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It's Over The biggest trucel trait ever is not being able to drive



utter failurecel who fails at everything
Nov 22, 2022
I've tried signing up for my driving license and driving with instructor but stopped after 4 days because I sucked, constantly got anxious which just made it worse and my instructor was total piece of shit who was yelling at me all the time and on top of that I got humiliated because there were 2 foids in the back who made fun of me turning off the car all the time. They were also taking the course with me. I said enough is enough and stopped going. This fucker called me over 8 times but I never responded. I was learning in manual because Eastern Europe.
I would have been able to but in the last moments my parents didnt have time to drive with me anymore and my attention span is shit so even if i had to read a whole 300 page book about driving rules, I wouldnt be able to remember any of them with my shit adhd JFL, Its over
Road rage, it turns people cruel. My instructor was cruel too. And I still don't know how to drive.
Road rage, it turns people cruel. My instructor was cruel too. And I still don't know how to drive.
FUcking faggots expect us to drive perfectly after 4 times of attending.
Especially with manual which is hard to drive jfl at instructor cunts. They are also always in their 50s and very low inhib bitter boomers.
I would have been able to but in the last moments my parents didnt have time to drive with me anymore and my attention span is shit so even if i had to read a whole 300 page book about driving rules, I wouldnt be able to remember any of them with my shit adhd JFL, Its over
My dad barely even taught me how to do shit before forcing me to sign up for the courses and of course I sucked. Most people sign up after having basic understandment and at least 10 hours of praticing the wheel and the pedals. It's over for me anyways I also probably have ADHD because I kept making the same mistakes.
My dad barely even taught me how to do shit before forcing me to sign up for the courses and of course I sucked. Most people sign up after having basic understandment and at least 10 hours of praticing the wheel and the pedals. It's over for me anyways I also probably have ADHD because I kept making the same mistakes.
I have memories of me driving to the store in my familys car its a van but im not actually sure if i drove it or if it actually fucking happened JFL, Because i remember going down the intersection down the road driving alone but im not actually sure if it happened, Also yeah my dad never taught me to be a man, He was a complete psychopath and should have just roped aleredy JFL

On top of that im butt ugly with autism so an ugly alpha male wouldnt exactly draw bitches in either, Besides my dad was a piece of shit and i wouldnt call him an alpha even tho he pretended to be one xD
I have memories of me driving to the store in my familys car its a van but im not actually sure if i drove it or if it actually fucking happened JFL, Because i remember going down the intersection down the road driving alone but im not actually sure if it happened, Also yeah my dad never taught me to be a man, He was a complete psychopath and should have just roped aleredy JFL
My dad LDAR'ed all the time ever since I was born and thought I would become a man on my own. Too bad that instead I rotted on the internet and on top of that got bullied like crazy in school which caused me social anxiety and low self esteem. It was my mom taking care of me all the time, they eventually divorced and I lived with my mom while visiting him every weekend and I hated it.
My dad LDAR'ed all the time ever since I was born and thought I would become a man on my own. Too bad that instead I rotted on the internet and on top of that got bullied like crazy in school which caused me social anxiety and low self esteem. It was my mom taking care of me all the time, they eventually divorced and I lived with my mom while visiting him every weekend and I hated it.
So your an elongated version of his LDAR? Moving into your moms house?
So your an elongated version of his LDAR? Moving into your moms house?
Unlike me, my dad knows how to do anything really but he did not bother with me nor took me and my mom to vacations like most normie families do. He loved to drink and watch TV all day after work and he still does it. And also I am the autistic incapable version of my dad also he is NT and low inhib I am the opposite.
My dad LDAR'ed all the time ever since I was born and thought I would become a man on my own. Too bad that instead I rotted on the internet and on top of that got bullied like crazy in school which caused me social anxiety and low self esteem. It was my mom taking care of me all the time, they eventually divorced and I lived with my mom while visiting him every weekend and I hated it.
My parents are divorce fucked too as i call it, I was at my psycho dad that would stalk me if i tried to run away from school to not be with him that weekend and if i made it to moms house i could stay there and he wouldnt be able to do shit, Good luck breaking in psycho, If i didnt make it he would carry me and drag me to the car, Mom had me on every week and dad had me on weekends
I know how to drive but the driving school mafia doesn't want to give me my licence.
Unlike me, my dad knows how to do anything really but he did not bother with me nor took me and my mom to vacations like most normie families do. He loved to drink and watch TV all day after work and he still does it. And also I am the autistic incapable version of my dad also he is NT and low inhib I am the opposite.
Thats fucking brutal doe, If he loves you and your family he should show you that your special to him and he actually give a hoot
I know how to drive but the driving school mafia doesn't want to give me my licence.
Sayyy whaaaat?


