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Discussion The collapse of the United States and what it means for American foids.

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The Great Reckoning is coming. It's been a long time since the world has seen real turmoil, war, and chaos on a large worldwide scale. The Covid pandemic was just a warmup.

Take one guess why all the billionaires are buying luxury yachts. They are gonna ride this out on the sea far from civilization.
The yachts are distractions, most of them already have underground bunkers now. But yes, you're quite right. :feelsjuice:
I should make a high effort thread about this but I'm feeling lazy lately. Gynocentrism is biological and not cultural. Patriarchy is artificial
I disagree with everything you just said there but I would like to debate you in your thread.
It's neither biologically natural nor cultural, but rather the result of the collective intelligence of humanity

Both of you, watch this documentary, it's gonna blow your brain to another galaxy cluster

View: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0_NDS-d7r8sDdayDiareTeurd92Q7nsD
We'll know the general direction of things I think in five months or less, within the next month it will be quite telling especially with the weekly moves in the DOW, NASDAQ, and S&P500:feelsjuice:
Hopefully the Banks on Monday will show signs of the Economic Apocalypse we've all been waiting for. :feelsdevil::feelsdevil::feelsdevil::feelsdevil::feelsdevil:
Make no mistake:

Incels are the barbarians at the Gates of Rome; only this time their presence is entirely an endogenous circumstance bred by decades of single motherhood, absent fathers, ‘empowered’ w*myn on oral contraceptives, anti-male culture

And it’s all going to burn...

When the cities are in flames and the talking heads are still shrieking from their New Zealand bunkers, unable to figure out how this happened, recall that the barbarians were Romans and were in the gates the whole time.

You have a growing population of atomized, nihilistic young men with absolutely nothing to lose.

Porn, video games, sports, etc. will only continue to pacify them for so long

It’s a matter of time before they decide to burn this horrible machine down to the ground.

Fight Club predicted this with Project Mayhem but underestimated the magnitude and severity of what is to come.

The only thing more dangerous than a man with everything to lose, is a man with nothing to lose.

Given the right cause, he will drag you straight to Hell with him.

Faceberg, Twitter, 25 april 2018
People have been predicting the rapture since they executed that schizophrenic kike 2000 years ago, this is no different
Hopefully the Banks on Monday will show signs of the Economic Apocalypse we've all been waiting for. :feelsdevil::feelsdevil::feelsdevil::feelsdevil::feelsdevil:
If it's anything like the near-crash of March 2020 it will take up to four to six weeks for the stock market to crash completely. We'll know we're close to the end if we see 5000-10,000 drops daily on the DOW and when it lowers under 15,000 points for me is when it is game over. We're still at 35,089.74 currently. :feelsjuice:
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People have been predicting the rapture since they executed that schizophrenic kike 2000 years ago, this is no different
It's very different actually, not the same at all. :feelsjuice:
Make no mistake:

Incels are the barbarians at the Gates of Rome; only this time their presence is entirely an endogenous circumstance bred by decades of single motherhood, absent fathers, ‘empowered’ w*myn on oral contraceptives, anti-male culture

And it’s all going to burn...

When the cities are in flames and the talking heads are still shrieking from their New Zealand bunkers, unable to figure out how this happened, recall that the barbarians were Romans and were in the gates the whole time.

You have a growing population of atomized, nihilistic young men with absolutely nothing to lose.

Porn, video games, sports, etc. will only continue to pacify them for so long

It’s a matter of time before they decide to burn this horrible machine down to the ground.

Fight Club predicted this with Project Mayhem but underestimated the magnitude and severity of what is to come.

The only thing more dangerous than a man with everything to lose, is a man with nothing to lose.

Given the right cause, he will drag you straight to Hell with him.

Faceberg, Twitter, 25 april 2018
Men with everything to lose are weak, they will bargain pleading for anything to keep what they have. You cannot bargain with a man that has nothing and has nothing to lose. You can threaten a man with nothing to lose with death, but, for many men, there is really no difference between death and living in this current world of oppression. Most will choose death out of defiance anyways, it being preferable. :feelsjuice:
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What a massive fucking cope.
I'll have the last laugh as doubters and skeptics get bitched slapped by reality. :feelsjuice::feelsdevil:

Can't wait for the whole, "I can't believe this is happening, we never saw this coming." :feelsclown:

Even though I saw this coming twenty-two years ago well in advance. :feelsEhh:
Can you feel it my American brocels? The United States is finally on the edge of collapse, hyperinflation is coming to town and soon we'll even have a good old-fashioned stock market crash along with the death of an entire currency [USD]. And of course, we'll eventually have 75% national unemployment where people will be pissed off, penniless, angry, homeless, and starving in the streets everywhere [millions upon millions of them] along with the global famine that is also being engineered inside the United States or elsewhere. Of course, that assumes our insane government run by psychopaths with a senile dementia-ridden old bastard at the helm doesn't start a war with Russia and China simultaneously which will have an equal or even worse outcome. Can you feel it my American brocels like I can? :feelsdevil: For years they called us crazy or conspiracy theorists and yet we've been right about 75% of all the issues going as far back as 9/11/2001 where the normies will never take that away from us. :feelsclown::feelsEhh:

Now for the foids reading this thread, I want you to sit back and be amazed, I want you to sit there in your chairs for much anticipation of what I am going to write down right now because you will never get another opportunity to hear a message from me directed largely at yourselves after this thread. This is my final warning to you all, but mostly, it's just me sticking my finger in your eyes because I view all of you as lesser inferior beings. :lul::lul::lul:

I have watched all of your so-called progressive western foids, especially inside the United States since 1999 now. I have watched you, studied your behaviors, and have done everything I can to understand your psychology, but more interesting will be your fate upon the collapse of the United States or the collapse of random nation-states in general.

