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Blackpill [Study] Incels not linked to violence, rape



Ticking timebomb
Jun 26, 2020
This study/analysis counters the belief that us incels are violent rapists. So what's in it? Give us the gist
Contrary to common beliefs, empirical evidence
suggests that incels are not particularly prone to violence. Incels’ propensity for
violence appears relatively low compared to that of the general population.

Aren't incels a violent terrorist organization?
The author draws allusions to incel ideology and violent extremism. The empirical
evidence for such a link is less clear. Firstly, we must put the extent of incel violence
into context and compare it to other terrorist groups, as it has been suggested that
incels should be categorized as a terrorist threat (Hoffman et al., 2020). Reports now
number incel membership in the United States from around 40,000 (Beauchamp,
2019) to hundreds of thousands (Kutchinsky, 2019), and at the time of writing there
are ~20,000 active users of the main forum Incels.is. It is estimated that incels have
killed ~59 people worldwide (Hoffman et al., 2020). In contrast, the similarly sized
(~15,000 members) Islamist terrorist group Boko Haram, has killed an estimated
350,000 people since 2002 (Amnesty International, 2015; Reuters, 2023).
No, we're not dissimilar to the normal population in terms of the quantity of violence comitted.

But incels are radicalized to share violent idealization, right?
The incel study with the current largest sample size (n = 274) found that incel ideology was only
weakly correlated with radicalization. Most incels in the study (n = 219, 80%) actu-
ally completely rejected violence (Moskalenko et al., 2022). Another report from the
International Centre for Counterterrorism used LIWC (Linguistic Inquiry and Word
Count) software (Pennebaker, 2001) to analyze language in incel, MGTOW (Men
Going Their Own Way), pick up artist, and right–wing forums. Just 1.39% of incel
posts could be categorized as legitimizing violence, the second lowest of the four
groups (Perlinger et al., 2023).

Well what about Elliot Rodger? Don't we incels worship that guy's actions?
Moskalenko et al. (2022) asked incels
(scored on a fivepoint scale, with 1 = “not at all”, and 5 = “very much”) about attitudes
relevant to Incel violence. The average incel score for the specific item “I admire
Elliot Rodger for his Santa Barbara attack,” was (M = 1.83; SD = 1.25).

So what's all this talk about killing?
We concur with Lindner that the evidence suggests that extreme inceldom looks more like sui-
cidality than violence toward others. The two strongest correlates of male suicidal
ideation are, failure in heterosexual mating and burdensomeness to kin (de Catan-
zaro, 1995). Both factors are extremely salient for incels, many of whom report to be
NEET (not in education, employment, or training) and still living with their parents
into adulthood (Costello et al., 2022). The key point is that there does not seem to
be compelling evidence, despite a small number of highly florid cases that received
tremendous news attention, that incels are particularly prone to violence.
It seems that the only killing incels do is to themselves. Sad!

Are incels committing the vast amount of rape? Or is it just the average psycho doing it?
Even in the high-profile cases of incel violence, however, there has been a conspicu-
ous absence of sexual violence. This is in line with the lack of support in the lit-
erature for the mate deprivation hypothesis of rape. Most men who commit acts of
sexual violence are not men considered to be low in mate value, but rather men who
are higher in status and power, already sexually successful, and can get away with
a sexually coercive strategy with fewer negative repercussions (Buss, 2021). High
profile examples include Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby, and Jeffrey Epstein.
People already high in status and sexually successful are committing the rapes. Muh personality!

If incels could, they would rape, right?
A common measure used to ascertain men’s propensity for sexual violence is to ask about
their willingness to rape if you could get away with it. Contrary to the mate depri-
vation hypothesis of sexual violence, incels score significantly lower than the gen-
eral population in this measure. Speckhard et al. (2021) found that 13.6% of incels
reported some willingness to rape if they could get away with it. Conversely, ~35%,
~20–25%, ~19% and ~30% of men in the general population, respectively, reported
some willingness to rape if they could get away with it (Malamuth, 1981; Palmer et
al., 2021; Hahnel-Peeters et al., 2022; Young & Thiessen, 1992). In sum, even when
it comes to sexual violence specifically, incels do not appear to be more likely, and in
fact may be less likely, to commit it.
Incels are less likely to commit rape. I attribute this to our senses of empathy and morality.

