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JFL Retard Trait: paying 129$ per month for Adonis Academy (Hamzas School)



The Incel Skeptic
May 10, 2023
Screenshot 20240419 152708

Scamza, I mean Hamza, is definitely scamming people with these courses. It's all redpill garbage. In his profile, it says that joining his school will help you get your dream girl, lol, what a joke
Despite all the coping I have been through, I have nevER stooped that low & I am proud to say so.
I'm glad that I have no idea who that is.
"2k members"!??

Am I on drugs or does that mean this dude is receiving $258,000 per month
129$ a month :feelsmega::feelsmega::feelsmega:
2k members :feelsUnreal::feelsUnreal::feelsUnreal:

just what kind of delusional GOY do you have to be in order to fall for this shit man
literally pay to get a tight spurt of piss in the face
all these "people" shouldn't have been taught to read :feelsree::feelsree::feelsree:
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2k members... remember that this confirms most men you see out there are struggling as much as you are socially, except they're far dumber.
Just shill courses bro, women and money will come.
They will find the blackpill by themselves :dafuckfeels:
those redpill influencers make new courses every week I don't understand who's buying it
what a bunch of clowns lmao
3416251 1684325982968
3794485 1701381494093

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Scamza, I mean Hamza, is definitely scamming people with these courses. It's all redpill garbage. In his profile, it says that joining his school will help you get your dream girl, lol, what a joke

Do these redpill retards wasting their money think normies got their gf because of watching that sandnigger's content?
Red Pill Superbowl

Do these redpill retards wasting their money think normies got their gf because of watching that sandnigger's content?
What these goofy redpillers don't understand is that alpha males pull females because of their looks, not their personality or confidence
those redpill influencers make new courses every week I don't understand who's buying it
Desperate men are buying these courses. Hamza is profiting off these young men who are desperate for pussy
Why didn't you apply the 33% off coupon code?
View attachment 1138308
Scamza, I mean Hamza, is definitely scamming people with these courses. It's all redpill garbage. In his profile, it says that joining his school will help you get your dream girl, lol, what a joke
Fucking if you are that dumb just plz go buy it who cares
I’m going to Adonis school. I’ll become a slayer after spending thousands!!!!!!
Scamza thinks that a call for 30 minutes with him is 2,500 dollars. Unfuckingbelievable.
Retards pay it, I can't blame him.

I know a few retards here paid Wheat Waffles for face ratings. Faggots.
Stop playing video games for your future wife, bro!

Meanwhile she's getting fucked all the time so you can betabuxx her later
Important part of the scam is brotherhood

He sells brotherhood and friendship, you basically purchase it with this stuff.

It's similar to how universities ultimately just sell socilisation, in 2024 you have to spend money at a chance to make friends.
Years of self improooving but he always end up with mid tier foid
129$ a month :feelsmega::feelsmega::feelsmega:
2k members :feelsUnreal::feelsUnreal::feelsUnreal:

just what kind of delusional GOY do you have to be in order to fall for this shit man
literally pay to get a tight spurt of piss in the face
all these "people" shouldn't have been taught to read :feelsree::feelsree::feelsree:
snake oil salesman haven't disappeared they just evolved and doing way better than in the past
Too bad this stuff isn’t called out enough. Imagine paying a days worth to try to delude yourself thinking that everything is going to be okay.
He isn’t even good looking.
"without a doubt the greatest weapon to getting girls"
JFL things are bad, really really bad...
View attachment 1138308
Scamza, I mean Hamza, is definitely scamming people with these courses. It's all redpill garbage. In his profile, it says that joining his school will help you get your dream girl, lol, what a joke
If only it was this easy…
Why didn't you apply the 33% off coupon code?
I'm not paying a single penny for these bullshit redpill courses
More popular than Andrew Tate?
Or do you think Tate just gets more publicity
I would say Andrew Tate is more popular than Hamza. Hamza never appeared on the news, Andrew Tate appeared on many news outlets
View attachment 1138308
Scamza, I mean Hamza, is definitely scamming people with these courses. It's all redpill garbage. In his profile, it says that joining his school will help you get your dream girl, lol, what a joke
JFL Im not paying 130 bucks for that garbage

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