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Discussion only incels in denial believe in hypergamy



Feb 15, 2024
Incels in denial started blaming hypergamy because they didn't want to acknowledge they're ugly. "I'm not ugly, woman's standards have just increased too much!!". Fact of the matter is, if you go outside, most woman you see are in relationships with average height and average looks man. In fact, relationships in which the woman is equal in looks and social status with the man, are more successful. source: https://www.technologynetworks.com/...between-people-of-similar-desirability-362903

Most man in relationships are normies, chad only makes a small percentage of the population. Is there any definitive proof that woman's standards have actually increased to a significant degree from 50 years ago?
"Of course there is! Male virginity has risen!"
Reminder that correlation doesn't mean causation. I believe male virginity has risen because a lot of normies spend their day playing videogames or doom scrolling. In the past, man didn't have these distractions, they either had the choice of getting out of their comfort zone or stare at a wall all day. We literally see many cases of normies ascending in this forum as soon as they try. Take @KingChemist for example. He's a 6 ft+ tall fag and as soon as he tried speaking to a woman he ascended. Only reason he was incel is because he was a retard who never tried.

I agree, I'm really fucking ugly, my lookmatch in my age group doesn't even exist
What if normies go out of their way to avoid you
idk your situation so I can't say. If you have tried speaking to them and they try to end the conversation as quickly as possible then yes I would say you're sub 5
It's the height pill, all tall'cels' are fakecels. I have a list of them if you want.
I used to not believe in the height pill but I see too many ugly tall fags ascending as soon as they try a little. What's the list?
i have 9cm erect penis this shit killed everything for me,even tho im 5.11
What if they completely ignore me?
then you're probably average looking. Very rarely will you see someone who's lonely get approached out of nowhere. Only Chad gets approached.
That's the good old NT-pill. As an aspie, I can't start conversations out of nothing with strangers like normies whom it's completely natural. I can't maintain conversations interesting enough to warm up a foid. Don't forget that many normies are in fake relationships with fake love. They wouldn't have their relationships if they didn't have a career or potential to pay for stupid shit.
it's a bit of both, but it depends on the standards of foids and your looks level
Just go outside theory???

if hypergamy is not real then why women are more likely to leave a guy for a better one in terms of looks and money
if hypergamy is not real then why women are more likely to leave a guy for a better one in terms of looks and money
That's not hypergamy that's because men are easy (even chad), men would act the same if we were the desired gender
Just go outside theory???
not what I'm saying. I'm saying that ugly man blame hypergamy for their inceldom because they don't want to accept they're ugly. I then site a study that has showed that people of equal desirability have more successful relationships, further proving my point that normies get bitches all the time. If hypergamy was significant (I'm not saying it outright doesn't exist) then most man would be incel, which isn't the case.
Dating app statistics mean Jack shit. Heres why:
1) the man who are in dating apps are only on dating apps because they're undesirable, so of course they will get rated low by woman.
2) the woman who are on dating apps are only in dating apps because they're whores with ridiculous standards, so of course they will rate the unattractive man even lower
theres certain truth to this but this doesnt mean hypergamy doesnt exist. Foids ego is inflated, and they make profit out of simps and so on and so on
other than that i tend to agree, beta uprising is not hapenning because betas are kept on tight leash by their foid mistresses, and 99% of normies around me DO have gfs whether I like it or not
womens hypergamy depends on how many men they have access to. Now its basically unlimited amounts of men and transportion is easy and cheap so that makes it worse.
theres certain truth to this but this doesnt mean hypergamy doesnt exist.
yeah i kinda tend to exaggerate my posts, it would had been more accurate to say that hypergamy isn't significant enough to cause your inceldom
and 99% of normies around me DO have gfs whether I like it or not
womens hypergamy depends on how many men they have access to. Now its basically unlimited amounts of men and transportion is easy and cheap so that makes it worse.
the man they have access to are normies, so they end up with normies. Tall fag, millionaire pretty boy isn't gonna touch a Becky. High tier man fuck high tier woman.
the man they have access to are normies, so they end up with normies. Tall fag, millionaire pretty boy isn't gonna touch a Becky. High tier man fuck high tier woman.
most football players are with mid tier beckys. They think they will be more loyal and not cheat on them with another successful guy
They think they will be more loyal and not cheat on them with another successful guy
I agree but it also has to do with the emotional connection, these woman were with them before they became successful. You're gonna love and trust a woman way more that was with you since the beginning rather than some gold digging whore who only wants you for your money.
We are just genetic dead end. No society isn't going to collapse, just us.
I can't help but laugh when I read the "society gonna collapse because of hypergamy!" bs :feelskek: :feelskek: we're the bottom 10%, I wouldn't even say that 20% of man are incels.
I think female standards were always the same.
Deep inside, they always craved Chad.
Even pre-1950´s .
But Thanks to social media and the sexual liberation, things got much worse.
It´s mostly the MGTOW guys talking about hypergamy.
Incels in denial started blaming hypergamy because they didn't want to acknowledge they're ugly. "I'm not ugly, woman's standards have just increased too much!!". Fact of the matter is, if you go outside, most woman you see are in relationships with average height and average looks man. In fact, relationships in which the woman is equal in looks and social status with the man, are more successful. source: https://www.technologynetworks.com/...between-people-of-similar-desirability-362903