Why aren't incels more violent and rapey?
Fleischman (2020) suggests that modern men may have their status striving mech-
anisms hijacked and undermined by online virtual worlds, such as video games and
pornography. Pornography may provide counterfeit fitness cues to men that their sex-
ual needs are being met, with lower costs compared to the anxiety inducing real-life
competitive mating market. Environmental cues suggesting that risky strategies are
unnecessary for reproductive success weaken the motivation behind these impulses.
This could be one explanation for the observed decrease in sexual assault rates asso-
ciated with the increasing prevalence of pornography (Kutchinsky, 1973, 1991; Dia-
mond, 1999; Diamond et al., 2011).
We offer one speculative hypothesis as to why there does not appear to be a cor-
responding spike in violence, both sexual and non-sexual, alongside increasing rates
of sexlessness. We propose what has been referred to in popular media as the Male
Sedation Hypothesis—that online worlds have a pacifying effect, perhaps by taking
the motivational edge off of engaging in real-life mate competition, on the potential-
ity for violence among sexless young men (Williamson, 2022).
Coping is what's keeping us soft and sterile. Our sex happens in video games.

In conclusion, incels are not violent and less likely to rape than the general population. The blame has been put on the wrong people.

Full link:
This post was inspired by an interview featuring incel sympathizer William Costello:
Am I right to suspect here that the reason these allegations are here is because people try to rationalize hating ugly people, and be the comforting teddy bears for hot people so they can get a status boost?

I don’t really believe in good and evil I think humans are just selfish, and make up fake reasoning perspectives to rationalize their tribal desires.
The authors of this study will be cancelled once twitter finds out about this
Are incels committing the vast amount of rape? Or is it just the average psycho doing it?
Also most rape/sexual assault or really any sexual crime is mostly committed by the victims family/friends not by some random inkie
of course we're not, it's just something cucks made up

it's normies doing all that
IT will never touch this

And any lurking normscum too
The two strongest correlates of male suicidal
ideation are, failure in heterosexual mating
Most men who commit acts of
sexual violence are not men considered to be low in mate value, but rather men who
are higher in status and power

Brutal blackpills :blackpill:

Fleischman (2020) suggests that modern men may have their status striving mech-
anisms hijacked and undermined by online virtual worlds, such as video games and
pornography. Pornography may provide counterfeit fitness cues to men that their sex-
ual needs are being met, with lower costs compared to the anxiety inducing real-life
competitive mating market. Environmental cues suggesting that risky strategies are
unnecessary for reproductive success weaken the motivation behind these impulses.
This could be one explanation for the observed decrease in sexual assault rates asso-
ciated with the increasing prevalence of pornography (Kutchinsky, 1973, 1991; Dia-
mond, 1999; Diamond et al., 2011).
We offer one speculative hypothesis as to why there does not appear to be a cor-
responding spike in violence, both sexual and non-sexual, alongside increasing rates
of sexlessness. We propose what has been referred to in popular media as the Male
Sedation Hypothesis—that online worlds have a pacifying effect, perhaps by taking
the motivational edge off of engaging in real-life mate competition, on the potential-
ity for violence among sexless young men (Williamson, 2022).

We need to ban video games and porn to make the incel revolution happen @AsiaCel
It's true we are less violent than the average population. But experiences have shown over and over normies doesnt care about the fact. It's better for us to be portrayed as potential serial killers, because force is the only language normies understand and the more forceful we are portrayed as, like being hell bent on enslaving foids, the better.
It's true we are less violent than the average population. But experiences have shown over and over normies doesnt care about the fact. It's better for us to be portrayed as potential serial killers, because force is the only language normies understand and the more forceful we are portrayed as, like being hell bent on enslaving foids, the better.
The problem is many incels are autistic. Once the situation escalates enough that low inhib normies are affected then we will see violence.
@Fat Link @LeFrenchCel pin this
The problem is many incels are autistic. Once the situation escalates enough that low inhib normies are affected then we will see violence.
63% of young men are incels according to a study, also, much more men are disgruntled (many of them not incel, they may be divorce raped etc), once the mewing and looksmaxx meme wears off and they realize it doesn't work, they will adapt a much more radical, collective approach, like that of ours.
63% of young men are incels according to a study, also, much more men are disgruntled (many of them not incel, they may be divorce raped etc), once the mewing and looksmaxx meme wears off and they realize it doesn't work, they will adapt a much more radical, collective approach, like that of ours.
I think most of them are LTN who get sex once in a blue moon. They need to be completely incel to go ER.
I think most of them are LTN who get sex once in a blue moon. They need to be completely incel to go ER.
Not really. It will be just like the Nazi party of Germany/Islamic revolution in Iran/communist revolutions.

