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Discussion The collapse of the United States and what it means for American foids.

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One of these days, it will be almost impossible for them to squeeze DOW +0.20 daily and when that happens this turkey will be cooked ready to eat while it is entirely carved up. :feelsdevil::feelsEhh:
It would seem I was only off by the decimal percentage of 29.88 when I made that comment last week. :feelsYall::hax:

Entire stock market was in red today but all they could do to save face was that pathetic ramp up the last half hour. :feelsclown:

F-L-A-T-L-I-N-I-NG--O-U-T -------^----^^^^^------^^^^^^--------------------------------.........
DOW + 30.12 :lul::lul::lul:
S&P500 + 13.32:lul::lul::lul:
NASDAQ + 86.10 :lul::lul::lul:


Humiliating lessons of discipline

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=E1vh-x6bjv4
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People are probably reading this thread thinking I'm a horrible man and others here, my only response is that there are negative consequences when you condemn half the male population of a nation or just slightly over half. It never works well for any nation who is foolish enough to do that and the U.S. is no exception. That's exactly what the current United States has done.

You outsourced everything transforming this nation into a slave service based economic system centered around wage slavery where men can't even financially afford to live on a single income for themselves in survival, let alone ever having a prospect for a wife, family, or children. Imagine an entire life of no economic social mobility, no hope, and all the emptiness that entails. Now imagine several decades of that and the extreme hatred it builds overtime.

When you condemn half the population of men in a nation to a pure existence of hell, there will be extremely bitter consequences no matter what. We will all collectively cheer the death of this nation every single day just as you all cheered in the past unto the present giving us life sentences of hell that has become our own individual lives. Don't act or be surprised that when you send so many men to the bowels of hell that we eventually crawl out coming out as something completely else, you have nobody to blame but your own apathy, thoughtlessness, mental ineptitude, and carelessness. When an entire civilization abandons a half or a majority of its men to misery, despair, squalor, poverty, or general condemnation those same very men will undermine that civilization seeking to destroy it from within, and when it finally burns down all those men will have smiles on their faces glistening from the light reflection of the burning flames. :feelsjuice:

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Any bets or wagers on tomorrow's stock market opening? :feelsjuice:

My bet currently is that we'll see more down. :feelsdevil: :feelsEhh:

Shake that booty sexy and funny forums
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we will see + till friday and next week monday it will drop but the drop will be bigger, thats my guess.
I'm hearing lots of chatter about something going down by the end of this month that will be catastrophic financially, something to do with banks and real estate. I see lots of downward next two days until Friday. If it's a lot on this Friday come Monday morning things will be very interesting. :feelsjuice: :yes:
Its ridiculous that over 50 years they keep the disabled still trapped in poverty...............

The modern industrial west especially the United States prides itself on social egalitarianism that it tries to enforce on other nations abroad, yet, isn't it interesting that it constantly doesn't live up to its own ideals and virtues they proselytize everywhere else ? Here in our own nations it always amazes me how they're always quick to sacrifice or extinguish lives of the very powerless amongst us. In one word, hypocrisy. :feelsjuice: :yes:
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For those of us keeping track, we're just a cunt hair away from breaching DOW 30,000.00 downward. :feelsEhh: :feelsdevil: :blackpill:
Those GDP quarter numbers look awful, how are we going to put lipstick on that dog turd? :feelsEhh: :feelsdevil:
Does anybody really believe the joblessness numbers in this nation anymore? Statistical fuckery will only get you so far.
:feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:

You can't paper over reality indefinitely with manipulative gimmicks. :feelsthink:
Riddle me this, riddle me that, what comes up two weeks from now that is a matter of fact?

Why, it's the national annual GDP report, and it looks fucking terrifying by all measures. :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:
I don't really care for either political party in this nation, just two heads of the same snake to me. Still, for the foreign observer one wonders how anybody takes this nation seriously anymore as all it is over here is one unstable mess across all segments of society. Political reform and reconciliation? Too little, too late, not going to happen.