Most man in relationships are normies, chad only makes a small percentage of the population. Is there any definitive proof that woman's standards have actually increased to a significant degree from 50 years ago?
"Of course there is! Male virginity has risen!"
Reminder that correlation doesn't mean causation. I believe male virginity has risen because a lot of normies spend their day playing videogames or doom scrolling. In the past, man didn't have these distractions, they either had the choice of getting out of their comfort zone or stare at a wall all day. We literally see many cases of normies ascending in this forum as soon as they try. Take @KingChemist for example. He's a 6 ft+ tall fag and as soon as he tried speaking to a woman he ascended. Only reason he was incel is because he was a retard who never tried.

i been called ugly and treated like one
womens hypergamy depends on how many men they have access to. Now its basically unlimited amounts of men and transportion is easy and cheap so that makes it worse.

whos the sexy bitch in the ure dp/sig?? i remember the movie but forgot its name??
i would coom soo much in her:ahegao::ahegao::ahegao:
There's still tiny discrepancies in the attractiveness of normies too
If hypergamy didnt exist then women wouldnt constantly look for new potential mates if they are together with Chads
Tallfag list:

1. Todd Thundercock
2. Failednormie_
3. Stupid clown
4. Sneir
5. Electus
6. Qwertyuiop99
7. 3mori
8. Eternalstorm
9. tehgymcel420
10. Copexodius Maximus
11. I want virgin girl
12. Zhou Chang-Xing
13. Chuddington
14. Saigon Depression
15. outcastgymcel23
16. IncelGolem
17. Gott _mit _uns94
18. IdontKnow45
19. wasted12years
Whats their height ? I only know Sneirs height and Todd Thundercock
Incels in denial started blaming hypergamy because they didn't want to acknowledge they're ugly. "I'm not ugly, woman's standards have just increased too much!!". Fact of the matter is, if you go outside, most woman you see are in relationships with average height and average looks man. In fact, relationships in which the woman is equal in looks and social status with the man, are more successful. source: https://www.technologynetworks.com/...between-people-of-similar-desirability-362903
Marriages where the woman is virgin are also more successful. Does that meant most women stay virgin until marriage ?
Most man in relationships are normies, chad only makes a small percentage of the population. Is there any definitive proof that woman's standards have actually increased to a significant degree from 50 years ago?
Is there any definitive proof that water's wet ?
Give me double blind, peer-reviewed, 3x replicated study from a top tier university proving that water's wet, right now. Otherwise it didn't happen.

"Of course there is! Male virginity has risen!"
Reminder that correlation doesn't mean causation. I believe male virginity has risen because a lot of normies spend their day playing videogames or doom scrolling.
And I believe that a lot of normies spend their day playing videogames or doom scrolling because they can't have sex.

In the past, man didn't have these distractions, they either had the choice of getting out of their comfort zone or stare at a wall all day.
In the past enforced monogamy was a thing and people were getting married at 17, which is something you'd find shocking because muh minors.

