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Serious [STUDY] Solitary confinement shows how devastating loneliness can be - Forced isolation is recognized as a form of torture



Genetically shackled to hell
Jul 15, 2019
What does solitary confinement have to do with inceldom? You might think I'm reaching but when you look at the symptoms there are many similarities between this and serious loneliness experienced by people outside of bars.
It's not a 1:1 comparison but i think this provides a good insight on the damage that LDARing and being a soclial outcast can do to somebody.

tl;dr: Solitary confinement is used all around the world as a way to punish inmates. The United Nations recognize this as a form of TORTURE. Loneliness is so devastating that people would rather be around murderers and rapists than be alone. People would rather risk getting shanked or raped, that's how bad loneliness is.

Forced isolation destroys people's mental health in various ways and even has adverse effects on their physiological health. Some of this mental damage can be permanent. Moreover, the loneliness often leads to self harm and suicide.

Isolated Insanity: The Damaging Effects of Solitary Confinement Isolate

"Solitary confinement is a popular form of punishment in prisons. However, it often results in the deterioration of the inmate’s mental health, especially when it is prolonged. It may lead to severe mental illness or self-harm, including suicide. In addition to the mental health effects, solitary confinement inhibits the rehabilitation process as it limits or eliminates exercise, visitation hours, medical treatment, and group recreation. Without these, many inmates lose their sense of identity and their hold on reality, thereby reducing the odds of successful reentry into society."

"Researchers have shown that isolation is a psychological stressor that can become as distressing as physical torture (Metzner & Fellner, 2010), and may be especially damaging in mentally ill prisoners. "

"Psychological stressors may result in the following: anxiety, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, paranoia, anger, perceptual distortions, psychosis, panic, insomnia, hallucinations, self-mutilation, suicidal behavior, violence, emotional breakdowns, and withdrawal (Andersen, Sestoft, Lillebaek, Gabrielsen, & Hemmingsen, 2003; Grassian, 1983; Haney, 2003; Haney et al., 2016; Metzner & Fellner, 2010; Pizarro & Stenius, 2004; Shalev, 2011)"

"Anderson and colleagues (2003) reported that a higher risk for mental disorders exists in solitary confinement inmates than in those not exposed to solitary confinement."

"In studies of the psychological consequences of solitary confinement, Haney (2003) utilized both case studies and personal accounts of mental health workers in supermax prisons. He concluded that there is not a single study wherein inmates placed in solitary confinement for more than 10 days did not present negative psychological symptoms (see also, Applebaum, 2015)."

:feelsUnreal: Imagine what being a social outcast for years or decades must do to you. Imagine what LDAR'ing and neeting for years does to someone

"Due to the mental deterioration associated with solitary confinement, inmates engage in suicidal behavior and self-harm (Arrigo & Bullock, 2008; Haney, 2003). Self-harm is the leading cause of death among inmates "

:feelsstudy: Roping and suicidal tendencies are very common among isolated people ... sound familiar?

"Solitary confinement also inhibits inmates’ rehabilitation. They are denied access to recreation, regular visitation hours, and proper psychiatric treatment (Haney, 2003; Haney et al., 2016; Pizzaro & Stenius, 2004; Shalev, 2011). Without these vital programs that enhance their living state, inmates will often struggle to adapt to regular society upon their release from prison (Haney et al., 2016). "

Here's a brutal example from the same paper about a teenager who was falsely convicted, placed in isolation, which subsequently destroyed his mental health to the point where his family and friends felt he was off ... this later lead to him roping (literally)

The transformations were illustrated in the case of Kalief, a 16-year-old sent to Rikers Island for allegedly stealing a backpack (Haney et al., 2016). He struggled to adjust to the prison environment and was placed in isolation, where he became increasingly depressed and attempted suicide. After doing so, he spent time in the prison hospital but, upon recovery, was immediately returned to solitary confinement. After three years in prison, the last 17 months in isolation, Kalief was unexpectedly released when a judge decreed that he was innocent. After his release, his friends and family noticed that he was different. He paced around his room and preferred to be alone. He attempted suicide multiple times, and as he continued to struggle with depression and paranoia, he explained, “I’m not all right. I’m messed up. There are certain things that changed about me and they might not go back” (p. 128). He later hanged himself.

Effects of Solitary Confinement on the Well Being of Prison Inmates​

"Confined inmates often experience various physiological symptoms, even after a short amount of time in confinement. Isolated inmates often report symptoms similar to those of hypertension, such as chronic headaches, trembling, sweaty palms, extreme dizziness and heart palpitations. (Smith, 2006; Haney, 2003; Shalev, 2008)."

"Inmates also experience trouble with their eating and digestion, especially within the first three months of solitary confinement (Smith, 2006). A lack of appetite and drastic weight loss is often accompanied with irregular digestion, particularly diarrhea. Inmates in isolation may also have difficulty sleeping, and some may experience insomnia (Smith, 2006; Haney, 2003). Consequently,, inmates report feelings of chronic lethargy (Shalev, 2008)."

:feelsstudy: Notice how inmates placed in solitary experience the same sleeping issues as lonely people, as previously discussed in this thread i made

"Confined inmates experience a multitude of psychological effects, including emotional, cognitive, and psychosis-related symptoms (Smith, 2006; Shalev, 2008). Solitary confinement is considered harmful to the mental health of inmates because it restricts meaningful social contact, a psychological stimulus that humans need in order to remain healthy and functioning (Smith, 2006). Longer stays in solitary confinement are associated with greater mental health symptoms that have serious emotional and behavioral consequences. (Smith, 2006; Shalev, 2008)."

"Confined prisoners also report feelings of panic and rage, including irritability, hostility, and poor impulse control."

"Additionally, they frequently exhibit symptoms of anxiety that vary from low levels of stress to severe panic attacks. Isolated inmates also experience symptoms of depression, such as hopelessness, mood swings, and withdrawal. These depressive symptoms may even escalate to thoughts of self-harm and suicide. As compared to the general prison population, rates of suicide and self-harm, such as cutting and banging one’s head against the cell wall, are particularly high in prisoners assigned to solitary confinement (Haney, 2003; Shalev, 2008; Greist, 2012)."