As usual, it is all the idiots, buffoons, thieves, and grifters who at the last minute think of political reform or reconciliation just right before a nation collapses completely. They had over fifty years to do it but never did, instead they have pissed away all this nation's wealth, creativity, infrastructure, and productivity for short term gains where unfortunately a majority of the non-thinking public went along with it. Whatever happens next I know will be horrific, but I'm also beyond the point of caring as this failed state gets exactly what it deserves. :feelsjuice:

Your dreams bitch in your dreams you can't even control the street of any American city FUCK ZOG

Your dreams bitch in your dreams you can't even control the street of any American city FUCK ZOG
And this is suppose to mean what exactly? In case you already haven't noticed I'm against zionism dumbass. I'm not exactly a fan of world Jewry either. :feelsjuice:
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If only we can breach the magical DOW 30,000.00 downward by Wednesday next week. I highly doubt we will tomorrow, still, I'm all for unexpected surprises. :feelsEhh: :feelsdevil:
As bad as things are currently, one wonders just how worse things will be by the end of this month once that GDP annual quarter report is finalized released to the general public for digesting. And of course, there's always October afterward too! :feelsEhh: :feelsdevil: :feelsLSD: :feelsclown:
Most Americans here are oblivious to just how fucked this nation really is in their slumber of normalcy bias and general ignorance, it will make their tears all the more enjoyable along with the gnashing of the teeth. I'm afraid these American feminist bitches who have had it too good for far too long are going to have their entire world turned upside down once society collapses all around them, I plan on enjoying every single minute of it when it happens.

Especially these wealthy and bourgeois bitches, once they're in the gutter like I have been my entire life I plan on constantly taking delight in their misery at their own individual expense of course. I'm waiting just for you ladies. :feelsEhh: :feelsdevil:
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And this is suppose to mean what exactly? In case you already haven't noticed I'm against zionism dumbass. I'm not exactly a fan of world Jewry either. :feelsjuice:
I wasn't addressing you
I was addressing the video
sorry for the misunderstanding
Its ridiculous that over 50 years they keep the disabled still trapped in poverty...............

Yep 1-800 USA don't care
plus all the billions ciphoned off of all the money that is supposed to help the poor/cripples/ homeless
BY ( non profit agencies)
I can give you a list of the biggest poverty pimps
Yep 1-800 USA don't care
plus all the billions ciphoned off of all the money that is supposed to help the poor/cripples/ homeless
BY ( non profit agencies)
I can give you a list of the biggest poverty pimps
In the United States most advocates or institutions that supposedly help the poor and disabled get all the money while the people they're supposedly under obligation to help get very little. It's all for profit of course, and the vulnerable members of society see very little of it if any at all. This entire nation and society is just one big cruel joke, a nation full of grifters everywhere.
:feelsjuice: :yes:
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Nancy Pelosi visits Armenia, how very nice. Armenia is actually an ally of Russia also besides the United States, but this second war on Russia's southwest corridor has nothing to do with Armenia and everything to do with Turkey who is an ally of its Muslim neighbor Azerbaijan. Turkey unlike Ukraine is a NATO member, the goal is to provoke conflict between Turkey and Russia thus achieving that NATO Article 5. The goal in this I suspect has everything to do with getting the Turks to squeeze Russia out of Crimea which is just northeast of Turkey on its own border, and unless we forget, probably Russian presence in Syria as well. [Turkey has a presence in Syria due to their old hatred of Kurds. Russia also has a presence in Syria much to the dismay of western powers. Oil/ international trading corridor/ Iraqi military bases/ future counter offensive against Iran.] :feelsjuice: :yes:

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I'm hearing lots of chatter about something going down by the end of this month that will be catastrophic financially, something to do with banks and real estate. I see lots of downward next two days until Friday. If it's a lot on this Friday come Monday morning things will be very interesting. :feelsjuice: :yes:
same but only on 4chan and some btichute grifters that advertise survival kits in their vids (lol). vatican pulled assets and because of that alot of people are concerned and started theorizing. Jewish new year is at the end of september, this apperentaly always meant something, there was always some shit going down, :feelscomfy::feelsPop:
same but only on 4chan and some btichute grifters that advertise survival kits in their vids (lol). vatican pulled assets and because of that alot of people are concerned and started theorizing. Jewish new year is at the end of september, this apperentaly always meant something, there was always some shit going down, :feelscomfy::feelsPop:
It would seem there are lots of nasty things going on by the end of this month to be sure. :feelsjuice: :yes:
Hard to say what will happen tomorrow, but I'm almost positive for more losses if I had to bet. Whatever happens tomorrow will undoubtedly set the tone for Monday morning. Is it possible for a green close tomorrow? I highly doubt it.