In the late 1990s when farmers were losing their farms and male workers lost their jobs in manufacturing due to job outsourcing or automation I watched as you collectively snubbed your noses at working-class men. As those same displaced working-class men became much poorer forced to exist on lower incomes I watched as you called them losers, peons, nobodies, servants, beasts of burden, and useless wage-slaves.

Then at the height of all this in the mid-2000s [2007-2015], I watched you women have the audacity to proclaim yourselves the most oppressed under male patriarchy as largely male homelessness and joblessness rose exponentially. And even when women started becoming the majority in college campuses or higher learning outnumbering men who were enjoying the street life of being homeless you still had the crazed audacity to call yourselves oppressed. :feelsseriously:

Then with the Covid1984 lockdowns[2021-22], did any of you bitches sympathize with the men that lost their jobs or vulnerable men in the population generally? Fuck no you didn't, you were too busy chasing after wealthy Chads on dating websites or shaking your asses for extra cash on webcam along with the government stimulus money you were receiving. :feelsclown:

It has been an interesting twenty-two to twenty-three years observing you bitches of your awful so-called progressive transformation from women into whatever grotesque things you call yourselves today, but guess what bitches? It's game-over time now, for you see the nation, government, and the entire world is on the verge of total collapse now. You cunts had your twenty-five years of partying, destroying the lives of a majority of men, and sucking the lifeforce out of society by contributing absolutely nothing with your insistence of being responsible for nothing at all. Now the tides are turning, let us explore your future together, shall we?

1. That 55% of men you reduced to inceldom in the last twenty-five years are going to fucking haunt you cunts when the United States finally collapses, imagine 55% of the male population absolutely despising your dumb asses upon total societal collapse, you cunts are in store for some very bad times. :feelsdevil::feelsEhh:

2. When the economy collapses and the dollar finally dies leaving the entire United States in civil war, smoldering ash, or just violent chaos everywhere we're going to learn the extent of the Potemkin Village that is the United States economy, meaning, it was all a lie, deception, and mirage from the very start.

All those men which is basically the majority of men you have called losers, peons, useless wageslaves, lesser men, not real men, and so on are going to haunt you upon the collapse of the United States because those same very men are going to outnumber you everywhere. We will never forget one-liners like, "I refuse to date a man who doesn't make at least $30,000.00-$40,000.00 a year."

"I refuse to date a man who isn't college educated or doesn't have a degree." "I refuse to date a man who doesn't have a car or vehicle." "I refuse to date a man who doesn't own his own house." And so on..........

Money is going to be useless, you might even say worthless, and as far as the majority of your worthless degrees you have accomplished at the female majority attended college campuses they won't mean shit in societal collapse, over for you it is. :feelsEhh::feelsdevil:

"But my boyfriend, husband, or their male friends will protect me against you lesser inferior men!" :foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy::banhammer::banhammer::banhammer:

Except the disenfranchised, downtrodden, chronically single, and poor men outnumber all your boyfriends, husbands, or their male friends added all together. We outnumber you 15>6.

"We know the country is on the verge of collapse, that's why there are historic sales of guns and ammunition nationwide, we got a bullet with your name on it you filthy incels." :foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy::banhammer::banhammer::banhammer:

Incels have guns and bullets everywhere, fact. Hell, the entire nation has guns and bullets everywhere, fact. In all honesty, I hope everybody violently kills each other in this bullshit nation in a blood-soaked orgy because that's how much I fucking despise this place. :feelsdevil::feelsaww:

3. When the global famine arrives I'll finally be able to answer the age-old question, how many lost meals will it take for women to suck dick just to survive? :feelsjuice::feelsEhh::feelsdevil:

4. When cities are burning everywhere, when the national capital is on fire, when people are dying in the streets, when people start killing each other everywhere, when people start starving to death everywhere, and when misery fills the air so bad you can't go anywhere without smelling its aroma I want all of you cunts to think about all the men you have written off in the last twenty-five years. Every single guy you've cast out in your lives. Enjoy you fucking cunts, you deserve everything that is coming your way. I hope all you cunts lose everything, we're going to find out what happens in a collapsed society, nation, or country where the majority of men are pissed off impoverished with nothing to lose in life, enjoy you fucking sick bitches. :feelsdevil::feelsEhh:
Everything you are saying is semantically true and should happen in a logical non emotional, non corrupt world, where the consequences for ones actions has a moral conclusion that is directly linearly connected to their action.

