"I read some of the links you sent...thanks. I don't think they will help in the long run. I have had self-esteem problems for as long as I can remember. Anyways, i don't think I have a problem. I think it's society and cultre that makes people (especially me) feel like crap and hate themselves. As for boys and dating, I will be 25 next year so I can give up on hope." the girl clearly suffers from incel-esqu issues. Inceldome is a spectrum ranging from hugless truecels to failed normies, she falls in that spectrum imo.
thanks, but idk, sometimes I feel like that just can't be true. I'm 24, and I don't think I'll ever find someone who even wants to kiss me. I think I will just have to get a surrogate if I ever want kids. As for marriage, I'm from Pakistan so my mom is getting me an arranged marriage, since I know no one will ever fall in love with me. I see ppl kiss on TV and in real life, and I know no man will ever want me like that.
This girl is not looking for chad, she wants someone to love her "
Thanks a lot for your response. I agree with you - no woman ever needs a man or a man's validation, but I guess sometimes it would be nice to have a man's love."
Another female incel spotted "
whitheredclaw:I'm 26 and have never done any of this and I know it's because I'm ugly and all that no one would want to be with me"
Im not out here white knighting for females, but it is undeniable that there are virgin girls out there who experience similar emotional trauma to incels