-OP thinks that supplementing with zinc and vitamins leads to increased inflammation in the body and that the immune system cannot be "strengthened." It took two days and a dozen replies before he came up with the stratagem to deny that he said this:
In regards to supplementation with zinc and vitamins C, D and E to strengthen one's immune system, you stated and I quote: "Having a normal immune system can't be strengthened, its just becomes inflammmation" What did you mean by this? I don't understand what supplements has to do with my...
-OP demonstrated extremely poor reading comprehension skills, it took several back and forth replies where he repeated himself before he finally grasped a simple sentence and concept, yet piggishly bulled ahead anyway shilling the vax:
I found the study, thanks for pointing it out. I'm not even going to worry about any epic fuckery in the study, the study itself said this: "We found that the risk of myocarditis increased by a factor of three after vaccination" :feelsohh: It didn't include anyone that got a booster shot in its...
(also demonstrated during the events of the first example)
-OP posted fake news stories about ivermectin, and can't grasp the concept that a vaccine is not needed when cheap generics that are effective and proven safe with decades of data on them are already available for the immunocompromised. OP doesn't understand that posting random stories of people (usually morbidly obese) dying to COVID doesn't prove the need for experimental vaccination when these people were denied early access to try other protocols recommended by front line doctors like Pierre Kory.
-OP himself posted a study showing that just taking the vaccines opens the risk for extreme heart inflammation, especially in younger men. The study also shows that each dose of the vaccines exponentially increases that risk, OP can't understand why that is a problem when the vaccine will need to be taken twice initially followed by booster shots every few months indefinitely.
-When OP was shown that Indians are obliterating COVID with ivermectin he called them street shitters that can't keep statistics. Ignores all the previous doom and gloom articles about India dying before they stopped listening to the WHO scientist bitch that was pushing the vax on them and lying about ivermectin.
-When shown a graph showing the COVID death rates between African countries that regularly take ivermectin for parasites, and African countries that do not take ivermectin, he fell back on the midwit goto of "correlation does not imply causation":
Not grasping that this is one piece of evidence among many pieces of evidences.
-OP keeps posting about hospitalizations of unvaccinated even when shown that nearly everyone would statistically be unvaccinated.
For Pfizer vaccine a person is not considered vaccinated until 2 weeks after they receive the second dose (and not before), and only for 3 months afterward. OP merely posted "lololol" until shown the evidence from the official CDC website, and then slinked into the shadows like the coward he is (routinely demonstrated by him pissing his pants at the prospect of me replying to his thread).
Many countries, such as Israel, were reporting that there were more hospitalizations among the vaccinated than unvaccinated but:
"there's no need to worry, we'll simply change the definition of what constitutes vaccinated status!" This is just semantics fuckery.
If you get jabbed with your first or second dose of the vaccine and immediately collapse in convulsions you are not counted as "vaccinated."
-OP likes to fall back on calling anyone skeptical of the mRNA deathjab, FDA, and Big Pharma science deniers as if "Science" is a monolithic religion. He cannot process when anyone points out the stupidity of treating "Science" as a monolithic religion, never has a response, and just bullies piggishly along with his canned response pwning science deniers. When the words of a Ph.D biology professor illustrated exactly why he is clown without critical thought and that shouting "trust the experts trust the science" isn't scientific, he just claimed that that scientist is a "nobody" and "not accepted in the Orthodoxy of the Church of Science." (Believe the experts but only the mainstream approved ones that are popular on reddit)
OP thinks calling things "conspiracies" not even "conspiracy theories" ends the discussion on any subject.
Dr. Ley, Harvard professor and former commissioner of the FDA 50 years ago warned the American public that the FDA were in the pocket of big pharmaceutical companies. No response, besides "conspiracy."
When shown that doctors do not in fact "hate drug companies" and that they are wined and dined and given kickback incentives to push certain drugs on their patients he handwaved this away and suggested the drug companies always get caught.
In conclusion: OP is a moronic AIDs-riddled faggot that sucks diseased cocks at truck stop glory holes. The mRNA vaccines are worthless; they do not stop you from becoming infected, they do not stop you from spreading COVID, they do not protect you from COVID, they expose you to health risks just by taking the shot which rise exponentially upon infection with COVID, and they are completely unnecessary anyway and never should have been given EUA when cheap generics are already available that are better and safer.
I will refine this post and repost it every day that he bumps this thread.