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JFL Retard tries to run just be first (JBF) game on "bi" foid, 17 years later she asks for threesome, becomes gay, cucks him



Your ride's over, lib. Time to seethe.
Oct 12, 2023

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoHotTakes/comments/16cxx8e/i_think_my_wife_of_12_years_is_a_lesbian/?share_id=HrlosIk3OGHNMVj6SGFjl

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoHotTakes/comments/16dxwd0/update_i_think_my_wife_of_12_years_is_a_lesbian/

I think my wife of 12 years is a lesbian.​

Personal Write In
Throwaway, because my wife is a reddit user. I (37m) and my wife (36f) have been together for 20 years, and married for 12. We are highschool sweethearts who fell in love, and always knew we wanted something more. When I met my wife, she told me she was bisexual, and it never bothered me. I am a straight male, but have LGBTQ+ siblings and it has never been abnormal to me. We got married in our twenties, after we graduated college and could afford to live comfortably and have a lavish wedding. Our sex life has always been good, and I never complained about it, as even after 20 years, my wife is still as beautiful as she was when I met her. 3 years ago, my wife suggested having a threesome with a random woman, as she knows that I am into that kind of thing. I never brought it up in the past, as I didn't want her to think I wanted to bring someone else into our marriage. I was immediately on board with this idea, and we looked on a dating/hookup site to find a woman who would like to join us. The first threesome we had was amazing, and soon it became a normal thing we would do, maybe once or twice a month.
Now, on to the problem at hand. Recently, my wife has been asking for way more threesomes, and even suggested having two women over, which I declined. To put things into perspective, last year, the most hookups we had in a month was 4. This year though? There was a month where we did it 7 times, with 4 different women. We are barely having one on one sex anymore, and when we do, it feels like she isn't even into it, and almost as if she was doing me a favor.
2 nights ago, me and my wife hooked up with another woman. I didn't think much of it at the time, and was going about our normal routine of preparing our house for comapny. When the woman of the hour arrived, me and my wife greeted her, and took her to our room.
When we got started, everything was going well. Although, without giving too much detail, I noticed my wife was paying extra attention to the woman this time, rather than being even like she normally does. She was kissing her A LOT, and even told me to get out the way at one point so she could have her all to herself. I was a little offended, but, I didn't think much of it. Even after I came though, they didn't stop. In fact, they kept going long enough for me to get another hard on, then join in, then come again. It was at least 3 hours. I didn't hate it, but I felt like if I didn't go for a second round, and even left the room, my wife would continue having sex with this woman even if I wasn't there. I just wanted to have good manners.
After all was said and done, the three of us fell asleep. We normally let our third parties stay the night, as we like to be nice and have good manners. When I woke up the next morning, I was alone in bed. I thought I slept in, but it was 9am on a saturday, and we stayed up well past 3am. I went to the kitchen to make some coffee and look for my wife, when I saw her and the woman having sex on the couch in the living room. I was beyond shocked, and when my wife asked me to join, I just went back to our bedroom. She has never done this before, at least that I know of, and it broke my heart to see this happen, especially while I was asleep. It killed me hearing their moans and dirty talk while I was literally one room over. When the woman left, my wife came to me with a little bit of an attitude, saying that I "made it awkward" and put tension between her and the woman. I was appalled that she didn't try to apologize or make up some lame excuse, and I ended up just going back to bed, as I didn't feel like arguing at that point. I love my wife so much, and can't see my life without her. Its been 3 days and recently she has been staying out late and is barely talking to me. I have a feeling that she's cheating on me, but I can't bring myself to confront her as I dont have any proof and honestly still love her. I don't know what to do. Please help me out reddit.
TLDR; Me and my wife have been having threesomes for 3 years, but recently, she has started to disregard my needs in bed, and slept with one of the women we invited into our house while I was asleep. She is bisexual, but because of her attention to women more than me, I am suspecting she is a lesbian.
EDIT: I have many comments talking about boundaries, and I just want to come out and say that boundaries were placed when we first started doing it, and I apologize for not including it in the original post.
We both agreed on doing this as long as we are both okay with it and consenting. We also agreed to only sleep with others while we are both present. We do NOT have an open relationship and do not have other partners. This has never been an issue until recently, and all the comments are making me realize that I may not have been strict enough with enforcing our rules and boundaries.
ALSO, we ONLY invite women. I am straight, and neither of us have suggested inviting another male to bed, even if me and him were not intimate at all. This is also another factor on why I think she is either a lesbian, or just has a very heavy preference towards women.
I am more on the feminine side. I'm 6'1, muscular, but shave, and do not have any facial hair whatsoever. My voice isn't that deep, and I tend to lean towards a more feminine style (open shirts, tighter pants, dress shoes, etc..).
I am planning on updating in a day or two, as I plan on having a stren heart to heart talk with her very soon.

