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Strategy used by IncelTears to recruit "Former Incels" or Incels in Denial



Radical Faction
Apr 23, 2018
Inceltears (IT)'s main method to silence ugly males from speaking out is to completely vilify any of them who agree genetics plays even the slightest role in determining their sexual attractiveness. Even if you possess no animosity towards females or have no desire to hurt anyone, simply knowing that most females like strong jawlines makes you a terrorist rapist misogynist according to IT. If you bring up the importance of a single desirable male genetic trait (like large penis, tall height, deep set eyes, no balding, large frame, or strong jaw), in IT's eyes you are a toxic terrorist sympathizer who deserves no sympathy. Even saying you are sad about being a virgin during highschool/college will cause IT to bully and criticize you until you publicly revoke your statement.

Since ugly males are already criticized for speaking out regarding genetics in dating within all corners of society, many ugly males simply give in and join IT. They will say that they are a "former incel", despite remaining unable to have non-transactional sex with a female or being a virgin.

For ugly males to be given any degree of kindness from IT, they need to fulfill all of these requirements:
1. Openly say they are "no longer an incel" or "not an incel despite being virgin"
2. Say they are a "feminist or feminist ally"
3. Deny the importance of genetic controlled physical traits in determining male sexual attractiveness
4. Say they are "self improving and happy now"
5. Force the male to never bring up any incidents of rejection due to appearance or blame these incidents on entirely on himself not self improving enough.
Inceltears (IT)'s main method to silence ugly males from speaking out is to completely vilify any of them who agree genetics plays even the slightest role in determining their sexual attractiveness. Even if you possess no animosity towards females or have no desire to hurt anyone, simply knowing that most females like strong jawlines makes you a terrorist rapist misogynist according to IT. If you bring up the importance of a single desirable male genetic trait (like large penis, tall height, deep set eyes, no balding, large frame, or strong jaw), in IT's eyes you are a toxic terrorist sympathizer who deserves no sympathy. Even saying you are sad about being a virgin during highschool/college will cause IT to bully and criticize you until you publicly revoke your statement.

Since ugly males are already criticized for speaking out regarding genetics in dating within all corners of society, many ugly males simply give in and join IT. They will say that they are a "former incel", despite remaining unable to have non-transactional sex with a female or being a virgin.