However the world is not created and maintained in this image, the level of corruption is on a biblical scale world wide , the self interest and narcissism is unimaginably large and wide in scale in every corner of humanity in every society.

The problem does not lie in "America" but the very nature of humanity which is expressed in its most base form as "america", the very ideals america represents is a manifestation of human nature peeled back to its very core of "freedom" unrestrained. However the experiment has failed biblically, as humans have been shown in this environment to revert to very, very base animalistic behaviour, in which self interest and protection of ones self interest become the whole reason for existence to the whole population. This self interest however is extremely limited in scope where it is purely a race to an accumulation of a persons wealth, status and power, and this perpetuates a winner takes all society in which by design the system perpetuates and rewards inequality, disproportionate rewards for the top 20% in every facet of society and leaves the bottom 80% of the power hierarchy with very little resources and reward.

Empathy is completely irrelevant worthless, in this system, inequality whether economic, social, class, become widened year after year as people purely chase power in the forms of status money or social. Empathy is literally the only restraint to greed and narcissism, which is the foundation of self interested behaviour. Without empathy a person has no need to think of the other man and how his actions effect others, the idea of community is smashed, as there is no community without an underpinning of empathy, if empathy is not rewarded or valued in a society inequality will widen its literally a linear relationship.

However this is why it is very unlikely for the chickens to come home to roost scenario you described:

There is an element that the whole world is dependent upon the "bank of america" where america is too big to fail as a corporate entity, that the whole worlds financial system cannot afford america to default. The dollar is literally the base for every currency and the whole forex market, the american bonds system and the treasury note especially 10 dollar note, underpins the worlds interest rate and bond market, the effect of these collapsing cannot be underplayed, if this collapses the worlds banking system collapses in every continent. This reason alone makes collapse extremely unlikely, because every continent on the globe will ensure it doesnt, again out of self interest not because of America, essentially it cant collapse int the current economic market driven capitalist system we have.

If we go to history this era now is not unique in its depravity, the 1980's greed is good era, this angle was very very heavy, yuppies, inequality rampant, economic dislocation, wall street corruption, this is nothing new for capitalism and america. As this era has shown to now, it is self evident that america merely adapts to every crisis and finds a way to leverage their size to their advantage and come out as the hegemony economically and militarily once again.
I'll have the last laugh as doubters and skeptics get bitched slapped by reality. :feelsjuice::feelsdevil:

Can't wait for the whole, "I can't believe this is happening, we never saw this coming." :feelsclown:

Even though I saw this coming twenty-two years ago well in advance. :feelsEhh:
this is the same angle as people who predict a market crash every year for a decade then tell people i told you so when it happens, it doesnt work as a prediction, the only thing it works for is massaging your ego, how many times can the prediction be wrong, you give no time line it therefore is not a prediction. This is literally the same as saying which everybody can see is capitlism has peaks and troughs this is economics 101 for laymen, if you said this in the 1980s and then just sat there every year, you would have ben right in 1987, then in 1999 then in 2008, your saying what has happened before will happen again. This is nothing new and therefore is not a valuable prediction your just parroting what has occurred which everyone knows already, again its only valuable to your ego.

Even worse if you test this "prediction", in reality however they have been wrong for decades and if they shorted every year, would have lost money,and the prediction is rendered worthless as, the only thing of value is that a prediction occurs and has any vlaue to anyone outside the person making the prediction

ergo it is wittled down to water is wet with many words

you are better than this marquis
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Everything you are saying is semantically true and should happen in a logical non emotional, non corrupt world, where the consequences for ones actions has a moral conclusion that is directly linearly connected to their action.

However the world is not created and maintained in this image, the level of corruption is on a biblical scale world wide , the self interest and narcissism is unimaginably large and wide in scale in every corner of humanity in every society.

The problem does not lie in "America" but the very nature of humanity which is expressed in its most base form as "america", the very ideals america represents is a manifestation of human nature peeled back to its very core of "freedom" unrestrained. However the experiment has failed biblically, as humans have been shown in this environment to revert to very, very base animalistic behaviour, in which self interest and protection of ones self interest become the whole reason for existence to the whole population. This self interest however is extremely limited in scope where it is purely a race to an accumulation of a persons wealth, status and power, and this perpetuates a winner takes all society in which by design the system perpetuates and rewards inequality, disproportionate rewards for the top 20% in every facet of society and leaves the bottom 80% of the power hierarchy with very little resources and reward.

Empathy is completely irrelevant worthless, in this system, inequality whether economic, social, class, become widened year after year as people purely chase power in the forms of status money or social. Empathy is literally the only restraint to greed and narcissism, which is the foundation of self interested behaviour. Without empathy a person has no need to think of the other man and how his actions effect others, the idea of community is smashed, as there is no community without an underpinning of empathy, if empathy is not rewarded or valued in a society inequality will widen its literally a linear relationship.

