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Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

The Shay Files: "Mental Illness"



Ignore them. They attempted to inject themselves into inceldom and paid for it.

No. It isn't.

Disregard them for now. That won't work anymore.
Elementary Childhood:

Use the Internet.

It can mean a simple greeting, as when Lyric kicked me for greeting her in elementary school, to when my half-cousins would hit me and laugh with their mother, to when a young White hole told me..."Can you go over there" - Across the room as I was waiting for the psych nurse.

A girl named "Lyric" bullied me in elementary school. Lyric kicked and hit me several times. I was already very anxious and being bullied by several school youth(Mostly males), so this meant I had to speak to the principal while sweating.

They pummeled me to the ground and hit me. They insulted me because I wore glasses. They insulted me because I was anxious from GI problems. I was eventually "removed" and homeschooled.

From kindergarten to second grade, I had a single friend. He stuttered sometimes, but was initially kind to me. Later, he integrated with the NT kids and left me alone, leaving me friendless. I'd pace the playground alone until the teachers ordered us to line up. After that, I was homeschooled until 8th grade.

Mother placed me in a Jewish program for children. I was too anxious to socialize. I kept my head down while sweating for the two sessions I attended. Then she placed me in group therapy, where I was bullied.


When I was in my early teens, my father would constantly denigrate my autistic traits. He would often tell me,

"Why are you so shameful all the time?" (I was anxious and kept my head down in public)

"We're going to grandma's house, hurry up!"(He wanted to make himself seem like an excellent father by showing her his son)

"You're moving so slowly"(He would hit me; I was sluggish from ASD/trauma)

"Your cousins are better than you" (Again, anxiety and depression)

"I'm saying this to be kind. Don't anger me." (If I was struggling to go inside a store due to anxiety)

I once had Pyelonephritis and was fairly weak from it to the point of needing to stay home when my father wanted to visit a store. My father, instead of asking me if I took my prescribed antibiotics, simply told me, "Hurry up, let's go see grandma". He then asked Grandma to patronize me for my "disobedience".

My mother, as kind as she may be, used to grab me very forcefully(By the neck, as I was fidgeting with items; I would ache from it) and repeatedly tell me "Do you hear me!?! If people see you doing that, they will think you are men-tally retar-ded!" while shaking me and shaking the item near my eyes. She would tell me how embarrassing it is to have an autistic son who fidgets with items as a form of stimulation. Other times, she would hit me. When I said, "Please don't hit me!" once, she started laughing.

My grandmother would often ask me to do things for her. I obediently tried to follow her instructions and received denigration as a result. She would yell at me and say things like "Look! Use your eyes!"(Because I was anxious and had visual processing issues), "Did you hear me!?! That isn't the way I told you to do it!"(When I would drop things or make mistakes because I was sweating and anxious out of fear of upsetting her). She would tell me "Put your head up. No one did anything to you" because I was too anxious to make eye contact with her.

I have Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria from ASD/ADHD. In those days, this was the sort of personality I had:

View attachment 517793

My father would often denigrate me for my autistic traits and sometimes hit me. I was a heavily-depressed/anxious "puppet" for Normies to string around. I wasn't even comfortable with asking to go to the bathroom or looking around the therapy room due to fear of criticism.


Aspie John was only seven when he entered elementary school. He briefly visited a different elementary school, where he encountered a young light-skinned Black girl named April. April was older, taller, and bullied Aspie John a bit, along with her Black males friends, often. Aspie John once started crying during playtime, due to a misunderstanding with his teacher. He completed his assignment, and believed the teacher didn't want him to join the other children.

His second elementary school, though, was where he experienced the most bullying and problems.


View attachment 624743

View attachment 624751

Lyric was a young Mulatta from Milwaukee. She was in the same classes as Aspie John, and the two encountered each-other many times. However, this led to problems...

Aspie John had a bit of a crush on Lyric. When they attended the pumpkin farm field trip, Aspie John approached Lyric's mother about aiding Lyric with gathering a pumpkin. During a class day, Aspie John gave an extra piece of Rollo candy to Lyric as a gift. He introduced himself to her older brother in an attempt to win her friendship. On Valentine's Day, he wrote something for her.