We literally see many cases of normies ascending in this forum as soon as they try. Take @
@KingChemist for example.
"Normies can ascend THEREFORE hypergamy doesnt exist"

He's a 6 ft+ tall fag and as soon as he tried speaking to a woman he ascended. Only reason he was incel is because he was a retard who never tried.
"6 ft tall guy ascend by talking to women THEREFORE hypergamy doesnt exist"

Exactly where did you disprove hypergamy in this post btw ? All I see is incel shaming, bluepill BS and "normies can ascend" truisms.
If hypergamy didnt exist then women wouldnt constantly look for new potential mates if they are together with Chads
looking for new mates =/ looking for new mates that are better looking and higher status. I dont believe woman constantly look for new mates in the first place. It doesn't benefit woman to constantly hook up with other man, they benefit more from being monogamous. This influx of hook ups was caused by a shift towards culture. We have placed more emphasis on short term pleasure (hedonism) rather than building a long stable life. People are more concerned with chasing the high nowadays.

But me not believing in hypergamy has largely to do with my own personal experience. Most couples I see are looksmatched or the woman is better looking. Very rarely do I see a Chad with a Becky.
Tallfag list:

1. Todd Thundercock
2. Failednormie_
3. Stupid clown
4. Sneir
5. Electus
6. Qwertyuiop99
7. 3mori
8. Eternalstorm
9. tehgymcel420
10. Copexodius Maximus
11. I want virgin girl
12. Zhou Chang-Xing
13. Chuddington
14. Saigon Depression
15. outcastgymcel23
16. IncelGolem
17. Gott _mit _uns94
18. IdontKnow45
19. wasted12years
Don't talk shit about my nigga qwerty
Marriages where the woman is virgin are also more successful. Does that meant most women stay virgin until marriage ?
where tf is the correlation with what I said :feelskek::feelskek: most woman have been in relationships with normie man (as have shown by statistics shown below) and they have probably noticed that there relationships with man on their level is more successful.
Is there any definitive proof that water's wet ?
Give me double blind, peer-reviewed, 3x replicated study from a top tier university proving that water's wet, right now. Otherwise it didn't happen.
cope response because there's no proof of hypergamy. If hypergamy was real then most man would be virgins (which isn't the case, only 13% of man between the ages of 20-24 are virgins. source:https://gitnux.org/virginity-statistics/) and most man would had never been in a relationship (also not the case. https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2020/08/20/a-profile-of-single-americans/).
And I believe that a lot of normies spend their day playing videogames or doom scrolling because they can't have sex.
prove it or logically support it.
In the past enforced monogamy was a thing and people were getting married at 17, which is something you'd find shocking because muh minors.
enforced monogamy was never a thing, boomers were fucking like animals in the 60s as well. Search average body count per generation. People were also not getting married at 17, search distributions of age at first marriage.
"Normies can ascend THEREFORE hypergamy doesnt exist"
most normies ascend therefore, proving hypergamy doesn't exist. If hypergamy was real then only 10% to 20% of man would be in relationships or be non virgins.
"6 ft tall guy ascend by talking to women THEREFORE hypergamy doesnt exist"
not what I said and you missed the point. I didn't mention him to show hypergamy didn't exist, I used him as an example as to why some some normies are 'incel'. My point was that he claimed to be incel but as soon as he tried he ascended. Im basically saying that if a lot of these normie 'incels' tried they would also ascend. All the truecels here agree that most people in this forum are fakecel faggots.
Exactly where did you disprove hypergamy in this post btw ? All I see is incel shaming, bluepill BS and "normies can ascend" truisms.
by showing most man aren't virgins and that most man have been in a relationship. Where did I shame incels or say anything bluepilled? fuck off my thread and come back with statistics that show most man are virgins or have never been in relationships (they dont exist as they're pure cope).
where tf is the correlation with what I said :feelskek::feelskek: most woman have been in relationships with normie man (as have shown by statistics shown below) and they have probably noticed that there relationships with man on their level is more successful.

