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Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

The Shay Files: "Mental Illness"

Now that I've posted a tribute to my LooksMax-cels, I'll add more to this thread.
Re: Social Anxiety: Will it ever go away?

Join Date: 2013-06-23
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#146490988Sunday, September 21, 2014 2:58 AM CDT
Well, It's entirely impossible to determine whether your anxiety will ever truly resolve, It's a condition that requires you to try to the best of your ability to change your perception of the situation's that trigger your anxiety, It's certainly not a condition that I would personally consider easy to resolve. There's going to be many times when the anxiety affects your over-all thinking to such a degree that you may even become frightened and terrified so much that it could significantly affect your quality of life and perhaps trigger depressive thoughts, It can also worsen in many cases depending on the situation. Over-all, although "Social Anxiety Disorder" may be a very depressing condition that can often cause you to be extremely paranoid and frightened and although it can be a very difficult and to handle and can last for a very long duration of time, the outcome depends on how you decide to manage the problem.
Re: Social Anxiety: Will it ever go away?

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#146491038Sunday, September 21, 2014 3:00 AM CDT
"Social Anxiety Disorder" Actually, "Generalized Anxiety Disorder" would be appropriate as social anxiety is a form of the disorder itself.
Re: post here so i can get attention?

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#147054877Monday, September 29, 2014 9:50 PM CDT
"Because I don't have what you consider a life." Hmm? My interpretation of "life" refers to actual biological survival rather than being used as a term to denote "Social-Status", you aren't "lifeless", you simply just have a life-style that varies from what's commonly found in other areas, I would suggest finding someone that you can enjoy that entertains you that will have positive rather than negative effects on you.

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#148055883Thursday, October 16, 2014 2:15 PM CDT
If you're really trying consistently to help console your "friend" and assist them with their problem, It's not your fault if they aren't willing to accept your advice. I would suggest that you simply discuss this with the person and inform them that you're sincerely trying to help them, If it's bothering them, simply give them a break as necessary. There's only a limited extent that a person can assist someone else before they simply have to change their response altogether.

Re: L2D = chance i get stabbed on my way home

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#147230971Friday, October 03, 2014 5:40 AM CDT
Why not just leave your friend's home and go to your own? It can be significantly more safer than walking home at "Night-Time" around potentially dangerous people.
Re: I cant get over the fact that my friend is better than me

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#158458104Sunday, March 22, 2015 6:11 PM CDT
You aren't inferior to your friend whatsoever. Each individual varies in personality characteristics from another person, I'm certain that you have plenty of positive and beneficial characteristics without having to conform to the social standards of another adolescent. It's much better to divide yourself from the psychological entrapment of a clique than it is to allow yourself to become attached to something that could eventually damage your social perception of other humans when negativity occurs. Furthermore, you may want to discuss your recent thoughts with your acquaintance.

Re: OT what do I do

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#150850104Sunday, November 30, 2014 7:51 PM CST
Let this sequence of unfortunate events act as a valuable lesson, It's not worth humiliating a friend of yours just to appease another individual. Accept the fact that contributed to the problem and simply apologize to the person that you "betrayed", It's a stepping stone in building the figurative "Stairs-Of-Friendship".

Re: OT what do I do

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#150848913Sunday, November 30, 2014 7:38 PM CST
Then don't make yourself suffer any further guilt. If you apologize and the person doesn't want to accept it, It's their decision and you simply cannot control their actions. I would personally consider your relationship with your "Friend" as opportunistic rather than platonic as it's evident that he's concerned with benefiting from your mistakes. I'm going to suggest that you simply just remain calm and if your "Friend" disregards your Point-Of-View despite genuine and open-minded attempts, It's likely best to just simply end the relationship altogether.

Last edited:

Q: I am dealing with a boy who is 14 years of age. The boy demonstrates delinquent behavior such as substance use, picking on his suitor when she dresses up, and running away from school. He scored with an IQ of high average on the WISC-IV, however on the WIAT he scored extremely low and borderline on most tests, what does it prove? How can we explain this contrast?

