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Theory Reasons to not take SSRIs



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Aug 18, 2023
Reasons to not take SSRIs:
  • makes you emotionally numb and unable to feel joy and pleasure. It doesn’t actually make you happy lol.

  • It gives cognitive impairment and slows down your thinking a lot, giving brain fog. Causes loss of imagination too

  • Makes your dick stop working and completely destroys sexual pleasure (suifuel for coomers)

  • Can get PSSD (post SSRI sexual dysfunction) which is an umbrella of symptoms closely interlinked. Effects are very long lasting and many people never fully recover.

  • Once you’re off the medication, the side effects last for a very very long time. Why? Because SSRIs affect you on the genetic level.

  • Withdrawals are hell. Side effects last even if you’re off the medication. People have gone decades off the medication and haven’t fully recovered.

  • Neuroinflammatory and kills brain cells

  • Destroys memory and shrinks parts of the brain like hippocampus etc.

  • Ruins your sleep quality and gives insomnia. Serotonin also affects sleep cycle. Also suppresses REM sleep. This has bad implications for brain health and sanity.

  • makes you tired and lethargic all the time

  • completely nukes you reward circuitry perhaps on a genetic level.

  • messes up your dopamine circuitry in a way which gives anhedonia

  • Can give depersonalisation or derealisation

  • can cause gut issues. And gut is like the second brain so will have cognitive implications. Destroys gut biodiversity.

  • Decreases testosterone also increases estrogen. Probably makes you foidbrained.

  • suppresses puberty and growth during crucial developmental periods in life. Probably fucks up and limits growth

  • So numbed out that going through with suicide will seem like nothing to you.

  • Completely kills any motivation and drive in you. Amotivational syndrome.

  • causes frontal lobe syndrome.

  • SSRIs cause freaky changes to your brain and body’s gene expressions.

  • SSRIs make you gain weight and probably make you fat. Especially gaining fat in the face area which will be a major looksmin

  • Can cause hyponatremia and that can cause brain damage

  • Increases prolactin which is bad for men

  • Reduces appetite and eating food won’t feel the same anymore.

  • The jews Frauded the clinical trials behind these drugs and there were actually many suicides and side effects while people were taking it.

  • SSRIs make you lose your creativity. Leaves you blank minded

  • Elevates cortisol and gives bruxism and akathesia. Can also ruin eyesight and make it blurry

  • SSRIs age you and make your bones weaker and your skin worse

  • SSRIs nuke fertility so it’s the final nail in the coffin for your inceldom even if you do ascend

  • Completely nukes hypothalamus which causes memory loss, sleep issues, messed up release of hormones, fatigue and weight gain.

  • Fries your serotonin circuitry and makes psychedelic drug effects weaker

  • Kills the pleasure of orgasms and everything else in life in general.

  • Numbs your dick and you feel nothing when jerking off

  • Nukes your ability to imagine and visualise things, making you an NPC. I mean nuking your fundamental capacity to even do these things .

  • nukes your ability to plan ahead and think ahead. This is because SSRIs nuke the prefrontal cortex responsible for moral thought and inhibition etc. why do you think so many killers and school shooters are on SSRIs lol. They literally steal your soul

  • nukes your ability to feel empathy

  • SSRIs accelerate cognitive decline and progression into dementia

  • SSRIs nuke androgens and kills off masculine behaviours

  • SSRIs induce learned helplessness and doesn’t encourage you to change your situations

  • SSRIs are used to chemically castrate pedos

  • Read the fucking label jfl

  • ssris give weaker erections thus, dickpill

  • SSRIs clog up the heart and speed up disease in the body

  • SSRIs nuke capacity to focus and pay attention and concentrate on things. Pure suifuel for high iq cels

  • SSRIs are literally neurotoxic

  • SSRIs fuck up gene expression

  • Psych wards are auschwitz whatever you do in life never end up in those places

  • SSRIs fuck up your gene expressions

  • SSRIs stunt puberty and growth. This is real. Read studies on it. Will make you a trucel. Limits height growth especially if taken before and during puberty.

