Insians at the bottom. Indians are also included under Asian in America.
Not an argument
It is objectively an argument because whites make fun of their ugly big nose.
Rhinoplasty is common in Europe as well.
This only proves my point. JFL keep digging yor grave deeper. They get it because big noses are ugly.
How does this magically negate the fact that big noses are seen as masculine? So because some faggots shave their beards, does that also mean beards are not masculine?
No one likes the way it looks. Women don't like it on men. That's why nose surgery rates are so high in sand countries.
Didn't read
>he thinks ignoring data is an argument
It said Iran is number one for nose surgery and both men and women get it.
whites get nose jobs as well. In fact, according to this list, among the top 10 countries, Poland, Croatia, Czech, and Spain are all on the list, while only Turkey is there from MENA. JFL Poland is even NUMBER ONE
Those are the top countries to get the surgery. The top countries in per capita nose jobs are sand with Iran being number one.

source: my ass
They care because they care about genes
Mediteraneans are hairier than iranians, iraqis, and gulfies.
Arabs are hairier but both are hairy. Nords aren't hairy.
source: my ass
Sands bald at higer rates than other races like whites, asians, and blacks.
Argue with the map, nigger.
Any map which says a swede is as hairy as a greek belongs in the trash.
>post white arabs


>post brown arabs

You post photoshopped models I post real people
And yes, you dumb faggot. That was the point I was making. Arabs have more similar features to Whites and so they are 2nd after Europeans, not chinks or niggers.
Somalis and Pajeets including southern ones are closer to whites in appearance but blacks mog them. Southern Indians look whiter than blacks but are much uglier. JFL at this delusional cope.

Here is some more normal people.


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Looks too fake, ethnics don't know how to photoshop properly.
I hope not, whats her name?

I am half sand and half asian but I look like blackopcel and Asmongold had a child/clone :fuk:
lmao shut the fuck up, your dumbass legit tried to claim white-passing arabs are the result of "racemixing with europeans"
your brain is fucking cooked if you think blond inhabitants of basra and imara are native arabs. there's no saving you my nigger :feelscomfy:
Why is that cucked?
-obsessed about arabs
-being a turk, a race which held historical internal hatred and belittlement for arabs
-has countless pictures of chaddams saved for some peculiar reasons

textbook cuckoldry. it's like the turkish bbc pill equivalent.
It is very relevant because it means they are so ugly they will be incels.
The point is that many of the people in your crowd photos are either

1. Old balding men
2. Children
3. Have their faces covered by fucking masks
4. Are actually good looking, like these 2 guys for example.
Most of them are young people. Sands have a higer rate of balding than other races. I already went over this.
Their faces are visibile in the photos. They are not all wearing masks jfl. I have posted like 50 photos by now.

No I dont. Some of these are literal random people from tiktok
>this nigga thinks TikTok eboys with filters represent all sands. You want large groups of ordinary people. Which I have been posting.
All arabs have whiter bone structure relative to Asians, so concession accepted. I win.
Somalis and Indians also have whiter bone structure but regular blacks mog them.
No you dont. You pick people who's features are contorted by yelling, old bald men, and people with masks JFL
Most are young many are making normal faces praying or standing for a class photo.
bald old men and pictures where you can't even see peoples faces isn't normal
Sands bald earlier and more frequently.

It is abundantly clear to everyone with a brain you are cherrypicking the whitest sands.

Prove the data wrong. You just keep ignoring it because you have no argument.


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holy heck this thread is so racist!
You have never addressed it. Saying you have adressed it before is not an argument. Link the argument. It needs to cover both studies. Both of them.
I addressed it, I linked the thread debunking why that study is bullshit. If you want a TLDR: muttsmericans don't know what arabs look like, and I've constantly presented evidence for this on this very forum. So when you ask some mutts in 2006 what they think of arabs, they assume we all look like jeets, when in fact, Arabs have some of the moggest phenotypes outside of Europe.


Asians hate pajeets and all browns. Mixed relationships are rare in general. You can find all mixes but they are a minority.
Doesn't change that Jeets mog Chinks. Round eyes + thin nose = god to gooks.
INDIANS DON'T MOG ANYONE JFL AT THIS SCHIZO. Indians are at the bottom of every dating hierarchy. When you ask people what race they would not date they say Indian despite Indians being smaller in number than Asians in America.

