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Discussion The collapse of the United States and what it means for American foids.

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So, ok disregard that. So you read a lot and that’s good. How smart are you?
Smart enough to know the entire world we live in is one big giant lie. :feelsjuice:
Sometime between mid-2022 or early 2023 would be my guess of when we see the beginning economic collapse into martial law and possibly even world war. I honestly don't see us making it to 2024 and I certainly don't see the United States remaining any kind of capable unified nation beyond 2025. :feelsjuice:
By mid-2023, we will all be JFLing at you when nothing happens. :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
Smart enough to know the entire world we live in is one big giant lie. :feelsjuice:
:feelsokman: So, you’re smart and you read a lot that’s Even better. However; now i have a question i want you answer. How original are the ideas in this thread? Are they all yours or did you get help?
By mid-2023, we will all be JFLing at you when nothing happens. :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
And if I'm right? :feelsEhh: If you're younger just know that I've been alive a lot longer than you as your elder, have seen many things you haven't yet leading up to today's current events. Be prepared to be very wrong. [Hint: I'm very rarely wrong about these things, a gift of mine.] :feelsdevil:
And if I'm right? :feelsEhh: If you're younger just know that I've been alive a lot longer than you as your elder, have seen many things you haven't yet leading up to today's current events. Be prepared to be very wrong. :feelsdevil:
I hope you're right.
:feelsokman: So, you’re smart and you read a lot that’s Even better. However; now i have a question i want you answer. How original are the ideas in this thread? Are they all yours or did you get help?
Some of them are mine, you must understand that I was talking about everything that has happened within the last two years nineteen or twenty years ago, although, I didn't predict everything 100% as even some things caught me completely off guard. I don't know what it is, I have a gift of predicting the future with 80% accuracy, something that seems to get stronger as I get older. Of course, many other things are from other sources of much more educated men than myself who I follow on a regular basis. :feelsjuice:
absolutely insane schizopost
absolutely insane schizopost
The intelligent schizos are usually the wisest, I always find more intelligence within the crazy outcasts than the so-called official academics, the official intellectuals will hide information because of their reputation or ambition, but amongst the rogue rebel intellectuals they have no reputation or ambition to protect, their information is always unfiltered in honesty. :feelsjuice:
Cope. If the society collapses a bunch of men will die. Just look at ww1 and ww2 over 95% of victims were men.Foids always win
Can you feel it my American brocels? The United States is finally on the edge of collapse, hyperinflation is coming to town and soon we'll even have a good old-fashioned stock market crash along with the death of an entire currency [USD]. And of course, we'll eventually have 75% national unemployment where people will be pissed off, penniless, angry, homeless, and starving in the streets everywhere [millions upon millions of them] along with the global famine that is also being engineered inside the United States or elsewhere. Of course, that assumes our insane government run by psychopaths with a senile dementia-ridden old bastard at the helm doesn't start a war with Russia and China simultaneously which will have an equal or even worse outcome. Can you feel it my American brocels like I can? :feelsdevil: For years they called us crazy or conspiracy theorists and yet we've been right about 75% of all the issues going as far back as 9/11/2001 where the normies will never take that away from us. :feelsclown::feelsEhh:

Now for the foids reading this thread, I want you to sit back and be amazed, I want you to sit there in your chairs for much anticipation of what I am going to write down right now because you will never get another opportunity to hear a message from me directed largely at yourselves after this thread. This is my final warning to you all, but mostly, it's just me sticking my finger in your eyes because I view all of you as lesser inferior beings. :lul::lul::lul:

I have watched all of your so-called progressive western foids, especially inside the United States since 1999 now. I have watched you, studied your behaviors, and have done everything I can to understand your psychology, but more interesting will be your fate upon the collapse of the United States or the collapse of random nation-states in general.

In the late 1990s when farmers were losing their farms and male workers lost their jobs in manufacturing due to job outsourcing or automation I watched as you collectively snubbed your noses at working-class men. As those same displaced working-class men became much poorer forced to exist on lower incomes I watched as you called them losers, peons, nobodies, servants, beasts of burden, and useless wage-slaves.

