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Discussion At my college, I see ethnics who mogg whitecels



Blackpill Philosopher
May 10, 2023
When im on campus, it's common to see good-looking ethnics with gfs. Meanwhile, I rarely see ugly white guys with gfs. In my area, being white doesn't help you ascend unless you are a Chad. I see Hispanic guys with gfs of all races, I also see decent looking asian males with gfs, their gfs are usually asian or brown. I even see curry males with gfs, their gfs are usually Asian too. JFL at those who say that ethnics are incels by default.
Stats of those ethnics with gfs?
People on blackpill often forget that being Chad is not a matter of race, you are ethnic and you are a Chad ? Well you have won as much as the white chads.

Being a sub5 is bad and being an ethnic sub5 is more than over, but women do not care about race when they see a chads, it's wet pussy city anyway
People on blackpill often forget that being Chad is not a matter of race, you are ethnic and you are a Chad ? Well you have won as much as the white chads.

Being a sub5 is bad and being an ethnic sub5 is more than over, but women do not care about race when they see a chads, it's wet pussy city anyway
I guess you found one of the few places where all the good looking ethnic males congregate
It's called money u mongrel and none of us here have much
People on blackpill often forget that being Chad is not a matter of race, you are ethnic and you are a Chad ? Well you have won as much as the white chads.

Being a sub5 is bad and being an ethnic sub5 is more than over, but women do not care about race when they see a chads, it's wet pussy city anyway
The problem is that you have Retards on here who firmly believe that ethnic chads dont exist
When im on campus, it's common to see good-looking ethnics with gfs. Meanwhile, I rarely see ugly white guys with gfs. In my area, being white doesn't help you ascend unless you are a Chad. I see Hispanic guys with gfs of all races, I also see decent looking asian males with gfs, their gfs are usually asian or brown. I even see curry males with gfs, their gfs are usually Asian too. JFL at those who say that ethnics are incels by default.
Proving that its impossible for even the best looking “chang” to betabuxx a white girl. Nice try illogical beaner 55.
The problem is that you have Retards on here who firmly believe that ethnic chads dont exist
They exist in every race except the yellow inbreeding cult. Yes even abos and curries.
Proving that its impossible for even the best looking “chang” to betabuxx a white girl. Nice try illogical beaner 55.
How am I being illogical? I'm just stating my observations. I go outside way more than you. Your opinion on this topic is irrelevant because you live under a rock and you don't know jack shit about the real world. Zip your mouth
How am I being illogical? I'm just stating my observations. I go outside way more than you. Your opinion on this topic is irrelevant because you live under a rock and you don't know jack shit about the real world. Zip your mouth
I go outside every day, never once have I seen a yellow with a non yellow girlfriend. And this is in “liberal” northern cali with a high asian population.
And even you said you don’t see asian guys even “gl” ones with non chink foids
So you saying race doesn’t matter if you’re gl is retarded. And even then how gl you are is mostly dependent on phenotype which is race.
jbw is cope
Based & blackpilled.
When im on campus, it's common to see good-looking ethnics with gfs. Meanwhile, I rarely see ugly white guys with gfs. In my area, being white doesn't help you ascend unless you are a Chad. I see Hispanic guys with gfs of all races, I also see decent looking asian males with gfs, their gfs are usually asian or brown. I even see curry males with gfs, their gfs are usually Asian too. JFL at those who say that ethnics are incels by default.
I see the same also: I live in a very diverse area, and the amount of mixed-couples -consisting of a White male with an ethnic foid, or a Black or Hispanic male with a White foid- is insane. I would say in terms of proportion, they are in equal amounts; but I'll be fair & say most of the non-Whites(except Blacks) are with lower-tier white foids. Not necessarily landwhale tier, but still.
The problem is that you have Retards on here who firmly believe that ethnic chads dont exist
I see tons of Chadriguezs & Tyrones daily, it's ridiculous.

But ofc, White chad is more common.
So you saying race doesn’t matter if you’re gl is retarded. And even then how gl you are is mostly dependent on phenotype which is race.
If you are good looking, you will pull foids, it's doesn't matter if you are black, brown, or white. Although good-looking white males have highest smv, it doesn't change the fact that gl or decent looking ethnic males have sexual and romantic relationships with foids which is very common in my country, the USA
If you are good looking, you will pull foids, it's doesn't matter if you are black, brown, or white. Although good-looking white males have highest smv, it doesn't change the fact that gl or decent looking ethnic males have sexual and romantic relationships with foids which is very common in my country, the USA
So the top 10% chink gets to betabuxx a used up asian foid while a White Mtn can hook up freely and slip between relationships with any race of women.
Proves my point
So you saying race doesn’t matter if you’re gl is retarded. And even then how gl you are is mostly dependent on phenotype which is race.
If you are good looking, you will pull foids, it's doesn't matter if you are black, brown, or white. Although good-looking white males have highest smv, it doesn't change the fact that gl or decent looking ethnic males have sexual and romantic relationships wihr foifs
So the top 10% chink gets to betabuxx a used up asian foid while a White Mtn can hook up freely and slip between relationships with any race of women.
Not in the west.
People on blackpill often forget that being Chad is not a matter of race, you are ethnic and you are a Chad ? Well you have won as much as the white chads.

Being a sub5 is bad and being an ethnic sub5 is more than over, but women do not care about race when they see a chads, it's wet pussy city anyway
I've seen some Chadfishing Tinder pics where white Chad gets 50% more likes than Tyrone.

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