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Serious The collapse of the United States and what it means for American foids pt. 2

"Economic inflation is eating away at my banking savings account monthly!"

Think of it as the greatest American financial theft of our entire national history put together. You will own nothing and be happy. :feelsjuice: :feelsclown:

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View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9c_LxGi1GCc

Oh, and by the way, that Biden IRS army was created to help facilitate that financial theft even more. Enjoy assholes, you either voted for it the last several decades or you did nothing to fight back being that this nation is one full of gutless spineless cowards everywhere after all. Where's that revolution I've been hearing about the last three decades? Funny, nowhere to be found in sight. That's alright, the floodgates of chaos everywhere will do what none of you have the collective will to do yourselves. Nature despises or abhors cowardice, passivity, and idle complacency fools. Once chaos is unleashed its hunger is endless as it will devour all in its path, everybody is just one bad day away from losing everything. Think of it as your collective Faustian bargains that you all will eventually be paying, the price is your souls for all eternity. :feelsjuice:
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What if the Federal Reserve financial balance sheet isn't real? What if there is no spoon?

We of course could audit the Federal Reserve, but even there Enron had the best financial account specialists to make cooked books look real to any observer. What if this holographic simulation we all live in revolving around elaborate financial economic forgery is nothing more than one giant fake artifice? And of course, all financial government regulatory investigators work for the Federal Reserve, do they not? Looks like they got all of their bases covered for that perfectly enclosed economic financial negative feedback loop. Well, until eventually they don't that is. :feelsjuice:

Well, what if? What do the Pivot™ retards in our observing audience have to say? Is it just all smoke and mirrors? :feelsclown:

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I've talked about it in the past but it bears repeating, the last fifteen years in the United States has been one where almost everybody has been stocking on guns and ammo from all segments of society. I'm actually pro second amendment especially in an atmosphere where everybody has a firearm of some kind. Who wants to be the unarmed person or individual in such an atmosphere? Well, nobody, duh.

No, I bring it up to describe a future I see in this nation once holy hell breaks loose which I absolutely believe will transpire, for why else would I make these future prophetic threads at all?

It's funny how you have all these so called national conservative patriots who are Constitutionalists have all these guns and bullets stacked away for several decades, yet, where is their revolution or armed insurrection against the government? Nowhere to be found from a bunch of blowhard spineless gutless cowards all these decades. I've watched, observed, and studied them all these decades, truth be told they make up the majority of the bourgeois or wealthy of this nation which is why they'll never commit to an armed struggle against the United States federal government, they would never bite the hand that feeds them of course. They say that they have a general political conservative care about this nation, but truth be told after watching them all these years they are the same people who care about nothing beyond their own ambitions, careers, profit seeking, self enrichment, or their own individual families. Simply put, self sacrifice isn't in their vocabulary being the gutless cowards that they are where for all their bravado or bluster they are the biggest eternal pansies of this nation. What I have seen from these so called bourgeois or wealthy national patriots however is their contemptuous hatred of the poor who they view as nothing more than lesser expendable sacrificial human cattle to serve them in constant binding servitude. And while these so called national conservative patriots, as they don't really care about anything beyond themselves or their own families, are cowards that will never insurrect against the government here, like what all cowards would do they have no problem killing their own poor vulnerable defenseless neighbors who they view as being inferior to themselves anyways, that is something I see them doing quite easily in this economically stratified environment of ours as it internally implodes all around us. Not that the so called leftist neoliberals are any different from their conservative counterparts, they act pretty much the same while claiming to be entirely different, the only difference is that they hide behind pretty words like equality, human rights, and social egalitarianism which is equally ironic because anybody can see they don't really believe in anything they profess politically either. Just lots of false virtue signaling on both sides of the political aisle whether it be a neoliberal face or a conservative traditionally libertarian one. Just a bunch of noise or empty chatter from both political parties, I don't discriminate, I hate both political structures of this nation equally.

If somebody would ask me how I see the future of this nation internally collapsing I would say it would be an economically classist one where the wealthy or more resourceful will wage war on the poor and the powerless because rather than go after the actual enablers of our own government responsible for our current predicament they will instead more than likely wage war on their neighbors as a scapegoat for their own individual problems or general ignorance. The poor will wage war on the wealthy or resourceful out of actual necessity to survive, but the wealthy and resourceful will wage war against the poor out of a kind of misguided self professed superiority. I have no doubts in my mind this is what the collapse of this nation will look like as all foundations of government collapses into nothingness leaving the void of lawless chaos in its place. After all, it's an iconic historical uniquely American tradition in this nation to hate the poor, powerless, and vulnerable, something shared politically by both democrats or republicans alike. It is why I have never identified with either political party myself.