Another bull trap? People have lost tons of money in the last three weeks, doubtful. Only idiots throw away their money in this market and they deserve to be fleeced.

Suckers rally? This stock market is running out of suckers to burn through.

Daily rotational short squeeze? Doubtful.

PPT intervention? Possibly, but every PPT intervention risks inflation even further heading towards hyperinflation more quickly.

More importantly, next week's stock market sets the tone for the end of this month which I see a lot of financial chaos being unleashed. I suspect huge financial losses all next week going to the end of this month. There is also rumors circulating of provoking war internationally by the end of this month coincidentally.
[Coincidence? Not really, more like planned and organized.]

We live in a era of national or geopolitical crisis one after the other in systemic procession, but where everything is tied together stemming from one conflict unfolding all around us. :feelsjuice: :yes:

826751 tied up ball gagged and whipped

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lI6bA8eSYag
File 1646912334
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Looks like another struggling daily trading session today. :feelsaww:

DOW - 37.77

View attachment 655974

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7y5ckYvUGXU
View attachment 655978

apparently 1 trillion dollars was wiped in the Monday crash:feelskek::feelskek:
Riddle me this, riddle me that, what comes up two weeks from now that is a matter of fact?

Why, it's the national annual GDP report, and it looks fucking terrifying by all measures. :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:
the analysts are fucking retards lol
they either playing dumb or seriously out of touch that they can't fathom why the market is crashing
Most Americans here are oblivious to just how fucked this nation really is in their slumber of normalcy bias and general ignorance, it will make their tears all the more enjoyable along with the gnashing of the teeth. I'm afraid these American feminist bitches who have had it too good for far too long are going to have their entire world turned upside down once society collapses all around them, I plan on enjoying every single minute of it when it happens.

Especially these wealthy and bourgeois bitches, once they're in the gutter like I have been my entire life I plan on constantly taking delight in their misery at their own individual expense of course. I'm waiting just for you ladies. :feelsEhh: :feelsdevil:

when I first came to canada from curry India, first thing I noticed was how carefree Westerners were. they were super arrogant and ignorant, out of touch with reality. collapse will get the better of the most

yay foids are dumb, they will all have breakdowns especially once social media is done for. I also hope chads get hunted down by other males(in last of us 1)
feminism, welfare state and social media/dating apps have ruined 1 full gen of women(millennial) and almost ruined zoomer foids
apparently 1 trillion dollars was wiped in the Monday crash:feelskek::feelskek:

the analysts are fucking retards lol
they either playing dumb or seriously out of touch that they can't fathom why the market is crashing

when I first came to canada from curry India, first thing I noticed was how carefree Westerners were. they were super arrogant and ignorant, out of touch with reality. collapse will get the better of the most

yay foids are dumb, they will all have breakdowns especially once social media is done for. I also hope chads get hunted down by other males(in last of us 1)
feminism, welfare state and social media/dating apps have ruined 1 full gen of women(millennial) and almost ruined zoomer foids
1 trillion? This is only the beginning. :lul: :lul: :lul:

I have nothing good to say anything about any of the generations encompassing women. This new era will be known as one of chaos, strife, and social upheaval, The Global Dark Age. :feelsjuice: :yes:
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Hard to say what will happen tomorrow, but I'm almost positive for more losses if I had to bet. Whatever happens tomorrow will undoubtedly set the tone for Monday morning. Is it possible for a green close tomorrow? I highly doubt it.

Another bull trap? People have lost tons of money in the last three weeks, doubtful. Only idiots throw away their money in this market and they deserve to be fleeced.

Suckers rally? This stock market is running out of suckers to burn through.

Daily rotational short squeeze? Doubtful.

PPT intervention? Possibly, but every PPT intervention risks inflation even further heading towards hyperinflation more quickly.

