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JFL Southern French far right racist Identitarians look like Ethnic-Cels



> > > > FAT GIRLS REJECT ME! < < < <
Nov 11, 2017
Yes, they are actual White Ethnic Frenchmen from the mediterainian coast. But they look super shitskin and incel too.


This guy looks truecel as fuck.


This guy almost looks like a curry cel.


This guy is the only normal looking one.


@tehgymcel420 @EthnicelNL
"Racist" LOL
Lol ı'm unironically whiter than them:lul::lul::lul:
they all mog me
ı mog them.it is greatest lifefuel of today tbh. ı'd slap them by neck and they wouldn't say any word against me
I'm French, south too and this is not typical/average french guy at all...
But yes, immigration hurts... we're 0,01% aryan now
@Fontaine was right about this movement
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Identitarians call themselves Ethno-Nationalists.
They are anti-illegal immigration, pro-legal immigration. Unfortunately they are not racists.
meh, whoever said fascism was an inherently nordic ideology? Mussolini, who was italian and not exactly nordic looking, was the first fascist leader, mind you
Are you an American or something?
Obviously not. Why?
These movements are created by the big ol' Jew to control the opposition of people who wish to defend their race.
meh, whoever said fascism was an inherently nordic ideology? Mussolini, who was italian and not exactly nordic looking, was the first fascist leader, mind you

If those guys are White, then so are half of us Ethnics on incels.is.
Obviously not. Why?
These movements are created by the big ol' Jew to control the opposition of people who wish to defend their race.

Identitarians are Ethno-Nationalists. Not Civil Nationalists.
"Those who talk the most about race are the most decadent members of the race" - Oswald Spengler.
If those guys are White, then so are half of us Ethnics on incels.is.
being white is more than just skin colour. By that rationale, albino negroes are 'whiter' than me
Identitarians are Ethno-Nationalists. Not Civil Nationalists.
You can call them what you want but if you ask them, "Are you okay with non-whites legally immigrating to your country or having children with your ethnic group?" they will bend over and say yes.
"Those who talk the most about race are the most decadent members of the race" - Oswald Spengler.
It's funny that I should find you here. I actually made a poll earlier today asking all white nationalistcels/nazicels if they sympathize with nonwhitecels, and an overwhelming majority said they did. If white nationalism, or whatever you wanna call it, is merely somewhere to place all our frustrations over being supposed failures in life hence making ourselves feel superior, as you've theorized, wouldn't you expect a higher percentage of white nationalistcels that display outward hostility towards all ethnics?
being white is more than just skin colour. By that rationale, albino negroes are 'whiter' than me

Do these guys look more White or more African? At least Mulatto.

It's funny that I should find you here. I actually made a poll earlier today asking all white nationalistcels/nazicels if they sympathize with nonwhitecels, and an overwhelming majority said they did. If white nationalism, or whatever you wanna call it, is merely somewhere to place all our frustrations over being supposed failures in life hence making ourselves feel superior, as you've theorized, wouldn't you expect a higher percentage of white nationalistcels that display outward hostility towards all ethnics?
Non sequitur, you can empathize with someone and think you are nevertheless superior to him.

Also, the appeal nationalism has for losers essentially resides in the provision of a meaning for life. Usually, people find meaning in their wife and children, or their occupation. Losers have neither, hence nationalism as an ersatz.
Do these guys look more White or more African? At least Mulatto.

I don't care what they look like. The important thing is whether they're racially white or not, which, assuming they have ancestry in southern France, they would be.
Non sequitur, you can empathize with someone and think you are nevertheless superior to him.

Also, the appeal nationalism has for losers essentially resides in the provision of a meaning for life.
Wasn't your theory that we're all just hateful losers who want to pour our hate into something? Can you empathize with someone you hate?
Wtf is wrong with those retarded "identitarians" ? In France we also have the famous Kabylian "raptor dissident" dude * who wants to reemigrate himself in Sahara for the sake of 19th century France ... Identitarians lost their own "identity", and they get so deluded about their own limitations that they end up thinking everyone is as degenerate as them.

