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Blackpill Phenotypes and why some phenos are destined to doomed to extinction PART 1

To koniec

To koniec

Apr 14, 2020
I am writing this because there are many misunderstandings about human appearance, race, ethnicity and even nationality. Human genetics as well as various types of stereotypes about the appearance of other races or nations, both (usually negative) and sometimes positive (let's be fucking honest, they are only for nations with high smv and media exports). Also, I would like to point out that I am not a complete expert in this concept or even a person who knows it that much, but I have been at it for a year and I have learned a little (which is a success because my empty head is extremely difficult to penetrate with information) from two users from fallen or actually (((removed))) from the history pages of the wiki about phenotypes, and not to mention that many of their classifications are actually theirs (one is Filipino American, the other is white American). But without extending this not-so-short introduction, it's time to start my column about phenotypes.

1.What is phenotype ?

Here I will start by telling you the definitions in books and in my own words, because as we know, Wikipedia (((totally))) is not characterized by any political views and is characterized by extraordinary objectivity. One could say that this objectivity literally "glows in the dark", but it doesn't matter.

''Phenotype (Greek: φαίνω "to manifest" + τύπος "pattern, norm") - a set of features of an organism: in addition to morphology, also physiological properties, fertility, behavior, ecology, life cycle, biological changes, environmental impact on the organism. Phenotype is closely related to genotype, because the interaction of genotype with the environment creates a phenotype. Therefore, the same genotype may manifest itself in different phenotypes as a result of phenotypic plasticity depending on the environment, or vice versa: despite different genotypes, similar phenotypes are created.In genetically well-studied organisms, the influence of the genome on the phenotype can be discovered. Knowing the genome of a natural population is extremely difficult, so we usually simply assume that the phenotype is a snapshot of the genotype in the environment and ask how much of the variation observed in nature is genetic.''

This is a translated version of the general text about the phenotype from Polish Wikipedia. Of course, this is a general definition and please realize that while there is a scientific definition, it is not used to define human species because... well, every user of this certainly understands why it is used, because there is certainly no Jew behind me with a gun. directed towards the back of the head :feelsEhh::feelsEhh::feelsEhh:

But back...As you can read in the short introduction to the article, phenotypes are nothing like a genotype which, through contact with the outside world, creates a phenotype that adapts like Mahoraga from JJK to the environment. In a human context, this definition and its application can mean many things. How do people from desert climates adapt to life in the desert? How did the Eskimos adapt their biological characteristics to life in the very hostile polar regions and therefore their physical appearance has its characteristic disposition? And you will also notice after reading this article why most of the 'white' breed is a Mediterranean breed, but differently adapted to different climates by changing its phenotype for some reason.

2. Physical Anthropology

Now that we know what phenotype is, here comes the question of what is the difference between people in many respects. You've probably wondered many times why people have different skin colors, different skull structures, and even more so why some are dwarfs and some are just the opposite... endowed by nature with genetic supermen...I won't say anything about the history of anthropology, I'll just get to the point with some photos.

3. Human races what they are and what they are not

Okay, niggers, this forum often discusses the concept of race, but no one here gives a damn about what exactly human races are. Jews are not white!, Slavs are not white!, Italians are not white!.

All statements are true and also not true because the view of reality is very subjective, especially in such topics.However, in a very simplified summary, I will say that the breeds migrated from Africa and some phenotypes are really, really old, such as Proto Ethiopid, which probably existed 50,000 years before the advent of Christ.

Human races, in a very simplified way (this is one of many classifications), can be divided into:

White race (Caucasoid)
Black race (Negroid)
Yellow race (Mongoloid)
Australian race (Australoid)
All four races can be divided into subtypes or subraces
White race can be divided into...

Mediterranean Race
Nordic Race
Eastern European Race
Alpine Race
Oriental Race
Indian Race

Unfortunately, so far I have explored mainly white types and a little bit of Mongoloid types, so I hope to describe other types in the future. This first part of article next part will solely on white, caucasoid race and hopefully in future MAYBE i will make about mongoloid and negroid race too, So be patient

Next part will full of examples

just quick presentation of some of examples of different phenotypes

Keltic Nordid


Alpinized Danubian Nordid






Faelid ( tho slight...litorid influence ( mainly nose ))


Gracile Indid


Gracile Med


Robust ( Cromagnoid ) North Atlantid

Disclaimer i will writte in depth about influences of neaderthals and cro magnons in certain phenotypes


Next part will likely be about either nordid or medditearinid.