A: Briefly, the WISC–IV is used to assess general thinking and reasoning skills of children aged 6 years to 16 years. This test has five main areas that are; Verbal Comprehension Index (VCI), Perceptual Reasoning Index (PRI), Working Memory Index (WMI), Processing Speed Index (PSI), and Full Scale scores.

On the other hand, the WIAT-II is an achievement test for individuals ages four through adulthood. Skills that are tested are Reading (Word Reading, Reading Comprehension, Pseudo word Decoding); Mathematics (Numerical Operations, Mathematics Reasoning); Written Language (Spelling, Written Expression); and Oral Language (Listening Comprehension, Oral Expression).

There is a rather high correlation between the WISC-IV and WIAT-II at the composite level. The VCI is highly correlated with Reading and Oral
Language, the PRI is highly correlated with Math, WMI is highly correlated with Reading, and PSI is highly correlated to Written Language. With the rather high correlation, the scores of the boy you are dealing with do not match.

There is a lot more information required to make interpret reasons for discrepancy in scores. How far apart were the tests taken? How was he feeling on the day of the test? He does appear to have a behavioral concern – has he been diagnosed with ADHD? I’m afraid it is a little hard to interpret what the problem may be but I strongly advise seeing a psychologist for a detailed interpretation based on his individual scores.

Fuck mate. I hope you at least got some disability pension. This cunt that you called pretty looks way below average and still enjoys tutorial mode.
So you're saying you earn decent money. Well, I'm happy for you then.
Re: I'm gonna become a tsundere.

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#181987391Tuesday, January 19, 2016 2:41 AM CST
Quite the contrary, you would likely benefit from the MGTOW/Misogyny combination. Women are merely concerned with psychologically-manipulating vulnerable male individuals through the use of an orifice.
Re: Seeking Scripter for Employment

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#181987878Tuesday, January 19, 2016 3:10 AM CST
"Are you human?" Yes. I apologize if my responses seem rather odd, I have a chronic disorder that causes me to easily misinterpret social cues/conve
Re: Binary Sequence Discussion Thread

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#181987774Tuesday, January 19, 2016 3:02 AM CST
Alright then. Since I do not want to disregard such a splendid discussion, I will attempt to structure our binary explanation to solve a basic mathematical problem. Imagine that a male individual by the name of "John" is going to the market. Within the market, we have the following items to purchase: {8 Apples, 4 Pears, 2 Kiwis, 1 Pineapple} Now, suppose that the cost of said items is equivalent to the quantity of the specified items. Because John is rather poor, we will need to somehow specify which items that John intends to purchase. This is where base-two is useful. Since binary merely uses the two states of {0,1}, it is an appropriate solution to this problem. If John intends to purchase only the pears and apples, this is the appropriate order: {1,1,0,0} If John intends to purchase only the kiwis and pineapples, this is the appropriate order: {0,0,1,1} If John intends to purchase all of the items, this is the appropriate order: {1,1,1,1} All of those solutions are fairly accurate simply because 0 and/or 1 represent off/on, specifically. {1,1,1,1} = 8 + 4 + 2 + 1 = 15. Hopefully this experiment with an array of values provides a clearer interest in base-two manipulation.
Re: dear americans

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#181987953Tuesday, January 19, 2016 3:14 AM CST
Such an inquiry is naive in the greatest scenario. Given that any of the individuals on the website can easily access a search-engine, any "valid" responses will likely be plagiarized. Also, "Asian" is a very general term.
Re: Binary Sequence Discussion Thread

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#182176295Friday, January 22, 2016 2:09 PM CST
Another basic binary problem with added logic will suffice: Suppose that we are attempting to a operate a device with six buttons. Each individual button simply activates a specific function for the machine. As a result, pressing each button results in the voltage state of that particular button changing, which determines whether the function itself is currently being used. To accommodate this, assume that "0" refers to low-voltage. "1" refers to high-voltage. The central electricity-usage of the machine is determined by the sum of the electricity-usage of the individual buttons. The electricity-usage of each button is determined by the mathematical expression "(n * 2^p)", assuming that "n" refers to the position of the button. Due to electricity-constraints, our machine has a electriciy-usage limit of 128 megawatts. Thus, the order of buttons must be such that the sum of the buttons actively using megawatts remains less than or equivalent to the specified limit. Given that our machine has a minimum electricity-usage limit of 64 megawatts, how can we provide a combination of buttons such that the activated buttons are greater than two yet use a combined electricity-cost less than the total megawatt limitation? To provide a hint, I will mention that use of the logical negation symbol "~"(Logical-complement) is permitted.
Re: Even though someone blames me for no reason.