Then at the height of all this in the mid-2000s [2007-2015], I watched you women have the audacity to proclaim yourselves the most oppressed under male patriarchy as largely male homelessness and joblessness rose exponentially. And even when women started becoming the majority in college campuses or higher learning outnumbering men who were enjoying the street life of being homeless you still had the crazed audacity to call yourselves oppressed. :feelsseriously:

Then with the Covid1984 lockdowns[2021-22], did any of you bitches sympathize with the men that lost their jobs or vulnerable men in the population generally? Fuck no you didn't, you were too busy chasing after wealthy Chads on dating websites or shaking your asses for extra cash on webcam along with the government stimulus money you were receiving. :feelsclown:

It has been an interesting twenty-two to twenty-three years observing you bitches of your awful so-called progressive transformation from women into whatever grotesque things you call yourselves today, but guess what bitches? It's game-over time now, for you see the nation, government, and the entire world is on the verge of total collapse now. You cunts had your twenty-five years of partying, destroying the lives of a majority of men, and sucking the lifeforce out of society by contributing absolutely nothing with your insistence of being responsible for nothing at all. Now the tides are turning, let us explore your future together, shall we?

1. That 55% of men you reduced to inceldom in the last twenty-five years are going to fucking haunt you cunts when the United States finally collapses, imagine 55% of the male population absolutely despising your dumb asses upon total societal collapse, you cunts are in store for some very bad times. :feelsdevil::feelsEhh:

2. When the economy collapses and the dollar finally dies leaving the entire United States in civil war, smoldering ash, or just violent chaos everywhere we're going to learn the extent of the Potemkin Village that is the United States economy, meaning, it was all a lie, deception, and mirage from the very start.

All those men which is basically the majority of men you have called losers, peons, useless wageslaves, lesser men, not real men, and so on are going to haunt you upon the collapse of the United States because those same very men are going to outnumber you everywhere. We will never forget one-liners like, "I refuse to date a man who doesn't make at least $30,000.00-$40,000.00 a year."

"I refuse to date a man who isn't college educated or doesn't have a degree." "I refuse to date a man who doesn't have a car or vehicle." "I refuse to date a man who doesn't own his own house." And so on..........

Money is going to be useless, you might even say worthless, and as far as the majority of your worthless degrees you have accomplished at the female majority attended college campuses they won't mean shit in societal collapse, over for you it is. :feelsEhh::feelsdevil:

"But my boyfriend, husband, or their male friends will protect me against you lesser inferior men!" :foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy::banhammer::banhammer::banhammer:

Except the disenfranchised, downtrodden, chronically single, and poor men outnumber all your boyfriends, husbands, or their male friends added all together. We outnumber you 15>6.

"We know the country is on the verge of collapse, that's why there are historic sales of guns and ammunition nationwide, we got a bullet with your name on it you filthy incels." :foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy::banhammer::banhammer::banhammer:

Incels have guns and bullets everywhere, fact. Hell, the entire nation has guns and bullets everywhere, fact. In all honesty, I hope everybody violently kills each other in this bullshit nation in a blood-soaked orgy because that's how much I fucking despise this place. :feelsdevil::feelsaww:

3. When the global famine arrives I'll finally be able to answer the age-old question, how many lost meals will it take for women to suck dick just to survive? :feelsjuice::feelsEhh::feelsdevil:

4. When cities are burning everywhere, when the national capital is on fire, when people are dying in the streets, when people start killing each other everywhere, when people start starving to death everywhere, and when misery fills the air so bad you can't go anywhere without smelling its aroma I want all of you cunts to think about all the men you have written off in the last twenty-five years. Every single guy you've cast out in your lives. Enjoy you fucking cunts, you deserve everything that is coming your way. I hope all you cunts lose everything, we're going to find out what happens in a collapsed society, nation, or country where the majority of men are pissed off impoverished with nothing to lose in life, enjoy you fucking sick bitches. :feelsdevil::feelsEhh:
Nothing will happen:feelsjuice:
Based methodically planned collapse :feelzez:
We have to blackpill more people as possible via social media... :feelskek::society:
I have studied all the events leading up to the events we have now my entire life, I have also devoted my entire life to studying collapsed civilizations, societies, tribes, and nations all around the world throughout history. I have done this for decades now and it all points to the same general direction pattern-wise. :feelsjuice:
Op can you recommend some books about collapse cuz i run out of copes and i feel suicidal
The intelligent schizos are usually the wisest, I always find more intelligence within the crazy outcasts than the so-called official academics, the official intellectuals will hide information because of their reputation or ambition, but amongst the rogue rebel intellectuals they have no reputation or ambition to protect, their information is always unfiltered in honesty. :feelsjuice:
:blackpill: 10000% truth
If it's anything like the early horrific segments of Soviet Russia [the 1920s], roasties along with their betabuxxer soyboy husbands will be selling their own children to the highest bidders just to have a meal in staving off death. True story. :feelsjuice:
Don't forget about Germany in 1920s Berlin was the capital of sex their economy collapsed and the women offered sex for food and money to Foreigners jfl also never forget France and their bitches who gave themselves to the enemy.