Lyric's best friend was a girl named Gabriella, a pale Castiza. Usually, she would criticize Aspie John with Lyric. Lyric also kicked Aspie John once after he approached her and asked her for friendship.

When Aspie John's teacher pulled him and Lyric outside of the classroom to discuss the bullying briefly, this was Lyric's expression:

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"Linguistic Thread"


Re: Emotional train wreck right now...

Join Date: 2013-06-23
Post Count: 6332
#151568252Friday, December 12, 2014 6:23 PM CST
"@Anonyit's okay to say that I'm in loveit's better to be corny than a nerd."That's my preferred method for linguistic convention, It's effective if the individual is able to interpret it with minimal difficulty.Onto the central subject, however, It's plausible that the hormonal effects will intensify at a central point and then allay significantly.
Re: Love math. Love doing equations.

Join Date: 2013-06-23
Post Count: 6332
#149779488Friday, November 14, 2014 9:46 PM CST
Ah yes, the abstract concepts scattered through the various branches of "Mathematics" are certainly splendid components for the development of accurate linguistic interpretation and reasoning regarding the language itself.
Re: What is the point of a conclusion paragraph?

Join Date: 2013-06-23
Post Count: 6332
#148827311Wednesday, October 29, 2014 8:05 PM CDT
"@anonisn't that the purpose of the introwhy write it again? it seems repetitive"The introduction merely just shows the person certain segments of the core information to help the person interpret the story more accurately, each individual has a differing perception of the usage of linguistic convention.While it's certainly true that if the preceding paragraphs are conveyed accurately then misinterpretation is significantly minimized, a person with an entirely different perspective of the subject could potentially develop a personal conclusion that would conflict entirely with the author's original purpose for the statement.
Re: im converting to buddhism cause thats what japan is

Join Date: 2013-06-23
Post Count: 6332
#148949100Friday, October 31, 2014 11:45 PM CDT
"no one listens to your garbage pseudo intellectual"Alright then.Although, becoming angry enough to begin posting on threads only to insult other users because you disagree with their individual pattern of linguistic communication skills simply isn't worth it.I would suggest focusing on something else that you enjoy rather than wasting your own time becoming upset.
Re: Art is more important than math.

Join Date: 2013-06-23
Post Count: 6332
#148985266Saturday, November 01, 2014 3:33 PM CDT
"If I stand up and sound wise, does that make me wise and does that make me right?"It certainly doesn't, mimicking a particular pattern of linguistic convention doesn't necessarily indicate that an individual has an extensive depth of understanding of the actual significance of the subject they're discussing.
Re: so, there is this one guy who tried to teach me

Join Date: 2013-06-23
Post Count: 6332
#149219682Wednesday, November 05, 2014 2:33 AM CST
Suggestions can certainly be helpful, depending on the content and the linguistic convention of the suggestion given to the person.You won't certainly won't need this users optional suggestions however as each individual has a different perception and method of interaction with reality.
Re: is anyone on ot not a vergin

Join Date: 2013-06-23
Post Count: 6332
#149359589Friday, November 07, 2014 8:25 PM CST
"i find it sad when people think big words have big meaningsjust say 'my argument still stands despite previous logical fallacies' it's that simple"That's rather irrelevant to the discussion, each individual has their own preferred method for linguistic convention.Also, my statement referred directly to a post made by another individual user rather than myself.
Re: Can horses talk?