However this is why it is very unlikely for the chickens to come home to roost scenario you described:

There is an element that the whole world is dependent upon the "bank of america" where america is too big to fail as a corporate entity, that the whole worlds financial system cannot afford america to default. The dollar is literally the base for every currency and the whole forex market, the american bonds system and the treasury note especially 10 dollar note, underpins the worlds interest rate and bond market, the effect of these collapsing cannot be underplayed, if this collapses the worlds banking system collapses in every continent. This reason alone makes collapse extremely unlikely, because every continent on the globe will ensure it doesnt, again out of self interest not because of America, essentially it cant collapse int the current economic market driven capitalist system we have.

If we go to history this era now is not unique in its depravity, the 1980's greed is good era, this angle was very very heavy, yuppies, inequality rampant, economic dislocation, wall street corruption, this is nothing new for capitalism and america. As this era has shown to now, it is self evident that america merely adapts to every crisis and finds a way to leverage their size to their advantage and come out as the hegemony economically and militarily once again.

this is the same angle as people who predict a market crash every year for a decade then tell people i told you so when it happens, it doesnt work as a prediction, the only thing it works for is massaging your ego, how many times can the prediction be wrong, you give no time line it therefore is not a prediction. This is literally the same as saying which everybody can see is capitlism has peaks and troughs this is economics 101 for laymen, if you said this in the 1980s and then just sat there every year, you would have ben right in 1987, then in 1999 then in 2008, your saying what has happened before will happen again. This is nothing new and therefore is not a valuable prediction your just parroting what has occurred which everyone knows already, again its only valuable to your ego.

Even worse if you test this "prediction", in reality however they have been wrong for decades and if they shorted every year, would have lost money,and the prediction is rendered worthless as, the only thing of value is that a prediction occurs and has any vlaue to anyone outside the person making the prediction

ergo it is wittled down to water is wet with many words

you are better than this marquis
Oh, I understand the doubts of many, believe me when I say that. The United States stock market should have collapsed in the year 2000 and most definitely again 2007-2008. But it didn't, did it? They pulled out every trick, manipulation, deception, and grift as humanly possible even going so far as in 2020 shutting down half the planet via lockdowns. No, I understand your sentiment entirely but your mistake and others are thinking they're invincible, they're really not.

This will finally be the year of consequences after over twenty years and they will be horrifying, devastating, and catastrophic. If I'm not right by March 2023 you can call me a fool, but also understand I have a fantastic track record with things like this. :feelsEhh::feelsdevil:
Oh, I understand the doubts of many, believe me when I say that. The United States stock market should have collapsed in the year 2000 and most definitely again 2007-2008. But it didn't, did it? They pulled out every trick, manipulation, deception, and grift as humanly possible even going so far as in 2020 shutting down half the planet via lockdowns. No, I understand your sentiment entirely but your mistake and others are thinking they're invincible, they're really not.

This will finally be the year of consequences after over twenty years and they will be horrifying, devastating, and catastrophic. If I'm not right by March 2023 you can call me a fool, but also understand I have a fantastic track record with things like this. :feelsEhh::feelsdevil:
ok fair play
I will hold you to the dated prediction

however one other element that causes problems for me is, if they pull the trick as you say historically 2000 dot com bubble and 2007 latest tricks to bounce back from decay, what is stopping them a couple more times eg 2023 trick and avert by last ditch bullshit prop up and bail out just as i say in another fashion. I believe we go like japan into a stagnation period where due to crazy high debt of both public and private institutions and companies interest rates go either negative or pan flat for a decade because the west cannot afford the debt repayments they incurred due to asset purchases and quantative easing,.

This low interest environment is fucking toxic for economic growth and lending capital, so although there is no crash we get stuck in a kind of no mans land with very low growth and low opportunity for the working and middle class wages stagnate, prices stagnate. I see this scenario, however this is not a collapse but a depressing slow chronic decline that grinds the economy down over 20 years, look at japan they are in terrible trouble from a great position in the 1980s, huge debt negative rates pan flat economic growth declining population.
ok fair play
I will hold you to the dated prediction

however one other element that causes problems for me is, if they pull the trick as you say historically 2000 dot com bubble and 2007 latest tricks to bounce back from decay, what is stopping them a couple more times eg 2023 trick and avert by last ditch bullshit prop up and bail out just as i say in another fashion. I believe we go like japan into a stagnation period where due to crazy high debt of both public and private institutions and companies interest rates go either negative or pan flat for a decade because the west cannot afford the debt repayments they incurred due to asset purchases and quantative easing,.

This low interest environment is fucking toxic for economic growth and lending capital, so although there is no crash we get stuck in a kind of no mans land with very low growth and low opportunity for the working and middle class wages stagnate, prices stagnate. I see this scenario, however this is not a collapse but a depressing slow chronic decline that grinds the economy down over 20 years, look at japan they are in terrible trouble from a great position in the 1980s, huge debt negative rates pan flat economic growth declining population.
Japan is only propped up because of the dollar and euro, without each their economy would have already collapsed in the 90s. The reason that the United States will never be in a position for Japanese economic slow stagnation is that there is nothing propping up the dollar or the U.S. And once the United States economically implodes it will be felt worldwide in Japan, Europe, and elsewhere.