@Made in Heaven
@Copexodius Maximus
it’s over for alpinoidcels
darwin already said this, it's just evolution
who cares anyway, this is not a process that happens in few years, i'll be long dead when it will happen
A user who saw my face said that my phenotype is a mix of Dinaric and West Baltid.

eufracanid ( atlanto med ) and keltic nordid with paleo sardinian influence
A user who saw my face said that my phenotype is a mix of Dinaric and West Baltid.
west baltid is bitt of myth cause many modern pheno autist dispute if ti's real phenotype
What phenotypes are new Zealand whites who are biggest mogger of the group, Englishman and US men, who seem to have the most squareheads, they look very different though all came from one country not so long ago.
What phenotypes are new Zealand whites who are biggest mogger of the group, Englishman and US men, who seem to have the most squareheads, they look very different though all came from one country not so long ago.
North Atlantids, Tronder, Anglo Saxons and some med ones mixed in too

Practially no slav phenos here or alpinids
brunn might be thing too
not really tho it can exist in northern africa
arabs conquered a lots of southern europe territories long time ago, i think it's the reason why lots of people in portugal, spain, italy, greece look basically same as in middle east.

arabs conquered a lots of southern europe territories long time ago, i think it's the reason why lots of people in portugal, spain, italy, greece look basically same as in middle east.

but here is a thing gracile med existed way before arab conquest in romans even in ancient nafutians

arabid for examples has bit more robust features than gracile med
longer midface is something that arabid has while gracile med usually is mesocepahlic
but here is a thing gracile med existed way before arab conquest in romans even in ancient nafutians

arabid for examples has bit more robust features than gracile med
so time to welcome all the middle east folks, they're white too.
so time to welcome all the middle east folks, they're white too.
i never said this

they are white in this sense that they are caucasoid just like most of indians
arabs conquered a lots of southern europe territories long time ago, i think it's the reason why lots of people in portugal, spain, italy, greece look basically same as in middle east.


Wait, these aren't Moroccans?!
some users i saw photos

@SocialzERo Likely pannonid slight norid
@Mecoja maybe...indo-brachid ?

both brocels :feelsokman:

i anyone want to see my classification feel free to DM me
1000% white spanish/portuguese/italian
there are even light brown skinned poles or even norwegians ( gorid and strandid ) so it's useless

yes meds have usually darker phenos but not always

dnr will read later though seems like a good thread
there are even light brown skinned poles or even norwegians ( gorid and strandid ) so it's useless
then they're mixed, Poland had and still has millions of Jews and most of them assimilated, mixed with locals, Norwegians can't be brown if they're not mixed.
then they're mixed, Poland had and still has millions of Jews and most of them assimilated mixed with locals, Norwegians can't be brown if they're not mixed.
strandid is northern european phenotype and have light brown skin sometimes and gorid is just EE alpinid

both alpinids ( heavily reduced cromagnoids ) but tha's i will post in future
strandid is northern european phenotype and have light brown skin sometimes and gorid is just EE alpinid

both alpinids ( heavily reduced cromagnoids ) but tha's i will post in future
i don't really trust this phenotype theory as well as haplogroups.
i don't really trust this phenotype theory as well as haplogroups.
it's not theory it's just physical anthropology

i knew one pure polish guy who had light brown skin
arabs conquered a lots of southern europe territories long time ago, i think it's the reason why lots of people in portugal, spain, italy, greece look basically same as in middle east.

Yup I always thought Xavi looks MENA kek
There used to be a wiki dedicated to phenotypes,and I went there often. It shut down for some reason like 6 months ago
it's not theory it's just physical anthropology

i knew one pure polish guy who had light brown skin
Yeah, I knew an Albanian who had blue eyes but his skin tone was darker than mine
arabs conquered a lots of southern europe territories long time ago, i think it's the reason why lots of people in portugal, spain, italy, greece look basically same as in middle east.
That's part of the reason, but don't forget Rome, Turks, and Greece also conquered MENA. Plus, just natural geographic closeness would have also led to similar phenotypes
phenotypes are loosely defined, they overlap a lot and true examples of phenotype are rare.