The revolution won't be as radical, but it will enjoy mass support from men. Look up project 2025, it's a Tradcon shit not ideal but it's baby steps.
This study/analysis counters the belief that us incels are violent rapists. So what's in it? Give us the gist

Aren't incels a violent terrorist organization?

No, we're not dissimilar to the normal population in terms of the quantity of violence comitted.

But incels are radicalized to share violent idealization, right?

Well what about Elliot Rodger? Don't we incels worship that guy's actions?

So what's all this talk about killing?

It seems that the only killing incels do is to themselves. Sad!

Are incels committing the vast amount of rape? Or is it just the average psycho doing it?

People already high in status and sexually successful are committing the rapes. Muh personality!

If incels could, they would rape, right?

Incels are less likely to commit rape. I attribute this to our senses of empathy and morality.

Why aren't incels more violent and rapey?

Coping is what's keeping us soft and sterile. Our sex happens in video games.

In conclusion, incels are not violent and less likely to rape than the general population. The blame has been put on the wrong people.

Full link:
You mean to tell me that damn near 60% of men under 30 are not extremist rapist terrorists? Who woulda thunk it!
You mean to tell me that damn near 60% of men under 30 are not extremist rapist terrorists? Who woulda thunk it!
I prefer they view us that way. Accelerate the gender war!!
Someone should try to post on cucktears to see if they'll get banned or deleted
So, we're just regular guys who are unattractive to women because of looks and/or social awkwardness? Men who want love but have none?
How about that.
The more status you have/the better looking you are the more fucked up you are.
based and high iq not killing foid and being violent is the reason I am inkwel.
The authors of this study will be cancelled once twitter finds out about this
Im curious whether they tried to discredit us and were proven wrong by the data, or were interested in genuine insights and this is what they got.
The more status you have/the better looking you are the more fucked up you are.
I'd rather say: the more of a nutcase you are, the more interesting you are and the more female approval you get.
Doesn't matter to normies, they want to justify their hatred on us by mental gymnastics and lies, that's what IT is all about for example. Normies want to lock us up, enslave us, threaten us with serious charges for our venting, make laws which practically only allow chads to approach women and have consensual sex with them and hide us for being short, ugly and non-NT. Some even want to kill or castrate us for not being able to attract a woman, I've read it multiple times in my country's equivalent of 4chan.
I'd rather say: the more of a nutcase you are, the more interesting you are and the more female approval you get.
Eh, that’s true, but the reason why a lot of Chad/High status guys are assholes is because they think they can do no wrong, the system is with them, so they’re kinda right.
Coping is what's keeping us soft and sterile. Our sex happens in video games.

In conclusion, incels are not violent and less likely to rape than the general population. The blame has been put on the wrong people.
Yes, they are mad that young men are being empathetic to each other for once in history and not killing each other or refusing to go back to the plantation.

They are mad that young men value their lives.

They are mad young men are valuing mental well being.

They are mad the low-life copes men were thrown to protect muh foids are starting to be counterproductive.

They are mad that despite all the sedation, their hatred of foids still keeps growing which wouldn't result in violence but something against their political agenda.
It's true we are less violent than the average population. But experiences have shown over and over normies doesnt care about the fact. It's better for us to be portrayed as potential serial killers, because force is the only language normies understand and the more forceful we are portrayed as, like being hell bent on enslaving foids, the better.
As always their arguments against us are just fallacies to justify hating ugly men
Calling us terrorists and rapists is incelphobia
Studies show demographic widely established to be less prone to violence is less prone to violence. More at 11
Eh, that’s true, but the reason why a lot of Chad/High status guys are assholes is because they think they can do no wrong, the system is with them, so they’re kinda right.
Hmm we can say it kind of resonates reciprocally, and results in a negative feedback loop, female approval in the end is the most addictive and valuable positive feedback for men.
I think this deserves to be in the “must read” section. Unless there is already something like this there already.
Because being ugly is a sin. As long as you're attractive, women don't mind you being a violent rapist.
LOL its fucking hilarious watching him talk about SEAmaxxing or LDAR
Good post. Probably the most unbiased study of “incels” by any professional researcher, potentially worthy of must-read section @The Enforcer @Fat Link. William Costello and David M. Buss may be the most intellectually rigorous researchers in their field of psychology