UPDATE: I think my wife of 12 years is a lesbian.​

Personal Write In
Hey everyone, first off I just want to say thank you so much for all the comments and support on my original post. It got way more attention than I originally thought and now I feel like I'm obligated to make an update.
Before getting into it though, I want to address the many comments I got. First off, my wife does not use reddit that much, and when she does, she usually scrolls on meme subreddits or asks for help on trouble. I know I was extremely detailed, but there is no way she would find this post as she doesn't even listen to podcasts. The only way she could have found it is through my profile, hence the throwaway.
Secondly, what is with all the "Ross?" comments? Who is Ross? Am I missing a joke?
Third thing, my wife has always been supported by her family. They never judged her and welcomed her with open arms when she came out. She was my first girlfriend and I was her first boyfriend (she had a girlfriend before me). My wife sometimes stays out late with friends of hers and also sometimes comes home extremely drunk. Though, she has never had any marks or smells of sex on her body. Even these last few days, she would come home late smelling like light alcohol, and nothing more.
Finally, we do not bring different women over to our house everytime we want a third party. We keep in contact with most women and some we even become good friends with. The woman who came over that night was someone we had been in contact with for over a year, and someone my wife likes a lot, as they often go out together alone.
Today, I woke up with one thing on my mind: to talk with my wife. I read many comments and got extremely sweet DM's that helped me make my mental script. Although, what caught me off guard was how normal she was acting. Last night, she didn't stay out too late and actually came home on time, when I was still awake. We slept in the same bed that night and after work today I sat her down to question her.
Outside of our sex life, me and my wife have never had any problems, and our personalities are almost identical. So talking to her is and was never an issue for me.
When I asked her today though, she stiffened, but didnt reject me. I started out by saying that I'm sorry for storming off that morning, but I didn't appreciate her sleeping with the woman of question without my consent first. She just nodded in response. I then asked her how she would have felt if the roles were reversed, and if SHE was the one walking in on me sleeping with another woman. She responded by saying that she 'wouldn't mind', which I know is bull, but I didn't press on it, as I thought she was just trying to save herself.
I then asked her if she was still in love with me, which was something that kept me up for nights on end. She said yes, but hesitated. When I pushed on it, she said that she doesn't love me sexually, but feels an emotional connection to me like nobody else, and is "in love with me". I didn't ask her directly if she was a lesbian, but that sort of confirms it for me and I honestly could've broken down right then and there. Personally, I think sex is a huge part of relationships, and that it brings the two people closer. I know I am a hypocrite for saying this, as we literally invite others into our bed, but we always used to keep time for ourselves, one on one time with just the two of us to help us connect on another level.
So, I asked her the question of the hour people. I asked if she had been sleeping with other women, (beside that morning) behind my back. She didn't answer, and just looked away. At that point, I didn't even need a response, and just walked out the house. I texted her later on and asked what she wants to do. She didn't respond to me, but I think we both know that it's time for a divorce.
The comments left for me to read really helped me realize how much of a dream I was living in, and how I was delusional because of how in love I was with my wife. I'm in a shitty motel bed right now writing this bordering on tears. I have always been madly in love with my wife, and still am, but I feel as though if I decided to forgive and forget, the same thing would happen again. All the comments trashing on open relationships were right, and I now know to never do it if I ever remarry.
I just want to personally thank the person who went through a similar experience and wrote to me. That really gave me the confidence that I can move on and forget. I appreciate you and the vulnerability you showed to me.
I doubt there will be another update, and I'm sorry if this wasn't as groundbreaking as all originally thought.
Thank you so much, and if anyone has questions, I will try to read and respond to as many comments as possible as long as I dont get a thousand plus this time around. ❤️
We keep in contact with most women and some we even become good friends with. The woman who came over that night was someone we had been in contact with for over a year, and someone my wife likes a lot, as they often go out together alone.
Funny GIF