Sue them!!! SUE THEM NOW!!!!
I've tried signing up for my driving license and driving with instructor but stopped after 4 days because I sucked, constantly got anxious which just made it worse and my instructor was total piece of shit who was yelling at me all the time and on top of that I got humiliated because there were 2 foids in the back who made fun of me turning off the car all the time. They were also taking the course with me. I said enough is enough and stopped going. This fucker called me over 8 times but I never responded. I was learning in manual because Eastern Europe.
ive heard manual cars are way more common in europe but you could still get a automatic right?
My parents are divorce fucked too as i call it, I was at my psycho dad that would stalk me if i tried to run away from school to not be with him that weekend and if i made it to moms house i could stay there and he wouldnt be able to do shit, Good luck breaking in psycho, If i didnt make it he would carry me and drag me to the car, Mom had me on every week and dad had me on weekends
Whenever I had to go to my dad I nearly had mental breakdown. I had no rest in school I was getting bullied and the weekends i was forced to spend with my dads family. Both my grandma and dad were abusive towards me. Their internet also sucked and I had to spend it without gaming and any cope. Present day my dad and me are very good and I live with him. He changed a lot but there are so many bad things he did. A lot of things have changed for the better but my mental state I am permanently damaged from traumas.
ive heard manual cars are way more common in europe but you could still get a automatic right?
You are forced to learn with manual here and then switch to aumatic if you please.
Whenever I had to go to my dad I nearly had mental breakdown. I had no rest in school I was getting bullied and the weekends i was forced to spend with my dads family. Both my grandma and dad were abusive towards me. Their internet also sucked and I had to spend it without gaming and any cope. Present day my dad and me are very good and I live with him. He changed a lot but there are so many bad things he did. A lot of things have changed for the better but my mental state I am permanently damaged from traumas.
I was bullied each day too, Its brutally fucking over, I could never catch a break aswell!
You are forced to learn with manual here and then switch to aumatic if you please.
Learning manual is actually best as then you get access to both type of vehicles
I've tried signing up for my driving license and driving with instructor but stopped after 4 days because I sucked, constantly got anxious which just made it worse and my instructor was total piece of shit who was yelling at me all the time and on top of that I got humiliated because there were 2 foids in the back who made fun of me turning off the car all the time. They were also taking the course with me. I said enough is enough and stopped going. This fucker called me over 8 times but I never responded. I was learning in manual because Eastern Europe.
do not give up. Change your driving instructor and fuck those two women.
Get a calm teacher.
You are the boss because you pay money.
So change your driving instructor!
So many idiots have already gotten a driver's license. You'll probably be able to do that too.
Be a man and don't let yourself be defeated so easily!
Be brave!
do not give up. Change your driving instructor and fuck those two women.
Get a calm teacher.
You are the boss because you pay money.
So change your driving instructor!
So many idiots have already gotten a driver's license. You'll probably be able to do that too.
Be a man and don't let yourself be defeated so easily!
Be brave!
Well i was thinking to wait awhile before trying again. At least 1 year until I get the courage but Ive been scarred by this fag I wanted to choke him to death especially the 2 foids who made fun of me.
Learning manual is actually best as then you get access to both type of vehicles
Its not a big deal but its the shit anger issues instructors who panic you all the time. How am I supposed to be better when you are yelling all the damn fucking time? It makes me perform much worse because I get angry and frustrated. Also the 2 foids who laughed at me caused me a mental breakdown when I came home.
Its not a big deal but its the shit anger issues instructors who panic you all the time. How am I supposed to be better when you are yelling all the damn fucking time? It makes me perform much worse because I get angry and frustrated. Also the 2 foids who laughed at me caused me a mental breakdown when I came home.
Go ER on them next time \:feelsaww:
scarred by this fag
what the hell?:feelswhat::feelshaha:
How can you be so afraid of an unimportant driving instructor?
What do you think he can do for you?
If you don't change your driving instructor I'll choke you through the screen.:lasereyes::feelsree:
what the hell?:feelswhat::feelshaha:
How can you be so afraid of an unimportant driving instructor?
What do you think he can do for you?
If you don't change your driving instructor I'll choke you through the screen.:lasereyes::feelsree:
Not afraid but I got humiliated. Anywhere I go i become the abused dog.
Go ER on them next time \:feelsaww:
ThERe won't be next time because I wont show up anymore although I wish they would crash their car while driving and die.
Isn't there another driving school in your area ?
can't drive as well, always procrastinated.
trucels have no girlfriend and no friends. that makes driving a fakecel trait i think. where would you drive to?
can't relate, I was a natural and my instructor complimented me because I was so good at driving
I've tried signing up for my driving license and driving with instructor but stopped after 4 days because I sucked, constantly got anxious which just made it worse and my instructor was total piece of shit who was yelling at me all the time and on top of that I got humiliated because there were 2 foids in the back who made fun of me turning off the car all the time. They were also taking the course with me. I said enough is enough and stopped going. This fucker called me over 8 times but I never responded. I was learning in manual because Eastern Europe.
brutal,i’m sorry
My driving instructor was a landwhale that got really loud and aggressive, I am a cold quiet person that seethes silently, so we were like oil and water, I got so fucking angry during my driving lessons, I emptied my bank account 4.6k euro for a drivers license, but in the end, it was well worth it, without it you will not get a job.
Now that I'm over 30 I have a car and drive, but in my early 20s my parents were adamant about me not driving. Meanwhile, all my friends were able to drive freely.