:feelsstudy: I think the analogy with this forum is obvious

"Cognitive effects of solitary confinement. In addition to having disruptions in their emotional processes, inmates’ cognitive processes tend to deteriorate while they are in isolation. Some confined inmates report memory loss, and a significant portion of isolated inmates report impaired concentration (Smith, 2006; Shalev, 2008). Many are unable to read or watch television since these activities are their few sources of entertainment. Confined inmates also report feeling extremely confused and disoriented in time and space (Haney, 2003; Shalev, 2008)."

:feelsStudy: LDAR'ing rots your brain. This is sort of cognitive/attention span decline has been talked about a lot on this forum by certain users such as @anon1822

"Another confinement related psychological symptom that inmates may experience is disrupted thinking, defined as an inability to maintain a coherent flow of thoughts. This disrupted thinking can result in symptoms of psychosis (Haney, 2003; Shalev, 2008). Inmates who exhibit these symptoms of psychosis often report experiencing hallucinations, illusions, and intense paranoia, such as a persistent belief that they are being persecuted (Shalev, 2008). In extreme cases, inmates have become paranoid to the point that they exhibit full-blown psychosis that requires hospitalization (Smith, 2006)."

:soy: You've been alone for your entire life?? You've never had friends?? Just go out and be confident. Just put yourself out there bro, what do you mean you can't do it?

Solitary Confinement and Mental Illness in U.S. Prisons: A Challenge for Medical Ethics​

"Solitary confinement is recognized as difficult to withstand; indeed, psychological stressors such as isolation can be as clinically distressing as physical torture.1,2"

"Psychological effects can include anxiety, depression, anger, cognitive disturbances, perceptual distortions, obsessive thoughts, paranoia, and psychosis.6"

"They live with extensive surveillance and security controls, the absence of ordinary social interaction, abnormal environmental stimuli, often only three to five hours a week of recreation alone in caged enclosures, and little, if any, educational, vocational, or other purposeful activities (i.e., programs)."

:feelsstudy: How much different is this really from the life of some social outcasts?

"The stress, lack of meaningful social contact, and unstructured days can exacerbate symptoms of illness or provoke recurrence.7 Suicides occur disproportionately more often in segregation units than elsewhere in prison.810 All too frequently, mentally ill prisoners decompensate in isolation, requiring crisis care or psychiatric hospitalization. Many simply will not get better as long as they are isolated."

"International treaty bodies and human rights experts, including the Human Rights Committee,18 the Committee against Torture,19,20 and the U.N. Special Rapporteur on Torture,21 have concluded that solitary confinement may amount to cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment in violation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights22 and the Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman, and Degrading Treatment or Punishment.23"

Psychological Distress in Solitary Confinement: Symptoms, Severity, and Prevalence in the United States, 2017–2018​

Results. Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS) results showed clinically significant symptoms of depression, anxiety, or guilt among half of our research sample. Administrative data showed disproportionately high rates of serious mental illness and self-harming behavior compared with general prison populations. Interview content analysis revealed additional symptoms, including social isolation, loss of identity, and sensory hypersensitivity.

"In Washington State, interviewers administered the BPRS to a random sample of 87 incarcerated people during qualitative interviews (and also conducted 122 medical chart reviews),1,9,15 concluding that solitary confinement reveals “a concentration of some of the most important negative effects of the entire prison complex.”1(p1692)"

Sources in order

As a bonus there's also this old manuscript for anyone who's interested in reading more on the subject.
The author strongly advocated against the use of solitary confinement, he's an expert in this field and he's been cited by almost every study i've used

@soymonkcel @Selinity @your personality

@Master @SergeantIncel
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Very well researched mate, and it all rings true. It really does a lot of damage to you, but most people won't consider people like us as having gone through such torment cause we were supposed to either "man up" or "go to a therapist". But you can't expect people to understand.
Only thugmaxxed jailbirds get support and sympathetic studies written about them.
Post is about loneliness though and not inceldom. Ive seen ugly guys make male friends.
What does solitary confinement have to do with inceldom? You might think I'm reaching but when you look at the symptoms there are many similarities between this and serious loneliness experienced by people outside of bars.
It's not a 1:1 comparison but i think this provides a good insight on the damage that LDARing and being a soclial outcast can do to somebody.

tl;dr: Solitary confinement is used all around the world as a way to punish inmates. The United Nations recognize this as a form of TORTURE. Loneliness is so devastating that people would rather be around murderers and rapists than be alone. People would rather risk getting shanked or raped, that's how bad loneliness is.

Forced isolation destroys people's mental health in various ways and even has adverse effects on their physiological health. Some of this mental damage can be permanent. Moreover, the loneliness often leads to self harm and suicide.

Isolated Insanity: The Damaging Effects of Solitary Confinement Isolate

"Solitary confinement is a popular form of punishment in prisons. However, it often results in the deterioration of the inmate’s mental health, especially when it is prolonged. It may lead to severe mental illness or self-harm, including suicide. In addition to the mental health effects, solitary confinement inhibits the rehabilitation process as it limits or eliminates exercise, visitation hours, medical treatment, and group recreation. Without these, many inmates lose their sense of identity and their hold on reality, thereby reducing the odds of successful reentry into society."

"Researchers have shown that isolation is a psychological stressor that can become as distressing as physical torture (Metzner & Fellner, 2010), and may be especially damaging in mentally ill prisoners. "

"Psychological stressors may result in the following: anxiety, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, paranoia, anger, perceptual distortions, psychosis, panic, insomnia, hallucinations, self-mutilation, suicidal behavior, violence, emotional breakdowns, and withdrawal (Andersen, Sestoft, Lillebaek, Gabrielsen, & Hemmingsen, 2003; Grassian, 1983; Haney, 2003; Haney et al., 2016; Metzner & Fellner, 2010; Pizarro & Stenius, 2004; Shalev, 2011)"

"Anderson and colleagues (2003) reported that a higher risk for mental disorders exists in solitary confinement inmates than in those not exposed to solitary confinement."

