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RageFuel Reddit whore blames men for overpopulation.

Only white chads deserve to have sex with us women tee hee :foidSoy: Won't care about the leftovers, It's not our business even if they kill themselves :foidSoy:
I bet this foid who complains about overpopulation would pop out 3 babies for an abusive chad who would leave her as well as wanting to bring in rapefugees.
what is this retard yapping about, most woman want to have children because of biology. Feeling horny is an effect of our body telling us that we need to reproduce. That subreddit is full of retards in general, they can't comprehend other people's views and just assume everyone thinks and has the same experiences as them.
what is this retard yapping about, most woman want to have children because of biology. Feeling horny is an effect of our body telling us that we need to reproduce. That subreddit is full of retards in general, they can't comprehend other people's views and just assume everyone thinks and has the same experiences as them.
Redditors are rejects trying to larp as normies and smart people by shitting on those who they see lower.
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I don’t care if it’s ’bad for everyone else’, fuck people, I hate people so not my problem, I’m entitled to sex.
It'd be much easier for a rabies patient to drink a gallon of water than it would be for foids to take a bit of accountability.
Dumb bitch thinks she smart. We are not over populated. That's one of the kike psyop.
"Men are entitled to sex so that created overpopulation"

"No one is entitled to anything sweetie"

Pick one you soy cucks
They can just get a divorce if they don't want kids, even in Islamic countries and India full consent of the foid herself is necessary for marriage, there is almost nowhere on the planet where a foid is FORCED to have sex by law
We are not over populated. That's one of the kike psyop.
We are fucking overpopulated you dumb Pajeet, when you go outside in India and see 10 curries in every square inch do you seriously think to yourself "yeah this is fine, we need MOAR people", what the post is saying is retarded but so are you
We are fucking overpopulated you dumb Pajeet, when you go outside in India and see 10 curries in every square inch do you seriously think to yourself "yeah this is fine, we need MOAR people", what the post is saying is retarded but so are you
Densely populated doesn't mean overpopulated you dumb faggot
Densely populated doesn't mean overpopulated
:lul: Average Pajeet mindset, it's not like anyone wants your shitskin insects in their country, so your country is your WORLD nigga
Over population doesn't exist

Most developed economies are facing a demographic crisis with a lack of children to perpetuate the renewal of population. This bitch don't even know the most basic stuffs.
Only white chads deserve to have sex with us women tee hee :foidSoy: Won't care about the leftovers, It's not our business even if they kill themselves :foidSoy:
Then they’re surprised when pajeets in India go on mass rape sprees
Women already have control
What a retard jfl
The root cause of overpopulation is foids having sex with 50 tyrones and most men are virgins anyways therefore not responsible

Foids are the most sorry pieces of "human" garbage
Only governments and overlords cry about population decline because they need wage slaves, as an individual who is also an incel and will not have kids why would you care about population replacement and perpetuation of this rat race
The root cause of overpopulation is foids having sex with 50 tyrones and most men are virgins anyways therefore not responsible

Foids are the most sorry pieces of "human" garbage
Fr. She needs to get angry at whores who fuck chad and tyrone and have his kids rather than incels who've never held a foid's hand. So many single mothers these days.
We are fucking overpopulated you dumb Pajeet, when you go outside in India and see 10 curries in every square inch do you seriously think to yourself "yeah this is fine, we need MOAR people", what the post is saying is retarded but so are you
He's right. Birth rates are decreasing significantly, in the coming years underpopulation will be the major concern rather than overpopulation. Look at Japan for example
Fr. She needs to get angry at whores who fuck chad and tyrone and have his kids rather than incels who've never held a foid's hand.
Little do these pieces of human garbage foids know, if foids actually took accountability then rape statistics would be so much lower.
Only governments and overlords cry about population decline because they need wage slaves, as an individual who is also an incel and will not have kids why would you care about population replacement and perpetuation of this rat race
In the individualist US shit hole, what you say makes sense. In a more harmonious society with a lot of collective organizations and protections, this is putting everyone at risk. The irony is foids do benefit the most from this kind of society, but are also the most individualistic of both sex, leading to the destruction of such functioning social orders into US inspired shit holes.
He's right. Birth rates are decreasing significantly, in the coming years underpopulation will be the major concern rather than overpopulation. Look at Japan for example
But it's a GOOD thing, you're just repeating the brainwashing, governments needs wage slaves so they cry about it, but countries with lower population density are usually better

Right now, Would you rather live in India or Japan?