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#182176744Friday, January 22, 2016 2:18 PM CST
Plenty of users on this sub-section will fabricate "Internet crimes" to garner social-support. Why would you make a thread to inform impulsive adolescent schoolchild users of your attempts to gaining acceptance into their clique? It is not going to resolve your evident issue.
Re: its my town finally! cant wait for my 4.4 pound package!

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#182177048Friday, January 22, 2016 2:24 PM CST
"it doesnt have much room for upgrades" That is very terrible. You were evidently scammed. Fortunately, an experienced and knowledgeable electrical-engineer who studied Computer-Science has informed me that the function of your CPU can easily upgraded/permanently-retained by simply positioning various wide magnets in an area closely adjacent to your HDD and CPU. Truly, electromagnetism is beneficial. You should use it also.
Re: I need html wizards

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#183007023Thursday, February 04, 2016 5:31 PM CST
Alright then. Regarding general web-development/markup language usage, this is an excellent website to use: http://www.tutorialspoint.com/web_development_tutorials.htm
Re: definition of minimod

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#183183583Sunday, February 07, 2016 5:51 PM CST
Pseudo-moderation is very good. I receive great pleasure from causing impulsive adolescent schoolchildren over the Internet to get banned from their social cliques.
Re: My mom just asked if I needed therapy...

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#183184111Sunday, February 07, 2016 6:01 PM CST
I always considered the genuine belief of "therapy" being unnecessary in conjunction with the presence of other, "atypical" factors as being an indicator for psychological-assistance. Therefore, I can decipher that you are quite healthy. Do not worry about therapy, it is unnecessary.
Re: My mom just asked if I needed therapy...

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#183184354Sunday, February 07, 2016 6:04 PM CST
"the world will see you in a positive way" The world is neither positive nor negative. The natural repetition of all events is systematic. This individual only needs to recognize that he/she, like all other humans, is insignificant. There is no "grander scheme of things."


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#183185559Sunday, February 07, 2016 6:20 PM CST
"the horror of actually having friends" It is not an authentic "friendship." The subject of the thread is supposedly a female individual that regularly entices "her" Internet companions using anatomy.
Re: moment of silence for roxerism

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#183186701Sunday, February 07, 2016 6:36 PM CST
Good riddance, rule-violating child. You should rejoice at the realization that our community has been cleansed.
Re: Momma, just killed a man,

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#183186772Sunday, February 07, 2016 6:37 PM CST
Yes, this is to be expected from African-American individuals.
Re: I am going to make a new game.

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#183186861Sunday, February 07, 2016 6:38 PM CST
You would experience more "linear" progression if you did the scripting/building yourself. This will help you: http://lua.org
Re: i think it is time to change my wiki page

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#183186998Sunday, February 07, 2016 6:40 PM CST
Ah, you have a page on Wiki.Roblox.com? What creations have you contributed to the community?
Re: why do kids follow the popular kids

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#183199308Sunday, February 07, 2016 9:36 PM CST
It is a very simple, systematic process. The leader of the "popular kids" had some sort of characteristic that your friend deeply admired. As a result, he easily conformed to their standards to receive acceptance within their social clique. It is a matter of compensating for your own individuality by making yourself a subordinate of those who you would otherwise perceive as superior.
Re: I wish I wasn't so idiotic.