  • nigga just use Kratom or go on an opioid regimen

  • SSRIs alter and destroy your sense of self and ego in a bad way. If you take it long term, you gradually forget who you are.

  • Eating food and listening to music will never feel the same. The anhedonia will cross over into these things.

@XtremeMax @lazy_gamer_423 @Arabcel99 @opioidcel @Morphine . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁ and other SSRI users you can list more effects
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damn thats sounds rough
SSRIs helps me with my OCD
SSRIs stop the rampant thoughts that come one after one
SSRIs makes me a bit more enlightened

I take escitalopram for around 2 months now and i stress less.
SSRIs helps me with my OCD
SSRIs stop the rampant thoughts that come one after one
SSRIs makes me a bit more enlightened

I take escitalopram for around 2 months now and i stress less.
It’s good for extreme cases but not for like relatively normal people glad it worked out though. It’s definitely overprescribed
It’s good for extreme cases but not for like relatively normal people glad it worked out though
Thanks, I notice when i dont take it, The OCD thoughts are massive and i sit and suffer for hours!
I'm still going to take SSRIs
I'm still going to take SSRIs
It’s about weighing out the options tbh some people might like the numbness but I want to feel some sort of pleasure SSRIs will prevent me from that because it lowers dopamine
even some famous people with lots of money killed themselves under these pills
Very overprescribed and the effects of the pills are lied about. It’s a kind of psyop. Only in extreme cases they would probably help like @Lonelyus . It’s a psyop honestly there’s way better solutions for people in non extreme situations
SSRIs helps me with my OCD
SSRIs stop the rampant thoughts that come one after one
SSRIs makes me a bit more enlightened

I take escitalopram for around 2 months now and i stress less.
Good goy.
IMG 1275
The fact that every doctor will try shove these down your throat for literally any mental issue is so annoying too. Like even at a walk-in clinic where they know nothing about you they'll try convince you that you NEED to start taking these kikepills
The fact that every doctor will try shove these down your throat for literally any mental issue is so annoying too. Like even at a walk-in clinic where they know nothing about you they'll try convince you that you NEED to start taking these kikepills
You see what I mean when I say they’re overprescribed and do way more harm than good for most people
I'm glad my parents never got me hooked on jewpills like many parents in America
You see what I mean when I say they’re overprescribed and do way more harm than good for most people
Not even joking, I went to a psychiatrist and when he tried to give me jewpills (I never took them) he told me to not look up ANYTHING about the drug and just take it for a month to see how I feel :feelskek:
I'm glad my parents never got me hooked on jewpills like many parents in America
This is literally one of the ways the country is gonna collapse eventually
Not even joking, I went to a psychiatrist and when he tried to give me jewpills (I never took them) he told me to not look up ANYTHING about the drug and just take it for a month to see how I feel :feelskek:
Jfl this is prime kekfuel imagine telling someone not to research something and just blindly take it. It’s such a meme job being a psychiatrist they just bullshit everything. they’re actually retarded most of the time and don’t know anything. It’s literally “just trust me bro”
Unfortunately. At least ZOG will disappear when America collapses
And the parasites will move on to the next host… and so the story continues I guess
yep it sucks and should be illegal
Jfl this is prime kekfuel imagine telling someone not to research something and just blindly take it. It’s such a meme job being a psychiatrist they just bullshit everything. they’re actually retarded most of the time and don’t know anything. It’s literally “just trust me bro”
Got into an argument with my PCP over that, He told me one of my pills wouldnt let me cum at all. Im not a coomer but I found it quite concerning so I ended up telling him to fuck off and left and never came back.

Plenty of weird shit goes into them so its no surprise they dont want you to research
Same tbh I was forced on them :fuk: When I spat out the pills they just gave it in liquid form. I wish I spat it back at their face. It tastes so metallic god knows what they put in that shit
  • SSRIs stunt puberty and growth. This is real. Read studies on it. Will make you a trucel. Limits height growth especially if taken before and during puberty.
can confirm
First off, you have to properly source all of your claims. Your post has no sources whatsoever.