For example here in Balkans in rural areas you can find some examples of true Dinaric people who perserved their look through hundreds of years. They look just like anthropology books describe them.

When you move to more urban parts its hard to spot such clear examples. Most people are mixture of many phenotypes.


eufracanid ( atlanto med ) and keltic nordid with paleo sardinian influence
Messi is not fully white some amerindian influence is evident.
What in his appearence drew you to paleo-sardinian?
phenotypes are loosely defined, they overlap a lot and true examples of phenotype are rare.

For example here in Balkans in rural areas you can find some examples of true Dinaric people who perserved their look through hundreds of years. They look just like anthropology books describe them.

When you move to more urban parts its hard to spot such clear examples. Most people are mixture of many phenotypes.

Messi is not fully white some amerindian influence is evident.
What in his appearence drew you to paleo-sardinian?
he is keltic nordid with slight paleo sardinina ( more robust than regular keltic )
mostly his height and maybe nose too
Thanks for making this thread: Phenotypes are things which have always interested me, and always held some kind of autistic obsession within me.

The one I have is Atlantid:

69931613 652527015239118 6181491479874109440 n

Similar facial shape to NW Euros, but with more of a pigmentation towards it: My dad also has the more fairer & lighter-eyed North Atlantid pheno.

However, I do also think that I have some Dinarid on me, due to the fact that they tend to have worse infraborbitals: Not to mention, it's common in N. Italy where I had family come from, and looking at some of them, I definitely see the influence of it on them.

arab basically.
not really tho it can exist in northern africa
but here is a thing gracile med existed way before arab conquest in romans even in ancient nafutians

arabid for examples has bit more robust features than gracile med
longer midface is something that arabid has while gracile med usually is mesocepahlic

In fact, the Gracile Med pheno was considered the "original" European pheno by many, with the Nordid pheno being a depigmented version, and it kinda shows:



Nordid is depigmented, and also more "defined" due to the harshness of the climate.

"The Nordic race is certainly a depigmented offshoot from the basic long-headed Mediterranean stock. It deserves separate racial classification only because its blond hair (ash or golden), its pure blue or grey eyes"

arabs conquered a lots of southern europe territories long time ago, i think it's the reason why lots of people in portugal, spain, italy, greece look basically same as in middle east.

there are even light brown skinned poles or even norwegians ( gorid and strandid ) so it's useless

yes meds have usually darker phenos but not always

Yup I always thought Xavi looks MENA kek
Nah, they didn't leave much genetic impact:

The most striking results are that contemporary NW African and Iberian populations were found to have originated from distinctly different patrilineages and that the Strait of Gibraltar seems to have acted as a strong (although not complete) barrier to gene flow

Similarly, the same applies to most of South Europe, it wasn't altered much by the Arab occupations of part of them, and in fact led to genes being removed from those regions via slavery.

1 s20 S0002929719301119 gr3

In fact, despite the various phenotypes, South Europeans still share most genetic affinity with other Europeans, despite having some Levant blood.

A user who saw my face said that my phenotype is a mix of Dinaric and West Baltid.
Makes sense, considering your said you are Slavic iirc.
Southern Europeans see ourselves as cousins of the Arabs because we obviously have common ancestors, Middle Eastern populations were concentrated in southern Europe thousands of years before Islam even existed, I am talking about the pre-Indo-European populations of Italy, Greece and Spain.

The difference is that the Arabs have a greater influence of varied Negroid mixtures, the Mediterraneans on the other hand have the contribution of central and northern Europe (Celts and Goths basically, Indo-Europeans)
Thanks for making this thread: Phenotypes are things which have always interested me, and always held some kind of autistic obsession within me.

The one I have is Atlantid:

View attachment 1137831

Similar facial shape to NW Euros, but with more of a pigmentation towards it: My dad also has the more fairer & lighter-eyed North Atlantid pheno.