"OHH GUYS I THINK SHE COULD BE A LESBIAN!" :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
Fucking plebbitard oofy-doofy soy delusion and idiocy is so fucking far beyond me. What kind of goddamn mental illness has gripped these so-called "people" to make them fucking behave this way?
3 years ago, my wife suggested having a threesome with a random woman, as she knows that I am into that kind of thing. I never brought it up in the past, as I didn't want her to think I wanted to bring someone else into our marriage. I was immediately on board with this idea, and we looked on a dating/hookup site to find a woman who would like to join us. The first threesome we had was amazing, and soon it became a normal thing we would do, maybe once or twice a month.
Now, on to the problem at hand. Recently, my wife has been asking for way more threesomes, and even suggested having two women over, which I declined. To put things into perspective, last year, the most hookups we had in a month was 4. This year though? There was a month where we did it 7 times, with 4 different women. We are barely having one on one sex anymore, and when we do, it feels like she isn't even into it, and almost as if she was doing me a favor.
I then asked her if she was still in love with me, which was something that kept me up for nights on end. She said yes, but hesitated. When I pushed on it, she said that she doesn't love me sexually, but feels an emotional connection to me like nobody else, and is "in love with me". I didn't ask her directly if she was a lesbian, but that sort of confirms it for me and I honestly could've broken down right then and there.
Nicholas Cage Film GIF

Brother, she is a LESBIAN FOR YOU. He should have seen the fucking warning signs from the beginning, but chose to ignore them due to his own 99% estrogen concentration blood and retarded bluepill garbage. Yeah, she's in """"love"""" with you bro. Even if you discount the sexual part - one of the most important, core, and fundamental part of any relationship - she doesn't even give two shits about you emotionally. She's just saying this due to guilt. She's not even AFRAID of losing him, only shows him some light guilt with that insult to his fucking intelligence she spouted from her worthless mouth (which, in all fairness, has some fucking merit to it because of his subzero IQ). I hope this guy makes the divorce as complicated and as painful as possible for this bitch, but since he's a little soy fag cuck he won't be able to do shit.

Let this be a lesson to all men out there: don't trust "bi" women, NEVER try to run JBF (especially as a non-Chad), and if your gf/wife/whatever asks you for an open relationship or a threesome (especially if it's a lesbian one, as that's HIGHLY indicative of being unable to get Chad and giga-settling and/or mental illness/liberal brainwashing), RUN LIKE FUCKING HELL.

