Arthur de Gobineau, the father of the "Aryan" race meme, was an aristocrat. White nationalism is essentially a form of racial snobbery, and the fallacy of this movement has always been that of confusing race with caste. Ironically, modern leftists are doing the exact same thing except in their case they are confusing race with class.
At any rate, there's a small book online written by one of the leading racialists of Germany, Hans F. K. Günther, where you can see the confusion regarding the nature of race and caste in full display. Every trait you would normally associate with the noble classes, he credits to those of Nordic extraction, while the "lesser" races (of which i belong to, since i'm Dinaric/Alpine) of Europe are given traits associated with the peasantry (he uses the fact the nobility of most European countries have a greater degree of Nordic blood in them as evidence, ignoring the historical fact that European aristocracies are a consequence of Nordic conquest in the first place. The attempt to show the aristocracy among the Romans was made up of Nordics was, by contrast, not particularly successful. People of pure Nordic blood were so rare in Italy that as late as the middle ages you had someone as high profile as Pope Gregory I marveling at the Nordic features of Anglo-Saxon slaves sold in the Roman market, whom he compared with angels, making a pun on the word angles).
What i found peculiar about this book is that his assessment of many of the traits (whether physical or psychological) of the various races he is dealing with is not necessarily wrong or inaccurate, but because of his bias he is very weary of crediting those lesser races with any "higher" characteristic, and in one instance to a very obvious degree that he couldn't possibly not have been aware of, which makes me question the sincerity of his work even if i were to assume he was completely earnest in his beliefs.
The instance in question is when he credits Dinarics for their musical talents, citing very compelling evidence given how many of the greatest musicians in Europe had prominent Dinaric admixture, from Mozart to Paganini to Liszt etc. The problem is that he does not do the same with the Alpine race, despite the gargantuan elephant in the room that is a certain Alpine guy called Ludwig van Beethoven. That kept me wondering until i found out that Hans F. K. Günther had Dinaric admixture in him.
This to me is very indicative of the psychology of white nationalists in general, because many of them are driven by a very simple and basic tribalism as opposed to anything resembling an actual belief in the superiority and hence superior value of a given racial stock (where the question of the "preservation" of said racial stock would mean the preservation of a precious type of human capital the loss of which would lead to the degradation of human culture as a whole, which i think is something a lot of white nationalists actually believe).
So if white skin implies one is part of a kind of racial aristocracy than it might be the case that many mixed race or those belonging to those "lesser" variants of the white race could be drawn to white nationalism in the same way a peasant might harbor delusions of having "noble" roots in his family, but i wouldn't necessarily make this the underlying basic impulse of ethnic nationalism as a whole.
Indeed, i do not think anyone who wants to preserve their cultural, national if not also racial identity wants to do so because they are harboring the delusion of belonging to some kind of superior "Aryan" or Nordic race. Wanting to preserve ones own ethnic group is the norm for every race, and i'd like to see some evidence the people pictured here actually call themselves white supremacists, and are not just for the preservation of their ethnic identity, like any normal person ought to be.