My parents are such pieces of shit. Seems like they did everything to make me an incel.
I've tried signing up for my driving license and driving with instructor but stopped after 4 days because I sucked, constantly got anxious which just made it worse and my instructor was total piece of shit who was yelling at me all the time and on top of that I got humiliated because there were 2 foids in the back who made fun of me turning off the car all the time. They were also taking the course with me. I said enough is enough and stopped going. This fucker called me over 8 times but I never responded. I was learning in manual because Eastern Europe.
Try a different instructor, maybe even different car and without and audience laughing and making fun of your completely normal mistakes. I recommend Volkswagen.
Try a different instructor, maybe even different car and without and audience laughing and making fun of your completely normal mistakes. I recommend Volkswagen.
The car was a shit BMW . I liked it much more when I drove my dad's Opel when he was teaching me over this piece of shit worthless old BMW.
The car was a shit BMW . I liked it much more when I drove my dad's Opel when he was teaching me over this piece of shit worthless old BMW.
Even more reason to change cars. On old cars the clutch is worn down so you can't feel anything. Later you learn to press the accelerator and clutch at the same time.

I don't know about Opel, but it's owned by Chevrolet. If it's anything like the chevvies here is Brazil it's not good.
Even more reason to change cars. On old cars the clutch is worn down so you can't feel anything. Later you learn to press the accelerator and clutch at the same time.

I don't know about Opel, but it's owned by Chevrolet. If it's anything like the chevvies here is Brazil it's not good.
It was also a gas car. Gas cars are hard to get into meanwhile I had no issue with my dad's Opel which is diesel. I think he wants to drive on gas because it's cheaper but he's already making more than enough.
I’m 28 and I don’t drive and never moved out. I also live in the middle of nowhere which makes it more brutal
I’m 28 and I don’t drive and never moved out. I also live in the middle of nowhere which makes it more brutal
oh that's brutal man I live in a small city but I need a driving license to get to work. :feels:
@Dregster who was that one guy who said he was like almost 30, didn’t have a license and said it was behind his inceldom
I think that getting a driver's license and being able to drive a car is very important for one's confidence. Because even many young or old females can drive. Imagine how humiliating this fact is?
I personally don't have a license and never drove in my life. It's hard to memorize all these rules if you never drove. It's just seems out of context for me.
But I actually wish I had a more persistence and patience.
Another thing is that I barely have money so paying thousands of € for a license is out of the question for me.
trucels have no girlfriend and no friends. that makes driving a fakecel trait i think. where would you drive to?
ER liked to drive to places with no or few people
I'm too lazy to get my driver's license, plus I got good public transportation where I live so no need.

Also getting Driver's license over here costs between 600€ - 700€, big nope! I can buy a lot of good copes with that money.
@Dregster who was that one guy who said he was like almost 30, didn’t have a license and said it was behind his inceldom
466337 qmq1ea

He has since upgraded to this :bigbrain:

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