I bet the toilet looks like this
In the individualist US shit hole, what you say makes sense. In a more harmonious society with a lot of collective organizations and protections, this is putting everyone at risk. The irony is foids do benefit the most from this kind of society, but are also the most individualistic of both sex, leading to the destruction of such functioning social orders into US inspired shit holes.
There is not a single "harmonious society with a lot of collective organizations and protections :feelskek::feelskek:" country on this fucking Jewish planet, higher population just means more suffering

The only population that needs replacement is the one that had a reasonable number in the first place, for example India with 1.5 BILLION pajeets shouldn't be replaced, it NEEDS DECLINE, it must be reduced, THEN sustained, only like 100 mil of them should be replaced
There is not a single "harmonious society with a lot of collective organizations and protections :feelskek::feelskek:" country on this fucking Jewish planet, higher population just means more suffering
Well, there used to be, before globalization and feminization. That's my point.
Well, there used to be, before globalization and feminization. That's my point.
Ok but right now in capitalism higher population just means more suffering, don't parrot government propaganda "muh replacement rate"

Ask to yourself "Does this subhuman poorfag population DESERVE perpetuity?"
"Does this subhuman poorfag population DESERVE perpetuity?"
There is no subhuman poorfag in a social ordered state that enforces mandatory GF legislations. :feelsthink:
But it's a GOOD thing, you're just repeating the brainwashing, governments needs wage slaves so they cry about it, but countries with lower population density are usually better

Right now, Would you rather live in India or Japan?
No its not a good thing, it might seem cool if you take a country like India for example but this issue is worldwide, its just that japan is leading the trail right now. What about other countries that are not as densely populated as india? Those are the countries where the effects of depopulation can be seen more transparently. Difference is countries like India will just take longer to recognize the ill effects as compared to other countries
What about other countries that are not as densely populated as india?
Females are the gatekeepers of sex, they are the ones who birth children…

Females are just not capable of critical thinking to the same extent that men are. They’re great at vacuuming up and regurgitating information, but they cannot formulate anything coherent of their own volition. Perhaps they were designed this way, or perhaps females were selected over generations to be this way, the result is the same.
That's the same thing they do for everything else in life

They are the cause of overpopulation yet try to find a way to blame men ONCE AGAIN
The entire concept of antinatalism is just another fancy excuse used by hyper liberal women and soys to criticize unattractive men. They claim to be valiantly fighting against overpopulation and muh patriarchal societal norms, but in reality, all they want is the privilege to whore around without having to worry about getting pregnant or dealing with the complications that come with it.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/antinatalism/comments/1b9musj/are_you_sterilized_at_what_age_did_you_do_it/

They unironically call getting a vasectomy "sterilizing" themselves. Instead of abstaining from sex for the greater good of the environment, like the morally righteous altruists they think they are, the sluts in that sub insert a piece of plastic into their uterus which prevents them from becoming pregnant for 10 years. That's 10 years of raw, unprotected sex with all the men they want. Not only that, but they're pissing xenoestrogens into the very ecosystem they purport to be protecting, contaminating our natural waterways, altering fish reproductive systems, and damaging ecosystem dynamics on a global scale.

So much for muh environmentalism.

50 cent laughing GIF
The entire concept of antinatalism is just another fancy excuse used by hyper liberal women and soys to criticize unattractive men. They claim to be valiantly fighting against overpopulation and muh patriarchal societal norms, but in reality, all they want is the privilege to whore around without having to worry about getting pregnant or dealing with the complications that come with it.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/antinatalism/comments/1b9musj/are_you_sterilized_at_what_age_did_you_do_it/

They unironically call getting a vasectomy "sterilizing" themselves. Instead of abstaining from sex for the greater good of the environment, like the morally righteous altruists they think they are, the sluts in that sub insert a piece of plastic into their uterus which prevents them from becoming pregnant for 10 years. That's 10 years of raw, unprotected sex with all the men they want. Not only that, but they're pissing xenoestrogens into the very ecosystem they purport to be protecting, contaminating our natural waterways, altering fish reproductive systems, and damaging ecosystem dynamics on a global scale.

So much for muh environmentalism.

50 cent laughing GIF

Being concerned about overpopulation is explicitly racist and anti black because almost every country outside of subsaharan africa (including every single white country) is experiencing extremely low birth rates and rapid population decline

Caring about overpopulation in 2024 means you want black and brown people to stop breeding specifically otherwise there’s nothing to complain about
Being concerned about overpopulation is explicitly racist and anti black because almost every country outside of subsaharan africa (including every single white country) is experiencing extremely low birth rates and rapid population decline

Caring about overpopulation in 2024 means you want black and brown people to stop breeding specifically otherwise there’s nothing to complain about
Kek'd irl ngl, that's technically true. I overlooked the fact that population declines are occurring throughout every other country in the world except non-Mediterranean Africa because they're too low IQ to stop procreating. I'm not sure if I would comfortably classify antinatalists alongside actual racial extremist neo nazis, though, as the majority, if not all, of them are overwhelmingly left-wing. But I understand your point :feelskek:

You know, I have no doubt that the average user of this sub is a 3.5 PSL cumskin subhuman with dyed hair and tattoos. I think that deep down, they know their offspring would be just as subhuman as they are, so they cope by telling themselves no one else should have kids either. Basically incel psychology without even realizing it.
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Once again, I am astounded, I know I shouldn't be but I am, at how impossible women find it to see men as human beings hurt by a lack of intimacy of companionship, instead trying to twist those feelings of sadness at depressiom to present them in a dehumanizing, predatory way.

Even mainstream media, hell, even average normies are beginning to understand that loneliness is a problem, it genuinely hurts the people suffering from it on both mental and physical level, yet, when men dare to open up and share their problems, women with chips on their shoulders immediately attack them and try to present them as evil predators for feeling emotions which they themselves probably feel as well.

Recently, there have been an increasing number of incel posts on this subreddit. So this one is dedicated to the Life Bad Because Women Are Not Having Sex With Me guys.
Yeah, yeah, I heard this bullshit cope normies tell each other to present us in a bad way a million times. "They just want sex, it's not that when they say that they obviously imply that they want everything that comes with it (intimacy, romance, affection, companionship) as well, higher context doesn't exist, those inkwells sure are one dimensional creeps, aren't they :foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy:."

It’s good women are not having sex with you. We don’t need any more children. We don’t need any more boys that their mothers resent for being born. No more entitled rancid personalities passing on their genes.
There's so much, so much I could say purely from that part about how this person specifically said "boys that their mothers resent" rather than children in general, despite using the latter term in the previous sentence.

Yeah, we know that women prefer owther women, even when it comes to their own children. No need to make it so obvious. Pretty funny to see them show who they do not want to exist like this, though.

Also, that overused "personality" bullshit. Lol. Well, good that she knows that personality is genetic, though, of course, she either doesn't know or hides which personalities and traits are being passed down.

I know exactly what types of personalities women are choosing to further the existence of, and it makes me hope for a biosingularity to happen ASAP to reverse it.


Human Capital Mediates Natural Selection in Contemporary Humans

For women, pregnancy is very costly. Women sacrifice their own blood and flesh, their sanity, their time, possibly their lives. Women don’t want to have children in an unsafe, hostile, anti-children environment, which is civilization as a whole. If left to their own devices and not subjected to propaganda, most women will not choose reproduction.
Desperate cope, most people, regardless of culture, wish to procreate.

But they’re being forced. Why? Because men can not live with the fact that they most likely won’t be chosen if women have the choice. Oh and because most people in power are men and they need that cheap slave labor. And young children, especially the female ones, for other reasons.
That fucking hilarious switch to "Erm, le ebil corporations need da wageslaves and sexslavez:foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy:," right at the very moment when she revealed whatis actually her problem. She doesn't have a problem with capitalism or anything, else she would've taken all of the wealth she got out of the capitalist system she lives under and used it to move off-grid or whatever. She doesn't want low-value males to procreate because, like ALL women, she is disgusted by them, disgusted by the thought of her or any other women having to so much as touch them and, as she is disgusted by us and feels absolutely no empathy towards us, is triggered when reminded that we are human beings who also have feelings and that we are deeply hurt by having to live in loneliness just because of our genes. As this insults her, she therefore decided to sperg out and write this thesis telling us to fuck off and just barely disguising herself with some cringe phrases to pretend that what she is saying isn't aimed solely at unattractive men, like the ones in the above quoted text.

Being concerned about overpopulation is explicitly racist and anti black because almost every country outside of subsaharan africa (including every single white country) is experiencing extremely low birth rates and rapid population decline

Caring about overpopulation in 2024 means you want black and brown people to stop breeding specifically otherwise there’s nothing to complain about
Kek'd irl ngl, that's technically true. I overlooked the fact that population declines are occurring throughout every other country in the world except non-Mediterranean Africa because they're too low IQ to stop procreating. I'm not sure if I would comfortably classify antinatalists alongside actual racial extremist neo nazis, though, as the majority, if not all, of them are overwhelmingly left-wing. But I understand your point :feelskek:

You know, I have no doubt that the average user of this sub is a 3.5 PSL cumskin subhuman with dyed hair and tattoos. I think that deep down, they know their offspring would be just as subhuman as they are, so they cope by telling themselves no one else should have kids either. Basically incel psychology without even realizing it.
They should blame it on themselves, for not keeping their legs closed.

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