View: https://youtu.be/dNKBrILSsE8?si=NI30B8QjUgQKceQp

View: https://youtu.be/C8ttZyAkz6Q?si=0I7XcQuPukZ5MhEW

Arguements like this is why I know you are bluepilled. Racial reputation affects SMV, the way people preceieve a race matters. Watch Rehab Room, he explains these concepts very well, although I made a thread on this myself. Indians suffer from negative cultural failo, which is why when an indian who LOOKS racually ambigious larps as arab/latino, he gets treated better despite his physical appearance not changing. So it's not just about looks. That said, again, when I say indian, in this context, I am primarily talking about NW indians. Many NW indians can pass as arab and have vaguely mediteranean-adjacent features, ergo, they MOG CHINKS.
Jfl. Keep in mind there are virtually no Indians in America. Canadian reddit isjust white women trashing Indian men. I will try to find the screenshots later. Actual mental illness to even argue this.
We weren't talking about white women, but asians, JFL. Keep track of the discssion, retard.
Southern Indians are mkre caucasian than negroids but negroids are more desirable. You have been proven wrong again.
No, Southern Indians are VEDDOID, they are barely caucasion by any stretch of the imagination.
East Africans are far less deisrable than West Africans and African Americans, despite being caucasian.
West Africans and African Americans also have caucasion blood, dumb fuck. Average West African is 20-30% Caucasion, and when you consider many African Americans are DESCENDED from West African PLUS having European DNA, most African Americans are probably 30-60% Caucasion.
Somalis are the lowest SMV blacks. You keep digging your own grave. The negroid blacks slay.
They're not, that would be central african manlets. I see MANY pure black nigger immigrants and they're all short and ugly. Somalis are some of the tallest people

Map of shortest races


A tan is not the same as having brown skin like the guy I posted.
It's within the same ball park, it's an orange-yellow skin tone, which many arabs have. Either naturally or through also tanning.
That's not true at all. The ideal skin tone for mdn is similar to what Swedes have, not Arabs. Arabs are too dark obviously.
You can say it's not true at all, but I've already shown articles and proof that say otherwise. I'm not arguing this point with you beyond this.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R55SZPG5Q5w&ab_channel=KamaTV

Indian men are shown to get the lowest match. Try going on tinder as a 5/10 pajeet vs a 5/10 rice. The pajeet always does worse. I just posted two studies woth Insians at the bottom.
Yes, because that's if you include dravidians, again FFS, I'm talking about NW indians when I say indian.
Indians are also included under Asian in America.
No they're not.
It is objectively an argument because whites make fun of their ugly big nose.
This only proves my point. JFL keep digging yor grave deeper. They get it because big noses are ugly.

No one likes the way it looks. Women don't like it on men. That's why nose surgery rates are so high in sand countries.

>he thinks ignoring data is an argument
It said Iran is number one for nose surgery and both men and women get it.

Those are the top countries to get the surgery. The top countries in per capita nose jobs are sand with Iran being number one.

1. Big noses aren't seen as ugly on men
2. many europeans get nose jobs
3. Dinarid pheno is fully European yet they have massive noses

you can keep repeating the same shit all you want, those 3 facts don't change.

Here's some europeans getting their massive noses shrunk down.


They care because they care about genes
Arabs are hairier but both are hairy. Nords aren't hairy.

Sands bald at higer rates than other races like whites, asians, and blacks.
source: my ass
Any map which says a swede is as hairy as a greek belongs in the trash.
source: my ass
You post photoshopped models I post real people
Somalis and Pajeets including southern ones are closer to whites in appearance
No they're not.
but blacks mog them.
Many blacks have caucasion features, dumb monkey


Here's actual congolese man JFL


Southern Indians look whiter than blacks
No they dont.
Here is some more normal people.
They still mog chinks
your brain is fucking cooked if you think blond inhabitants of basra and imara are native arabs. there's no saving you my nigger :feelscomfy:
They are natives because those are the results of aryan admixture, which is native to the fertile crescent from like 4000 years ago or whatever. I already told your dumbass this, but I took a DNA test, zero european genes, yet I still have red beard, my grandad has blue eyes, two of my siblings were born with blue eyes, two of my sisters have brown hair, and one of my cousins has blondish brown hair with blue eyes. Again, without any european genes
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Maybe, maybe not. They still mog chinks and nigs
I missed this. You seriously think the sands I am posting mog blacks? Blacks are the highest SMV ethnics. All lf these sands are well below nigs. They would be incels in the west. Blacks are rarely incel and many slay.

