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Brutal Ricecel gets roasted by twitter RACISTS for dating a white girl -- and then by WOKE twitter because she was 16



Apr 19, 2020
In 2014, before woke twitter became a thing, your average normie was still a casual racist, closer to a 4chan troll when it came to shitting on the ugly and different. Many of the NPC's who now post black squares and worship magical BBC were like that.

Back then Lorde (singer) had the nerve to date an asian guy. One of the rare moments when a celebrity white girl fell for a riceboy, and twitter couldn't handle it. I watched it unfold in real time back then. Zoomer wiggers all chimping out at the sight of that skinny asian twink dating a their goddess. The havoc he caused was on par with me being a jew and posting blacked porn on stormfront.


They're not together anymore now. But twitters blood-lust persists. In 2020, six years after the first wave getting cyber-lynched by racists, woke twitter decides do dig him up from his grave and drag him through the shit once again. This time his crime isn't that of racemixing, only that of not being a compact-faced 6'3 blue eyed muscular pool boy, and of course being and oldcel. Turns out woke twitter found out that he was 24 and Lorde 16 when they dated. Of course public murder is morally justified.
Drag him

tl;dr. a case study for azn bros.
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She looks older than him jfl.
they dont get it. they dont get it.
16 and pedo? JUST LOL
The NPC is addicted to showing confirmation to what is considered lawful by the Zeitgeist. Just like a junkie would smoke cigarette bums found in the trash can of the local train station, the NPC loves to virtue signal at any price, even if it's some ricecel getting lucky in 2014.

I think they are the real pedos cuz they think 16 yo= 5 yo
That explains a lot :feelsthink:
That makes sense, when they turn 21 they think it's ok but in their mind they'd still be 10. Jfl.
In 2014, before woke twitter became a thing, your average normie was still a casual racist, closer to a 4chan troll when it came to shitting on the ugly and different. Many of the NPC's who now post black squares and worship magical BBC were like that.

Back then Lorde (singer) had the nerve to date an asian guy. One of the rare moments when a celebrity white girl fell for a riceboy, and twitter couldn't handle it. I watched it unfold in real time back then. Zoomer wiggers all chimping out at the sight of that skinny asian twink dating a their goddess. The havoc he caused was on par with me being a jew and posting blacked porn on stormfront.

View attachment 322935View attachment 322956

They're not together anymore now. But twitters blood-lust persists. In 2020, six years after the first wave getting cyber-lynched by racists, woke twitter decides do dig him up from his grave and drag him through the shit once again. This time his crime isn't that of racemixing, only that of not being a compact-faced 6'3 blue eyed muscular pool boy, and of course being and oldcel. Turns out woke twitter found out that he was 24 and Lorde 16 when they dated. Of course public murder is morally justified.
View attachment 322950
tl;dr. a case study for azn bros.
She looks like a grown woman, can these cucks just shut up and eat their soy without bothering real men. In a lot of places having sex with a 16 year old is legal so I don't see where the problem is.
In 2014, before woke twitter became a thing, your average normie was still a casual racist, closer to a 4chan troll when it came to shitting on the ugly and different. Many of the NPC's who now post black squares and worship magical BBC were like that.

Back then Lorde (singer) had the nerve to date an asian guy. One of the rare moments when a celebrity white girl fell for a riceboy, and twitter couldn't handle it. I watched it unfold in real time back then. Zoomer wiggers all chimping out at the sight of that skinny asian twink dating a their goddess. The havoc he caused was on par with me being a jew and posting blacked porn on stormfront.

View attachment 322935View attachment 322956

They're not together anymore now. But twitters blood-lust persists. In 2020, six years after the first wave getting cyber-lynched by racists, woke twitter decides do dig him up from his grave and drag him through the shit once again. This time his crime isn't that of racemixing, only that of not being a compact-faced 6'3 blue eyed muscular pool boy, and of course being and oldcel. Turns out woke twitter found out that he was 24 and Lorde 16 when they dated. Of course public murder is morally justified.
View attachment 322950
tl;dr. a case study for azn bros.
looked into those twitter accounts and most of them are literally supporting BLM. Clear unaware retards that will pull the "but I changed inkwell" bs.
Virtue signallers need the guillotine.
they're actually looksmatched, just that she fame mogs him
I actually fully support an islamic takeover of the west tbh. Women are absolute fucking cunts. At what point did society become so fucking stupid that 16 y/o sluts are considered children. LMFAO. What the fuck is that?

We need Islam so fucking badly.
Doesn't matter bro.
The rice get to fuck the tight white pussy.

Twitter BTFOd

Just be Rice

The NPC is addicted to showing confirmation to what is considered lawful by the Zeitgeist. Just like a junkie would smoke cigarette bums found in the trash can of the local train station, the NPC loves to virtue signal at any price, even if it's some ricecel getting lucky in 2014.