"In studies of the psychological consequences of solitary confinement, Haney (2003) utilized both case studies and personal accounts of mental health workers in supermax prisons. He concluded that there is not a single study wherein inmates placed in solitary confinement for more than 10 days did not present negative psychological symptoms (see also, Applebaum, 2015)."

:feelsUnreal: Imagine what being a social outcast for years or decades must do to you. Imagine what LDAR'ing and neeting for years does to someone

"Due to the mental deterioration associated with solitary confinement, inmates engage in suicidal behavior and self-harm (Arrigo & Bullock, 2008; Haney, 2003). Self-harm is the leading cause of death among inmates "

:feelsstudy: Roping and suicidal tendencies are very common among isolated people ... sound familiar?

"Solitary confinement also inhibits inmates’ rehabilitation. They are denied access to recreation, regular visitation hours, and proper psychiatric treatment (Haney, 2003; Haney et al., 2016; Pizzaro & Stenius, 2004; Shalev, 2011). Without these vital programs that enhance their living state, inmates will often struggle to adapt to regular society upon their release from prison (Haney et al., 2016). "

Here's a brutal example from the same paper about a teenager who was falsely convicted, placed in isolation, which subsequently destroyed his mental health to the point where his family and friends felt he was off ... this later lead to him roping (literally)

The transformations were illustrated in the case of Kalief, a 16-year-old sent to Rikers Island for allegedly stealing a backpack (Haney et al., 2016). He struggled to adjust to the prison environment and was placed in isolation, where he became increasingly depressed and attempted suicide. After doing so, he spent time in the prison hospital but, upon recovery, was immediately returned to solitary confinement. After three years in prison, the last 17 months in isolation, Kalief was unexpectedly released when a judge decreed that he was innocent. After his release, his friends and family noticed that he was different. He paced around his room and preferred to be alone. He attempted suicide multiple times, and as he continued to struggle with depression and paranoia, he explained, “I’m not all right. I’m messed up. There are certain things that changed about me and they might not go back” (p. 128). He later hanged himself.

Effects of Solitary Confinement on the Well Being of Prison Inmates​

"Confined inmates often experience various physiological symptoms, even after a short amount of time in confinement. Isolated inmates often report symptoms similar to those of hypertension, such as chronic headaches, trembling, sweaty palms, extreme dizziness and heart palpitations. (Smith, 2006; Haney, 2003; Shalev, 2008)."

"Inmates also experience trouble with their eating and digestion, especially within the first three months of solitary confinement (Smith, 2006). A lack of appetite and drastic weight loss is often accompanied with irregular digestion, particularly diarrhea. Inmates in isolation may also have difficulty sleeping, and some may experience insomnia (Smith, 2006; Haney, 2003). Consequently,, inmates report feelings of chronic lethargy (Shalev, 2008)."

:feelsstudy: Notice how inmates placed in solitary experience the same sleeping issues as lonely people, as previously discussed in this thread i made

"Confined inmates experience a multitude of psychological effects, including emotional, cognitive, and psychosis-related symptoms (Smith, 2006; Shalev, 2008). Solitary confinement is considered harmful to the mental health of inmates because it restricts meaningful social contact, a psychological stimulus that humans need in order to remain healthy and functioning (Smith, 2006). Longer stays in solitary confinement are associated with greater mental health symptoms that have serious emotional and behavioral consequences. (Smith, 2006; Shalev, 2008)."

"Confined prisoners also report feelings of panic and rage, including irritability, hostility, and poor impulse control."

"Additionally, they frequently exhibit symptoms of anxiety that vary from low levels of stress to severe panic attacks. Isolated inmates also experience symptoms of depression, such as hopelessness, mood swings, and withdrawal. These depressive symptoms may even escalate to thoughts of self-harm and suicide. As compared to the general prison population, rates of suicide and self-harm, such as cutting and banging one’s head against the cell wall, are particularly high in prisoners assigned to solitary confinement (Haney, 2003; Shalev, 2008; Greist, 2012)."

:feelsstudy: I think the analogy with this forum is obvious

"Cognitive effects of solitary confinement. In addition to having disruptions in their emotional processes, inmates’ cognitive processes tend to deteriorate while they are in isolation. Some confined inmates report memory loss, and a significant portion of isolated inmates report impaired concentration (Smith, 2006; Shalev, 2008). Many are unable to read or watch television since these activities are their few sources of entertainment. Confined inmates also report feeling extremely confused and disoriented in time and space (Haney, 2003; Shalev, 2008)."

:feelsStudy: LDAR'ing rots your brain. This is sort of cognitive/attention span decline has been talked about a lot on this forum by certain users such as @anon1822

"Another confinement related psychological symptom that inmates may experience is disrupted thinking, defined as an inability to maintain a coherent flow of thoughts. This disrupted thinking can result in symptoms of psychosis (Haney, 2003; Shalev, 2008). Inmates who exhibit these symptoms of psychosis often report experiencing hallucinations, illusions, and intense paranoia, such as a persistent belief that they are being persecuted (Shalev, 2008). In extreme cases, inmates have become paranoid to the point that they exhibit full-blown psychosis that requires hospitalization (Smith, 2006)."

:soy: You've been alone for your entire life?? You've never had friends?? Just go out and be confident. Just put yourself out there bro, what do you mean you can't do it?

Solitary Confinement and Mental Illness in U.S. Prisons: A Challenge for Medical Ethics​

"Solitary confinement is recognized as difficult to withstand; indeed, psychological stressors such as isolation can be as clinically distressing as physical torture.1,2"

"Psychological effects can include anxiety, depression, anger, cognitive disturbances, perceptual distortions, obsessive thoughts, paranoia, and psychosis.6"

"They live with extensive surveillance and security controls, the absence of ordinary social interaction, abnormal environmental stimuli, often only three to five hours a week of recreation alone in caged enclosures, and little, if any, educational, vocational, or other purposeful activities (i.e., programs)."