Once again I will post the data which you keep ignoring. Along with normal photos of sands.


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-obsessed about arabs
-being a turk, a race which held historical internal hatred and belittlement for arabs
-has countless pictures of chaddams saved for some peculiar reasons

textbook cuckoldry. it's like the turkish bbc pill equivalent.
Turks and Arabs are the same race, you deranged fuckwad.

@Made in Heaven You get too worked up every time someone mentions race and Arabs
You seriously think the sands I am posting mog blacks?
Yeah, cause they are. Excluding African Americans who have substantial European DNA. Duh.
Blacks are the highest SMV ethnics.
No they're not.


All lf these sands are well below nigs.
source: just believe me bro please bro
They would be incels in the west.
source: just believe me bro please bro
Blacks are rarely incel and many slay.

Once again I will post the data which you keep ignoring. Along with normal photos of sands.
Keep posting it all you want, I've already debunked it.

>muh normal photos
>faggot proceeds to post an old fat man and some kids.


@Made in Heaven You get too worked up every time someone mentions race and Arabs
I just hate retards, that's all. I'm defending jeets here as well, and I don't even like them. I also get "worked up" when dumbasses try and deny JBW. I just hate copers.
I'm not even trying to argue. i'll keep ridding Made in Heaven retarded baseless claims and autism with obscenities and shit for giggles and trolling. cause that's all his arguments worth tbh :feelscomfy:
If you want a TLDR: muttsmericans don't know what arabs look like, and I've constantly presented evidence for this on this very forum. So when you ask some mutts in 2006 what they think of arabs, they assume we all look like jeets, when in fact, Arabs have some of the moggest phenotypes outside of Europe.
I FUCKING KNEW YOU WERE GOING TO SAY THIS . The idea that white people don't know what sands look like is mental ward levels of insanity.

Sands are on television 24/7 and that has been the case for decades. There are sands on my TV screen right now. All news presentations have been covering sand events for 30+ years. That is almost certainly longer than you have been alive.

White people know exactly what we look like. They know it better than you because your brain has been fried with photoshopped Instagram models. They just don't like what they see.

There were two studies. TWO. The second one was more recent and both sand and curries were at the bottom. Explain that. They know what we look like. We are on their news station all the time.
Doesn't change that Jeets mog Chinks. Round eyes + thin nose = god to gooks.
Jeet's mog absolutely no one. Are you just going to ignore the two videos I posted with foids saying they would never date Indians? You ignore all the evidence in your face.
So it's not just about looks.
They are ugly. It is about looks. White normies are disgusted with the way curries look. That's not true with Asians. Have you been on Canadian social media?
Many NW indians can pass as arab and have vaguely mediteranean-adjacent features, ergo, they MOG CHINKS.
Pakis are also incels. Asians and Blacks mog pakis. Women pick them over pakis.
We weren't talking about white women, but asians, JFL. Keep track of the discssion, retard.
Asians hate brown men even more than white foids. Where the fuck did you get this insane cope? Try being brown in Korea, China, and Japan. Watch how the locals treat you. Curries are banned from many stores there. They are not even allowed to enter. No curries allowed. The idea that white skin obsessed Asian foids like brown men is laughably crazy.
No, Southern Indians are VEDDOID, they are barely caucasion by any stretch of the imagination.
Southern Indians look closer to caucasians than negroids. Pay attention. I keep repeating everything because you can't read.
West Africans and African Americans also have caucasion blood, dumb fuck. Average West African is 20-30% Caucasion, and when you consider many African Americans are DESCENDED from West African PLUS having European DNA, most African Americans are probably 30-60% Caucasion.
African Americans are not 30-60% caucasian. It's more like 15%. East Africans are more caucasian than west African negroids but west africans mog them. You can't explain this and keep ignoring it.
They're not, that would be central african manlets. I see MANY pure black nigger immigrants and they're all short and ugly. Somalis are some of the tallest people