A 2022-23 trick? Nope, not this time around. They utilized their last trick in 2020 where it turned out to be a total bust. :feelsdevil::feelsEhh:
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I love hearing doom over the weekend, music to my ears. The former executive of BlackRock speaks two days ago. :feelsjuice::feelsEhh:

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The only problem is that in the United States it is only the wealthy here that are full supporters of the government, the working poor or dregs of society which makes up the majority of the population here, by the way, we're all just itching for revolution , social upheaval, or insurrection especially the majority of men here who have no livelihoods whatsoever to speak of like myself. As I've already said in this thread multiple times and this goes for my nation the United States, there are extreme consequences for destroying the lives of a majority of men, especially younger fighting-age men. I have a feeling we'll see the negative consequences of all this really soon, and this disgusting evil morally bankrupt nation deserves it all in strides. I welcome it. :feelsdevil::feelsEhh:

View attachment 571764
A lot of our misguided brothers and related youtube personalities such as the thinking ape moronically misunderstand where men such as ourselves are coming from when we talk about the grim and terrifying subject of collapse. :feelshehe:

Almost if not all of them quickly bleat out the same same tired and worn out platitudes and cliches about the subject in pure reactionary fashion.

“It can’t happen here”

“There will be no beta male and or incel uprising”

Etc, etc.

To the first I say…

It can, it will and it has.

To the second I say strawman argument.

We’ve never held such a position though certain fellow brocels perhaps have.

No, our position is in line with that of the late Dr. William Pierce who said that Americans as a whole won’t rise up and do anything so long as their refrigerators are full and they can watch blacks play football on TV.

It’s after the collapse when and where things get interesting as the truly inherently weak and degenerate people incel, beta male incels and normies, regular normies and Chads alike will all have a decision to make.

Opt out and wait to die of starvation, be killed by roving mauraders or just commit suicide and get it over with?


Do your absolute very best to stay alive and find some way, any way to transform yourself into a badass and survive?

Dr. Pierce in The Turner Diaries I believe put forth somewhere in those writings or otherwise his theory that harsh times would cause many soft city born whites to regain their manhood, which I’m certain means if they choose to survive they will begin doing things out of necessity that they never imagined they could do before, from fighting off literal armies of BLM and Antifa while outmanned and outgunned, to surviving on old and disgusting food for long periods of time, some of which was never intended for human consumption, as well these boys turned men will learn what’s truly worthwhile in life and finally grow up and mature to such an extent that the faggot and degenerate anime cultural obsession as well furry fag fandoms will finally and mercifully die and we’ll be left with a veritable new nation of born again hard white boys of a decided manly John Wayne nature and archetype remade through privations and suffering properly back into who and what nature intended them to be all along which was and is strong, capable and honorable men and no longer anymore a faggy and disgraceful product of Jew social engineering and literal physical poisoning through the food, water and air supply. :feelsthink:

So no more males recreated in the Jew’s own ugly, grotesque and cowardly Woody Allen or Howard Stern type images which are that of a sneaky, duplicitous, back stabbing beta male but a man who if he has any business bad or good to conduct with you he does such as a man up front and straight to the eye, no tricks or deceptions required. :feelsokman:
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Someone is taking you for a long ride too.
Be honest.

Are you a woman?:feelswhere:

Are you from Incel Tears or just another sneaky duplicitous female bullshit artist/reporter from Vice? :feelshehe:

I ask because all throughout this thread you sound like a typical condescending know it all cunt and not a man who simply disagrees with his fellow men. :feelsseriously:

You give off the female stink of all those legions of idiot women out there who believe the Jew controlled mainstream media without question and watch it religiously to find out what’s going on in the world when they’re the very last place you should look if you’re seeking to find answers to any of life’s most serious questions.

Furthermore like a typical clueless female that does not understand America has been gradually subverted and taken over via Communist Jewry by a method the communists themselves refer to as “the long march through the institutions” you arrogantly and condescendingly question Marquis on if he reads academics works as though agreeing with those carefully self censored and tone policed hack assholes would somehow help him more easily (or at all) arrive at some level of truth if not greater truth?

Get the fuck out of here lady! :feelshaha:

Doing what you expect of him is akin to a prison warden and the courts and or judges deciding to let the inmates come up with their own sentences.

In other words because you don’t know any better you deeply believe that the corrupt are good and thus the only arbiters of truth.
Be honest.

Are you a woman?:feelswhere:

Are you from Incel Tears or just another sneaky duplicitous female bullshit artist/reporter from Vice? :feelshehe:

I ask because all throughout this thread you sound like a typical condescending know it all cunt and not a man who simply disagrees with his fellow men. :feelsseriously:

You give off the female stink of all those legions of idiot women out there who believe the Jew controlled mainstream media without question and watch it religiously to find out what’s going on in the world when they’re the very last place you should look if you’re seeking to find answers to any of life’s most serious questions.

Furthermore like a typical clueless female that does not understand America has been gradually subverted and taken over via Communist Jewry by a method the communists themselves refer to as “the long march through the institutions” you arrogantly and condescendingly question Marquis on if he reads academics works as though agreeing with those carefully self censored and tone policed hack assholes would somehow help him more easily (or at all) arrive at some level of truth if not greater truth?