:feelsstudy: How much different is this really from the life of some social outcasts?

"The stress, lack of meaningful social contact, and unstructured days can exacerbate symptoms of illness or provoke recurrence.7 Suicides occur disproportionately more often in segregation units than elsewhere in prison.810 All too frequently, mentally ill prisoners decompensate in isolation, requiring crisis care or psychiatric hospitalization. Many simply will not get better as long as they are isolated."

"International treaty bodies and human rights experts, including the Human Rights Committee,18 the Committee against Torture,19,20 and the U.N. Special Rapporteur on Torture,21 have concluded that solitary confinement may amount to cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment in violation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights22 and the Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman, and Degrading Treatment or Punishment.23"

Psychological Distress in Solitary Confinement: Symptoms, Severity, and Prevalence in the United States, 2017–2018​

Results. Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS) results showed clinically significant symptoms of depression, anxiety, or guilt among half of our research sample. Administrative data showed disproportionately high rates of serious mental illness and self-harming behavior compared with general prison populations. Interview content analysis revealed additional symptoms, including social isolation, loss of identity, and sensory hypersensitivity.

"In Washington State, interviewers administered the BPRS to a random sample of 87 incarcerated people during qualitative interviews (and also conducted 122 medical chart reviews),1,9,15 concluding that solitary confinement reveals “a concentration of some of the most important negative effects of the entire prison complex.”1(p1692)"

Sources in order

As a bonus there's also this old manuscript for anyone who's interested in reading more on the subject.
The author strongly advocated against the use of solitary confinement, he's an expert in this field and he's been cited by almost every study i've used

@soymonkcel @Selinity @your personality

@Master @SergeantIncel
This is why normies are afraid of going to prison that they won't readily admit tbh
but tbf so would many incels because there isn't internet in solitary confinement and you are all by yourself with absolutely nothing to do but exist.
Very well researched mate, and it all rings true. It really does a lot of damage to you, but most people won't consider people like us as having gone through such torment cause we were supposed to either "man up" or "go to a therapist". But you can't expect people to understand.
They can't even comprehend it, so they're totally incapable of empathizing

Only thugmaxxed jailbirds get support and sympathetic studies written about them.
That's true lmao. Researchers feel really bad for criminals but much less so for inkwels

Seconded. Brilliant thread, OP.

Post is about loneliness though and not inceldom. Ive seen ugly guys make male friends.
Loneliness is very strongly linked with inceldom. Some incels aren't lonely in the sense that they can make friends and live ok lives when you exclude dating/sex,like you said. But loneliness is very common among incels, much more so than among non incels.

And you wouldn't be lonely if women liked you. If you could attract women then you wouldn't be lonely even if you couldn't make male friends
That's true lmao. Researchers feel really bad for criminals but much less so for inkwels
There is still this meme that prisoners are victims of "society" and shouldn't really be there, the agency is taken away from them.

With inkwells, it is just our own faults for being in solitary confinement like situations (as far as real life interaction goes) and we can "obviously" just improve our personalities and meet people...

I might be being conceited, but I am guessing most people on this site could breeze through solitary confinement, it must just come as a shock to sociable thugs to not have anyone to talk to.
There is still this meme that prisoners are victims of "society" and shouldn't really be there, the agency is taken away from them.

With inkwells, it is just our own faults for being in solitary confinement like situations (as far as real life interaction goes) and we can "obviously" just improve our personalities and meet people...
People will often pull "don't judge you don't know his/her story :soy:" with criminals. Yet people judge us the moment we step out of our house because we're ugly or short.

If you make a post on sites like plebbit complaining about being lonely you'll immediately be branded as a monster, rapist in the making, creep, evil person who deserves all the suffering he gets. People can't wait to shame or blame you for everything.

I might be being conceited, but I am guessing most people on this site could breeze through solitary confinement, it must just come as a shock to sociable thugs to not have anyone to talk to.
Depends on the confinement. Some allow you to read books or watch tv. I think inkwels would do way better in those types of confinement than normal people because we're so used to distracting ourselves and coping with various forms of media.

But I think the worse types of confinement would break us, the kind where you're in the dark with nothing to do
After his release, his friends and family noticed that he was different. He paced around his room and preferred to be alone. He attempted suicide multiple times, and as he continued to struggle with depression and paranoia, he explained, “I’m not all right. I’m messed up. There are certain things that changed about me and they might not go back” (p. 128). He later hanged himself.
MGS4 Old Snake Beast
People will often pull "don't judge you don't know his/her story :soy:" with criminals. Yet people judge us the moment we step out of our house because we're ugly or short.

If you make a post on sites like plebbit complaining about being lonely you'll immediately be branded as a monster, rapist in the making, creep, evil person who deserves all the suffering he gets. People can't wait to shame or blame you for everything.
Everything in the body is connected, so this makes complete sense. It also explains and plays along with why ugly people tend to be neurotic. Growing up with forced isolation by peers and all. I grew up alone my entire youth, still am, and I don't have psychosis or anything like that but the anxiety, OCD obsessive thoughts, panic symptoms, I do have. :cryfeels:
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You aren't entitled to not being tortured, inkler :soy: :soy:
Everything in the body is connected, so this makes complete sense. It also explains and plays along with why ugly people tend to be neurotic. Growing up with forced isolation by peers and all. I grew up alone my entire youth, still am, and I don't have psychosis or anything like that but the anxiety, OCD obsessive thoughts, panic symptoms, I do have. :cryfeels:
I thought about you when I read that in one of the studies

"Additionally, they frequently exhibit symptoms of anxiety that vary from low levels of stress to severe panic attacks. Isolated inmates also experience symptoms of depression, such as hopelessness, mood swings, and withdrawal."
I thought about you when I read that in one of the studies

"Additionally, they frequently exhibit symptoms of anxiety that vary from low levels of stress to severe panic attacks. Isolated inmates also experience symptoms of depression, such as hopelessness, mood swings, and withdrawal."
You just keep getting more and more neurotic.