Join Date: 2013-06-23
Post Count: 6332
#148094114Friday, October 17, 2014 12:57 AM CDT
Well, not necessarily vocal in the context that humans do linguistically yet their linguistic communication consists essentially of "Signals" through various methods.
Re: lol what a scrub

Join Date: 2013-06-23
Post Count: 6332
#148677003Sunday, October 26, 2014 11:31 PM CDT
"a simple look into society states otherwise.once again its just inferior ppl saying being different is good. its just all a way of making things seem better for themselves"To a somewhat limited degree, the differences between each individual human are certainly positive as it creates potential for the creation of plenty of beneficial ideas and methods for linguistic revision.Simply because a person considers themselves superior to other humans doesn't make them superior nor does it indicate that they're inferior, another human deciding to categorize specific individuals as inferior doesn't change this.
Re: Things they should and should not teach in school

Join Date: 2013-06-23
Post Count: 6332
#148679196Monday, October 27, 2014 12:53 AM CDT
I would have to disagree significantly.Explaining linguistic knowledge and analyzing aspects of history are both fundamental skills in enabling a person to greatly comprehend vital components of generalized grammatical and interpretation.Additionally, the cultural background of each subject mentioned is diverse and requires a significant amount of knowledge from more than simply just one source to explain the diversity well.

"Linguistic Thread"






Re: grammar is a useless skill

Join Date: 2013-06-23
Post Count: 6332
#148128520Friday, October 17, 2014 6:43 PM CDT
"I would have to disagree with this statement in it's entirety.Grammatical linguistics provides an extensive opportunity to communicate efficiently with other humans by providing a somewhat universal structure that a good majority of people will be able to understand.It's certainly not useless, It's a fundamental aspect of communication."I'll expand my statement even further with an additional supporting claim.Without the usage of grammatical guidelines, It could quickly cause problems simply because communication can easily become disorganized.
Re: Is french hard.

Join Date: 2013-06-23
Post Count: 6332
#148845714Thursday, October 30, 2014 8:10 AM CDT
Learning the linguistics of any language requires adapting your over-all pattern of logical thinking and capabilities.Many languages are similar enough to the degree where it's aspects can be utilized in multiple languages.Over-all, it depends entirely on the individual's own level of comprehension.
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"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "As you can tell from spending time on Yahoo, the Internet is full of bigoted, racist parasites who seek to infest every corner of the world with their White Nationalist beliefs. This shooter was probably radicalized through websites like 4chan and Stormfront.\n\nIt's a very difficult problem to prevent.",
"headline": "Multiple dead after reported shooting attack at New Zealand mosque",
"url": "https://www.yahoo.com/gma/multiple-...nd-mosque-024735764--abc-news-topstories.html",
"timestamp": "Fri Mar 15 04:28:55 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "The issue is White Nationalism, toxic racist beliefs. By the way, this was a full-fledged massacre. A prime example of what will happen if we do not stop the spread of these wicked and inhumane beliefs.\n\nWe do not need to regress in our social progress.",
"headline": "Multiple dead after reported shooting attack at New Zealand mosque",
"url": "https://www.yahoo.com/gma/multiple-...nd-mosque-024735764--abc-news-topstories.html",
"timestamp": "Fri Mar 15 04:24:43 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Christians have practiced \"diversity\" and \"inclusion\" across all nations and cultures. Observe:\n\nhttp://www.truthbeknown.com/victims.htm http://www.truthbeknown.com/victims.htm",
"headline": "Reported mass shooting near New Zealand mosque is 'critical incident,' police say",
"url": "https://news.yahoo.com/reported-mass-shooting-zealand-mosque-021920539.html",
"timestamp": "Fri Mar 15 03:50:43 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Most people who accept Christianity are.\n\nhttp://truthbeknown.com/articles.html http://truthbeknown.com/articles.html",
"headline": "Cardinal admits Church files on paedophile priests 'destroyed'",
"url": "https://news.yahoo.com/cardinal-admits-church-files-paedophile-priests-destroyed-095341817.html",
"timestamp": "Sat Feb 23 11:30:47 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Interesting read:\n\nhttp://www.truthbeknown.com/victims.htm http://www.truthbeknown.com/victims.htm",
"headline": "Cardinal admits Church files on paedophile priests 'destroyed'",
"url": "https://news.yahoo.com/cardinal-admits-church-files-paedophile-priests-destroyed-095341817.html",
"timestamp": "Sat Feb 23 11:29:55 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Enough racial discrimination.",
"headline": "China's Alipay digital wallet is entering 7,000 Walgreens stores",
"url": "https://www.yahoo.com/tech/m/812b0ba9-8e7a-36f8-a26e-5d398cbf7268/china's-alipay-digital.html",
"timestamp": "Thu Feb 14 12:04:07 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "\"Second I would never let my child go see a movie like this\"\n\nYou are ruled by homophobia. Typical of right-wing Christians.",
"headline": "Here's the 'Frozen 2' teaser: Easter eggs, new characters and startled fan reactions",
"url": "https://www.yahoo.com/movies/heres-...racters-startled-fan-reactions-155631791.html",
"timestamp": "Thu Feb 14 08:36:22 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Christian Republicans should read the Quran. It'll help them understand that peace and kindness are the only things needed to cure the world's ills.",
"headline": "Ocasio-Cortez joins criticism of Fox News after '3 Mexican countries' on-air gaffe",
"url": "https://news.yahoo.com/ocasio-cortez-joins-criticism-fox-232033920.html",
"timestamp": "Mon Apr 01 05:42:36 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Land is land.",
"headline": "Ocasio-Cortez joins criticism of Fox News after '3 Mexican countries' on-air gaffe",
"url": "https://news.yahoo.com/ocasio-cortez-joins-criticism-fox-232033920.html",
"timestamp": "Mon Apr 01 05:34:44 UTC 2019"