Get the fuck out of here lady! :feelshaha:

Doing what you expect of him is akin to a prison warden and the courts and or judges deciding to let the inmates come up with their own sentences.

In other words because you don’t know any better you deeply believe that the corrupt are good and thus the only arbiters of truth.
No I made a thread in response to this thread. And I’m more of an incel than you so shut up :feelsBox:. And you think I’m a foid? May I ask you a question please?
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Video not available.
That's weird, I can open it

Here is the channel https://www.youtube.com/c/CoroneusPhocis, @MarquisDeSade , this dude has such an unique take on inceldom and the future of the world :worryfeels:, it's quite the unknown channel but it's for a reason, his documentaries are really fucking long and high IQ, go to playlist and open "the meaning of life series"
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A lot of our misguided brothers and related youtube personalities such as the thinking ape moronically misunderstand where men such as ourselves are coming from when we talk about the grim and terrifying subject of collapse. :feelshehe:

Almost if not all of them quickly bleat out the same same tired and worn out platitudes and cliches about the subject in pure reactionary fashion.

“It can’t happen here”

“There will be no beta male and or incel uprising”

Etc, etc.

To the first I say…

It can, it will and it has.

To the second I say strawman argument.

We’ve never held such a position though certain fellow brocels perhaps have.

No, our position is in line with that of the late Dr. William Pierce who said that Americans as a whole won’t rise up and do anything so long as their refrigerators are full and they can watch blacks play football on TV.

It’s after the collapse when and where things get interesting as the truly inherently weak and degenerate people incel, beta male incels and normies, regular normies and Chads alike will all have a decision to make.

Opt out and wait to die of starvation, be killed by roving mauraders or just commit suicide and get it over with?


Do your absolute very best to stay alive and find some way, any way to transform yourself into a badass and survive?

Dr. Pierce in The Turner Diaries I believe put forth somewhere in those writings or otherwise his theory that harsh times would cause many soft city born whites to regain their manhood, which I’m certain means if they choose to survive they will begin doing things out of necessity that they never imagined they could do before, from fighting off literal armies of BLM and Antifa while outmanned and outgunned, to surviving on old and disgusting food for long periods of time, some of which was never intended for human consumption, as well these boys turned men will learn what’s truly worthwhile in life and finally grow up and mature to such an extent that the faggot and degenerate anime cultural obsession as well furry fag fandoms will finally and mercifully die and we’ll be left with a veritable new nation of born again hard white boys of a decided manly John Wayne nature and archetype remade through privations and suffering properly back into who and what nature intended them to be all along which was and is strong, capable and honorable men and no longer anymore a faggy and disgraceful product of Jew social engineering and literal physical poisoning through the food, water and air supply. :feelsthink:

So no more males recreated in the Jew’s own ugly, grotesque and cowardly Woody Allen or Howard Stern type images which are that of a sneaky, duplicitous, back stabbing beta male but a man who if he has any business bad or good to conduct with you he does such as a man up front and straight to the eye, no tricks or deceptions required. :feelsokman:
All the corrupt, lazy, and those that like the current system are always those who say it can't collapse. I'm almost certain that without this current system of oppression they thrive in they wouldn't be able to survive at all. Yes, they always with great reassurance say that it can never happen here, but smart men such as myself and you know that it can where it will. :feelsdevil::feelsEhh:
That's weird, I can open it

Here is the channel https://www.youtube.com/c/CoroneusPhocis, @MarquisDeSade , this dude has such an unique take on inceldom and the future of the world :worryfeels:, it's quite the unknown channel but it's for a reason, his documentaries are really fucking long and high IQ, go to playlist and open "the meaning of life series"
Some Youtube videos are blocked by geographical location. :feelsjuice:
It would seem shit is so bad and desperate in this bullshit nation known as the United States that now we're saying there is imminent military invasion by Russia starting tomorrow. They must be expecting some massive stock market losses for a distraction psyop need like that, can't wait for the markets to open tomorrow morning, with any luck we'll see 5000 drops before the end of the day. Burn you motherfucker and fucking bleed out til you die. :feelsjuice::feelsdevil::feelsEhh:

Some Youtube videos are blocked by geographical location. :feelsjuice:
Can't believe YouTube bother to censor such a small channel JFL, this just tell us how right he is (I will keep updating this post with the correct chronology)

View: https://www.bitchute.com/video/pMvt7unqCjt0/

View: https://www.bitchute.com/video/c8GBXcld4QcL/

View: https://www.bitchute.com/video/qJpGhAWt0Lfq/

View: https://www.bitchute.com/video/qJGFWwYJz9dj/

View: https://www.bitchute.com/video/52QXJOj3T2m6/

View: https://www.bitchute.com/video/KfZ3gt9a5zgU/

View: https://www.bitchute.com/video/pfjinyMO8QFb/

View: https://www.bitchute.com/video/7qHxcbcZeVr7/

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It seems like there are a lot of people in USA wanting to end the degeneracy and corruption.
They seem to have a lot of desire to fight for a better life and change.
But at the same time they all seem to be "stuck", waiting for some kind of "signal" or "permission" or "leader".