Maybe some symptoms could be undone at least somewhat, but that would require a stable social life and relationships.
I don't even know how to have relationships or function in society.
"Psychological stressors may result in the following: anxiety, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, paranoia, anger, perceptual distortions, psychosis, panic, insomnia, hallucinations, self-mutilation, suicidal behavior, violence, emotional breakdowns, and withdrawal (Andersen, Sestoft, Lillebaek, Gabrielsen, & Hemmingsen, 2003; Grassian, 1983; Haney, 2003; Haney et al., 2016; Metzner & Fellner, 2010; Pizarro & Stenius, 2004; Shalev, 2011)"
If Psychological problems were a form of Bingo I would have won the grand prize. :feelsbadman:

Can't wait for these studies to get banned because they go against what Feminists want.
Only thugmaxxed jailbirds get support and sympathetic studies written about them.
Prisons are for Meeks only.
Post is about loneliness though and not inceldom. Ive seen ugly guys make male friends.
An ugly Mans existence is tolerated by other Men only because they feel sorry for him. That and they see themselves in him. Nobody is friendly to the truly ugly Man.
I might be being conceited, but I am guessing most people on this site could breeze through solitary confinement, it must just come as a shock to sociable thugs to not have anyone to talk to.
It's mostly Foids that give a shit.. "Oh no Chad is lonely.. better go keep him company :p", if all prisoners were indeed fuck ugly every single normie on planet Earth would spend their birthdays paying the government to throw expired fruit and vegetables at prisoners.
What does solitary confinement have to do with inceldom? You might think I'm reaching but when you look at the symptoms there are many similarities between this and serious loneliness experienced by people outside of bars.
It's not a 1:1 comparison but i think this provides a good insight on the damage that LDARing and being a soclial outcast can do to somebody.

tl;dr: Solitary confinement is used all around the world as a way to punish inmates. The United Nations recognize this as a form of TORTURE. Loneliness is so devastating that people would rather be around murderers and rapists than be alone. People would rather risk getting shanked or raped, that's how bad loneliness is.

Forced isolation destroys people's mental health in various ways and even has adverse effects on their physiological health. Some of this mental damage can be permanent. Moreover, the loneliness often leads to self harm and suicide.

Isolated Insanity: The Damaging Effects of Solitary Confinement Isolate

"Solitary confinement is a popular form of punishment in prisons. However, it often results in the deterioration of the inmate’s mental health, especially when it is prolonged. It may lead to severe mental illness or self-harm, including suicide. In addition to the mental health effects, solitary confinement inhibits the rehabilitation process as it limits or eliminates exercise, visitation hours, medical treatment, and group recreation. Without these, many inmates lose their sense of identity and their hold on reality, thereby reducing the odds of successful reentry into society."

"Researchers have shown that isolation is a psychological stressor that can become as distressing as physical torture (Metzner & Fellner, 2010), and may be especially damaging in mentally ill prisoners. "

"Psychological stressors may result in the following: anxiety, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, paranoia, anger, perceptual distortions, psychosis, panic, insomnia, hallucinations, self-mutilation, suicidal behavior, violence, emotional breakdowns, and withdrawal (Andersen, Sestoft, Lillebaek, Gabrielsen, & Hemmingsen, 2003; Grassian, 1983; Haney, 2003; Haney et al., 2016; Metzner & Fellner, 2010; Pizarro & Stenius, 2004; Shalev, 2011)"

"Anderson and colleagues (2003) reported that a higher risk for mental disorders exists in solitary confinement inmates than in those not exposed to solitary confinement."

"In studies of the psychological consequences of solitary confinement, Haney (2003) utilized both case studies and personal accounts of mental health workers in supermax prisons. He concluded that there is not a single study wherein inmates placed in solitary confinement for more than 10 days did not present negative psychological symptoms (see also, Applebaum, 2015)."

:feelsUnreal: Imagine what being a social outcast for years or decades must do to you. Imagine what LDAR'ing and neeting for years does to someone

"Due to the mental deterioration associated with solitary confinement, inmates engage in suicidal behavior and self-harm (Arrigo & Bullock, 2008; Haney, 2003). Self-harm is the leading cause of death among inmates "

:feelsstudy: Roping and suicidal tendencies are very common among isolated people ... sound familiar?

"Solitary confinement also inhibits inmates’ rehabilitation. They are denied access to recreation, regular visitation hours, and proper psychiatric treatment (Haney, 2003; Haney et al., 2016; Pizzaro & Stenius, 2004; Shalev, 2011). Without these vital programs that enhance their living state, inmates will often struggle to adapt to regular society upon their release from prison (Haney et al., 2016). "

Here's a brutal example from the same paper about a teenager who was falsely convicted, placed in isolation, which subsequently destroyed his mental health to the point where his family and friends felt he was off ... this later lead to him roping (literally)

The transformations were illustrated in the case of Kalief, a 16-year-old sent to Rikers Island for allegedly stealing a backpack (Haney et al., 2016). He struggled to adjust to the prison environment and was placed in isolation, where he became increasingly depressed and attempted suicide. After doing so, he spent time in the prison hospital but, upon recovery, was immediately returned to solitary confinement. After three years in prison, the last 17 months in isolation, Kalief was unexpectedly released when a judge decreed that he was innocent. After his release, his friends and family noticed that he was different. He paced around his room and preferred to be alone. He attempted suicide multiple times, and as he continued to struggle with depression and paranoia, he explained, “I’m not all right. I’m messed up. There are certain things that changed about me and they might not go back” (p. 128). He later hanged himself.

Effects of Solitary Confinement on the Well Being of Prison Inmates​

"Confined inmates often experience various physiological symptoms, even after a short amount of time in confinement. Isolated inmates often report symptoms similar to those of hypertension, such as chronic headaches, trembling, sweaty palms, extreme dizziness and heart palpitations. (Smith, 2006; Haney, 2003; Shalev, 2008)."