Most other “professional researchers”, female researchers in particular, have consistently failed to publish a research study on “incels” without selective reporting or/and adding strongly opinionative assessments of “incels” throughout the paper. It looks like Mr. Costello and Mr. Buss are very rare exceptions
Good post. Probably the most unbiased study of “incels” by any professional researcher, potentially worthy of must-read section @The Enforcer @Fat Link. William Costello and David M. Buss may be the most intellectually rigorous researchers in their field of psychology

Most other “professional researchers”, female researchers in particular, have consistently failed to publish a research study on “incels” without selective reporting or/and adding strongly opinionative assessments of “incels” throughout the paper. It looks like Mr. Costello and Mr. Buss are very rare exceptions
Done GIF
>less likely to rape
That's not obvious? If I did that, I wouldn't be here.
Good post. Probably the most unbiased study of “incels” by any professional researcher, potentially worthy of must-read section @The Enforcer @Fat Link. William Costello and David M. Buss may be the most intellectually rigorous researchers in their field of psychology

Most other “professional researchers”, female researchers in particular, have consistently failed to publish a research study on “incels” without selective reporting or/and adding strongly opinionative assessments of “incels” throughout the paper. It looks like Mr. Costello and Mr. Buss are very rare exceptions
A few times i've posted threads asking users for study participation. Most of the time it's for these guys.
Incels are unironically the safest type of men for women to be around. Statistically, we don't harm women in any way.

We know Chads and Chadlites abuse and beat constantly their girlfriends and wives, but the women don't break up with them because they're good looking.

But even HTNs and normies can hurt women in ways that don't involve physical abuse, like cheating, neglecting, being toxic, manipulative etc.

Of course we fucking aren't. The average rapist is usually sexually/socially successful, validated and close to women. When he finally experiences rejection he can't handle it without his entire worldview crumbling and thus resorts to rape. They say incels feel entitled to sex but it's actually the other way around. We interiorized rejection and women's standards so much that we became used to disappointment.
Of course we fucking aren't. The average rapist is usually sexually/socially successful, validated and close to women. When he finally experiences rejection he can't handle it without his entire worldview crumbling and thus resorts to rape. They say incels feel entitled to sex but it's actually the other way around. We interiorized rejection and women's standards so much that we became used to disappointment.
Incels are unironically the safest type of men for women to be around. Statistically, we don't harm women in any way.

We know Chads and Chadlites abuse and beat constantly their girlfriends and wives, but the women don't break up with them because they're good looking.

But even HTNs and normies can hurt women in ways that don't involve physical abuse, like cheating, neglecting, being toxic, manipulative etc.

Yes I agree, just wanted to leave my 2 cents.
high iq thread
This study/analysis counters the belief that us incels are violent rapists. So what's in it? Give us the gist

Aren't incels a violent terrorist organization?

No, we're not dissimilar to the normal population in terms of the quantity of violence comitted.

But incels are radicalized to share violent idealization, right?

Well what about Elliot Rodger? Don't we incels worship that guy's actions?

So what's all this talk about killing?

It seems that the only killing incels do is to themselves. Sad!

Are incels committing the vast amount of rape? Or is it just the average psycho doing it?

People already high in status and sexually successful are committing the rapes. Muh personality!

If incels could, they would rape, right?

Incels are less likely to commit rape. I attribute this to our senses of empathy and morality.

Why aren't incels more violent and rapey?

Coping is what's keeping us soft and sterile. Our sex happens in video games.

In conclusion, incels are not violent and less likely to rape than the general population. The blame has been put on the wrong people.

Full link:
Repeat with me: Incels are not linked with any Marxist-Rodgerist global terror network that aims to hijack the political process and SEIZE THE MEANS OF REPRODUCTION.
Doesn't matter to normies, they want to justify their hatred on us by mental gymnastics and lies, that's what IT is all about for example. Normies want to lock us up, enslave us, threaten us with serious charges for our venting, make laws which practically only allow chads to approach women and have consensual sex with them and hide us for being short, ugly and non-NT. Some even want to kill or castrate us for not being able to attract a woman, I've read it multiple times in my country's equivalent of 4chan.

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