why would i care about a sex hsver normie faggot
JBF'ers on suicide watch.
All foids are sick in the head and will cheat or have the desire to no matter what
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JBF'ers on suicide watch.
All foids are suck in the head and will cheat or have the desire to no matter what
Someone needs to go Iron Warrior on this world (in DoW II: Ultimate Apocalypse mod)
Someone needs to go Iron Warrior on this world (in DoW II: Ultimate Apocalypse mod)
Iron Warriors are methodical killers, but the Carcharodons (my avi) are very savage killers who sets fear in the hearts of all. Examples needs to be made.
Iron Warriors are methodical killers, but the Carcharodons (my avi) are very savage killers who sets fear in the hearts of all. Examples needs to be made.
The Iron Warriors will siege and grind entire worlds down to subatomic plasma methodically in a cold, calculating fashion. They are a titan that cannot be stopped; they are inevitable, all-encompassing, and will make you suffer in terror slowly before you die. They can also be considered to be the closest legion to us in terms of identifying with the struggle/pain of not being recognized, used for shitty tasks nobody else wants to do, etc. - being overlooked, neglected, and abused, or some combination thereof basically.
The Iron Warriors will siege and grind entire worlds down to subatomic plasma methodically in a cold, calculating fashion. They are a titan that cannot be stopped; they are inevitable, all-encompassing, and will make you suffer in terror slowly before you die. They can also be considered to be the closest legion to us in terms of identifying with the struggle/pain of not being recognized, used for shitty tasks nobody else wants to do, etc. - being overlooked, neglected, and abused, or some combination thereof basically.
True, but I like a more spectacular and hands-on approach to things. The Iron Warriors are basically an incel legion, who was abused, underappreciated, and was sent to do the hardest jobs. They snapped, ignore the same empire that degraded them while also ignoring Chaos. Using it as means to an ends.
True, but I like a more spectacular and hands-on approach to things. The Iron Warriors are basically an incel legion, who was abused, underappreciated, and was sent to do the hardest jobs. They snapped, ignore the same empire that degraded them while also ignoring Chaos. Using it as means to an ends.
Over for Astartescels.
what is jbf
Just be first, as in be the guy that take's a foid's virginity. They think it matters in terms of pairbonding, but not anymore due to the amount of SSRIs and kike-backed propaganda that circulates in this society. But you can also say that's due to female nature to be conniving cheating skanks, constantly on the prowl for Chad's cock.
JBF'ers on suicide watch.
All foids are suck in the head and will cheat or have the desire to no matter what
That's why foids need to be kept on a short leash inside a cage.
Just be first, as in be the guy that take's a foid's virginity. They think it matters in terms of pairbonding, but not anymore due to the amount of SSRIs and kike-backed propaganda that circulates in this society. But you can also say that's due to female nature to be conniving cheating skanks, constantly on the prowl for Chad's cock.
are people really trying to push that as a legitimate strategy? not like youre going to find a virgin over the age of 10 anywhere anyway jfl
yeah we're doing them a favor, it's their fetish anyways
Their fetish is Chad only. They hate being subjugated by incels but we will break them eventually.
are people really trying to push that as a legitimate strategy? not like youre going to find a virgin over the age of 10 anywhere anyway jfl
exactly, that's why you go for 10 year olds (Recreation of Epstien's Island within the confines of the game known as Minecraft)
Lesbians are just severely mentally ill toilets, she's not a lesbian, she just isn't sleeping with Chad and feels disgusted by all non-Chad men.
imagine betabuxxing for a lesbian, well at least you don't have to worry about raising chadspawn, still cucked though and HARAM, he should rape her and behead her for her crimes
Relax, fag, I was making a joke. CuckTears is going to go wild if they see this, tho.
I don't give a shit about ITroons, they're not real women anyway. But it would be funny to watch actual foids overreact to "misogynistic incels" and create a backlash against them as a result of their paranoia.
I don't give a shit about ITroons, they're not real women anyway. But it would be funny to watch actual foids overreact to "misogynistic incels" and create a backlash against them as a result of their paranoia.
ITroons :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:
She's just saying this due to guilt.
Wrong. It's out of shame - concerned about how others see her as opposed to about how she makes others feel.
And he's the one who leaves their house LMAO. Why do men always do that? Absolute simps. Kick that cheating bitch to the streets.
And he's the one who leaves their house LMAO. Why do men always do that? Absolute simps. Kick that cheating bitch to the streets.
She owns the house and the law will rape him if he tries tbh, prolly an Americuck

But yes, I agree
And he's the one who leaves their house LMAO. Why do men always do that? Absolute simps. Kick that cheating bitch to the streets.
But there is a reason women choose oofy-doofies like this - because they know they are worthless, down bad, desperate, and spineless.
Should've leomaxxed and ditched the box at 25
Afghan women are kept that way only inside their cage homes well without the leash part:feelsaww::feelsaww:
Any man who lets his bitch wander off without a leash should be fined. We need leash laws for females.
Lesbians are just severely mentally ill toilets, she's not a lesbian, she just isn't sleeping with Chad and feels disgusted by all non-Chad men.
JFL :feelskek: For real , most lesbians are just low tier beckies in denial because they can’t get a chad … foids would literally rather fuck dogs and horses , kill themselves and eat the smelly disgusting tuna boxes of other toilets then date their incels lookmatch :feelshaha::feelsokman::feelsclown:
God it's unreal how much I hate dykes.

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