"Inmates also experience trouble with their eating and digestion, especially within the first three months of solitary confinement (Smith, 2006). A lack of appetite and drastic weight loss is often accompanied with irregular digestion, particularly diarrhea. Inmates in isolation may also have difficulty sleeping, and some may experience insomnia (Smith, 2006; Haney, 2003). Consequently,, inmates report feelings of chronic lethargy (Shalev, 2008)."

:feelsstudy: Notice how inmates placed in solitary experience the same sleeping issues as lonely people, as previously discussed in this thread i made

"Confined inmates experience a multitude of psychological effects, including emotional, cognitive, and psychosis-related symptoms (Smith, 2006; Shalev, 2008). Solitary confinement is considered harmful to the mental health of inmates because it restricts meaningful social contact, a psychological stimulus that humans need in order to remain healthy and functioning (Smith, 2006). Longer stays in solitary confinement are associated with greater mental health symptoms that have serious emotional and behavioral consequences. (Smith, 2006; Shalev, 2008)."

"Confined prisoners also report feelings of panic and rage, including irritability, hostility, and poor impulse control."

"Additionally, they frequently exhibit symptoms of anxiety that vary from low levels of stress to severe panic attacks. Isolated inmates also experience symptoms of depression, such as hopelessness, mood swings, and withdrawal. These depressive symptoms may even escalate to thoughts of self-harm and suicide. As compared to the general prison population, rates of suicide and self-harm, such as cutting and banging one’s head against the cell wall, are particularly high in prisoners assigned to solitary confinement (Haney, 2003; Shalev, 2008; Greist, 2012)."

:feelsstudy: I think the analogy with this forum is obvious

"Cognitive effects of solitary confinement. In addition to having disruptions in their emotional processes, inmates’ cognitive processes tend to deteriorate while they are in isolation. Some confined inmates report memory loss, and a significant portion of isolated inmates report impaired concentration (Smith, 2006; Shalev, 2008). Many are unable to read or watch television since these activities are their few sources of entertainment. Confined inmates also report feeling extremely confused and disoriented in time and space (Haney, 2003; Shalev, 2008)."

:feelsStudy: LDAR'ing rots your brain. This is sort of cognitive/attention span decline has been talked about a lot on this forum by certain users such as @anon1822

"Another confinement related psychological symptom that inmates may experience is disrupted thinking, defined as an inability to maintain a coherent flow of thoughts. This disrupted thinking can result in symptoms of psychosis (Haney, 2003; Shalev, 2008). Inmates who exhibit these symptoms of psychosis often report experiencing hallucinations, illusions, and intense paranoia, such as a persistent belief that they are being persecuted (Shalev, 2008). In extreme cases, inmates have become paranoid to the point that they exhibit full-blown psychosis that requires hospitalization (Smith, 2006)."

:soy: You've been alone for your entire life?? You've never had friends?? Just go out and be confident. Just put yourself out there bro, what do you mean you can't do it?

Solitary Confinement and Mental Illness in U.S. Prisons: A Challenge for Medical Ethics​

"Solitary confinement is recognized as difficult to withstand; indeed, psychological stressors such as isolation can be as clinically distressing as physical torture.1,2"

"Psychological effects can include anxiety, depression, anger, cognitive disturbances, perceptual distortions, obsessive thoughts, paranoia, and psychosis.6"

"They live with extensive surveillance and security controls, the absence of ordinary social interaction, abnormal environmental stimuli, often only three to five hours a week of recreation alone in caged enclosures, and little, if any, educational, vocational, or other purposeful activities (i.e., programs)."

:feelsstudy: How much different is this really from the life of some social outcasts?

"The stress, lack of meaningful social contact, and unstructured days can exacerbate symptoms of illness or provoke recurrence.7 Suicides occur disproportionately more often in segregation units than elsewhere in prison.810 All too frequently, mentally ill prisoners decompensate in isolation, requiring crisis care or psychiatric hospitalization. Many simply will not get better as long as they are isolated."

"International treaty bodies and human rights experts, including the Human Rights Committee,18 the Committee against Torture,19,20 and the U.N. Special Rapporteur on Torture,21 have concluded that solitary confinement may amount to cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment in violation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights22 and the Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman, and Degrading Treatment or Punishment.23"

Psychological Distress in Solitary Confinement: Symptoms, Severity, and Prevalence in the United States, 2017–2018​

Results. Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS) results showed clinically significant symptoms of depression, anxiety, or guilt among half of our research sample. Administrative data showed disproportionately high rates of serious mental illness and self-harming behavior compared with general prison populations. Interview content analysis revealed additional symptoms, including social isolation, loss of identity, and sensory hypersensitivity.

"In Washington State, interviewers administered the BPRS to a random sample of 87 incarcerated people during qualitative interviews (and also conducted 122 medical chart reviews),1,9,15 concluding that solitary confinement reveals “a concentration of some of the most important negative effects of the entire prison complex.”1(p1692)"

Sources in order

As a bonus there's also this old manuscript for anyone who's interested in reading more on the subject.
The author strongly advocated against the use of solitary confinement, he's an expert in this field and he's been cited by almost every study i've used

@soymonkcel @Selinity @your personality

@Master @SergeantIncel
Being a shivamaxxed loner, I could handle it
Can't wait for these studies to get banned because they go against what Feminists want.
I think the solitary confinement studies will stay because it's "humanitarian" since it defends dark triad thugmaxxers
After all organizations like the United Nations are backing this up somewhat
mogs me. when will gymcelled get a golden border around his avi with TOP CONTRIBUTOR written on it @SergeantIncel
"Cognitive effects of solitary confinement. In addition to having disruptions in their emotional processes, inmates’ cognitive processes tend to deteriorate while they are in isolation. Some confined inmates report memory loss, and a significant portion of isolated inmates report impaired concentration (Smith, 2006; Shalev, 2008). Many are unable to read or watch television since these activities are their few sources of entertainment. Confined inmates also report feeling extremely confused and disoriented in time and space (Haney, 2003; Shalev, 2008)."

