Racial Cosmopolitanism, Incelism, Americanism
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- Feb 14, 2019
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As you can see from the photograph above, the early morphological distinction was made between various Caucasian ethnic groups and their phenotypic expressions. This matter can be further exemplified by the cases of Caucasian persecution and examination of heritage by racial scientists. The diversity of morphological and phenotypic expression in various Caucasoid populations has led to numerous racial science theories, and with those theories, we have gained insight into the possible cause of Inceldom in Caucasian populations. It's important to note that the study of morphology and racial science will not exclude certain Caucasian racial groups from integration. However, I do aspire to state the established racial differences that may cause the variance in attractiveness within Caucasian populations. Furthermore, I will hope to establish that the "Just be White" theory is ludicrous due to these biological distinctions. The fundamental distinction between Caucasoid groups can be examined first with the distinction between Caucasian, Negroid, and Mongloid races.
Photographic illustration of Negroid, Mongloid, and Caucasoid racial distinction
The illustration above represents the morphological distinction between the Negroid, Mongloid, and Caucasoid races. The Caucasian skull posses a unique set of conventionally attractive features, with high bone support and appropriate forward growth. The Negroid race, as seen above, lacks this form of forward growth and bone support, allowing for the statistical probability that most Negroes will be classified as conventionally unattractive. With this fundamental racial distinction in mind, it's of primary concern that within the Caucasian races, there would be biological variance among the population. Such variations were found to be scientifically supported by 18th Century racialists, who found that the Alpine, Caspian/Mediterranean race, Iberians, and Aryans all possessed unique morphological differences. Craniometrical analysis of skull fragments indicates that the Nordic/Teutonic races have more forward grown skulls. The Alpine race is believed to be where the Iberian Celtic Irish descended from, with less forward grown skulls. The Alpine skull tends to be more large and compacted, with sloping foreheads. These features are associated with conventionally unattractive features and Inceldom. The image below represents the diversity in races, including Caucasian races.
Caucasoid races tend to appear morphologically similar, however, they possess certain elements of racial distinction. Through biological anthropological studies, certain Caucasoid races tend to prefer the more identifiable European race, instead of the unidentifiable one. While the differences between Caucasian morphology and phenotype may be small, they show how certain Caucasian races may be predisposed to Inceldom over others. In addition to this, the Meditteranean races may be more predisposed to generational poverty and other sociological limitations that prevent certain Caucasian races from ascension.
Alpine/Med Race
Nordic Race versus Med/Caspian Races
American statistics on Census data:
"About 33 million Americans — 10.5% of the total population — reported Irish ancestry in the 2013 American Community Survey conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau. This compares with a population of 6.7 million on the island of Ireland. "
"Over 15.7 million people in the United States identify themselves as Italian Americans. They constitute nearly six percent (6%) of the U.S. population. Italian Americans are the nation's fourth largest European ancestry group after the Germans, Irish and English. "
"In the 1990 U.S. Census, 58 million Americans claimed to be solely or partially of German descent. According to the 2005 American Community Survey, 50 million Americans have German ancestry. German Americans represent 17% of the total U.S. population and 26% of the non-Hispanic white population. "
Scandinavian Americans collectively represent only 3.8% of the general population. Scandinavians possess forward grown morphological features, as well as lighter Caucasoid features associated with conventional attractiveness. Combined with them being a very small percentage of the United States (in particular( population, represents a large discrepancy. This scientific study may indicate that the conventionally attractive top percentage, may harbour certain Caucasoid gene expressions that give them their conventionally attractive traits.