Uncle Ted said:
28. The leftist of the oversocialized type tries to get off his psychological leash and assert his autonomy by rebelling. But usually he is not strong enough to rebel against the most basic values of society. Generally speaking, the goals of today's leftists are NOT in conflict with the accepted morality. On the contrary, the left takes an accepted moral principle, adopts it as its own, and then accuses mainstream society of violating that principle. Examples: racial equality, equality of the sexes, helping poor people, peace as opposed to war, nonviolence generally, freedom of expression, kindness to animals. More fundamentally, the duty of the individual to serve society and the duty of society to take care of the individual. All these have been deeply rooted values of our society (or at least of its middle and upper classes[4]) for a long time. These values are explicitly or implicitly expressed or presupposed in most of the material presented to us by the mainstream communications media and the educational system. Leftists, especially those of the oversocialized type, usually do not rebel against these principles but justify their hostility to society by claiming (with some degree of truth) that society is not living up to these principles.
I actually fully support an islamic takeover of the west tbh. Women are absolute fucking cunts. At what point did society become so fucking stupid that 16 y/o sluts are considered children. LMFAO. What the fuck is that?

We need Islam so fucking badly.
Based. Islam would either repair the soyciety or completely destroy it which both outcomes I would gladly accept.
He looks young, so am surprised he was way older than her, however he is VERY ugly, does anyone know why she was dating him?
Doesn't matter bro.
The rice get to fuck the tight white pussy.

Twitter BTFOd

Just be Rice

cope, just be curry
notice the person bitter about lorde's boyfriend being older is a noodlewhore, they cant stand when a ricecel gets into a relationship
looked into those twitter accounts and most of them are literally supporting BLM. Clear unaware retards that will pull the "but I changed inkwell" bs.
Virtue signallers need the guillotine.
The NPC is addicted to showing confirmation to what is considered lawful by the Zeitgeist. Just like a junkie would smoke cigarette bums found in the trash can of the local train station, the NPC loves to virtue signal at any price, even if it's some ricecel getting lucky in 2014.


It's even worse than I thought... the 2nd tweet is referring to Lorde's album -- MELODRAMA -- which is dedicated to her ex-boyfriend.
The reason that tweet got 165k likes is because her fans are shocked that her 'great muse' isn't a tall, wasp hunk, but a asian twinklet. They simply could not fathom it. But that looked like an attempt at looks-shaming, so she still got called out for it, and it was then when she added the age-gap issue between them, giving the mobs the green light to continue the roast.
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It's even worse than I thought... the 2nd tweet is referring to Lorde's album -- MELODRAMA -- which is dedicated to her ex-boyfriend.
The reason that tweet got 165k likes is because her fans are shocked that her 'great muse' isn't a tall, wasp hunk, but a asian twinklet. They simply could not fathom it. But what started as looks-shaming, she still got called out for it by some, and it was then when she added the age-gap issue between them, legitimizing the whole thing.

They associate everything negative they can onto the incelian archetype
I surprised they didn't specifically mention his race since it's perfectly acceptable to be openly racist towards ricecels.
mogs me because asian
jesus fuck he's a gigabirdcel. how did he do it? he must be contacted immeditely. I mog him yet can't get 16 year old rich loli(or any loli) what's his secret
twitter is just full of fake accounts. most of the them against him are probably just a few butthurt stormcels with no lives
nothing makes normies more angry than a subhuman ascending
They're looks matched if you ask me.
jesus fuck he's a gigabirdcel. how did he do it? he must be contacted immeditely. I mog him yet can't get 16 year old rich loli(or any loli) what's his secret
We may be talking about a extreme outlier here, but this is not the first time I witness a white girl being infatuated with a azn bro, without his status playing a role in it. I was in high school and remember the hottest jb in our class had a crush on a tallish, skinny asian guy in his senor year, who resembled a budget kpop idol.

Lorde was also 16 when she met this guy, a lot of jb's display a preference from twinkish types, until moving onto we know what.
28. The leftist of the oversocialized type tries to get off his psychological leash and assert his autonomy by rebelling. But usually he is not strong enough to rebel against the most basic values of society. Generally speaking, the goals of today's leftists are NOT in conflict with the accepted morality. On the contrary, the left takes an accepted moral principle, adopts it as its own, and then accuses mainstream society of violating that principle. Examples: racial equality, equality of the sexes, helping poor people, peace as opposed to war, nonviolence generally, freedom of expression, kindness to animals. More fundamentally, the duty of the individual to serve society and the duty of society to take care of the individual. All these have been deeply rooted values of our society (or at least of its middle and upper classes[4]) for a long time. These values are explicitly or implicitly expressed or presupposed in most of the material presented to us by the mainstream communications media and the educational system. Leftists, especially those of the oversocialized type, usually do not rebel against these principles but justify their hostility to society by claiming (with some degree of truth) that society is not living up to these principles.

infinitely based and tedpilled.
the bitch is 15/16 and has her tits out and obviously fucking. nothing 'pedo' about that
all men want a teen to be their cocksleeve

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