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LifeFuel Some hope for oldcels

hmmm cool...I'm old, thanks, dude.
Fuck yeah. What a time to be alive.
Just a few more painful decades.
Hopefully all foids can go back too.
Just a few more painful decades.
There's an old joke running in longevity communities: "knowing my luck, I'll die on my way to the longevity clinic".

It's best not to get one's hopes too high and not get too attached to life. But at the same time, it's good news anyway.
I always feel a combination of elation and apprehension when reading about life extension breakthroughs, think of what the elites can do with this, old age is often the ONLY thing that puts a stop to their ambitions.
Hopefully some more evil sacks of shit shuffle off before this technology actually becomes available.
Literally life fuel for oldcels' old cells
also why is every website cucked


just stop eating essential nutrients goyim, think of the planet. also rot a little more quietly if you're incel/volcel please.
I always feel a combination of elation and apprehension when reading about life extension breakthroughs.
I think this reaction is extremely common.

It's the fact that our coping mechanism for death (it's inevitable, so get along with it) gets attacked when we read news like this. This brings on existential anxiety and uncomfortable questions. Will I live long enough to benefit from it? Why does a certain generation deserve to live forever, and not older generations currently rotting in a retirement home, getting mistreated by overworked nurses?

Longevity research is as exciting as it is cruel. It will never stop being anxiety-inducing and controversial, even if by all accounts it is desirable.
I think this reaction is extremely common.

It's the fact that our coping mechanism for death (it's inevitable, so get along with it) gets attacked when we read news like this. This brings on existential anxiety and uncomfortable questions. Will I live long enough to benefit from it? Why does a certain generation deserve to live forever, and not older generations currently rotting in a retirement home, getting mistreated by overworked nurses?

Longevity research is as exciting as it is cruel. It will never stop being anxiety-inducing and controversial, even if by all accounts it is desirable.

You're right, it's just too much of a game-changer. For now I'm not worried about the current generation living forever and thus having "survivor's guilt", though it is a painful thought experiment, there are still many things that will put you down eventually like cancer and organ failure.

It's the potential for massive inequality and more disparate outcomes than before, if you're an unfortunate and can barely afford the treatment, all you get is more struggle and more desperate reaching for hope, for another few tens of years, if you're fortunate the treatment gives you another few tens of years of bliss enjoying what life has to offer - and if you have great power you get another couple tens of years of using that power to influence the world to your whims and maybe carry out terrible plans that the reaper would cut short.
For people like us, it's easy to imagine a nightmare scenario where a mediocre man spends all his savings and takes out loans, to get just 20 more years of middle-age, then spends them all on work, struggle, dealing with rejection, and mad projects and designs that don't go anywhere.

Basically a new development is happening that gives me very little, and gives others a lot, and it doesn't create a pleasant feeling. This is stronger than survivor's guilt or other things.
Organism wide age reveral is still a huge leap from doing it at a cellular level, and it has massive problems regarding cancer because anytime you restart cells dividing, you tend to see increases at a population wide level. Its why HRT in menopausal women is quite controversial, does the benefit outweigh the risk of getting cancer.

And this work didn't touch upon telomere length restoration or have any solutions for general oxidative damage that occurs in a cell. In fact im pretty skeptical reading it, because cells that turn senescent generally do so for a reason, shorter telomeres, oxidative damage, inability to "work" properly. Hacking a biochemical signal to turn them back on isn't really a solution for the problem its a shortcut around it.

Knowing incel luck, we will all be decrepit and dying by the time a human ready treatment is released, and we will be unable to have it because it only works to prevent or partially reverse ageing so we will be stuck in a future of perpetual young uber chads/stacies whilst we rot into dust.
JFL if you arent immortalmaxxing in 2030
lol shitty pop science articles like these have been coming out for the past 2 decades

nothing will happen, they can't even cure a fucking cold, let alone cancer, let alone make immortals just lol
Even if they reverse my age what will that help?

Return me to a time where I was ugly but cursed with testosterone which drove me crazy?
Here's the study, actually published a month earlier: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30026406

This confirms the hype: important breakthrough in reducing senescence, which is one of the several drivers of aging. It's not world-changing, but it is a good sign that such therapies will ultimately be possible.
If it's too good to be true.
reverse aging human cells, aka oldcells. Lifefuel for old incels, or as we call them, oldcels.

Maybe we can look forward to living forever as incels? Sounds nice.
Imagine never dying as an incel
lol shitty pop science articles like these have been coming out for the past 2 decades

nothing will happen, they can't even cure a fucking cold, let alone cancer, let alone make immortals just lol
jfl this is lifefuel for the RICH
Just be inmortal theory
I believe in Open Individualism, so i don't have the anxiety people have about death, in the contrary, i wish definitive deatg was possible, but unforunately i think nobody dies anyway with this technology or not, except the technology preserves an individual being, while open individualism say the "isness" of the moment is preserved through many individuals.
There's an old joke running in longevity communities: "knowing my luck, I'll die on my way to the longevity clinic".