Not hateful losers - just losers.
There's a fundamental difference between us. You aspire to become popular within our current Jewtopia, or at least look up to those who are. Whether consciously or not, you wish to become like them, where as I want to burn the whole system down. You like calling people losers, because your ideal is that of the so called winner. The Chad who, in theory, gets to impregnate multiple women every night, while at the same time being respected by everyone, and, on top of all of that, gets to have an annual income of six figures for being nothing more than a pretty face at work. It's an ultimately vapid ideal with no sense of ancestry or culture that's been implanted into you by the consumerist Jewish controlled system that we live under. Obsessively calling people who disagree with you on fundamental topics 'losers' ultimately makes you look like an insipid clown for the very reason listed above.
There's a fundamental difference between us. You aspire to become popular within our current Jewtopia, or at least look up to those who are. Whether consciously or not, you wish to become like them, where as I want to burn the whole system down. .
Of course I want to a be a winner. Who the fuck aspires to be miserable, weak and destitute, and go to an early grave due to stress, inflammation and telomere shortening?

Fuck yes I want to be a winner and not a loser. Do you know who are the only German soldiers who survived the pocket of Stalingrad in 1943? The commanding officers! They had access to the food and water first, and had priority for airlift evacuations. Was it selfish of them to run for their lives? Fuck yeah and I don't see any problem with it.

Your mentality is strangely Christian for a nazi. You worship losers, weakness, failure, with the forlorn hope of a distant "collapse" that will finally give you power - like most alcoholics at bars for hundreds of years.
Your mentality is strangely Christian for a nazi. You worship losers, weakness, failure, with the forlorn hope of a distant "collapse" that will finally give you power - like most alcoholics at bars for hundreds of years.
No, I just don't worship the Gods of the current order.
No, I just don't worship the Gods of the current order.
That's evolutionary failure 101 - enjoy being eaten by worms

You either adapt to the world or the world crushes you. That's a lesson I learned too late in life. I don't worship Jews or globalization, but I don't hate them either. I see them as formidable forces to be reckoned with, and accepted, to the degree that we are completely powerless to change it at our level. In ten years you're gonna bitterly regret having spent your youth on Stormfront instead of a degree in international law, I promise you this.
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the only area in western Europe that needs self-determination is the Basques, my people. we've been putting up with Indo-European shit for years. West Asians caught in Western Europe and being held hostage. we fought off the CNT (they were the FEMEN of their day, red anarchist femshits killing our priests and burning our churches). it goes way deeper than the Western Europe. the traitors (in black and white) and the slain saints (in color)


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They mog me but I whitemog them.
They mog me but I whitemog them.

what the Basques? we're Eurasians, not really whites if we're going by ethnic standards of typical Libertarian "WN" jewry.
That's evolutionary failure 101 - enjoy being eaten by worms

You either adapt to the world or the world crushes you. That's a lesson I learned too late in life. I don't worship Jews or globalization, but I don't hate them either. I see them as formidable forces to be reckoned with, and accepted, to the degree that we are completely powerless to change it at our level.
Tell me Mr Fontaine, are you not a loser yourself? Whatever survival strategy you're attempting to employ clearly isn't working all too well for your genetic descendents. At least I want a system in which there is a possibility for what would be considered incels in today's society to procreate and lead happy lives, where as you're content with LDARing and being fucked over by the Jews. I don't call that survival, I call that weakness, and it's ultimately you and people like you whose genes will be figuratively 'eaten by worms'
Non sequitur, you can empathize with someone and think you are nevertheless superior to him.

Also, the appeal nationalism has for losers essentially resides in the provision of a meaning for life. Usually, people find meaning in their wife and children, or their occupation. Losers have neither, hence nationalism as an ersatz.
I didn't know that German word existed in English lol. Learned at first in German.
Tell me Mr Fontaine, are you not a loser yourself?
I am of course (I wouldn't be there otherwise). The distinction between me and you is that I have learned my place. You are still the rebellious slave on the plantation, while I am the house negro; beatings and whippings will eventually make you learn your station too.
I am of course (I wouldn't be there otherwise). The distinction between me and you is that I have learned my place. You are still the rebellious slave on the plantation, while I am the house negro; beatings and whippings will eventually make you learn your station too.
And where are the negroes now? Were they not freed? :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
They're superior to me because they have straight hair.
And where are the negroes now? Were they not freed? :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
They were freed in the course of a long and general process of liberation of the downtrodden. Whites are not downtrodden so far, except in the perverted and depressive imagination of WNs.
They were freed in the course of a long and general process of liberation of the downtrodden. Whites are not downtrodden so far, except in the perverted and depressive imagination of WNs.
Is it not a factual observation that the breeding grounds of Europeans are currently undergoing a gradual invasion by people whose genetics inevitably will dilute the original genetic stock to the point where it's no longer recognizable for what it once was? I fail to see how this phenomena can be referred to as anything other than genetic swamping, ultimately amounting to extinction
This is why “JuSt bE wHiTe” is retarded. Plenty of white people look just like Middle Easterns.
Is it not a factual observation that the breeding grounds of Europeans are currently undergoing a gradual invasion by people whose genetics inevitably will dilute the original genetic stock to the point where it's no longer recognizable for what it once was? I fail to see how this phenomena can be referred to as anything other than genetic swamping, ultimately amounting to extinction
There is indeed a form of replacement of whites going on; however I couldn't care less and I am even in favor of it. It's time for the blacks, asians, etc, to get their share of sunshine after so many millenia of misery.
Arthur de Gobineau, the father of the "Aryan" race meme, was an aristocrat. White nationalism is essentially a form of racial snobbery, and the fallacy of this movement has always been that of confusing race with caste. Ironically, modern leftists are doing the exact same thing except in their case they are confusing race with class.

