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Soy r/IncelTears face reveal: meet AdvocateDoogy, the autist behind the "Prove the Incel Wrong" comic series

StDoogyCel, join us
He looks exactly like poljak, the nazi incel wojak they always claim to be us. LOL every fucking time they are projecting:
View attachment 545921

Also whats up with leftists and liberals doing such autistc and shitty art? The right wing has so many talented artists, graphic designers, video creators and our memes and humor even reaches the mainstream. Don't forget that "ok boomer" was a right wing meme first aswell
Black pill is a leftist philosophy. Nowadays people have forgotten what true left wing ideology is. Leftism stands for equality especially in an economic sense. Not feminism and lgbtq rights. Black pill philosophy is leftist as it acknowledges the huge unfairness the world is. Like leftism. If you’re a right wing (I mean a true right wing incel that strongly believes in stuff such as capitalism and lower responsibility that the rich has over the poor) then you’re an idiot
Black pill is a leftist philosophy. Nowadays people have forgotten what true left wing ideology is. Leftism stands for equality especially in an economic sense. Not feminism and lgbtq rights. Black pill philosophy is leftist as it acknowledges the huge unfairness the world is. Like leftism. If you’re a right wing (I mean a true right wing incel that strongly believes in stuff such as capitalism and lower responsibility that the rich has over the poor) then you’re an idiot
That's incorrect. Black pill is not a leftist philosophy; it is merely the statement of fact regarding the sexual selection process in humans based upon mountains of scientifically verified evidence.

It is not an ideology for equality, as you've stated. :feelsjuice:
Also whats up with leftists and liberals doing such autistc and shitty art? The right wing has so many talented artists, graphic designers, video creators and our memes and humor even reaches the mainstream. Don't forget that "ok boomer" was a right wing meme first aswell
People with any level of competence do not feel a need for the gov to coddle them from cradle to grave.
He looks exactly like poljak, the nazi incel wojak they always claim to be us. LOL every fucking time they are projecting:
View attachment 545921

Also whats up with leftists and liberals doing such autistc and shitty art? The right wing has so many talented artists, graphic designers, video creators and our memes and humor even reaches the mainstream. Don't forget that "ok boomer" was a right wing meme first aswell
View attachment 545880
Talk about foreshadowing, Doogycel.

Meet Adam Paul Dooling.
View attachment 545885

Well, how do I start? How about the fact that he's almost 34 years old and still lives with his parents in Castleford, England? But let's go back in time and look at Doogycel's early life.

Doogycel graduated from North Springs High School in Atlanta, GA. Unfortunately, he did not fully adjust to life in America. Here's him bragging about not being able to keep a job at Target for even two months:
View attachment 545887

Eventually, Doogycel moved back to England and spent the next several years working a series of temporary retail jobs. That's pretty fucking funny when you consider his high IQ.
View attachment 545907

Unlike flipping burgers, it requires a 139 IQ for someone to stack shelves. :feelskek:
View attachment 545909

In the meantime, he tried to start a YouTube gaming channel, but it flopped, having gained only 4 subscribers.
View attachment 545889

You can hear his voice here:

After his YouTube channel flopped, he then spent the next few years on Facebook offering his takes on inceldom and trannies. Unfortunately for him, it seems as if most of the 33 Facebook friends he has did not bother to read any of them.
View attachment 545891View attachment 545893

So he turned to writing about the struggles of being socially awkward.
View attachment 545892View attachment 545894

So Doogycel's latest cope for the past year or so has been Reddit, and for the first time in his life, he's gotten more than half a dozen followers, because only on Reddit can you find enough autists who somehow appreciate Doogycel's comics, half of which consist of him arguing against himself.
View attachment 545919

Cmon Doogycel! Why deny your true nature as a failed sperg? Stop torturing yourself. You can't escape the blackpill, you know.
View attachment 545886View attachment 545929View attachment 545930View attachment 545931

You'll always be welcome here, Chris-Chan 2.0.