They seem to be waiting for some event to happen, that will rally them or justify them into taking real action.
But as time goes on, scandal after scandal, many such events happen, but the fighters remain paralized.
"No it was not it, I am sure I will recognize the 'event' when it happens".
And events keep happening, and normies and ugly males keep telling themselves "not this one, surely the next".

All those men that are having their life ruined seem to be eager to act, but waiting for some leadership to appear and direct them.
Normies seem to have seen Trump as that "leader", but then, he failed to deliver on the revolution, and they went back to Biden to "the same old".
Most of the men here have no money, resources, or any kind of power. We've been reduced to mere slaves to a life of beggars, once however the entire economy and government collapses that will change very quickly overnight. :feelsjuice:

It is hard to organize a resistance when nobody trusts each other anymore and when the government or state is all-powerful with hired mercenaries in all its forms everywhere. A collapse of the nation is just what the doctor of chaos has prescribed and what is needed right about now. :feelsEhh:
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Can't believe YouTube bother to censor such a small channel JFL, this just tell us how right he is (I will keep updating this post with the correct chronology)

View: https://www.bitchute.com/video/pMvt7unqCjt0/

View: https://www.bitchute.com/video/c8GBXcld4QcL/

View: https://www.bitchute.com/video/qJpGhAWt0Lfq/

View: https://www.bitchute.com/video/qJGFWwYJz9dj/

View: https://www.bitchute.com/video/52QXJOj3T2m6/

View: https://www.bitchute.com/video/KfZ3gt9a5zgU/

View: https://www.bitchute.com/video/pfjinyMO8QFb/

View: https://www.bitchute.com/video/7qHxcbcZeVr7/

Ah, thanks for posting these videos. I will have to watch them later. :feelsjuice:
All the corrupt, lazy, and those that like the current system are always those who say it can't collapse. I'm almost certain that without this current system of oppression they thrive in they wouldn't be able to survive at all. Yes, they always with great reassurance say that it can never happen here, but smart men such as myself and you know that it can where it will. :feelsdevil::feelsEhh:
I agree there will be a collapse as far as the stock market is concerned however i was calling for this since 2021, as any sane person with economic knowledge/prudence would be after the printing madness and asset accumulation by the fed and so i AM CURRENTLY IN THE WRONG CAMP.


If you can buy dips in crypto alt coins BUT ONLY QUALITY ALTS SEE, DOT, ETH, LINK, BAT, if btc goes into 30k, even high 38ks again, BUT ONLY HOLD UNTIL END OF MARCH 2022

There will be a run up again until march 2022 in my opinion in assets such as stocks and also associated crypto housing etc, LOOK AT THE CHARTS BEFORE ANY CRASH IS A BUBBLE A RUN UP IN THE VALUE OF THE STOCK MARKETS BEFORE A CRASH, YOU CAN MAKE A LOT IF YOU ARE LONG DURING THIS TIME.


FROM MARCH 2022 The fed is rolling back asset purchasing and bond buying eg no more money printing, no more prop up it is tapering, plus a rate rise probably will come at this time, THIS IS WHEN THE FUN AND GAMES WILL START, EG HUGE VOLATILITY IN THE FINANCIAL MARKETS.


Open an account on one of the commercial trading platforms eg plus 500, IG, ETORO etc, deposit the total profit you have gained on your crypto alts bought before march, bank the capital, so you risk none of your money.

Using the cash from deposited onto the platform from alt coin profits
divide the money up into 6 amounts, you will use 15% of the total to short the market for around 1 years every 2 months.

first 15% of money:
use the first 15% to;
place AMERICAN options PUTS (shorts against the market) on the s&p500 index, the day before the fed has its meeting at the end of march, do the longest dated short you can find on the platform, eg 4 months out if can eg JULY EXPIRY PUTS ON S&P500.

buying the Options advice and timing:

you want to buy cheap options that are "out of the money", eg far below the current price of the current s&p500 but not too far below, my rule of thumb is around 45% below current market value will get cheap shorts contracts, eg if s&p500 is 4500 buying options PUTS(SHORTS) at 2400-2500 will still get a great spike in value if the s&p500 dumps 25%-30% in a big crash eg down to 3000 level.

If the s&p500 is gaining value this is a GREAT TIME TO BUY THE OPTIONS/SHORTS as this decreases the value of puts(shorts) and decreases the vix (we want below or around 17).

repeat the first step every 2 months:
bets as far out as you can every 2 months with 4-5 months expiry
repeat until a huge market decline happens eg over 20% dump, if you follow this any short placed with the times i have said will win at least 25 to 1 gains, you will catch a huge spike in the vix which will cause options prices to go through the roof on top of the increase in value due to the options going closer to the money as well, this causes huge gains in the value of your options placed