However, I do also think that I have some Dinarid on me, due to the fact that they tend to have worse infraborbitals: Not to mention, it's common in N. Italy where I had family come from, and looking at some of them, I definitely see the influence of it on them.


In fact, the Gracile Med pheno was considered the "original" European pheno by many, with the Nordid pheno being a depigmented version, and it kinda shows:



Nordid is depigmented, and also more "defined" due to the harshness of the climate.

Nah, they didn't leave much genetic impact:

Similarly, the same applies to most of South Europe, it wasn't altered much by the Arab occupations of part of them, and in fact led to genes being removed from those regions via slavery.

View attachment 1137834

In fact, despite the various phenotypes, South Europeans still share most genetic affinity with other Europeans, despite having some Levant blood.

Makes sense, considering your said you are Slavic iirc.
your opinion on alpinids ?

4045885 1509723083927

gorid foid
for example hallstat is ancient mix of danubian nordid and corded
Here I will start by telling you the definitions in books and in my own words, because as we know, Wikipedia (((totally))) is not characterized by any political views and is characterized by extraordinary objectivity. One could say that this objectivity literally "glows in the dark", but it doesn't matter.
I actually had a run in with wikipedia recently where they labled something pseudo-science. On the talk-discussion page a guy attacked them for it and said they are appealing to consensus, which is a fallacy. Then the wiki-editor retard literally goes,
"tsk tsk "consensus is a fallacy?" that requires source if anything"

Yeah bro, I am sure you need source for knowing why appealing to consensus is not an argument. Nigga probably wanted a consensus based answer for why consensus based reasoning is fallacious. Unbelievable and fuck that site.

''Phenotype (Greek: φαίνω "to manifest" + τύπος "pattern, norm") - a set of features of an organism: in addition to morphology, also physiological properties, fertility, behavior, ecology, life cycle, biological changes, environmental impact on the organism. Phenotype is closely related to genotype, because the interaction of genotype with the environment creates a phenotype. Therefore, the same genotype may manifest itself in different phenotypes as a result of phenotypic plasticity depending on the environment, or vice versa: despite different genotypes, similar phenotypes are created.In genetically well-studied organisms, the influence of the genome on the phenotype can be discovered. Knowing the genome of a natural population is extremely difficult, so we usually simply assume that the phenotype is a snapshot of the genotype in the environment and ask how much of the variation observed in nature is genetic.''
High IQ.
Does this also intersect with epigenetics? The observation that genetics can change based on environmental factors should have been the death blow to traditional genetics, which held that genes are unchanging, but hey ignore that soys hoho

This is a translated version of the general text about the phenotype from Polish Wikipedia. Of course, this is a general definition and please realize that while there is a scientific definition, it is not used to define human species because... well, every user of this certainly understands why it is used, because there is certainly no Jew behind me with a gun. directed towards the back of the head :feelsEhh::feelsEhh::feelsEhh:
Ah nice, some of my ancestors were eastern European.

But back...As you can read in the short introduction to the article, phenotypes are nothing like a genotype which, through contact with the outside world, creates a phenotype that adapts like Mahoraga from JJK to the environment. In a human context, this definition and its application can mean many things. How do people from desert climates adapt to life in the desert? How did the Eskimos adapt their biological characteristics to life in the very hostile polar regions and therefore their physical appearance has its characteristic disposition? And you will also notice after reading this article why most of the 'white' breed is a Mediterranean breed, but differently adapted to different climates by changing its phenotype for some reason.
Yeah the adaptation thing is tricky too.
It's easy to jump to conclusion.
For instance, lets say blacks are black because black skin protects against sun cancer.
The problem is, this is not the only hypothesis out there.
And another thing is that white people on the right diet dont get sunburn anyway (look up carnivore diet and sunburn for example).

Another issue is that a lot of things called adaptation don't seem to be adaptation but more so degeneration.
For example many polar animals change their fur color from brown to white in winter and from white to brown in summer.
Polar bears may just be degenerated brown bears that cant do that anymore.

So the so called adaptive traits may just be inherent to the animal. For example before they send cattle to cattle shows, they put them in a freezer for a few weeks. Why? Because cattle in hot places like texas automatically grows thick, nice fur when you put them in cold environment. They don't adapt, it is just an inherent thing they do.