It's best not to get one's hopes too high and not get too attached to life. But at the same time, it's good news anyway.

Not if I carry on living as an Incel.
In fact im pretty skeptical reading it, because cells that turn senescent generally do so for a reason, shorter telomeres, oxidative damage, inability to "work" properly. Hacking a biochemical signal to turn them back on isn't really a solution for the problem its a shortcut around it.
According to De Grey, senescent cells secrete chemical signals that harm nearby cells.
jfl this is lifefuel for the RICH
This is bullshit, bruv. A shanty lab in a garadge can do extensive genetic modification with the current tech- this will be unstoppable once the principles are refined and developed in next several decades- I'm can already imagine the one-child policy and such they'll put.
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This is bullshit, bruv. A shanty lab in a garadge can do extensive genetic modification with the current tech- this will be unstoppable oncethe principles are refined and developed in next several decades- I'm can already imagine the one-child policy and such they'll put.
only if the rich are kind enough to make it affordable though
only if the rich are kind enough to make it affordable though
Why are you so boneheaded- the point of the post is that it's affordable and the information/know-how is easily dispercible and practically free, irrelevant of what "the rich" think. Remember how "the rich" stopped piracy, even though it undercuts their profits? Me neither.
Why are you so boneheaded- the point of the post is that it's affordable and the information/know-how is easily dispercible and practically free, irrelevant of what "the rich" think. Remember how "the rich" stopped piracy, even though it undercuts their profits? Me neither.
"Just for the rich" is the usual normie cope to avoid thinking about the implications of aging research too hard.
Why are you so boneheaded- the point of the post is that it's affordable and the information/know-how is easily dispercible and practically free, irrelevant of what "the rich" think. Remember how "the rich" stopped piracy, even though it undercuts their profits? Me neither.
Fair point but I'll only believe it when I see it.
"Just for the rich" is the usual normie cope to avoid thinking about the implications of aging research too hard.
I've noticed that to "avoid thinking" is the normie cope for most things in life. I have this exercise, where I'd tell someone to "think" about the topic we're discussing for ~30s and 3-out-of-4 times he'll change or at least considerably warp his opinion.
lol shitty pop science articles like these have been coming out for the past 2 decades

Pretty much. For many, many years there's been thousands and thousands of articles about how "scientists did X with cells in a lab" or "scientists did Y with mice" and while it all sounds really impressive on paper, the vast majority of it leads nowhere.

Show me a human trial where they make a 65 year old man look 20, then I'll be impressed.
Pretty much. For many, many years there's been thousands and thousands of articles about how "scientists did X with cells in a lab" or "scientists did Y with mice" and while it all sounds really impressive on paper, the vast majority of it leads nowhere.
It did lead somewhere though, even if no treatment for humans became available. Greater fundamental knowledge of mammalian cells. At the molecular and physiological level, mice cells are nearly indistinguishable from human cells. The challenge so far has been to go from in vitro to in vivo, and from in vitro with serious side effects to in vivo without serious side effects.

The current situation in biology can be compared to a lot of potential energy accumulated behind a dam. One day it will break and we'll suddenly get a lot of human treatments. This trend has already started, more or less, in gene therapy for genetic diseases.

At least this is the optimistic, Kurzweilian view. The pessimistic view is that biology research follows Eroom's law rather than Moore's law.
. The pessimistic view is that biology research follows Eroom's law rather than Moore's law.
Eroom's law makes sense in medical research, I can easily imagine real time ray traced games in the near future than an immortal pill.
Pretty much. For many, many years there's been thousands and thousands of articles about how "scientists did X with cells in a lab" or "scientists did Y with mice" and while it all sounds really impressive on paper, the vast majority of it leads nowhere.

Show me a human trial where they make a 65 year old man look 20, then I'll be impressed.

and low IQ idiots on reddit jerk themselve off because they upvoted a stupid fake news pop science article.

"We did it reddit! We cured cancer again! We're so smart!"
It did lead somewhere though, even if no treatment for humans became available. Greater fundamental knowledge of mammalian cells. At the molecular and physiological level, mice cells are nearly indistinguishable from human cells. The challenge so far has been to go from in vitro to in vivo, and from in vitro with serious side effects to in vivo without serious side effects.

The current situation in biology can be compared to a lot of potential energy accumulated behind a dam. One day it will break and we'll suddenly get a lot of human treatments. This trend has already started, more or less, in gene therapy for genetic diseases.

At least this is the optimistic, Kurzweilian view. The pessimistic view is that biology research follows Eroom's law rather than Moore's law.

lmao. can't even "cure" balding yet somehow we're gonna reverse aging.

no offense, but this is super low IQ for you to buy into this garbage.

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