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Rate the prettiest girl you've ever talked to



Nov 11, 2017
Besides hello how are you, I mean talk about having a conversation about something meaningful.
A 3 from what I can remember it was a very fat white girl but I liked (not romantically) her because she was very outgoing
Probably a 5. Maybe 5.5
None, since i haven't had a personal conversation with a girl my entire life. Fuckin lol.
i have never had a conversation lol
torujo said:
i have never had a conversation lol

Lol we both posted the exact same thing at the same time.
A very solid 8/10 milf chemistry teacher I had while in highschool who probably pitied my terrible appearance.

We had many meaningful conversations on lunch break and she often asked about my life. I mostly lied to try not to pass as too miserable but she helped me develop a lower inhib while talking to older femoids.
I never had a meaningful conversation ever with a female. I'm invisible and have been my whole life.
a-virgin-nigger said:
I never had a meaningful conversation ever with a female. I'm invisible and have been my whole life.

Biggest sign of truecel. Anyone who can actually hold a conversation with a girl means that they might not discard them like absolute trash, and so they can hold a glimmer of hope of having drunk sex or being betabux. Truecels like us are disregarded our entire lives.
Probably an 8/10, she is a former model who texts me when she wants beta attention. Chad is only good for fucking and does not talk.
Back in the day i sat next to the hottest femoid in my grade a solid 8 and i still didnt have the balls to speak to her. but the hottest girl i spoke to approached me and asked me a stupid question about how to get to another walmart when she was directly outside walmart i blank stared her and in an aspie voice said not sure she ran a mile lol dumb femoid bitch im not at ur service to be giving you directions
If I excluded female workers who talked to me because of their job. I think the prettiest girl I've talked to is 7/10. The conversation lasts for about 3 seconds. I was heading to the metro station to find out it was closed, and there was this girl on her mobile, I asked her "Is it closed" she said yes while looking on my subhuman eyes. This was a year ago, still sweet to remember.
please end me.

IlieknothingREAL said:
Probably an 8/10, she is a former model who texts me when she wants beta attention. Chad is only good for fucking and does not talk.

tfw no former model texts me to get attention 
dude, are you even incel?
MubarakTheCoper said:
If I excluded female workers who talked to me because of their job. I think the prettiest girl I've talked to is 7/10. The conversation lasts for about 3 seconds. I was heading to the metro station to find out it was closed, and there was this girl on her mobile, I asked her "Is it closed" she said yes while looking on my subhuman eyes. This was a year ago, still sweet to remember.
please end me.

tfw no former model texts me to get attention 
dude, are you even incel?

she doesn't fuck me or anything, she just talks to me about random shit, mainly Harry Potter and sometimes gtav

Chad gets the fucking
had a 9/10 in my house at 1st year of univercity
Never had a full convo with a female that I wasnt related to
I have to say she was an honest to god 9/10.
Happened during my internship.
I knew that she was in a class next to mine in school but I never really looked at, let alone talked to her.
I also would have never tought that she would end up at the same company as me, especially since it was a science (Chemistry) based one.
Anyway, I saw her on the first day when when she went to the train station, since our shifts ended at roughly the same time.
I don't even know why or how but I simply said hi to her at the station and she actually responded.
Tbh I think she simply didn't realize at first who was talking to her.

I still rememebr that during the first few minutes on the train she kept on talking the whole time.
At some point I said something (don't know waht anymore since it was 13 years ago), and I noticed how her eyes started to get teary.
At first I tough that I said something wrong, but then I simply rememebred how conversations with girls usually went (the few I had during my life up to that point) and realized that she simply didn't want to talk to me.
I got out two stations before where I should've simply becasue I was used to be the nice guy and not cause uncomfort towards others.
Never saw her again afterwards. Guess she changed her shifts or got some Chad to pick her up.
An actual 10, only because she was in my group for a class activity.
Haven't had a real conversation with a female past middle school.
7/10 coworker asked me a question about work the other day. i almost answered but i don't owe that bitch anything. told her i don't know and she got all pissed. obviously i know, just don't want to tell your roastie ass. dumb slut is probably getting fucked by chad right now.
10/10 in that I have never seen a more beautiful woman (which is subjective obviously). She was the hottest girl at my school and once we talked for like 2 hours and she laughed at my jokes and asked questions about my shitty life. That got me a confidence boost that probably saved me from sui.
Angry_runt said:
10/10 in that I have never seen a more beautiful woman (which is subjective obviously). She was the hottest girl at my school and once we talked for like 2 hours and she laughed at my jokes and asked questions about my shitty life. That got me a confidence boost that probably saved me from sui.

Fakecel. A 10/10 would spit on me
Eerily similar to Alex Bones, my year 8 science teacher was incredibly hot with the ideal body. I got in trouble one day so I had to spend lunch sitting next to her in the sun helping her with stuff, it was glorious.

Now for a brutal story: later that year, the teacher was digressing about how if someone dies early, but spread their genes and had a fulfilled life, their life meant more than someone who lived to 100 and never had a family. She used me as an example for that. I was extroverted and somewhat the class clown back then, I think thats why she chose me. Then again, I was ugly as fuck.
I dont give a fuck on how the femmoroid in question looks, i try myself to remove them off my mind the better i could so i cant rate them.
IlieknothingREAL said:
she doesn't fuck me or anything, she just talks to me about random shit, mainly Harry Potter and sometimes gtav

Chad gets the fucking
prob just a way to make herself feel better like volunteering at the animal shelter, something she can put on her resume
All the females I ever talked to were average or ugly. I don't talk to females anymore though.
9.5/10. I don't believe in 10/10s.
I was studying for a structural design project as group yesterday, I was close to a 5-6/10 5'9" girl. She is same height with me and her figure drives me crazy.
Celibate said:
Fakecel. A 10/10 would spit on me

Shit, you're right. A 2 hour conversation about nothing in particular completely overrides 30+ years of rejections. Where do I go to get the easy pussy that I'm entitled to?
I dont think a woman has ever talked to me. I cant remember the last one at least :/ My mother probably.
8-9/10 colleague I used to work with. She looked like Marisa Tomei. Naturally she had a Chad of her own, so I ended that oneitis. Then there was an FHO I met at a work course who encouraged further contact, only to later tell me she was a dyke. FML.
My 1st counselor out of the psych ward. https://cdn2.sussexdirectories.com/rms/rms_photos/sized/31/18/281831-633953-2_120x150.jpg?pu=1464096758

That pic does her no justice. I think she lost weight since then, also. She has the perfect German face.

She's about 6 foot, athletic volleyball figure, was the first woman in my life who was ever kind to me, words cannot describe how badly I wanted to fuck her.

Unsurprisingly, she's married to a Jew lawyer that she openly uses for bux. She's one of those that brags about traveling around the world and buying pretty clothes and flowers and shit.
I’ve spoken to some really attractive women but there’s never any interest. Like I’m just a person that they need to converse with about work. I’ve never been asked about personal interests or stuff like that. I’m just here.
I work at Burger King and there are some hot girls through the drive thru

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