:feelsStudy: LDAR'ing rots your brain. This is sort of cognitive/attention span decline has been talked about a lot on this forum by certain users such as @anon1822
I relate to this so much

My brain has turned to mush

I can't concentrate or focus. No matter what it is. If I'm doing homework or watching a film I'll just zone out sometimes. Even like today I was playing an intense competitive rocket league match and had moments where I would just randomly suddenly zone out and forget I'm even playing and think about something else whilst my subconsciousness takes over.

My short term memory is utter shit. My short term memory genuinely used to be fucking insane. I could look at an entire phone number with one glance and then remember the entire thing and copy it into my contacts without looking again. Now it's fucking shit. id have to look at the number and copy them in 2 numbers at a time otherwise I'll jumble them up or somethn.

Zoning out has become a big issue. I just can't help it. I do it all the time no matter how important the thing im doing is. I don't rlly pace around my room but occasionally I just for no reason walk around the house out of boredom but I think everyone does this. And I've also rarely had times where I'm sitting at my desk and the next thing I know is that I'm standing up looking out my window and I don't even conciously remember moving myself there.

Really recently I've noticed I've started muddling up words like I'm Joe Biden. Not just when talking to parents but also in my thoughts. I'll probably have dimentia by the time I turn 30 I'm not even joking.

And obviously there's hopelessness, depression, insomnia n all dat.

I was never like this before i was ostrasized.

@anon1822 can u relate to dis?

@Gymcelled what does 'withdrawal' mean? Ik what it means in drugs but what does it mean in this context?
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Can relate also.
I've posted about it before, as a youngcel I tried to thugmax but it went wrong and I did some time. That was 30 years ago.
I remember being in solitary confinement for months. Don't exactly remember if it was 4 or 5 months, but I do know that when I got out of solitary I looked at my old life as if it was a life from somebody else.
I had simply no brain left, was completely empty.

That never actually changed. Stayed an outcast of society the rest of my life and even now I live alone in a room.
I work as an independent, when the work is done I go to my room to sleep alone and the next day the same routine.

It's good that this subject get some exposure here. I'm sure there are more *cels like me.
People have no idea how mind crippling this is.
It's like wanting to scream out loud but you can't. Wanting to change your situation but you can't.
And so the years pass by, you become an old fart and when you finally die, nobody cares.
@Gymcelled what does 'withdrawal' mean? Ik what it means in drugs but what does it mean in this context?
I think they mean social withdrawal (not sure but seems likely given the context and the other symptoms listed)

"Social withdrawal is avoiding people and activities you would usually enjoy. For some people, this can progress to a point of social isolation, where you may even want to avoid contact with family and close friends and just be by yourself most of the time."

It's exactly what happened to the teen who killed himself after being falsely convicted :feelsbadman:

I can't concentrate or focus. No matter what it is. If I'm doing homework or watching a film I'll just zone out sometimes. Even like today I was playing an intense competitive rocket league match and had moments where I would just randomly suddenly zone out and forget I'm even playing and think about something else whilst my subconsciousness takes over.
Same I can't even watch movies anymore. And the rare times when I play video games I always end up day dreaming or thinking about something else. I have no focus for such copes anymore.

Zoning out has become a big issue. I just can't help it. I do it all the time no matter how important the thing im doing is. I don't rlly pace around my room but occasionally I just for no reason walk around the house out of boredom but I think everyone does this. And I've also rarely had times where I'm sitting at my desk and the next thing I know is that I'm standing up looking out my window and I don't even conciously remember moving myself there.
I've always done this. I suddenly appear in one room of my apartment and have no recollection of getting there or of even taking the decision to go there.

I think that we, as social creatures, need friends and romantic/sex partners to have a reason to live for. Everything else is just meaningless superficial nonsense, it's just distractions. Other people can enjoy those distractions because their foundational needs are met. Us? We've been relying so much on distractions, we've been trying to fill the void with those distractions so much that we can't even enjoy the distractions. Either that or the distractions aren't working because we know we have more pressing matters, our biology tells us "dude what the fuck you're in a bad situation, do something"

Can relate also.
I've posted about it before, as a youngcel I tried to thugmax but it went wrong and I did some time. That was 30 years ago.
I remember being in solitary confinement for months. Don't exactly remember if it was 4 or 5 months, but I do know that when I got out of solitary I looked at my old life as if it was a life from somebody else.
I had simply no brain left, was completely empty.

That never actually changed. Stayed an outcast of society the rest of my life and even now I live alone in a room.
I work as an independent, when the work is done I go to my room to sleep alone and the next day the same routine.

It's good that this subject get some exposure here. I'm sure there are more *cels like me.
People have no idea how mind crippling this is.
It's like wanting to scream out loud but you can't. Wanting to change your situation but you can't.
And so the years pass by, you become an old fart and when you finally die, nobody cares.
Brutal post.

It's almost like you left the cell physically but not mentally
mogs me. when will gymcelled get a golden border around his avi with TOP CONTRIBUTOR written on it @SergeantIncel
Its not the same thing

We have the internet and other copes
But no real human interaction

We can still drug ourselves with the internet, video games, anime, movies, series, learn a skill, read the news... whatever. You can't compare this with being locked in a room with absolutely nothing to do.