Map of shortest races
Somalis are the biggest truecel race of black. The negroid black bantu west african type is the Tyrone who slays. They look less caucasian than both Somalis and Indians, but mog both.
It's within the same ball park, it's an orange-yellow skin tone, which many arabs have. Either naturally or through also tanning.
The ideal skin tone is Northern European not brown arab. You can whiten arabs put them back on Tinder and they will get more matches. Women hate shitskins. This should be obvious for a JBW believer.
You can say it's not true at all, but I've already shown articles and proof that say otherwise. I'm not arguing this point with you beyond this.
Shitskins don't have the ideal skin tone jfl. Whites do. The cope is unreal.
Yes, because that's if you include dravidians, again FFS, I'm talking about NW indians when I say indian.
Dravidians look more like whites (caucasian) than both Asians and Blacks. Blacks and Asians mog pakis. No girl wants northern Indians or pakis over Tyrone and even Chang.
No they're not.
Yes they are.

"Yes. Asian is a racial category (not an ethnic category). The U.S. Census Bureau, and the federal government and most state government data collection agencies, include India and the entire Indian subcontinent (including Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, etc.) in the Asian racial category"
Check yourself before you wreck yourself.
Yes you do. You post shooped models. I post normal people.
1. Big noses aren't seen as ugly on men
2. many europeans get nose jobs
3. Dinarid pheno is fully European yet they have massive noses

you can keep repeating the same shit all you want, those 3 facts don't change.

Here's some europeans getting their massive noses shrunk down.
1. Yes they are. That's why sand men get nose reduction surgery and why jews get made fun of for their big nose. Check the stats on nose surgery in Iran and Turkey. I already posted it.
2. Yeah because big noses are ugly. Are you fucking mentally retarded? Thanks for making my point.

Yes women are the sexual selectors. They care. Duh.
Yes sands and meds are hairier than norwegians. Go watch beach footage from Sweden and then Greece.
source: my ass
mentally ill if you think swedes are as hairy as greeks, turks, and iranians.
No they're not
Somalis are literally caucasian. Southern Indians are more caucasian than negroids.
Many blacks have caucasion features, dumb monkey
No they fucking don't JFL. Your brain is mush. That guy is nowhere near as caucasian as jeet or somali. Get your eyes ad brain checked.
No they dont.
Yes they do.
They still mog chinks
This is what white women think of pajeets. They don't even want to see their faces on hlthe dating apps. They don't say this about chinks and niggers.
Yeah, cause they are. Excluding African Americans who have substantial European DNA. Duh.

No they're not.

View attachment 1278900View attachment 1278901View attachment 1278902

source: just believe me bro please bro

source: just believe me bro please bro

View attachment 1278904View attachment 1278905View attachment 1278906View attachment 1278908

Keep posting it all you want, I've already debunked it.

>muh normal photos
>faggot proceeds to post an old fat man and some kids.


View attachment 1278903
>cherrypicks the ugliest blacks again.
All you do is cherrypick to suit your interests. Blacks do better than browns in the dating market. Blacks are less caucasian than browns. Your caucasian cope can't explain it. Now you are saying blacks are actually more caucasian than pajeets. Your brain is cooked. I will post some attractive blacks to counter your bad cherrypicking. In all dating data and common sense will tell you that blacks mkg curries and curries are more caucasian. Not just the northern ones. All of this applies to unmixed black immigrants too like Idris Elba. You can see blacks do better than browns.


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This is what white women think of pajeets. They don't even want to see their faces on hlthe dating apps. They don't say this about chinks and niggers.
Fucking brutal tbh. They don’t even say “unattractive”, just “Indian”. Like being Indian automatically disqualified them
He's a fucking retard. I showed him Turks are genetically identical to North Arabs, but it went in one ear and out the other.
Aren't Turks basically Greek/Armenians?
I addressed it, I linked the thread debunking why that study is bullshit. If you want a TLDR: muttsmericans don't know what arabs look like, and I've constantly presented evidence for this on this very forum. So when you ask some mutts in 2006 what they think of arabs, they assume we all look like jeets, when in fact, Arabs have some of the moggest phenotypes outside of Europe.