Second, as someone who used these drugs, despite the fact that I too was extremely opposed to psychiatric drugs in the past, the only side effects I really experienced were delayed ejaculation (no decrease in libido and no ED), mild nausea and sleepiness. I was the same old me after quitting, my cognition wasn't impaired and things weren't less enjoyable. I will concur that growing children shouldn't take these drugs, though, albeit this can be said for nearly every psychoactive drug out there.
can confirm
You’re not alone read this story from erowid I think you’ll relate a lot

One more thing: Prozac also stunted my pubertal growth. I didn’t grow one inch during puberty while on Prozac, so I am basically stuck in a 13 year olds body. My whole family is tall, except for me. I can’t prove this but studies are just now coming out saying it stunts growth in children and it all makes sense why I didn’t grow.

So by the time I barely graduate at 18 I am basically a nothing person. I don’t know how to socialize, have zero sex drive, and just have overall no emotion or confidence in anything. This is quite close to insanity in my opinion.

By the time I’m 15 I had been on the medicine for 2 years now. The sex drive that I once had at 12-13 from hitting puberty is now gone. At this point I’m so confused about life and who I am that I’m just gliding through life like a zombie. My mom thinks my “depression” isn’t improving so she keeps me on the medicine and by this point taking the medicine is 2nd nature so I just take it every day. The fights my mom and I have are worse now. Im breaking things in the house and constantly yelling back at my mom. I completely fail my freshman year of high school and have no motivation for anything. I still have no clue this is from the Prozac, as my mom and the doctor insist I “need” it. My heart, emotions, and natural personality are slowly starting to fade.

My emotion is gone, so I’m basically a vegetable by this point, almost to the level of legal insanity

@XtremeMax you can heavily relate too I know. This shit is no joke boyos
Same tbh I was forced on them :fuk: When I spat out the pills they just gave it in liquid form. I wish I spat it back at their face. It tastes so metallic god knows what they put in that shit
then they wouldve got the pigs to tase you
why would you want to take jewpills willingly, it's such an outlandish notion to me
First off, you have to properly source all of your claims. Your post has no sources whatsoever.
True but it’s too late to edit the thread now
Second, as someone who used these drugs, despite the fact that I too was extremely opposed to psychiatric drugs in the past, the only side effects I really experienced were delayed ejaculation (no decrease in libido and no ED), mild nausea and sleepiness. I was the same old me after quitting, my cognition wasn't impaired and things weren't less enjoyable. I will concur that growing children shouldn't take these drugs, though, albeit this can be said for nearly every psychoactive drug out there.
What drug did you take
First off, you have to properly source all of your claims. Your post has no sources whatsoever.

Second, as someone who used these drugs, despite the fact that I too was extremely opposed to psychiatric drugs in the past, the only side effects I really experienced were delayed ejaculation (no decrease in libido and no ED), mild nausea and sleepiness. I was the same old me after quitting, my cognition wasn't impaired and things weren't less enjoyable. I will concur that growing children shouldn't take these drugs, though, albeit this can be said for nearly every psychoactive drug out there.
When I took them my entire hormones crashed, I lost all my sex drive, and because I was depressed my life felt like a living hell. Only took them for a month though thankfully.
You’re not alone read this story from erowid I think you’ll relate a lot

@XtremeMax you can heavily relate too I know. This shit is no joke boyos
the fact that i feel nothing reading this is enough proof that i'm 100% fucked in the head from it
why would you want to take jewpills willingly, it's such an outlandish notion to me
For most people the risks giga outweigh the benefits and it’s overprescribed and the side effects people experience are denied by psychiatrists and they gaslight the patient either willingly or out of ignorance
makes you emotionally numb and unable
Already numb
Destroys memory and shrinks parts of the brain like hippocampus etc.
Already dumb
Reduces appetite and eating food won’t feel the same anymore.
Blessing for fatcels
SSRIs nuke fertility so it’s the final nail in the coffin for your inceldom even if you do ascend
None of us are ascending
nukes your ability to feel empathy
Empathy is useless anyway lol

Also you listed the same shit multiple times
If it was up to
Me you all would be on ssri drugged and in wage job
If it was up to
Me you all would be on ssri drugged and in wage job
The thing about SSRIs and psych drugs in general is that it makes you tolerate worse and worse conditions

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