@Incelius Savage @SlutLiberationFront @Lebensmüder @SlutLiberationFront @tenta @Caesercel @240iq @Mecoja @iamsubhuman @TheNEET @Linesnap99 @Misanthropy1 @kaczynskicel @solblue @Ritalincel @SlayerSlayer @RecessedChinCel @investigatorcel @Lonelycel @proudweeb @calimero @FuRed @-BrettyBoy- @trying to ascend @Legionarivs @Honeypot @Languishingrn @BummerDrummer @wereqryan @kanyepilled @JoeBruhcel @Fat Link @ordinaryotaku @MaxZM98 @keksofthebest @ERadicator @BlkPillPres @SuperPerfectCel @Shigechi @shii410 @dreadtheblackpill @Gyros_Pretcel @FamilyGuy1999 @Dregster666 @ThoughtfulCel @Justdone @RecessedChinCel @0Energy0Happyness @Incline @sckicksal345 @slavcel11 @dirtykombatcel @squirrelsonfire2 @rope2cope @Defetivecuckachu @Marquis de Sade @MarquisDeSade @watcher @Barney Calhoun @TINMAN @mericks @Master @mental_out

guys as pathetic as Chris would never admit it was over. Fucking autists be like.
lmao wizard status and even I legit mog him.
birds of a feather flock together
Black pill is a leftist philosophy. Nowadays people have forgotten what true left wing ideology is. Leftism stands for equality especially in an economic sense. Not feminism and lgbtq rights. Black pill philosophy is leftist as it acknowledges the huge unfairness the world is. Like leftism. If you’re a right wing (I mean a true right wing incel that strongly believes in stuff such as capitalism and lower responsibility that the rich has over the poor) then you’re an idiot
I think its very leftist of incels to claim they have a "right" to get women distributed to them. Just maxx and get your shit done or accept that you stand low in the hierarchy and make the best of it.
How do people end up denying their predicament so hard, it's like another level of cope. He acts like even more of a sperg than I do.
This thread is hilarious :feelskek:. Re-reading it is always a pleasure. Top 10 threads on this site.
At 35 he carries a lot of fat in his face but it's distributed like he is still a baby.
81.59% Incel tier. His awesome "personality" is showing through in this pic. :feelstrash:
Last edited:
We all tried denying our inceldom at some point in life.
If anything, denying black pill makes him more tragic as a character, this shit is absolutely demoralizing.
How do you fail so hard in life? Why are men punished like this?
We just simply are and apparently foids will just keep fucking creating us and then scream fuck off when we approach them
Incel without tears more like incels in denial!
View attachment 545880
Talk about foreshadowing, Doogycel.

Meet Adam Paul Dooling.
View attachment 545885

Well, how do I start? How about the fact that he's almost 34 years old and still lives with his parents in Castleford, England? But let's go back in time and look at Doogycel's early life.

Doogycel graduated from North Springs High School in Atlanta, GA. Unfortunately, he did not fully adjust to life in America. Here's him bragging about not being able to keep a job at Target for even two months:
View attachment 545887

Eventually, Doogycel moved back to England and spent the next several years working a series of temporary retail jobs. That's pretty fucking funny when you consider his high IQ.
View attachment 545907

Unlike flipping burgers, it requires a 139 IQ for someone to stack shelves. :feelskek:
View attachment 545909

In the meantime, he tried to start a YouTube gaming channel, but it flopped, having gained only 4 subscribers.
View attachment 545889

You can hear his voice here:

After his YouTube channel flopped, he then spent the next few years on Facebook offering his takes on inceldom and trannies. Unfortunately for him, it seems as if most of the 33 Facebook friends he has did not bother to read any of them.
View attachment 545891View attachment 545893

So he turned to writing about the struggles of being socially awkward.
View attachment 545892View attachment 545894

So Doogycel's latest cope for the past year or so has been Reddit, and for the first time in his life, he's gotten more than half a dozen followers, because only on Reddit can you find enough autists who somehow appreciate Doogycel's comics, half of which consist of him arguing against himself.
View attachment 545919

Cmon Doogycel! Why deny your true nature as a failed sperg? Stop torturing yourself. You can't escape the blackpill, you know.
View attachment 545886View attachment 545929View attachment 545930View attachment 545931

You'll always be welcome here, Chris-Chan 2.0.