And so, a government that was meant to protect the well-being of all its citizens collapses because nobody was watching the gatekeepers, and the gatekeepers found out overtime it was very financially lucrative for themselves to steal from their own citizens they were meant to represent by outright financial theft robbing many of their entire lives altogether over a great deal of many years. And once the government collapses completely it will just be a nation of everybody violently turning on one another for a variety of hatreds to which if an individual can't find a reason to kill their neighbor they'll endeavor to find a way in inventing or creating one.

Government seems to exist to keep everybody away from fighting and killing each other by constant intervention of force, but once a government collapses because a group of usurpers who leave it in irreparable mismanagement, it appears everybody will fight and kill each other regardless over the remaining scraps of an entirely collapsed society from the very ruins of its own decay. We will get to see all the ugliness of human nature manifest itself on public display and where the mask of civility or law drops completely. For without government there are no more illusions for human nature to hide behind or cloak itself with as its raw naked core takes form for all to see in its total absence. :feelsjuice:

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View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qJkkU6Oj6Bo
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Female sexuality revolves around male inequality, male inequity, and male competition, meaning, male apathy towards each other is because female sexuality forces it out of men because if we lived in a world of male equality or peace on earth between all male individuals female sexuality would be unable to function at all in expression. Female sexuality is the root of all human evil and why men commit all kinds of atrocities just to get their competing dicks wet. The root of many problems can be found in female sexuality that exacerbates male malice towards one another. Male tyranny towards one another is merely an expression of female sexual social dynamics that precipitates it constantly. The Bonobo is less aggressive than its Chimpanzee counterpart because it has a more sexual social commune, the Chimpanzee is more violently aggressive because sexual interaction is more visibly scarce. Human female sexuality intentionally creates a male cooperation scarcity due to sexual natural selection of competing male interests. Human female sexuality not only creates unequal male hierarchy, it thrives under such. :feelsjuice::blackpill:

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Happy Thanksgiving everybody! :society:

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Turkeys coming home to roost? :feelsjuice:
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What does a bad stock market the day before Thanksgiving say about overall consumer and economic health of a nation? A bad omen I must say, can someone page Jerome Powell on the courtesy Control-P phone hotline? Damn, it's not even Christmas yet where Santa Claus slides down the chimney shaking his giant jolly fat red ass.

He's not already eating Thanksgiving holiday stuffing early, is he? Hmm...:feelsjuice:

*gobble, gobble, gobble*
South park turkeys
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Today's thread postings is brought to you by Butterball, good turkey eating. *raises glass* :feelsjuice:

Just over two hours left until closing bell. Can they squeeze out a turkey drum stick today? They might want to start shaking those tail feathers of theirs right about now. :feelsjuice:

Seinfeld turkey
A friendly reminder: a pause or slowing of rate hikes isn't a stop of them at all within expansion. But of course you motherfuckers are just trying to buy as much time as possible delaying the inevitable that even God himself can't even stop by moving entire mountains. Tick, tock. Will it be 2023,2024, or 2025? Three years or less isn't even a blink of an eye as far as time at large is concerned, it changes nothing at all as the outcome will be the same regardless, that is unless you have some sort of pre planned timetable you're operating on which you're trying to achieve. Geez, I wonder what that is. What could it be? Hmm.. :feelsjuice:

Bonus trivia: How's Mr Bond Market doing going into the New Year? Nowhere to run or hide very soon. :feelsclown: :blackpill:
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52 minutes, flat or negative? Please standby. :feelsjuice:

[Makes you wonder who is buying, perhaps just a bunch of insiders splitting the carved up turkey between themselves no doubt. Is there anything about this overly financed stock market that feels organic? Haha, fuck no.] :feelsclown: :forcedsmile:
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Last fifteen minutes, will we get that infamous business insider Federal Reserve buying punt? :feelsthink::feelsEhh::feelshehe:

It's always the last thirty minutes upon closing bell I get the most excited for better or worse. Who needs sports when you have a game for the entire world? When I was a younger lad the game of chess was always my forte, but unlike the board game of chess this game is a lot more elaborate concerning game rule settings. Economics and capital finance is all about playing for all the pieces of the entire planet. :feelsclown:

Waiting sipping
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And flat stagnant markets going into Thanksgiving holiday weekend is what's for dinner. Looks like they were able to squeeze that last minute turkey drum stick after all, bon appetite! Bummer, was hoping for a Thanksgiving negative territory trend, but when you're able to throw endless money into a system that is under your direct control makes predicting these things extremely difficult. Ah well, patience as I always say. :feelsEhh:

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View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YIwlO0HqnNM
And so, we enter the Thanksgiving holiday season with a stagnant flat market direction, which makes one wonder what next week will bring. :feelsEhh:

You know it's bad when people have barely two nickels to rub together for a turkey dinner, which begs the question, what will Christmas retail bring at the end of next month going into the New Year? So desperate just to prop up and float the economy into next year, aren't they? So very sad and pathetic, it reeks of extreme desperation. And if it is like that this year one can only imagine what next year brings. The usual waiting and seeing in observance it would seem.

As for next month, HoHoHo. :feelsclown:

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Just as it was transitory inflation to now present contained inflation :forcedsmile: and where later it will be redescribed as out of control hyperinflation:lul: today's mild economic recession is now newspeak code for a hyperinflation depressionary collapse of society or nation itself. :feelsjuice:

Nations and their national currencies will collapse financially one by one in simultaneous global procession and the aftermath will be violent chaotic lawlessness as you would logically expect of collapsed civilizations everywhere, in the end the global populations will beg for any kind of intervention to save them from their own negative consequences or actions they brought onto themselves, the international corporatists will answer their pleas for help but with the price of CBDCs along with a global government of an entire planet in crisis that they were behind orchestrating all along from the very beginning. :feelsclown:

The question then becomes, is the global population stupid enough to fall for the elaborate trap that has been made for it, or will it rebel with an unholy vengeance? :feelshehe::feelswhere:
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The normie trash will be even more brutal against incels as their massive families and the burden of economically supporting their children crushes them like insects. Their social skills become worthless economically as there are no fake jobs for them. So they will try to parasitically leech off incels through some insane discrimination such as stealing. Like how the 3 days of staying at home for covid made normies commit suicide it will become evident that the amazing socially skilled normies are incapable of surviving any amount of actual struggle while incels that were struggling the entire time don't feel that big a difference for example those that were already NEETing since they were already rejected from the ponzi normie economy.

Maybe this is the point where the life of brutal incelhood finally pays off
The normie trash will be even more brutal against incels as their massive families and the burden of economically supporting their children crushes them like insects. Their social skills become worthless economically as there are no fake jobs for them. So they will try to parasitically leech off incels through some insane discrimination such as stealing. Like how the 3 days of staying at home for covid made normies commit suicide it will become evident that the amazing socially skilled normies are incapable of surviving any amount of actual struggle while incels that were struggling the entire time don't feel that big a difference for example those that were already NEETing since they were already rejected from the ponzi normie economy.

Maybe this is the point where the life of brutal incelhood finally pays off
Those who have known nothing but misery, suffering, strife, and adversity throughout their entire lives will do well, we won't even know a difference. Those of comfort, privilege, and materialistic abundance their entire lives will pray for their own deaths after losing everything before it is all over. :feelsEhh: :yes:
Those who have known nothing but misery, suffering, strife, and adversity throughout their entire lives will do well, we won't even know a difference. Those of comfort, privilege, and materialistic abundance their entire lives will pray for their own deaths after losing everything before it is all over. :feelsEhh: :yes:
Normies on suicide watch
Normies on suicide watch
Most definitely, and the funny part is, a majority don't even know what's quite in store for them yet. It will be fun to watch them squirm. :feelsEhh: :yes:
Female sexuality revolves around male inequality, male inequity, and male competition, meaning, male apathy towards each other is because female sexuality forces it out of men because if we lived in a world of male equality or peace on earth between all male individuals female sexuality would be unable to function at all in expression. Female sexuality is the root of all human evil and why men commit all kinds of atrocities just to get their competing dicks wet. The root of many problems can be found in female sexuality that exacerbates male malice towards one another. Male tyranny towards one another is merely an expression of female sexual social dynamics that precipitates it constantly. The Bonobo is less aggressive than its Chimpanzee counterpart because it has a more sexual social commune, the Chimpanzee is more violently aggressive because sexual interaction is more visibly scarce. Human female sexuality intentionally creates a male cooperation scarcity due to sexual natural selection of competing male interests. Human female sexuality not only creates unequal male hierarchy, it thrives under such. :feelsjuice::blackpill:

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Highest IQ post in this thread.
Mark Zuckerberg, Janet Yellen, Sam Bankman Fried, and Volodymyr Zelensky go into a bar in Ukraine, it turns out that it was for a Ukrainian Bar Mitzvah. :feelsjuice:

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We're going to bail out Bitcoin companies now? Yeah, that's definitely free market, not!