And they want equality..... :feelskek: biggest acam ever fuck the soyboys who gave them rights...

Women are evil asf they are toys nothing else... women sees you as an Objekt
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so that's your retarded cope ? preppermaxing like that guy vention MGTOW ?
normies can form groups
groups that will try to rub your canned goods and other prepper shit
groups that let chadrones fuck all the foids

that is what the collapse will bring

but in your head this is going on :

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAqLKlxY3Eo

waifubots are your only option
3. When the global famine arrives I'll finally be able to answer the age-old question, how many lost meals will it take for women to suck dick just to survive? :feelsjuice::feelsEhh::feelsdevil:

kisses fingers like Italian chef.

great post G
Cope. Vaginal privilege is universal and it will never end
They have no idea that their cushy positions in life are supported by legions of men who contribute the majority of total taxes, are employed as policemen, firefighters and military keeping you free from violence and danger and are responsible for the continued operation of this highly advanced technological society.
When everything collapses they will realise how dependant they were for every basic requirement for survival and that they're utterly helpless in the face of any kind of major hardship. For once in their lives they will be the desperate ones hoping, along with so many other women, that they might find a somewhat competent male who knows how to survive. But these men probably won't want another mouth to feed so they'll just take what they need from you, by force most likely, and then leave you where you are.
I noticed you stopped talking to me, so I wonder what do you have to say against my counter argument to your thread.
I'm a wagie, I have to wageslave daily just to survive, it's nothing against you fren. :feelsjuice:
Now we know why the Federal Reserve [the real center of power concerning the United States government] needs a war against Russia and quite possibly simultaneously against China also. This is it lads, the end game has finally arrived. Prepare yourselves, abandon all ye hope now. :feelsjuice:

tl;dr but I know its a good thread from the title. May the United Shits of Ashkenazislaves burn to the ground
tl;dr but I know its a good thread from the title. May the United Shits of Ashkenazislaves burn to the ground
The United States is the new Sodom and Gomorrah, it will end in the same eventual fate as well. :feelsdevil:
Cope. If the society collapses a bunch of men will die. Just look at ww1 and ww2 over 95% of victims were men.Foids always win
Not this time around, world war happens, and the majority of incel impoverished men in the west will look at western governments telling them to go fuck themselves. "Send the strong independent roasties, fags, and troons to war, there's no incentive for us to fight for you since you have already stripped us of everything wrecking our lives, we will not sacrifice ourselves for you whatsoever. We're sitting this one out in mass resignation."

"Fine, we'll draft you in war then!" "Go fuck yourselves!"

"We'll threaten you with prison if you don't fight for us!" "We already live in a prison, go fuck yourselves!"

"Fine, we'll starve you out if you don't fight for us!" "We already cannot afford food to eat, go fuck yourselves!"

"Fine, we'll threaten you with death and execution if you don't fight for us!" "Good, we want violence and civil war anyways, ready when you are!" :feelsokman::feelsdevil:

You see, there are severe consequences when you destroy the lives of a majority of men for several decades, eventually, we just see no point in protecting or fighting for a system that has already abandoned us wrecking our entire lives. What happens when they start a world war in the west, and nobody shows up to fight it? Game over, the western (((elites))) have really screwed the proverbial pooch, should be a funny sight to behold when they witness the absolute destruction they have brought about on themselves, pure poetry. And the western (((empire))) of the dollar ends by the hysterical laughter of western men everywhere, the true meaning of ClownWorld all along.

Clown 41
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kisses fingers like Italian chef.

great post G
It's funny really, it takes the entire collapse of western civilization to destroy western women's extreme sexual hypergamy once and for all, going to be really interesting when all these young cunts that want the upper-middle-class lifestyle or be wealthy with Chads ends up finding themselves single on the streets in souplines. I don't know about you, but I am preparing myself to be thoroughly amused along with being entertained. Their delicious tears will give us sustenance once everything collapses for good permanently. Welcome to hell bitches, we've been waiting for you and now you're entirely dethroned forever. Now you will understand the true meaning of human suffering, misery, and despair, but this time around, nobody or nothing will shield you from it. :feelsdevil::feelsEhh:


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They have no idea that their cushy positions in life are supported by legions of men who contribute the majority of total taxes, are employed as policemen, firefighters and military keeping you free from violence and danger and are responsible for the continued operation of this highly advanced technological society.
When everything collapses they will realise how dependant they were for every basic requirement for survival and that they're utterly helpless in the face of any kind of major hardship. For once in their lives they will be the desperate ones hoping, along with so many other women, that they might find a somewhat competent male who knows how to survive. But these men probably won't want another mouth to feed so they'll just take what they need from you, by force most likely, and then leave you where you are.
Indeed, western feminism will die in the collapse and all the millions of men they were so eager to sacrifice yesterday into squalor, misery, despair, insults, and ridicule they'll be forced to reckon with in the aftermath, once again, poetry. The men in the past they sentenced to a lifetime of hell, punishment, and condemnation will never forget how they treated us before in mental memory either, going to be lots of spectacles of amusement very soon. In the end, the majority and endless millions of men foids were so eager to sacrifice being left for dead in exile will come to haunt them horribly. I present you with my dark vision of the future.

FoolhardyForcefulClam max 1mb
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You don't need to go that far back in time to see that phenomenon unfold.
The collapse of Venezuela, in the past 10 years, is a good example.

Society collapsed, money was worthless. Foids became less than objects.
Prostituting themselves and their daughters for rotten food, murky sewage water and cardboard.

Even homeless men in the streets had their value multiply by a thousand fold.
And foids value plummeted down to zero.

Foids are worthless. And that becomes absolutely evident when a society falls and needs to be rebuilt.
They contribute with nothing. They only consume resources. They don't help in anything.

USA seems to be marching at a steady pace towards it's own collapse.
Either because of economic incompetence or War with Russia/China.
Either way, the J's planned it all, and they will make sure to profit billions of shekels with the death of millions, as they always did.
The only problem is that in the United States it is only the wealthy here that are full supporters of the government, the working poor or dregs of society which makes up the majority of the population here, by the way, we're all just itching for revolution , social upheaval, or insurrection especially the majority of men here who have no livelihoods whatsoever to speak of like myself. As I've already said in this thread multiple times and this goes for my nation the United States, there are extreme consequences for destroying the lives of a majority of men, especially younger fighting-age men. I have a feeling we'll see the negative consequences of all this really soon, and this disgusting evil morally bankrupt nation deserves it all in strides. I welcome it. :feelsdevil::feelsEhh:

Lucifer devil
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No chance in hell there will be an economic collapse. America debt to GDP ratio is only around 121%. Japan's debt to gdp ratio is around 300% and theyre doing fine. Theyre not growing but theyre doing fine.
No chance in hell there will be an economic collapse. America debt to GDP ratio is only around 121%. Japan's debt to gdp ratio is around 300% and theyre doing fine. Theyre not growing but theyre doing fine.
The only thing propping up Japan is the United States, what do you think happens to their economy once the United States implodes? Ever play a game of dominoes? Now imagine the dominoes of many nations and their national economies around the globe. They really never seriously thought of the consequences of an international globalized economy, did they? Oopsie... One by one, they all fall down in consecutive order, just like that. :feelsEhh::feelsdevil:

Dominos unsatisfying
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And now for a little bit of evening fun. :feelsEhh:

Greetings sports fans, did we enjoy that roulette wheel of the United States stock market today? Our own government ministry of manipulated labor statistics Pravda.....I meant to say.......BLS came out with a rosy number of jobs added to our national economy today, it's interesting how the BLS statistics are so very much different from those of ADP which actually shows a negative job growth outlook by comparison but please pay no attention to any of that because what they offer in manipulated double-speak....I meant to say faith-based evidence should of course be accepted as fact in of itself on the account of blind faith alone. Believe, believe! :feelsdevil:

As for future economic projections, let's get real here, by this autumn we might see $50.00 for a pound of ground beef, $20.00 for a gallon of milk, and $60.00 for a gallon of gasoline but this is the part of embracing that great American tradition of holding our own butt cheeks sticking our heads so far up our own asses believing in the make-believe of this dead unicorn economy over a river of rotten puke that we like to envision as a beautiful rainbow. Yes, we're fine over here in America building back better [Perestroika] as we're the number one exceptional nation of planet earth, that is if you embrace the massive mental delusion of such. Hyperinflation? No, it's transitory or temporary honestly, trust us. Our glorious leader who is as old as a dinosaur with the memory of an Alzheimer's patient Joe Biden is going to deliver us to the fabled promised land just you wait, a literal social utopia [if you're rich or wealthy that is], so what that we might have to declare war on Russia and China in the process of creating thermonuclear war everywhere, it's really going to be great you guys as we've always been at war with Eurasia along with Eastasia. For now, the markets wait in the background on every breath or utterance of our American CPSU Central Politburo.....oops.....I meant to say Federal Reserve, my bad. Geez, I wonder what Monday morning will bring next week into the afternoon, stay tuned and to be continued as always since circa the year 2000. :feelsclown::feelsYall:

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so that's your retarded cope ? preppermaxing like that guy vention MGTOW ?
normies can form groups
groups that will try to rub your canned goods and other prepper shit
groups that let chadrones fuck all the foids

that is what the collapse will bring

but in your head this is going on :

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAqLKlxY3Eo

waifubots are your only option

Lone wolves don't survive very long in collapsed societies, but yes, cope with sexbot dreams some more. That's so much more realistic, not. :feelsjuice:
Cope. Vaginal privilege is universal and it will never end
You must not be acquainted with global past history, what we have today is a modern aberration and nothing more, it's not normal or typical at all. :feelsjuice:
Collapse of the whole clownworld is based. As for females, let's their beloved Chads, thugs, bullies, psychopathic manipulators, prettyboys, drug addicts and others with 'amazing personalities' help them :feelskek:.
Not this time around, world war happens, and the majority of incel impoverished men in the west will look at western governments telling them to go fuck themselves. "Send the strong independent roasties, fags, and troons to war, there's no incentive for us to fight for you since you have already stripped us of everything wrecking our lives, we will not sacrifice ourselves for you whatsoever. We're sitting this one out in mass resignation."

"Fine, we'll draft you in war then!" "Go fuck yourselves!"

"We'll threaten you with prison if you don't fight for us!" "We already live in a prison, go fuck yourselves!"

"Fine, we'll starve you out if you don't fight for us!" "We already cannot afford food to eat, go fuck yourselves!"

"Fine, we'll threaten you with death and execution if you don't fight for us!" "Good, we want violence and civil war anyways, ready when you are!" :feelsokman::feelsdevil:

You see, there are severe consequences when you destroy the lives of a majority of men for several decades, eventually, we just see no point in protecting or fighting for a system that has already abandoned us wrecking our entire lives. What happens when they start a world war in the west, and nobody shows up to fight it? Game over, the western (((elites))) have really screwed the proverbial pooch, should be a funny sight to behold when they witness the absolute destruction they have brought about on themselves, pure poetry. And the western (((empire))) of the dollar ends by the hysterical laughter of western men everywhere, the true meaning of ClownWorld all along.

View attachment 571615
The look on their faces. That surprised look. That's what keeps me getting up every morning.
The look on their faces. That surprised look. That's what keeps me getting up every morning.
Like a deer in the middle of a wooded highway at night in front of the lights of an oncoming semi-truck eighteen-wheeler, yes, I must concur. :feelsEhh:
Wildeyed crazy, feral incels will destroy the american state (beta rebellion)
Wildeyed crazy, feral incels will destroy the american state (beta rebellion)
Poor chronically single miserable incel men outnumber the well to do successful men in the United States 15>6, it's a no brainer to see what happens to the United States within a transition to societal collapse. This is what happens when you have economic inequality to such a degree that a majority of your men resemble a condemned peasant slave class than anything else. Bourgeois feminists are eternally fucked, it's over for their privileged entitled asses. [Stupid cunts and their cunt daughter offspring.] The same is true for every other bitch in this nation as well. The resource of pussy will be evenly distributed amongst men and its monopoly chain broken, a single vagina for every cock. A new sexual balance will form over time. :feelsjuice:
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Lone wolves don't survive very long in collapsed societies, but yes, cope with sexbot dreams some more. That's so much more realistic, not. :feelsjuice:
it is realistic
my code proves it
IG you also wanna compare me to terry davis ha ?
The Great Reckoning is coming. It's been a long time since the world has seen real turmoil, war, and chaos on a large worldwide scale. The Covid pandemic was just a warmup.

Take one guess why all the billionaires are buying luxury yachts. They are gonna ride this out on the sea far from civilization.
You must not be acquainted with global past history, what we have today is a modern aberration and nothing more, it's not normal or typical at all. :feelsjuice:
I should make a high effort thread about this but I'm feeling lazy lately. Gynocentrism is biological and not cultural. Patriarchy is artificial
I should make a high effort thread about this but I'm feeling lazy lately. Gynocentrism is biological and not cultural. Patriarchy is artificial
I disagree with everything you just said there but I would like to debate you in your thread. :feelsjuice::feelsYall:
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