JFL dude there's nothing to debate in that, all he said is the same stuff many race obsessed whitecels have already said, but when we get down to reality and stop with all the talking, you see how much of a joke these guys are:
1. Are any of these "pro white" incels going to go out and actively fight and/or kill ethnics to defend their people?
No, because despite all the anger they express they are cowards that just want to stay in and enjoy their copes - video games, manga, anime, etc
2. Is them complaining online going to stop all the interracial fucking and reproducing that's taking place these days, and has been increasing over the years?
No, it makes no difference at all, they can't do shit about it, "their women" love fucking Tyrones
So at the end of the day, they are doing much less than fighting a losing battle, they are doing literally nothing at all. They waste their time complaining on a forum for losers, patting themselves on the back for "fighting for their race"
Its a coping mechanism and a pathetic one at that
Like I've said before, thousands of years from now none of this race shit is going to matter. These guys are obsessing over something that is not only out of their control, but its inconsequential in the grand scheme of things when it comes to this species. One day there won't be any races, everybody will be some light skinned shade of brown with minor distinctions