cope response because there's no proof of hypergamy. If hypergamy was real then most man would be virgins (which isn't the case, only 13% of man between the ages of 20-24 are virgins. source:https://gitnux.org/virginity-statistics/) and most man would had never been in a relationship (also not the case. https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2020/08/20/a-profile-of-single-americans/).

prove it or logically support it.

enforced monogamy was never a thing, boomers were fucking like animals in the 60s as well. Search average body count per generation. People were also not getting married at 17, search distributions of age at first marriage.

most normies ascend therefore, proving hypergamy doesn't exist. If hypergamy was real then only 10% to 20% of man would be in relationships or be non virgins.

not what I said and you missed the point. I didn't mention him to show hypergamy didn't exist, I used him as an example as to why some some normies are 'incel'. My point was that he claimed to be incel but as soon as he tried he ascended. Im basically saying that if a lot of these normie 'incels' tried they would also ascend. All the truecels here agree that most people in this forum are fakecel faggots.

by showing most man aren't virgins and that most man have been in a relationship. Where did I shame incels or say anything bluepilled? fuck off my thread and come back with statistics that show most man are virgins or have never been in relationships (they dont exist as they're pure cope).








But why bother ?

Dating app statistics that proves me wrong mean Jack shit
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But why bother ?
almost all of it is dating app statistics which I explained why they aren't valid but you couldn't come up with an argument for it :feelskek: :feelskek: Also the other statistics I posted show why dating app statistics mean Jack shit, as they show most man aren't virgins and that most man have been in a relationship.
I will read it later, I am in too much shit rn
Hypergamy has always existed.

What didn't exist was institutionalized state-enforced cuckoldry where every man is forced to pay and subsidize for foids and their bastard kids.

In the recent past, foids would marry one guy in order to access HIS RESOURCES and live comfortably in HIS HOUSE.

Today any foid gets pushed through college, put in a make-believe "girl job", offered free everything from healthcare and food to rent, utilities, transport etc. and given even more money (from welfare and/or child-support) when they get pregnant, the kid gets sent to free daycares, school, etc.

Foids have no use for a non-Chad male unless the foid has a fetish of personally humiliating her cuck husband and then ruin his life with spurious allegations and take his house in the divorce.
Reminder that correlation doesn't mean causation.
It is true that correlation doesn't mean causation. In your debate with Cybersex is out hope, you used that proposition to refute his logic. But what I wonder is whether correlation can be completely ignored.
I believe male virginity has risen because a lot of normies spend their day playing videogames or doom scrolling.
You said this in the very next sentence. Following your logic, where is the causation that supports this? Isn’t this also a correlation? Of course, if we only insist on causation in this way, there is no way for discussion to proceed in the forum. Or maybe only very limited discussion will be possible. So I can't refute your argument, but that's why I believe hypergamy is significant, just as you believe this.
Hypergamy has always existed.

What didn't exist was institutionalized state-enforced cuckoldry where every man is forced to pay and subsidize for foids and their bastard kids.

In the recent past, foids would marry one guy in order to access HIS RESOURCES and live comfortably in HIS HOUSE.

Today any foid gets pushed through college, put in a make-believe "girl job", offered free everything from healthcare and food to rent, utilities, transport etc. and given even more money (from welfare and/or child-support) when they get pregnant, the kid gets sent to free daycares, school, etc.

Foids have no use for a non-Chad male unless the foid has a fetish of personally humiliating her cuck husband and then ruin his life with spurious allegations and take his house in the divorce.
child support is good idk wtf you're talking about. You're talking like every man that left a woman pregnant wants to marry her, more often than not they dont. Most man would rather pay child support rather than marry a woman and raise a child. My father paid child support and its barely anything. All the things you listed afterwards are free to everyone in Europe. I grew up in poverty, child support and welfare don't give much.
child support is good idk wtf you're talking about. You're talking like every man that left a woman pregnant wants to marry her, more often than not they dont. Most man would rather pay child support rather than marry a woman and raise a child. My father paid child support and its barely anything. All the things you listed afterwards are free to everyone in Europe. I grew up in poverty, child support and welfare don't give much.
If it weren't for child support, birth control, daycare, and welfare, your mother would've likely searched longer for a good husband to commit to before she would spread her legs, and her child would've likely been raised in a two-parent household, which is less likely to be poor.