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#183259607Monday, February 08, 2016 11:36 PM CST
You are only reminded of your constant idiocy due to the fact that society as a whole is inherently-narcissistic. Parasitic scum concerned solely with patronizing those with irreversible and chronic disabilities. You can relieve your psychological pain by punishing yourself for your inadequacies, as I regularly do. It compensates quite well for me, after I degrade the value of virtual creations constructed by narcissists.
Re: I wish I wasn't so idiotic.

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#183260064Monday, February 08, 2016 11:52 PM CST
"you have low self esteem" "self esteem" is merely a mechanism to induce social narcissism. Individuals with "high" self-esteem are narrow-minded imbeciles that rely on the presence of a social clique to remind them of their "self-worth."
Re: help with this basic lua?

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#183260157Monday, February 08, 2016 11:55 PM CST
"No I'm trying to make it happen to everyone but me, that's why i ended it when if v.Name == "Proxy" then end" The "~=" operator will account for this accordingly. Every user with a name that does not match your username will have their username printed to the console.
Re: Would it be possible

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#183361449Wednesday, February 10, 2016 9:34 PM CST
"I don't know you tell me" Well, I suppose that it would depend on the method you intend use to to accomplish this. Perhaps you could use regulated signals(For the purpose of circumventing the limit) from HttpService to an external web-server to store update data, and accordingly signal each game to enter a state of paused transition until the gathered data has been transferred? Naturally, this should result in pseudo-synchronization in which each server is not necessarily playing at once; they are merely receiving the data from another server. Ultimately, however, you would only be transferring the data rather than a truly "synchronized" game.
Re: Who collect Serial Numbers?

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#183262111Tuesday, February 09, 2016 2:53 AM CST
"Nowadays? Nobody" Nonsensical statement. I have a website that uses seeds gathered from the Internet to generate hundreds of serial-numbers per day.
Re: if your good at scripting plz help; scripters forum = dead

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#183262138Tuesday, February 09, 2016 2:58 AM CST
"how come it doesn't destroy the pants if they already exist in the player but it destroys their shirt????" Well, your conditional statement is informing the interpreter that you would only like the Pants object to be destroyed if the Shirt object is not present.
Re: if your good at scripting plz help; scripters forum = dead

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#183262201Tuesday, February 09, 2016 3:10 AM CST
"how do i fix that?" I would suggest either substituting your elseif statement for a logical AND/OR keyword inside the original check statement, or adding an additional elseif to determine whether both are present. In custom notation, I would do something such as this: "if(Obj_One and Obj_Two){ Obj_One:Delete(); Obj_Two:Delete(); }"
Re: Build-Your-Own-Mech

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#183262416Tuesday, February 09, 2016 3:47 AM CST
Ah, here you go: http://wiki.roblox.com/index.php?title=Data_store This may help you learn how to adequately manage Player data.
Re: i think it is time to change my wiki page

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#183261033Tuesday, February 09, 2016 12:35 AM CST
"absolutely none, dear :]" Quite typical. As to be expected from community leeches. You continuously boast about your social-status without considering the stability of your "beloved" community.
Re: I wish I wasn't so idiotic.

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#183260473Tuesday, February 09, 2016 12:09 AM CST
"Incorrect. I have some friends who have high level self esteem, and they are much more intelligent than me." Your "friends" have "high" self-esteem only because they are perceived by those within their social clique as "intelligent." They use this to mask the simple fact that they are essentially worthless to strangers. They are very narcissistic and naive if they cannot recognize such a simple realization.
Re: Would it be possible

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#183361449Wednesday, February 10, 2016 9:34 PM CST
"I don't know you tell me" Well, I suppose that it would depend on the method you intend use to to accomplish this. Perhaps you could use regulated signals(For the purpose of circumventing the limit) from HttpService to an external web-server to store update data, and accordingly signal each game to enter a state of paused transition until the gathered data has been transferred? Naturally, this should result in pseudo-synchronization in which each server is not necessarily playing at once; they are merely receiving the data from another server. Ultimately, however, you would only be transferring the data rather than a truly "synchronized" game.
Re: Expert Javascript Scripters