@Incelius Savage @SlutLiberationFront @Lebensmüder @SlutLiberationFront @tenta @Caesercel @240iq @Mecoja @iamsubhuman @TheNEET @Linesnap99 @Misanthropy1 @kaczynskicel @solblue @Ritalincel @SlayerSlayer @RecessedChinCel @investigatorcel @Lonelycel @proudweeb @calimero @FuRed @-BrettyBoy- @trying to ascend @Legionarivs @Honeypot @Languishingrn @BummerDrummer @wereqryan @kanyepilled @JoeBruhcel @Fat Link @ordinaryotaku @MaxZM98 @keksofthebest @ERadicator @BlkPillPres @SuperPerfectCel @Shigechi @shii410 @dreadtheblackpill @Gyros_Pretcel @FamilyGuy1999 @Dregster666 @ThoughtfulCel @Justdone @RecessedChinCel @0Energy0Happyness @Incline @sckicksal345 @slavcel11 @dirtykombatcel @squirrelsonfire2 @rope2cope @Defetivecuckachu @Marquis de Sade @MarquisDeSade @watcher @Barney Calhoun @TINMAN @mericks @Master @mental_out

King of the Cucks
This is why denying the blackpill is so dangerous as a truecel, you set yourself up for social failure time and time again, I used to be a bit like that, believing the redpill and hard work could save me, it didn't.
This is why denying the blackpill is so dangerous as a truecel, you set yourself up for social failure time and time again, I used to be a bit like that, believing the redpill and hard work could save me, it didn't.
100% agree on this. If I hadn't come to terms with this earlier, I would've roped. The blackpill is essential most ESPECIALLY if you're a truecel
Saint Doogycel join us! (Even though you mog me brutally)
I unironically mogg him
Also whats up with leftists and liberals doing such autistc and shitty art? The right wing has so many talented artists, graphic designers, video creators and our memes and humor even reaches the mainstream. Don't forget that "ok boomer" was a right wing meme first aswell
The left can't meme, thats a fact.
Imagine simping this hard, because you are even more desperate than us for some pussy XD. Literally taking out your problems on others who share the same dilemma because you're a fucking loser!!! :lul: :feelskek:
bluepill incel in denial. Classic.
this place is full of fakecels
IT bullies making up grey accounts to say stupid shit and then post their own bs on their echo chamber. Psy op.
In my short time here I have seen a lot of posts about being bullied, looked down upon by others because of your height, the way. you look, yoour voice, your personalities. How tf can you make a post about someone; shaming them for all the things you get upset about being shamed for? How are you any different from a chad or an entitled foid? SSometimes I think this place is full of fakecels and people trying to sound edgy just to make themselves feel better
Did you not read about who he is? He claims to be better than incels, he is being treated like all other incels. I would be called subhuman if I posted my picture here
I would be called subhuman if I posted my picture here

Hello my fellow trucels ...
I would have some sympathy for him for being autistic and socially awkward but he's an incel in denial/foid worshipper so no.
It's very pathetic tbh how all these ITrannies/Incels in denial cope with this kind of delusionmaxxing shit
average IT user
In my short time here I have seen a lot of posts about being bullied, looked down upon by others because of your height, the way. you look, yoour voice, your personalities. How tf can you make a post about someone; shaming them for all the things you get upset about being shamed for? How are you any different from a chad or an entitled foid? SSometimes I think this place is full of fakecels and people trying to sound edgy just to make themselves feel better
It's he who started shaming incels first not the other way. Users here just point that he looks unattractive and a bit retarded and he is not that different from 'losers' he so vehemently hates and despises.
And looks are objective and getting laid correlates with looks. Just by looking at him one can conclude that he isn't successful with the opposite sex. Never was and never will be.
In my short time here I have seen a lot of posts about being bullied, looked down upon by others because of your height, the way. you look, yoour voice, your personalities. How tf can you make a post about someone; shaming them for all the things you get upset about being shamed for? How are you any different from a chad or an entitled foid? SSometimes I think this place is full of fakecels and people trying to sound edgy just to make themselves feel better
How dare you fight back, where is your Chrisian spirit, inkwell? Turn the other cheek and take it you little worms.

Fuck of with your moral grandstanding. It's hollow, we are better because we are defending ourselves, we are differend because our situation is fundamentally differend, lashing out after years of misery against someone who attacked you first is not the same as someone with a happy life doing it to random strangers because his self-image is build around further hurting the people already sitting at the bottom of society, we are differend from chads and foids becauseusing mean words is not the main characteristic distinguishing them from us, just shut the fuck up
id punch him out of reflex from just seeing his face
Does he know he got doxxed?
View attachment 545880
Talk about foreshadowing, Doogycel.