Your shitty life is a direct consequence of policies you defend.

Moreover, don't try to explain to me why would it be moral for a man to be forced, at gunpoint, to subsidize foids that don't fuck him, and children that aren't even his.
If it weren't for child support, birth control, daycare, and welfare, your mother would've likely searched longer for a good husband to commit to before she would spread her legs, and her child would've likely been raised in a two-parent household, which is less likely to be poor.
no she wouldn't :feelsseriously: single mothers have been a thing before birth control and like I said, the child support is very little. My father paid 300€ in child support and he's a doctor. You're trying to tell someone who has experience with this stuff that he's wrong to try and prove your shitty beliefs that aren't based on any evidence.
Your shitty life is a direct consequence of policies you defend.

Moreover, don't try to explain to me why would it be moral for a man to be forced, at gunpoint, to subsidize foids that don't fuck him, and children that aren't even his.
I would knock you out the fuck out if you said this to me IRL just so you know :feelsokman: How about you don't try to explain to me how a system works that you have no experience with? You have no idea about welfare, child support or single mothers. All your knowledge comes from whatever shitty vids you saw online. A man should pay for child support, as he contributed to the life of a child and needs to claim responsibility. Why are you putting all the responsibility on the mother like the man didn't do anything?
You're on to something for sure. There's a lot of truth but also a lot of hyperbole around the blackpill. Normalfags are struggling to pair up for various reasons, but if they do the right things it's not so bad for them. For men who are actually unattractive on the other hand, the blackpill absolutely applies.

no she wouldn't :feelsseriously: single mothers have been a thing before birth control and like I said, the child support is very little. My father paid 300€ in child support and he's a doctor. You're trying to tell someone who has experience with this stuff that he's wrong to try and prove your shitty beliefs that aren't based on any evidence.

I would knock you out the fuck out if you said this to me IRL just so you know :feelsokman: How about you don't try to explain to me how a system works that you have no experience with? You have no idea about welfare, child support or single mothers. All your knowledge comes from whatever shitty vids you saw online. A man should pay for child support, as he contributed to the life of a child and needs to claim responsibility. Why are you putting all the responsibility on the mother like the man didn't do anything?
I think he's talking more about paying taxes for welfare that goes to single mothers, and men who were cucked and raising another man's child before being divorced. Of course biological fathers should pay child support if it's their own child.
I think he's talking more about paying taxes for welfare that goes to single mothers, and men who were cucked and raising another man's child before being divorced. Of course biological fathers should pay child support if it's their own child.
nah, he said "your shitty life is a direct consequence of policies you defend". He seems to believe that if man didn't pay child support, then woman wouldn't sleep around and instead search for a good husband. He seems to think that if you're on welfare and child support then you won the lottery lmao. He doesn't understand that unless the man is extremely rich, then he won't pay much in child support and that the only way to get on welfare is if you're extremely poor.
Incels in denial started blaming hypergamy because they didn't want to acknowledge they're ugly. "I'm not ugly, woman's standards have just increased too much!!". Fact of the matter is, if you go outside, most woman you see are in relationships with average height and average looks man. In fact, relationships in which the woman is equal in looks and social status with the man, are more successful. source: https://www.technologynetworks.com/...between-people-of-similar-desirability-362903

Most man in relationships are normies, chad only makes a small percentage of the population. Is there any definitive proof that woman's standards have actually increased to a significant degree from 50 years ago?
"Of course there is! Male virginity has risen!"
Reminder that correlation doesn't mean causation. I believe male virginity has risen because a lot of normies spend their day playing videogames or doom scrolling. In the past, man didn't have these distractions, they either had the choice of getting out of their comfort zone or stare at a wall all day. We literally see many cases of normies ascending in this forum as soon as they try. Take @KingChemist for example. He's a 6 ft+ tall fag and as soon as he tried speaking to a woman he ascended. Only reason he was incel is because he was a retard who never tried.

Facts. @Logic55 @AsiaCel are wrong they’d still be celibate/low status in the old times

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