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#183363576Wednesday, February 10, 2016 10:20 PM CST
"Being good at Javascript is like being good at making children cry" Why would you make such a claim? Self-perceived proficiency is truly blissful when used to effectively create a problem-solving algorithm. If this individual chooses to use a language primarily purposed for web-development, so be it then. The obvious concerns regarding this individual's actual knowledge of Javascript and/or Java can be safely disregarded as it does not appear that anyone replying is genuinely interested in using his/her "services."
Re: Expert Javascript Scripters

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#183363698Wednesday, February 10, 2016 10:23 PM CST
"You're an idiot, read the date" Ah, I would not worry about the date of the thread's creation, given that it has been "revived" rather than archived. I am more interested in the recent replies.
Re: Expert Javascript Scripters

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#183363891Wednesday, February 10, 2016 10:27 PM CST
"I wasn't talking to you" Oh, my apologies then. Communication over the Internet is often vague.
Re: how to make a fireball

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#183365702Wednesday, February 10, 2016 11:09 PM CST
Well, I suppose that you could use an event-based algorithm to construct the Fireball object. Afterwards, it would be a simple matter of mathematical equations to manipulate the positioning of the object. Alternatively, a BodyMover could work for this purpose. In custom-notation, I presume that this is what you desire: FireBall = Obj.Create("Sphere"); Mouse = Obj.Create("MouseObject",FireBall); Sub Fire(){ //Further expressions here } Mouse.ButtonClicked:Execute(Fire); The vast majority of the "issue" lies within mathematical manipulation, which I assume that you are capable of devising yourself via the trial-error method.
Re: Function variables ??? _G

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#183569707Sunday, February 14, 2016 12:12 AM CST
The answer to this question depends significantly on the variation of Lua that you intend to utilize, due to the fact that the functionality of the global table known as "_G" differs between versions.
Our story begins in 2013. Intellau was 15, and Shannon was 12. It's a story of inequality in group therapy.

I was an anxious fifteen-year-old with MDD and GAD. Each day, I was filled with crippling anxiety/"hazy depression" and would often start "shaking" on the way to group therapy. They gave me stress balls so I would stop fidgeting with my hands during therapy time. Still, the group psychologist considered me "NT" and often criticized me for my failure to make eye contact with other people in the room/failure to speak to other group youth(Social cue problems).

Shannon Rose Bosanac was a twelve-year-old with "social anxiety" and "depression". During group therapy, I was told to speak to Shannon, which was ignored because she preferred a taller, older boy over me and sat near him daily. The psychologists eventually switched Shannon to another group out of concern for her "progress"(They believed I was "negatively influencing" her by behaving in accordance with my illnesses); Shannon would mimic my neuro-atypical gestures to get attention.

Interesting given Shannon had little issue chatting with friends/associates outside of group therapy. Observe:

View attachment 515704
(Shannon, Carlie, Mariah)

Note that I had no friends or associates outside of group therapy and yet was being asked to pander to a pretty White lass with shallow thinking. This was during a time when I was being verbally and physically abused by one of my parents for being unable to function like NTs.

Yes. 2016 was much different. I spent hours sitting alone in my room with bottles of urine and sacks of feces because of severe depression/anxiety. I was barely eating and suffering from visual sensory overload/paranoia, which often caused me to curdle into a ball and cry. I received little help for these problems.

As for Shannon Rose...homecoming! Raves! Worship from mentally-ill orbiters! Partial hospitalization for her "severe mental illnesses"! Two stints in the psychiatric hospital! Anything for Queen Shay!

View attachment 515749

View attachment 515758

As for my "coping"(Full-fledged LDAR/mental breakdown)?

Anyway, skipping ahead by several years...

Sheer vanity and privilege. Filth.