View attachment 1278833View attachment 1278834View attachment 1278835View attachment 1278837View attachment 1278838View attachment 1278840

Doesn't change that Jeets mog Chinks. Round eyes + thin nose = god to gooks.

Arguements like this is why I know you are bluepilled. Racial reputation affects SMV, the way people preceieve a race matters. Watch Rehab Room, he explains these concepts very well, although I made a thread on this myself. Indians suffer from negative cultural failo, which is why when an indian who LOOKS racually ambigious larps as arab/latino, he gets treated better despite his physical appearance not changing. So it's not just about looks. That said, again, when I say indian, in this context, I am primarily talking about NW indians. Many NW indians can pass as arab and have vaguely mediteranean-adjacent features, ergo, they MOG CHINKS.

We weren't talking about white women, but asians, JFL. Keep track of the discssion, retard.

No, Southern Indians are VEDDOID, they are barely caucasion by any stretch of the imagination.

West Africans and African Americans also have caucasion blood, dumb fuck. Average West African is 20-30% Caucasion, and when you consider many African Americans are DESCENDED from West African PLUS having European DNA, most African Americans are probably 30-60% Caucasion.

They're not, that would be central african manlets. I see MANY pure black nigger immigrants and they're all short and ugly. Somalis are some of the tallest people

Map of shortest races

View attachment 1278850

It's within the same ball park, it's an orange-yellow skin tone, which many arabs have. Either naturally or through also tanning.

You can say it's not true at all, but I've already shown articles and proof that say otherwise. I'm not arguing this point with you beyond this.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R55SZPG5Q5w&ab_channel=KamaTV

Yes, because that's if you include dravidians, again FFS, I'm talking about NW indians when I say indian.

No they're not.


1. Big noses aren't seen as ugly on men
2. many europeans get nose jobs
3. Dinarid pheno is fully European yet they have massive noses

you can keep repeating the same shit all you want, those 3 facts don't change.

Here's some europeans getting their massive noses shrunk down.

View attachment 1278870View attachment 1278871View attachment 1278874View attachment 1278876View attachment 1278878View attachment 1278880View attachment 1278881


View attachment 1278863

source: my ass

source: my ass


No they're not.

Many blacks have caucasion features, dumb monkey

View attachment 1278883

Here's actual congolese man JFL

View attachment 1278884View attachment 1278885View attachment 1278886View attachment 1278887

No they dont.

They still mog chinks

This is what Indians look like. The idea that blacks are more caucasian than them is schizophrenia levels of delusion. These photos are not North Indians, but normal Indians. Women would rather pick a black or asian guy over these men. Both blacks and Asians are less caucasian than Indians, not just the north.

You are literally insane if you think negroids from Africa are more caucasian than Indians.


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-obsessed about arabs
-being a turk, a race which held historical internal hatred and belittlement for arabs
-has countless pictures of chaddams saved for some peculiar reasons

textbook cuckoldry. it's like the turkish bbc pill equivalent.
He's a Turk that defends Arabs? The Turks I know absolutely despise Arabs. And that's pretty universal. Even online like on Reddit there's lots of hate.

Now his comment saying Turks and Arabs are identical is even more interesting to me.
They are natives because those are the results of aryan admixture, which is native to the fertile crescent from like 4000 years ago or whatever. I already told your dumbass this, but I took a DNA test, zero european genes, yet I still have red beard, my grandad has blue eyes, two of my siblings were born with blue eyes, two of my sisters have brown hair, and one of my cousins has blondish brown hair with blue eyes. Again, without any european genes
If you're Turkish, those features can be easily explained. The Ottomans brought in all kinds of people. From Slavs to Caucasians. Plus, the local Greek population in Turkey, especially in the west, was already mixed with Balkanites and had fairer features.

A DNA test won’t really show those different influences since it compares you to modern reference groups. It’s like how a DNA test wouldn’t pick out how much Celtic ancestry I have since it’s already mixed into the modern german reference panel. It'll just say "Germany" or something.

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