More importantly, next week's stock market sets the tone for the end of this month which I see a lot of financial chaos being unleashed. I suspect huge financial losses all next week going to the end of this month. There is also rumors circulating of provoking war internationally by the end of this month coincidentally.
[Coincidence? Not really, more like planned and organized.]

We live in a era of national or geopolitical crisis one after the other in systemic procession, but where everything is tied together stemming from one conflict unfolding all around us. :feelsjuice: :yes:

View attachment 656095

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lI6bA8eSYag
View attachment 656106

Once again, nailed it. :feelsEhh: :feelsdevil:
Angry panda rage
:feelsaww: :feelsthink::hax:

"What doesn't kill you, just makes you stranger."

AqrEY1M 700b
GettyImages 988063276 716x490
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"FedEx predicts global economic recession."

More like global economic collapse and the end of the western order [$] that has largely destroyed itself from within because of its own short sightedness, greed, irrational political correctness, and social-political-financial mismanagement. I'm just saying.. :feelsjuice:

Whatever you do, don't utilize the words depression or collapse. Let's use the word recession that for the last fifteen years has practically lost all of its original meaning. :feelsdevil:
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Are you really trying to do a last half hour ramp up PPT? I mean, it's pretty pointless now.

All of next week will be red anyways well into the end of this month. You sad little weekend bitches...
:feelsdevil: :lul: :feelsohh: :yes:
Another plandemic might be on the way.

Gates has been buying up all the farm land he can. Don’t trust him at all.

On the heels of denmarks farm ban thing we have this

The new normal in Austria
No meat for the peasants soon
They can't control everything with military martial law and if the national currencies become worthless where soldiers or police officers can't be paid in anything to enforce much of anything, the next step is massive global famine as a form of crowd control by another means. :feelsjuice: :yes:
They can't control everything with martial law and if the currencies become worthless where soldiers or police officers can't be paid in anything to enforce much of anything, the next step is massive global famine as a form of crowd control by another means. :feelsjuice:
Gonna be a wild ride
"FedEx predicts global economic recession."

More like global economic collapse and the end of the western order [$] that has largely destroyed itself from within because of its own short sightedness, greed, irrational political correctness, and social-political-financial mismanagement. I'm just saying.. :feelsjuice:

Whatever you do, don't utilize the words depression or collapse. Let's use the word recession that for the last fifteen years has practically lost all of its original meaning. :feelsdevil:
FedExs largest contractor shut down last week. 250 trucks.

In my opinion Ukraine is all about setting up a new Jewish state to replace and bailout the old failing one currently in the Middle East. With the decline and collapse of western civilization [U.S. , Europe, and elsewhere.] there's nothing to save Israel from its aggressive neighbors militarily and so Ukraine is seen as a safe haven retreat for Israelis which is why many Ukrainian soldiers are basically IDF mercenaries. And of course, a majority of Jews in Israel are Russian or Slavic ethnically already where besides speaking Hebrew they already speak the language to live in Ukraine for the most part. Ukraine is the eastern European replacement Jewish state of Israel for all intents or purposes. Ukraine isn't just the breadbasket of the world, it is also an oil and nuclear energy hub, which is why Russia under Putin isn't happy with that group of usurpers.

[U.S. bioweapon labs on its borders or threatening to point nuclear missiles at Russia's national interior didn't help any either.] :feelsjuice:
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Another plandemic might be on the way.

Gates has been buying up all the farm land he can. Don’t trust him at all.

On the heels of denmarks farm ban thing we have this

The new normal in Austria
No meat for the peasants soon
They're basically preparing at this point to remove the red carpet from everybody's feet in the United States and western sphere for them to relocate elsewhere, everyone in position of power in the west at this point currently are sacrificial pawns meant to captain the entire ship while it is sinking to the bottom of the ocean. All means of deception, aggression, manipulation, violence, and instigation at this point are on the table at their disposal because in all reality they no longer care about the majority of the population anymore, if they have to sacrifice the majority of the western population to hold onto the reins of power or money they surely will for this global transference to be completed. :feelsjuice:
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FedExs largest contractor shut down last week. 250 trucks.
Doesn't surprise me, the real issue will be Q3 GDP annual report at the end of this month. My bet is that it will be an absolute train wreck. :feelsjuice:
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