This is a risky strategy, but the risk is not on your capital, only on profits gained, also it is a hugely assymetrical bet WITHOUT YOUR CAPITAL, where the risk is quite small and the rewards are huge 20 to 1, 25 to 1 gains. REMEMBER WITH OPTIONS WHEN IT EXPIRES OUT OF THE MONEY YOU LOSE ALL OF YOUR MONEY, IT IS A ZERO SUM GAME.
It's very different actually, not the same at all. :feelsjuice:
What difference does it make? Both the rapture and the collapse of the US have been parroted, often by the same people, for years. Every time a leftist gets elected president people say it’s going to destroy the dollar. The same way people say the world is ending every time some dead civilizations calendar runs out of juice.
My country has food,water and energy security, we don't need gringos here and can live perfectly without them on the map
Based and anti-wasp pilled
Hint: I'm very rarely wrong about these things, a gift of mine
Based and clairvoyancepilled
The intelligent schizos are usually the wisest, I always find more intelligence within the crazy outcasts than the so-called official academics
Tera based
you cant even make arguments
just baseless half sentences
What difference does it make? Both the rapture and the collapse of the US have been parroted, often by the same people, for years. Every time a leftist gets elected president people say it’s going to destroy the dollar. The same way people say the world is ending every time some dead civilizations calendar runs out of juice.
Normalcy bias here
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You will give ze pussi to the incel.
You will be ze submissive woman.
and you vill like it or u will ded.


  • Where is your Chad now Stacy?.jpeg
    Where is your Chad now Stacy?.jpeg
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american foids have nothing to worry about, arab goys are willing to pay for their used up holes. foids will jump to the next country and start sucking the next fat cock that will pay her.
but remember agepill hits everyone, when the foids get older do not help these used up cunts knowing everything you know now.
Excellent writeup, @MarquisDeSade! I feel the similar misanthropic enmity as you, especially being stuck in the insane clown land of USA (better known as Americunt).

Better yet, Boss Putin not so subtly announced that if the world fucks with Russia by coveting Ukraine to confiscate from Russia, he asserts there might be nukes. :feelshaha:

Rejoice, Putin might be our savior for retribution to the globalist bullies.

Maybe in the apocalypse we get the pussies to smash and breed as the polygamists, as Dr Strangelove movie ending mentioned (satirically, but never underestimate enormous sex drive to fuck and procreate).

View: https://youtu.be/QXCKRTqB4-o
Excellent writeup, @MarquisDeSade! I feel the similar misanthropic enmity as you, especially being stuck in the insane clown land of USA (better known as Americunt).

Better yet, Boss Putin not so subtly announced that if the world fucks with Russia by coveting Ukraine to confiscate from Russia, he asserts there might be nukes. :feelshaha:

Rejoice, Putin might be our savior for retribution to the globalist bullies.

Maybe in the apocalypse we get the pussies to smash and breed as the polygamists, as Dr Strangelove movie ending mentioned (satirically, but never underestimate enormous sex drive to fuck and procreate).

View: https://youtu.be/QXCKRTqB4-o

They will threaten nuclear war or world war across the entire planet just to hold on to power, this entire world is laughable. :feelsjuice::feelsclown:
Almost had six hundred points drop on the stock market today, nice. :feelsdevil: Also notice two weeks of pathetically weak economic growth and expansion, it's almost like all the gears that turn society are grinding to a halt. :feelsjuice:

They say the Federal Reserve is announcing an emergency rate hike tomorrow, here's to hoping for -10,000 on the DOW for the entire weekend, a man can simply dream. :feelsEhh::feelsclown:
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Hi I'm new here. This thread post is interesting. But what is the probability that it's going to be real?

Is there any hard proof?

Thank you
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I doubt that nukes even exist Deafcel.
Imagine having something so powerful and never using it?
All countries have always used all weapons at all times. If nukes existed, it would be used everyday.

Imagine all the irresponsible countries like Iran and North Korea and whatever.
They didn't misfire a single nuke? Impossible.
Nukes don't exist. :feelsLSD:
I think your retarded.

North Korea tested a nuke a few years ago.
Hi I'm new here. This thread post is interesting. But what is the probability that it's going to be real?

Is there any hard proof?

Thank you
The United States stock market has had three weeks of negative expansion growth and the Federal Reserve currently is pissing themselves, let that sink in for a moment. :feelsdevil::feelsEhh:

RIP United States 1776-2022, it's fucking over finally. At this point I'm just waiting for the rest of the nation to catch up to reality now, won't be much longer. We are now reaching the very end and I have waited a very long time for it. :feelsdevil:
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Oh look, they're sending American nuclear B-25 bombers to the U.K. currently, the nigger faggot pussies might actually start World War III to save their dying financial institutions after all. :feelsEhh: I hope the entire Washington D.C. area gets nuked from orbit. :feelsdevil:

Web capture 12 2 2022 43548 wwwgooglecom

I'm getting a massive hard-on looking at this shit. :feelsjuice::feelsEhh:

You will give ze pussi to the incel.
You will be ze submissive woman.
and you vill like it or u will ded.
All the women who have been conditioned since birth that they're going to have the perfect middle class and wealthy lifestyle with Chads flicking their noses at a majority of men who they view as lesser inferiors are about to have their entire lives and world wrecked in total ruin, it's fucking beautiful man, poetic even. Over for American foids it is, praise KEK. :feelsdevil::feelsEhh:


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