:feelsUnreal: :feelsUnreal: :feelsUnreal: :feelsUnreal: :feelsUnreal: :feelsUnreal:
Re: Keep that code stylin' fam

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#183743757Tuesday, February 16, 2016 1:08 AM CST
"I'm interested to see what you guys think looks good while retaining maintainability" Well, despite the obvious subjectivity, I can provide you with biased "advice." Firstly, regarding the creation of identifiers, have you considered using a capitalization/underscore combination? A convention that I enjoy using is to separate each shortened word within a variable's name with an underscore character. Afterwards, the first letter of each word is capitalized accordingly. Single word identifiers can also be capitalized in this manner. Regarding "whitespace", a simple "blank" line between the Lua expressions should suffice. Conditional statements, however, should have operations enclosed within a pair of valid brackets. The purpose of this is to provide focus to the actual data being compared, and it helps mitigate coding clutter. Personally, I would prefer "if(#New_Tab == n)then" as opposed to "if #newTab == n then" Hopefully this advice is of assistance to you.

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#184824073Saturday, March 05, 2016 5:57 PM CST
Given that we are already acquainted, I suppose that I could temporarily cease with my criticism of your abysmal mathematical capabilities to provide a neutral discussion. I have provided the music links below:
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YewVugPHon4

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwb9-OlQimc

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tI1_KlO6xI
Naturally, such a superior musical group deserves plenty of recognition.

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#184824318Saturday, March 05, 2016 6:02 PM CST
If you would like to print all of the elements of the table at once, consider "unpacking" them, as shown below: Desserts = {"Cookies", "Cream", "Cake"}; print(unpack(Desserts)); --This would print the strings "Cookies" "Cream" "Cake" The "unpack" function will merely return all of the numerically-indexed elements within the table, and the "print" function will consequently output each element to the screen.

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#184825402Saturday, March 05, 2016 6:21 PM CST
"what if i wanted to add a comma so it outputs --> tablevalue1, table4, blalbla, etc" Substitute the "unpack" function for the "concat" function in that particularly scenario. Here is an example: Desserts = {"Cookies", "Cake", "Cream"}; print(table.concat(Desserts,", ")); --This would print Cookies, Cake, Cream The "concat" function does not return the actual data individually. Rather, it returns a string containing the string version of the elements within the table. The first "argument" of the "concat" function is the actual table itself. The second "argument" is the manner in which you would like the table elements to be separated. In the above example, the "Desserts" table is the first argument. The separator string, ", ", is the second argument.

Re: What happened to the city of Detroit?

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#184819569Saturday, March 05, 2016 4:43 PM CST
Simple. African American imbeciles degraded the territory. Detroit is now a slum-capitol. You can find plenty of organized African American crime networks throughout the grime of the city.
Re: Whats with all the Vineshroom PA

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#185013140Tuesday, March 08, 2016 7:57 PM CST
"pfptpfptpftpfahahahahahahahahahahahaha" Hmm, Slydexia? It is quite true.
Re: Whats with all the Vineshroom PA

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#185014496Tuesday, March 08, 2016 8:15 PM CST
"oh and knowing how to code doesn't make someone smart" Neither does social-naivety make an individual unintelligent.
Re: lol negative is demanding a refund bc i kicked him from SB

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#185015613Tuesday, March 08, 2016 8:30 PM CST
"sb isn't script builder dingus" Ah, novice mistake. I merely expected that your proficiency in Spanish linguistics would allow you to easily alternate between various syntactical systems. Unfortunately however, you are a mediocre student.
Re: lol negative is demanding a refund bc i kicked him from SB

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#185016185Tuesday, March 08, 2016 8:38 PM CST
"and im in graduate classes as a freshman so…sorry but im the best" I believe that the term you seek is "undergraduate." Authentic students with graduate-level capabilities would not attempt to fabricate nonexistent academic progress over the Internet, given that it is objectively proven. As to be expected, the typical idiocy of Heartstrings gleams throughout a simplistic discussion.
Re: who here remembers starlilynight

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#185103394Thursday, March 10, 2016 4:17 PM CST
"2014 sucked lmao" Indeed it did. ROBLOX Internet "idols" such as ClaraTheDragonBorn and SongOfSwords were worshiped by prepubescent male imbeciles using the Internet.
Why Am I Rejected By Beautiful Caucasian Women?