Then again, western capitalism died in 2008 where only its zombified corpse remains now. Might as well call today's western economic systems tyrannical corporate welfare states. :feelsjuice:

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I still don't believe it. I need REALLY good evidence to believe a collapse is imminent.
I still don't believe it. I need REALLY good evidence to believe a collapse is imminent.
Only those who have eyes know exactly what's going on, beyond that, people believe what they want to. You either have eyes or you don't. :feelsjuice:
Bitcoin 2008 - "We will be the independent digital alternative freedom currency in contrast to failing government fiat currency as a way of combating against government malfeasance of a corporate bailout greed culture."

........years later.......

Bitcoin 2022 - "Our corporations of our own centered around Bitcoin are bankrupted because of financial malfeasance we've created through malpractice ourselves, can you spare a brother with a dime for bailouts? We will need your government fiat currency to bail us out of course!" :feelsjuice:

United States government 2022 - "With Bitcoin out of the way imploding on itself we can finally go through with our ambitions of a government controlled electronic FRN, the trick of course is what to do with our outstanding previous past debts within the quadrillions. And of course, should our electronic FRNs fail, who or what will bail them out? Too big to fail must be protected at all costs! The zombified corpse of western economic capitalism [now state corporate welfare] must be protected at all costs!" :feelsclown:


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I like your thread and opinions, i really do but i have to say that i doubt it will happen in our lifetime. I believe it will just be an endless dance between democrats fucking it up to a republican fixing it then goes to the democrats ect ect. It needs time and we will be old and gray before anything significant happening
I like your thread and opinions, i really do but i have to say that i doubt it will happen in our lifetime. I believe it will just be an endless dance between democrats fucking it up to a republican fixing it then goes to the democrats ect ect. It needs time and we will be old and gray before anything significant happening
The fat lady will sing soon, their financial and economic corruption has been going on since the 1970s, like everything else it has a limited shelf life where it too shall end. :feelsjuice:
In 2008 western capitalism died as economic capitalism was replaced with a financial bailout corporate welfare police state and it has been that way ever since for the last fourteen years.

In that period of time a phenomena known as inceldom has simultaneously rised in expansion not surprisingly for all the jobs that payed well with just a GED or high school diploma were all outsourced overseas where now what was known as the American Dream is only enjoyed by foreigners abroad instead of actual American citizens. As manufacturing, factory production, and business enterprise has largely been outsourced it has left in its wake a sort of commercial consumerist economy under a more corporate welfare state that is ruthlessly Darwinian in all sense of the word where a few men rise to the top enjoying the spoils of life but where a majority of men are reduced to a sort of modern neofeudalism to which a majority of male serfs within the modern corporate plantation unsurprisingly become a bunch of male involuntary celibates or living eunuchs unable to financially afford life necessities to be successful men themselves. For me this is no mere coincidence but is actually very much interconnected shaped by transpiring worldly events. The boomers were only happy to sell out the younger generations of men with one foot already entrenched in their future graves having already previously acquired wealth in the past when western capitalism once existed, and controlling the minds or emotions of women was relatively easy as a sort of divide against the majority of poor outcast men as they themselves biologically or psychologically are ruthless Darwinian vaginal sexual capitalists who thrive in environments where huge male inequities exist. For me all of this is interconnected as a majority of men with inceldom on the ascent are victims of economic class welfare waged by the corporatists and are also victims of sexual warfare waged by their mindless feminist pets. :feelsjuice:

20170111 serf

Neo Feudalism Web
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Here we are at the precipice of the collapse of late stage capitalism and where the western political ideologies of neoliberalism, libertarianism, and feminism will die along with it once this failed experiment reaches its final stage of death. Whole scores of several generations of men destroyed by various multitudes of inequities whose very lives has been sacrificed by today's corporate welfare police state masquerading as economic capitalism but really isn't and reduced to several decades of poverty, social isolation, planned obsolescence, lack of social skills, alienating idleness, or lack of life accomplishments as a whole. Upon the collapse of late stage capitalism it leaves in its wake a majority of angry sexually involuntary celibate men who are childless and unmarried pivoted against entirely a modern spoiled narcissistic generation of women who live outrageous privileged lifestyles in constant absurd hypocritical display. For me inceldom isn't a manifestation or phenomena of political extremism, it is a manifestation of a failed collapsing system of late stage economic capitalism itself that has reduced a majority of men to profound squalor, suffering, and misery everywhere. Inceldom is a phenomena of a corrupt civilization in massive decline on the verge of internal total implosion. If we are political extremists it is because they have created us to be such where we are the living consequences of what transpires when you economically destroy the livelihoods of a majority of men. Going fourth into the future we shall see a predominantly male led proletariat [working class] uprising, insurrection, or revolution unparalleled that will have ramifications culturally, politically, economically, socially, and sexually as a result of this collapsed late stage economic capitalism that we're witnessing dying now. :feelsjuice:

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:feelsjuice: Thoughts?

@Fat Link
@Fancy Alcoholic
@Transcended Trucel
@Copexodius Maximus
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Predictions: :feelsjuice:

Next month is Christmas and historically in the U.S. or elsewhere is supposed to be the time retail sales along with commerce is the most booming bouncing the third economic quarter into the next following year with expansionary economic growth. Not this year, no most certainly not, I'm expecting weak economic growth or expansion with next month's Christmas season as sales will mostly disappoint all across the board. If there is even a sliver of hope at the end of the year for Christmas economic growth it will be due to Federal Reserve intervention if it transpires at all to give off the illusion of national economic growth especially retail sales going into 2023. However, even if they decide to do that either at the end of this month or next month, the illusion of economic growth papered over by lies [digitally] or the usual statistical manipulations as of next year on the financial stock market front I calculate that everything will simply fall apart going fourth into the future. While most will extremely financially struggle this year to have any semblance of the Christmas season at all, I expect everybody, and I really mean everybody to be be receiving nothing but coal next time around as the economic financial chaos will no longer be contained or concealed away from the public purview especially inside 2023. :feelsclown:

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View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2TfWo3GsIII
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Here we are at the precipice of the collapse of late stage capitalism and where the western political ideologies of neoliberalism, libertarianism, and feminism will die along with it once this failed experiment reaches its final stage of death. Whole scores of several generations of men destroyed by various multitudes of inequities whose very lives has been sacrificed by today's corporate welfare police state masquerading as economic capitalism but really isn't and reduced to several decades of poverty, social isolation, planned obsolescence, lack of social skills, alienating idleness, or lack of life accomplishments as a whole. Upon the collapse of late stage capitalism it leaves in its wake a majority of angry sexually involuntary celibate men who are childless and unmarried pivoted against entirely a modern spoiled narcissistic generation of women who live outrageous privileged lifestyles in constant absurd hypocritical display. For me inceldom isn't a manifestation or phenomena of political extremism, it is a manifestation of a failed collapsing system of late stage economic capitalism itself that has reduced a majority of men to profound squalor, suffering, and misery everywhere. Inceldom is a phenomena of a corrupt civilization in massive decline on the verge of internal total implosion. If we are political extremists it is because they have created us to be such where we are the living consequences of what transpires when you economically destroy the livelihoods of a majority of men. Going fourth into the future we shall see a predominantly male led proletariat [working class] uprising, insurrection, or revolution unparalleled that will have ramifications culturally, politically, economically, socially, and sexually as a result of this collapsed late stage economic capitalism that we're witnessing dying now. :feelsjuice:

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View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uqyky6aAMPw
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These current day (I intentionally refrain from using the term "modern," due to the associated implication of modern = better/advanced/more sophisticated) political and economic ideologies are inherently not long-term viable (@Fat Link's video is poignant and accurate). The question we should be wondering: What do the controllers have planned ahead of these doomed ideologies? A reversion to old systems? Something even worse? We have to assume they knew from the start that these ideologies were a house of cards built on quicksand. After all, they came up with some of them.
These current day (I intentionally refrain from using the term "modern," due to the associated implication of modern = better/advanced/more sophisticated) political and economic ideologies are inherently not long-term viable (@Fat Link's video is poignant and accurate). The question we should be wondering: What do the controllers have planned ahead of these doomed ideologies? A reversion to old systems? Something even worse? We have to assume they knew from the start that these ideologies were a house of cards built on quicksand. After all, they came up with some of them.
In my opinion their entire ideology is basically this, a neofeudal corporate welfare police state with aspirations of a global government and singular digital world currency. It will also be extremely technocratic in nature, but their entire ideology is one where only the very wealthy or powerful get any real benefit out of the system whatsoever where everybody else lives in squalor around miserable basic sustenance. That's basically the entire mindset of the WEF who are merely the public front men of the major financial entities that controls virtually everything inside the west. [As the entire west in all reality is nothing more than a corporate fascist oligarchy with loyalty to virtually nothing at all.] :feelsjuice:
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Most people think I exaggerate when I describe females as entirely being Darwinian vaginal sexual capitalists [their true psycho biological form and collective mindset] and yet when we peer into marriage or reproductive statistics of our prevailing day they all point to only the very wealthy getting married having children where marriage or family creation for everybody else statistically is falling off a cliff into abysmal nothingness. No, marriage and reproductive statistics only reinforces my view of female vaginal sexual capitalism concerning human reproductive behavior, the proof is in the pudding as they say where there is simply no denying it any further, there is no debate. The Platonic notions of love, romance, or chivalry from our historical past have shown themselves to be fantastic deceptive lies on all accounts as modern statistics illustrates very easily what the psychological mindset of women really is, purely monetarily financial economic driven. :feelsjuice:

More and more men are mentally awakening up to this fact where we tell ourselves that if women regard themselves as financial sexual commodities to be bought, transactional exchanges, or monetary trophies of conquest to be financially rented then we will simply regard them as such putting away the previous foolish historical archaic notions of Platonic love altogether. :feelsEhh:

And if a majority of women keep insisting to date or reproduce with the top percentages of men only in general affordance allowing a majority of men to be miserable most of their lives slowly withering away into death by constant isolation or loneliness then perhaps we men will debate amongst ourselves more forceful redistributive measures of these living sexual economic commodities and utilities that call themselves women. :feelsthink:

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View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cDSBYhfoON4
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Fascism corporations were completely different from today corporations
Not really, fascist corporations of yesterday were loyal to nation state, culture, ethnicity, or even national pride.

Today's fascist corporations are only loyal to power, affluence, profit, and their own financial expansion where they care of nothing else. They still function the same for the most part, it's just that the elites of today believe in nothing beyond themselves as they regard everything else in general indifferent apathy. :feelsjuice:
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Not really, fascist corporations of yesterday were loyal to nation state, culture, ethnicity, or even national pride.

Today's fascist corporations are only loyal to power, affluence, profit, and their own financial expansion where they care of nothing else. They still function the same for the most part, it's just that the elites of today believe in nothing beyond themselves as they regard everything else in general apathy. :feelsjuice:
Fascist corporations were meant to unite workers and employers forcing both to agree on mutual benefits under the authority of the State :feelsokman:
:feelsjuice: Thoughts?

@Fat Link
@Fancy Alcoholic
@Transcended Trucel
@Copexodius Maximus

The problem is the wealthy elites, bureaucrats, and shekel-hoarders with infinitely more of an advantage than us will assuredly continue to work against any type of subhuman revolution; also couple this with the majority of us simply rotting or wageslaving away without the time or motivation to commit to and organize such rebelling activities, and the changes of such a revolution happening are quite slim... :feelsjuice:

Also remember the majority of society and even sub 5s are bluepilled due to brainwashing from birth and constant gaslighting; for what you're talking about to happen, a large shift in circumstances and overall the mood of men in the modern world would have to change as censorship of wrongthink and increasing acceptance of degeneracy is continuously spurred on. :feelshehe:

Though victory may yet come, it will be a time beyond our prime; with globohomo-pushing corporations, bluepill-promoting elites, and various gaslighting foids and deluded cucks, as well as even scamming redpill PUAs, the opposition and protest against any wrongthink at all against the hypergamous hegemony will be fiercely fought against... :feelsclown:

I am hopeful for the eventual growth of more and more subhumans, however, realizing the bitter truth that is the blackpill and campaigning against modern degeneracy, as hypergamy and foid standards increase while civil and economic upheaval shows no sign of stopping; change and collapse is inevitable, it only depends on however more long it will take. :feelshehe:

Yes; something rising out of the ashes is more likely and more plausible than a revolution in the current system, at least for now. :society:
Fascist corporations were meant to unite workers and employers forcing both to agree on mutual benefits under the authority of the State :feelsokman:
As far as I know typical political fascism doesn't care much about workers rights, general happiness, or even family creation except for that short lived one in Germany long ago that wasn't particularly fascist at all. Authoritarian socialism is the only way going forward. :feelsjuice:
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