For ugly males to be given any degree of kindness from IT, they need to fulfill all of these requirements:
1. Openly say they are "no longer an incel" or "not an incel despite being virgin"
2. Say they are a "feminist or feminist ally"
3. Deny the importance of genetic controlled physical traits in determining male sexual attractiveness
4. Say they are "self improving and happy now"
5. Force the male to never bring up any incidents of rejection due to appearance or blame these incidents on entirely on himself not self improving enough.
They need to stop coping and start marrying sex dolls like normal sub 8 males do.
I don't get why men do it at all. I understand hiding your views IRL, because being outspoken about it would cause you to suffer ostracism, being fired and blocked from employment, etc, but on the internet? In some forum where you don't even need to use your real name or anything?
I blame all of my problems on Alphadestiny
i dont bend to soyfaggots moral shaming no one else should
damn that's fucked up
JFL @ the incels in denial who live in that place.
Typical virgin incel in denial from inceltears talk about how bad incels are and girls still h
I don't think anyone actually "switches sides" unless they're bribed or blackmailed into doing so. All the self-proclaimed "former" incels were IT cucks all along. It's the oldest and lamest trick in the book, pretending to be a former member of the Hated Enemy to demonize the Hated Enemy.
JFL @ the incels in denial who live in that place.View attachment 176900
Wow, the denial, the retardation, omg, I just lost some braincells trying to process what was written here. Wow the soy must really that powerful if it causes men to live and think in such a manner.
I don't get why men do it at all. I understand hiding your views IRL, because being outspoken about it would cause you to suffer ostracism, being fired and blocked from employment, etc, but on the internet? In some forum where you don't even need to use your real name or anything?
They are desperate for validation, social interaction, a sense of "belonging", or maybe they just want to know what it feels like to look down on others the way that sex havers normally look down on them, even if it means being completely delusional.
How could anyone who's been balckpilled possibly do #3 on the list? Seems literally impossible. You could lie about it I guess, if you wanna become and IT guy, which god knows why but I guess some do.
We happen to be right. That's all that matters.
These inkwels they recruit will end up 10x more radical than anyone on here because theyre going to wake up one day realizing they got lied to 10,000 times more by bullshitters
I don't get how those converts are always going from one extreme to the other. Same with ex-muslims who become full on western degenerates or ex-nazis who become fag loving antifascists. Why can't you just say "my opinion was a bit too extreme, but I still believe the key elements to be true"
All of this looks fucking fake, low IQ or both.
most of their users are incels tbh
They are desperate for validation, social interaction, a sense of "belonging", or maybe they just want to know what it feels like to look down on others the way that sex havers normally look down on them, even if it means being completely delusional.
I don't get how those converts are always going from one extreme to the other. Same with ex-muslims who become full on western degenerates or ex-nazis who become fag loving antifascists. Why can't you just say "my opinion was a bit too extreme, but I still believe the key elements to be true"
All of this looks fucking fake, low IQ or both.
Not an incel trait per se, but changing identities radically like a slut switches different Chads around is definitely a broken home trait.
Not an incel trait per se, but changing identities radically like a slut switches different Chads around is definitely a broken home trait.
True, can't argue against that. I've seen that occuring to edgy online dudes aswell
These incels in denial need to know denying ur an incel doesn't mean u join the cool sexhavers gang, and patronising validation from strangers(IT) won't change ur reality.
They are desperate for validation, social interaction, a sense of "belonging", or maybe they just want to know what it feels like to look down on others the way that sex havers normally look down on them, even if it means being completely delusional.
Sex havers are delusional tho looking down on someone just because he couldn't do one of the simplest thing there is just because he is not attractive is stupid
Inceltears (IT)'s main method to silence ugly males from speaking out is to completely vilify any of them who agree genetics plays even the slightest role in determining their sexual attractiveness. Even if you possess no animosity towards females or have no desire to hurt anyone, simply knowing that most females like strong jawlines makes you a terrorist rapist misogynist according to IT. If you bring up the importance of a single desirable male genetic trait (like large penis, tall height, deep set eyes, no balding, large frame, or strong jaw), in IT's eyes you are a toxic terrorist sympathizer who deserves no sympathy. Even saying you are sad about being a virgin during highschool/college will cause IT to bully and criticize you until you publicly revoke your statement.

Since ugly males are already criticized for speaking out regarding genetics in dating within all corners of society, many ugly males simply give in and join IT. They will say that they are a "former incel", despite remaining unable to have non-transactional sex with a female or being a virgin.

For ugly males to be given any degree of kindness from IT, they need to fulfill all of these requirements:
1. Openly say they are "no longer an incel" or "not an incel despite being virgin"
2. Say they are a "feminist or feminist ally"
3. Deny the importance of genetic controlled physical traits in determining male sexual attractiveness
4. Say they are "self improving and happy now"
5. Force the male to never bring up any incidents of rejection due to appearance or blame these incidents on entirely on himself not self improving enough.

Based analysis.
True, can't argue against that. I've seen that occuring to edgy online dudes aswell
A lot of the Alt Right were Lefties before.. Lauren Southern was a whore who cosplayed and got blacked. Le Tradwhore lol. That imagun muh shoahk jewish gaylord was a fucking Leftie before as well no doubt.
This doesn't sound like a strategy on the part of IncelTears, this sounds more like "Ways For IncelsWithoutHate to Earn the Respect of IncelTears." This isn't a description of how IncelTears "turns" anyone. It's a description of how much an incel has to turn on his own before IncelTears cares about him.
The blackpill is SMACKED into my face, FORCED down my throat over and over again in real life.

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