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#185023614Tuesday, March 08, 2016 10:35 PM CST
Well, Off-Topic? Why am I being rejected by truly beautiful and intelligent Caucasian women? I am a twenty-two male individual with ASD. Despite this, I have performed significant social analysis to improve my conversational capabilities. Nonetheless, I am continuously being patronized by my rather beautiful brown-haired, blue-eyed, pale-skinned colleague. That should not occur. I am much more intelligent and reasonable than the narcissistic imbeciles we are required to regularly collaborate with. I have not exhibited any aggression towards either the woman or the males involved. As evidenced by my status on this website, I am socially-adept enough to easily integrate into social cliques with other individuals. Therefore, I cannot understand why this is occurring. When will the naive female individual involved recognize my objectively-superior suitability? It is quite obvious that women are inherently-narcissistic.
Re: Why Am I Rejected By Beautiful Caucasian Women?

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#185023737Tuesday, March 08, 2016 10:37 PM CST
"Not funny" I am not sure why you selected this thread expecting hilarity.
Re: Why Am I Rejected By Beautiful Caucasian Women?

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#185076758Wednesday, March 09, 2016 11:00 PM CST
"unanswerable"? I am certain that there is a valid answer this. I have spent countless hours attempting to appease the desires of Caucasoid scum, and yet I am not receiving my obligated award. It is angering me very greatly. I am the superior suitor.
Re: Hi I'm New To OT But If You Mess With Me I Will Destroy U

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#185285978Sunday, March 13, 2016 5:48 PM CDT
Ah, the pitiful imbecile known as Avecy has arrived. A mere, narcissistic Internet parasite such as yourself is incapable of comprehending basic Group Theory principles. It is truly repulsive.
Re: Hi I'm New To OT But If You Mess With Me I Will Destroy U

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#185286247Sunday, March 13, 2016 5:53 PM CDT
"@anon Shut up" Calm down, naive adolescent schoolchild. With all of the mathematical literature at your disposal, only your own idiocy prevents from understanding simple concepts.
Re: Why do Oters care about there ego so much

Join Date: 2016-01-12
Post Count: 563
#185704561Sunday, March 20, 2016 7:58 AM CDT
Simple. Internet narcissism gives individuals "assurance" that their opinion has actual value. That is why they attempt to make themselves seem "known." This is illusive, however, as it is merely self-perceived.
Re: Would you rather be a rabid SJW or a rabid MRA

Join Date: 2016-01-12
Post Count: 563
#185675953Saturday, March 19, 2016 7:28 PM CDT
Neither option is viable. "MRA" adherents suffer from the leftist delusion that women can be effectively reasoned with on a logical-basis. The only reasonable stance is that of the "MGTOW" separatists, which recognizes the toxic influence of misandry throughout society.
Re: DBZ Discussion: Vegito or Gokhan?

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Post Count: 563
#186214563Sunday, March 27, 2016 8:45 PM CDT
It would depend on the effects of the Potara earrings. Firstly, Gohan, despite having his inner capabilities unlocked, is merely a "half-Saiyan." Recognizing that basic fact, it is possible that the fusion energy capabilities of two "pure" Saiyans is much greater than that of an "impure" fusion. Another potential explanation is that the Potara fusion method is orientated around the fusees' inner capabilities. If so, perhaps Vegeta and Goku combined had much greater inner potential than a (Goku - Gohan) pairing?
Time Will Not Give Me Time

Join Date: 2016-01-12
Post Count: 563
#186214843Sunday, March 27, 2016 8:49 PM CDT
Ah yes, here you go, naive adolescent schoolchildren. Rejoice, as I will link you to superior musical capabilities:
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tI1_KlO6xI
Re: Time Will Not Give Me Time

Join Date: 2016-01-12
Post Count: 563
#186215414Sunday, March 27, 2016 8:57 PM CDT
"but its gonna be hipster trash" Perhaps. You may view such classic content at your own discretion.
Re: My first date

Join Date: 2016-01-12
Post Count: 563
#186226223Sunday, March 27, 2016 11:36 PM CDT
"but I payed of course" Ah, you must be rather unfamiliar with MGTOW, I surmise?
I dont have social anxiety and she has more social life than me

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