At any rate, there's a small book online written by one of the leading racialists of Germany, Hans F. K. Günther, where you can see the confusion regarding the nature of race and caste in full display. Every trait you would normally associate with the noble classes, he credits to those of Nordic extraction, while the "lesser" races (of which i belong to, since i'm Dinaric/Alpine) of Europe are given traits associated with the peasantry (he uses the fact the nobility of most European countries have a greater degree of Nordic blood in them as evidence, ignoring the historical fact that European aristocracies are a consequence of Nordic conquest in the first place. The attempt to show the aristocracy among the Romans was made up of Nordics was, by contrast, not particularly successful. People of pure Nordic blood were so rare in Italy that as late as the middle ages you had someone as high profile as Pope Gregory I marveling at the Nordic features of Anglo-Saxon slaves sold in the Roman market, whom he compared with angels, making a pun on the word angles).

What i found peculiar about this book is that his assessment of many of the traits (whether physical or psychological) of the various races he is dealing with is not necessarily wrong or inaccurate, but because of his bias he is very weary of crediting those lesser races with any "higher" characteristic, and in one instance to a very obvious degree that he couldn't possibly not have been aware of, which makes me question the sincerity of his work even if i were to assume he was completely earnest in his beliefs.

The instance in question is when he credits Dinarics for their musical talents, citing very compelling evidence given how many of the greatest musicians in Europe had prominent Dinaric admixture, from Mozart to Paganini to Liszt etc. The problem is that he does not do the same with the Alpine race, despite the gargantuan elephant in the room that is a certain Alpine guy called Ludwig van Beethoven. That kept me wondering until i found out that Hans F. K. Günther had Dinaric admixture in him.

This to me is very indicative of the psychology of white nationalists in general, because many of them are driven by a very simple and basic tribalism as opposed to anything resembling an actual belief in the superiority and hence superior value of a given racial stock (where the question of the "preservation" of said racial stock would mean the preservation of a precious type of human capital the loss of which would lead to the degradation of human culture as a whole, which i think is something a lot of white nationalists actually believe).

So if white skin implies one is part of a kind of racial aristocracy than it might be the case that many mixed race or those belonging to those "lesser" variants of the white race could be drawn to white nationalism in the same way a peasant might harbor delusions of having "noble" roots in his family, but i wouldn't necessarily make this the underlying basic impulse of ethnic nationalism as a whole.

Indeed, i do not think anyone who wants to preserve their cultural, national if not also racial identity wants to do so because they are harboring the delusion of belonging to some kind of superior "Aryan" or Nordic race. Wanting to preserve ones own ethnic group is the norm for every race, and i'd like to see some evidence the people pictured here actually call themselves white supremacists, and are not just for the preservation of their ethnic identity, like any normal person ought to be.
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high IQ feudalistposting but class is important, now to figure out how to make Socialist Feudalism a thing....I'm kind of close a Social Monarchist.

I'm Patriotic but not necessarily Nationalistic. I take as much from Evola and DeMaistre as I do Sorel and Bombacci
I'm Alpinid but Barreby.
There is indeed a form of replacement of whites going on; however I couldn't care less and I am even in favor of it. It's time for the blacks, asians, etc, to get their share of sunshine after so many millenia of misery.

God you're such an uncle tom. I have no idea why you're buying into the whole white people are tyrants that have oppress the poor colour folk propaganda and that all of the races are equal and we all should get along since "we all are human". You sure you ain't a cuck?
To put the idea is was trying to express in simple words, when the Japanese want to preserve their racial identity, nobody finds that odd or abnormal. When Europeans from countries that are not Nordic do the same, they are mocked for trying to be wannabe Aryan supremacists, where as it might simply be the case that people from those countries are just doing the same thing the Japanese are doing.

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