Now that we know what phenotype is, here comes the question of what is the difference between people in many respects. You've probably wondered many times why people have different skin colors, different skull structures, and even more so why some are dwarfs and some are just the opposite... endowed by nature with genetic supermen...I won't say anything about the history of anthropology, I'll just get to the point with some photos.
Anthropology has also been hijacked by intelligence agencies since anthropologists are in the business of defining what people are, which in turn influences how people see themself and others.

Here is a book on this. It's an epub file so you will need an ebook reader like calibre or foliate:

Ok besides that nice thread but improve your formatting to make more readable. That's all :feelsokman::feelsokman::feelsokman:
High IQ.
Does this also intersect with epigenetics? The observation that genetics can change based on environmental factors should have been the death blow to traditional genetics, which held that genes are unchanging, but hey ignore that soys hoho
First thanks for response

As for epigenetics i don't big knowleagde on this topic, but it's rather obvious that phenotypes are adapting to new environmental factors. For examples alpine race is nothing more but heavily reduced cromagnoids ( think olver kahn, pierce brosman, robust tall white chads ) to neotenous white cuties like her
4045868 gemma ward the mid 2000s fashion sensation v0 08bjspjrsc9c1
4045886 47c1d9775c56092edcf0d92b7e1b960a

what i say that alpinids are more predisposited to live in mountanous regions which were scarced of food and simple grown to smaller, weaker etc than robust tall chads. Also i will write about this latter, but cause we live in time when food was never this abudant than ever in human history tall phenotypes are thriving cause BIGGEST antagonism and weakness of tallfags was to need to have more food than shorter more infantile phenotypes
Anthropology has also been hijacked by intelligence agencies since anthropologists are in the business of defining what people are, which in turn influences how people see themself and others.

Here is a book on this. It's an epub file so you will need an ebook reader like calibre or foliate:

Ok besides that nice thread but improve your formatting to make more readable. That's all :feelsokman::feelsokman::feelsokman:
thanks i will read this latter, i know that anthropology is big nonono of any kind when it comes to humans

just look at this shit


The phrase "neotenous features," (i.e. childlike or immature or underdeveloped features) attributed to this supposed "Alpine race" is in itself an example of pseudoscientific racialism. It presupposes that the default "adult features" of a human being are Nordic. Is it encyclopedic not to comment on this in the text? This whole article is close to being "in universe" for old time "scientific" racism, IMO. Pascalulu88 (talk) 16:37, 26 November 2023 (UTC)''

nigger got mad at this, despite that neotenous appaerence has advantages too
Cromagnoids are most common in NW europe than in slavlands and med countries too
stiil such old concepts wil surive due to historical value even if ''disproven''
what i say that alpinids are more predisposited to live in mountanous regions which were scarced of food and simple grown to smaller, weaker etc than robust tall chads. Also i will write about this latter, but cause we live in time when food was never this abudant than ever in human history tall phenotypes are thriving cause BIGGEST antagonism and weakness of tallfags was to need to have more food than shorter more infantile phenotypes
I actually just made a post about height increases in recent times here:

Height also reduces longevity past a certain point they say.

nigger got mad at this, despite that neotenous appaerence has advantages too
:lul: :lul: :lul:
the soy
yeah exactly. I mean, the reason why people protect women and kids is largely neoteny. Same for why we value puppies, kittens etc
It may one one of the most powerful features you can have as a human, granted you are young enough or female.

The agepill is correlated to this. As you age, you loose neoteny, and in this recent thread here, @WorthlessSlavicShit found that the agepill is something that hits people super hard:

I actually just made a post about height increases in recent times here:

Height also reduces longevity past a certain point they say.
readin right now

as for neoteny it's true men love neotenous women it's reaosn why noodles are popular and small amount of white foids due to alpinids and danubian nordids, some black phenotypes too and especially danubian alpinids are popular too
as for neoteny it's true men love neotenous women it's reaosn why noodles are popular and small amount of white foids due to alpinids and danubian nordids, some black phenotypes too and especially danubian alpinids are popular too
Absolutely, I heard somewhere that asians have the biggest heads compared to their bodies of all races. Their skulls are enormous.

Talked about it here with someone:


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