"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "\"said they forgave Aranda because they believe God expects them to\"\n\nI see...no genuine forgiveness. Typical Christians.",
"headline": "Parents decry actions of man who threw boy from mall balcony",
"url": "https://news.yahoo.com/man-sentenced-throwing-boy-mall-balcony-131936458.html",
"timestamp": "Tue Jun 04 01:44:48 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "no thanks, enough nonwhite liberal voters to give democrats win in 2020.",
"headline": "Biden urges unity, knocks 'divider' Trump at first major rally",
"url": "https://news.yahoo.com/biden-call-unity-knock-trump-2020-launch-141833290.html",
"timestamp": "Sun May 19 12:39:31 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Nothing new. Christians have always forced their primitive beliefs on other people and criticized others for doing the same.\n\nhttp://www.truthbeknown.com/victims.htm http://www.truthbeknown.com/victims.htm",
"headline": "Donald Trump wants exceptions for rape, incest in abortion laws",
"url": "https://www.yahoo.com/newsroom/postid/4f915439-e5b0-37ca-9c15-837d6f845953",
"timestamp": "Sun May 19 12:36:41 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "The European \"Lord\" let her get into a dangerous situation. Stop worshiping a book that was used to wipe out natives.\n\nhttp://www.truthbeknown.com/victims.htm http://www.truthbeknown.com/victims.htm",
"headline": "Missing woman found in the woods by grandson and his friends 5 days after she disappeared: 'It's a blessing'",
"url": "https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/missing-grandma-found-grandson-friends-charlotte-125243064.html",
"timestamp": "Wed Jul 10 20:07:12 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "The White Christian \"God\" allowed her to get lost.",
"headline": "Missing woman found in the woods by grandson and his friends 5 days after she disappeared: 'It's a blessing'",
"url": "https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/missing-grandma-found-grandson-friends-charlotte-125243064.html",
"timestamp": "Wed Jul 10 20:06:15 UTC 2019"



2023 07 19 15 41 32

"No. It's reality"

Aspie John was a 5'2 ethnic male from Brew City. He had previously lived with mother, though the two experienced a sudden cessation of government benefits upon Aspie John reaching adulthood. His mother, disgusted by her autistic and chronically anxious son, informed him that he was to leave upon reaching adulthood, so Aspie John left his home when the time for moving came. He boarded a bus and traveled for several hours to another country, during which an elderly Sicilian woman criticized him for sitting near her(This woman later pointed to him and started denigrating him with a friend as he exited the bus).