We can still drug ourselves with the internet, video games, anime, movies, series, learn a skill, read the news... whatever. You can't compare this with being locked in a room with absolutely nothing to do.
Some solitary confinements allow for books and tv. Still far, far less copes than us obviously. But I literally started this thread saying it's not a 1:1 comparison, rather solitary confinement offer some insights on loneliness and its effects since so many studies on loneliness focus exclusively on old boomers. Because virtually nobody cares about young people being lonely

Besides I think it could be argued that there's only so much copes can do. They're just shitty distractions meant to make us forget what we're missing. Meaningful, positive human contact mogs the shit out of any copes tbh
Sounds like many of the issues autistic ppl have, the self harm part can be inferred as going tranny. The difference for us & those in solco jail is we have more copes for stimuli.
Some solitary confinements allow for books and tv. Still far, far less copes than us obviously. But I literally started this thread saying it's not a 1:1 comparison, rather solitary confinement offer some insights on loneliness and its effects since so many studies on loneliness focus exclusively on old boomers. Because virtually nobody cares about young people being lonely

Besides I think it could be argued that there's only so much copes can do. They're just shitty distractions meant to make us forget what we're missing. Meaningful, positive human contact mogs the shit out of any copes tbh
Being in prison will fuck you up mentally even if you are not alone and have a good cellmate. It can make a grown up man cry, its not only about being alone, its about having no freedom and nothing to cope with.
Must read tbh
Same here. I used to have a great working memory too. Now I can barely talk irl due to a decade of loneliness and depression (depression/loneliness/boredom shrinks the hippocampus, so it makes sense). Like I lose the track of what I'm saying all the fucking time. Add to that I'm a teacher... in practices, and I have to memorize 73 topics to work full time. I started studying in August, and since December, I've been studying 8 hours every day. I haven't got to memorize 10 topics in all that time. When I was ok, I could have done that in a month. I can barely read nowadays :feelsbadman:

I totally relate to the guy of the story:

When I do mushrooms, it gets better for a while (neurogenesis and synaptogenesis in the hippocampus and all that stuff), but considering the environment is the same... I always relapse into retardedness over and over :feelstastyman:
What's hippocampus
The story of that 16-year old is brutal. He didn’t do anything, ended up suffering in jail and then killed himself due to trauma from prolonged loneliness.
Post is about loneliness though and not inceldom. Ive seen ugly guys make male friends.
Yes, but you can never achieve the same male-female bonding with other guys. It’ll help ease the loneliness ofc, but tfw:
no one to cuddle,
no one to text,
no one to be intimate with,
All these contribute to loneliness. It’s not the same as being by yourself all the time in solitary confinement, but it leads to the same issues seen in the studies above, albeit to a lesser degree.
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I've been tortured for over 15 years now,it got so fucked up that i can't think straight anymore and sometimes i forget what i was thinking about 2 seconds ago.
The United States is a barbaric shithole
Being in prison will fuck you up mentally even if you are not alone and have a good cellmate. It can make a grown up man cry, its not only about being alone, its about having no freedom and nothing to cope with.
The no freedom part is legit af. I've seen documentaries covering post prison life and the one thing many ex-convicts struggle with is suddenly not being ordered around 24/7. They'd say that for so many years or decades they had to leave decisions making to the prison system/COs and it fucked them up. They feel lost as fuck
I think that we, as social creatures, need friends and romantic/sex partners to have a reason to live for. Everything else is just meaningless superficial nonsense, it's just distractions. Other people can enjoy those distractions because their foundational needs are met. Us? We've been relying so much on distractions, we've been trying to fill the void with those distractions so much that we can't even enjoy the distractions. Either that or the distractions aren't working because we know we have more pressing matters, our biology tells us "dude what the fuck you're in a bad situation, do something"
Captures my situation very well. What’s annoying is these distractions/copes used to work pretty well back during my teen-years, but as my twenties progressed the desire for friendship and romance/sex have gotten even bigger, and coping has gotten harder.

I’m also less energetic and functional than I used to be, and have more anxiety and depression. Prolonged isolation breaks you down hard.
Captures my situation very well. What’s annoying is these distractions/copes used to work pretty well back during my teen-years, but as my twenties progressed the desire for friendship and romance/sex have gotten even bigger, and coping has gotten harder.

I’m also less energetic and functional than I used to be, and have more anxiety and depression. Prolonged isolation breaks you down hard.
I can't even be bothered playing video games anymore. It feels like a total chore, I lose interest after 30mins. I don't think it would be the case if i had a solid emotional foundation because of positive experiences with friends/romantic partners/sex partners

Copes are shit when you truly realize you don't have anything to live for and your life can't improve no matter what.
video games and reading is for well working mind/brain ,this cope is not for anxious and depressed mood , walking is best in time when brain is off ,sleep is another big cope if insomnia is not problem .

idk but they send ppl for months maybe 1-2 yr max in row , but some incels start LDAR from 10-13 yrs old age to 20+ it can be 1 : 1 damage for your mind.

when teen and lonely isolated have the worst depression after this to far gone to be good goy

""The United Nations considers solitary confinement exceeding 15 days to be torture.[3]""
"The use of solitary confinement increased greatly during the COVID-19 pandemic in order to avoid spread of the virus in prisons""
Add to that I'm a teacher... in practices, and I have to memorize 73 topics to work full time. I started studying in August, and since December, I've been studying 8 hours every day. I haven't got to memorize 10 topics in all that time. When I was ok, I could have done that in a month. I can barely read nowadays :feelsbadman:
Won't that get you trouble at your job? Wtf are you going to do?
I jacked off yesterday after a couple of months of NoFap and my focus improved a little bit. I don't understand anything anymore.
Might be placebo. But being too horny can be caused by nofap just as well as too much fapping imo
But I wasn't horny :feelshaha: WhenI spend long periods without fapping, I stop thinking about it.

I think it might be the drop of T after the 1 week peak.
Same. Haven't fapped in months. I'm numb at this point (mentally and emotionally, dick is fine)

The study with the 1 week test peak is largely a one off meme study iirc. In any case such temporary fluctuations shouldn't have significant effects
Sex deprivation should be recognised as a form of torture.
Nobody cares about the mental torture of men, in fact today's prevailing institutional establishment gets off on it. The entire world today seems to be content on ignoring male problems or suffering but then has the audacity to shriek in horror when individual men go off the rails and becomes violent. This will become a huge social theme going the next thirty years into the future.

Also, feminists get off on male suffering too, just look at the way they speak about men today.
Sex deprivation should be recognised as a form of torture.
Ah, but then they would argue sex is a privilege and not a right, but at the same time if you ask them why a majority of men can no longer afford that privilege they'll be silent with no answer. They always seem to have some kind of bullshit answer to everything but when you press them on it they always go silent.
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We need a purge or revolution.
Everyday I wakes up and suffer

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