Aspie John first slept in Target bathrooms. Then, after encountering security, Aspie John slept on benches outside. He had little money and bought bananas with coins he had available, resulting in a bundle of bananas he had, which he disposed of after another male spat on him while he was sitting on a bench. He awoke one morning, and a passing couple looked at Aspie John and responded with "Don't do that" as he attempted to greet them. He spent his mornings walking to the nearby Target restroom so he could clean his body. Aspie John would ignore the other homeless males doing similar acts as well as the masked Target employees cleaning.

Aspie John visited a local church for their shelter connection system(During this time, another male started hitting his head while he was napping on a bench covered with his coat) and started staying at a local Christian shelter, though he soon left due to rodents and shared sleeping spaces. As he was sitting outside on one occasion, a car of staff members drove by and noticed his presence. They remarked "I was wondering why I didn't see him at the shelter" while laughing. He was also kicked out of the shelter after being promised space. A female passerby noted "He must be living on the streets" at this time. A day later, Aspie John is waiting on a local train platform when a tall White male approaches him and, angry at Aspie John's inability to greet him, tells him, "Sup Nigguh. You make all the fat girls faint. Keep your shirt on".

Aspie John was visiting the shelter connection room daily, when he was told of an opening in a local youth shelter. This shelter was in the Northern part of his new country, so Aspie John called the shelter and prepared for travel. He was given a bus token, and boarded the 5B Metro Transit bus to his new shelter. He waited outside and was let in at 6:00 PM for entry. His new case manager referred him to an emergency bed, and then moved him into a single-person room the next day. His new case manager, Tall White Germanic, informed the other youth of his ASD affliction.

Thus, Aspie John spent several days adjusting to the new shelter, when he met a tall Black male named Aaron. Aaron started smirking at Aspie John and laughing at him with his friends. As Aspie John was cleaning himself one morning, Aaron's roommate opened the door and witnessed Aspie John's naked body. He then quickly left and Aaron came into the bathroom, laughing and taking pictures of his naked body("Aspie John is small!").

After two weeks, Aaron and his shelter friends started sitting outside of Aspie John's room door each night, playing very loud "Rap" music. They would also throw dice at his door and speak about it loudly("I rolled a six!").

Aspie John started leaving the shelter every other day to sit outside(Often with bags of food as his only meal for the day). While inside, he'd focus on preparing to move into a local apartment using the country's GRH fund and would visit freelancing sites for relief from his situation.

Aspie John was, by this point, spending most of his time in his commune room, sitting on commune computers, or simply sitting outside to eat with food bags he prepared. He was too anxious and weak to visit the downstairs kitchen often since the other youth would snicker and move away from him. He started fantasizing about the different recipes he would make after he had moved into an apartment. He was too disabled to attend job interviews despite his resume.

One night, Aspie John slept in his shelter room earlier than usual during the winter. He started sleep-talking about sexual fantasies he had since childhood, resulting in the shelter males standing outside his door laughing. This woke up Aspie John and caused him to curl into a ball, sweating and covered with fluids. Another shelter male quickly reported Aspie John and said "Aspie John's getting kicked out". Aspie John spent the next few days in his room as males would walk past and laugh at him(The males would make statements such as "Damn baby!", "Oh!", "You don't like women riding?"). The male who reported him said, "Looks like we have a mouse in the house"(Aspie John would wrap a belt and blanket around himself to control his sexual behavior).

On the day Aspie John left, foids and males started gossiping about him, snickering and laughing. He carried a large bag into sleet around 9:00 PM and traveled to a bus for travel.

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"We were due for a reset anyway"

"Decent IQ to read this"








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"We'll compile the list alone now"
I'll explain in a few hours.

Ignore them until then.



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I'm so silly.



2023 06 30 08 35 33 Adam Lanza   Google Search  Mozilla Firefox






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Ancestry Update:

2023 08 16 17 08 09 my family destroyed my social development   Looksmaxorg   Mens Self Impr

I've set a constraint on this thread.
Shannon looks like a hybrid Becky and Stacy tbh, pretty mid as fuck
Stock Image of a similar child:





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Mental Health Archive:









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