Meet Adam Paul Dooling.
View attachment 545885

Well, how do I start? How about the fact that he's almost 34 years old and still lives with his parents in Castleford, England? But let's go back in time and look at Doogycel's early life.

Doogycel graduated from North Springs High School in Atlanta, GA. Unfortunately, he did not fully adjust to life in America. Here's him bragging about not being able to keep a job at Target for even two months:
View attachment 545887

Eventually, Doogycel moved back to England and spent the next several years working a series of temporary retail jobs. That's pretty fucking funny when you consider his high IQ.
View attachment 545907

Unlike flipping burgers, it requires a 139 IQ for someone to stack shelves. :feelskek:
View attachment 545909

In the meantime, he tried to start a YouTube gaming channel, but it flopped, having gained only 4 subscribers.
View attachment 545889

You can hear his voice here:

After his YouTube channel flopped, he then spent the next few years on Facebook offering his takes on inceldom and trannies. Unfortunately for him, it seems as if most of the 33 Facebook friends he has did not bother to read any of them.
View attachment 545891View attachment 545893

So he turned to writing about the struggles of being socially awkward.
View attachment 545892View attachment 545894

So Doogycel's latest cope for the past year or so has been Reddit, and for the first time in his life, he's gotten more than half a dozen followers, because only on Reddit can you find enough autists who somehow appreciate Doogycel's comics, half of which consist of him arguing against himself.
View attachment 545919

Cmon Doogycel! Why deny your true nature as a failed sperg? Stop torturing yourself. You can't escape the blackpill, you know.
View attachment 545886View attachment 545929View attachment 545930View attachment 545931

You'll always be welcome here, Chris-Chan 2.0.

@Incelius Savage @SlutLiberationFront @Lebensmüder @SlutLiberationFront @tenta @Caesercel @240iq @Mecoja @iamsubhuman @TheNEET @Linesnap99 @Misanthropy1 @kaczynskicel @solblue @Ritalincel @SlayerSlayer @RecessedChinCel @investigatorcel @Lonelycel @proudweeb @calimero @FuRed @-BrettyBoy- @trying to ascend @Legionarivs @Honeypot @Languishingrn @BummerDrummer @wereqryan @kanyepilled @JoeBruhcel @Fat Link @ordinaryotaku @MaxZM98 @keksofthebest @ERadicator @BlkPillPres @SuperPerfectCel @Shigechi @shii410 @dreadtheblackpill @Gyros_Pretcel @FamilyGuy1999 @Dregster666 @ThoughtfulCel @Justdone @RecessedChinCel @0Energy0Happyness @Incline @sckicksal345 @slavcel11 @dirtykombatcel @squirrelsonfire2 @rope2cope @Defetivecuckachu @Marquis de Sade @MarquisDeSade @watcher @Barney Calhoun @TINMAN @mericks @Master @mental_out

Incel tears is filled with low tier normies and inks in denial because they wanna hate on us to make themselves feel more attractive.
I remember that clown when I use to lurk & I found him to be an oddball.
View attachment 545880
Talk about foreshadowing, Doogycel.

Meet Adam Paul Dooling.
View attachment 545885

Well, how do I start? How about the fact that he's almost 34 years old and still lives with his parents in Castleford, England? But let's go back in time and look at Doogycel's early life.

Doogycel graduated from North Springs High School in Atlanta, GA. Unfortunately, he did not fully adjust to life in America. Here's him bragging about not being able to keep a job at Target for even two months:
View attachment 545887

Eventually, Doogycel moved back to England and spent the next several years working a series of temporary retail jobs. That's pretty fucking funny when you consider his high IQ.
View attachment 545907

Unlike flipping burgers, it requires a 139 IQ for someone to stack shelves. :feelskek:
View attachment 545909

In the meantime, he tried to start a YouTube gaming channel, but it flopped, having gained only 4 subscribers.
View attachment 545889

You can hear his voice here:

After his YouTube channel flopped, he then spent the next few years on Facebook offering his takes on inceldom and trannies. Unfortunately for him, it seems as if most of the 33 Facebook friends he has did not bother to read any of them.
View attachment 545891View attachment 545893

So he turned to writing about the struggles of being socially awkward.
View attachment 545892View attachment 545894

So Doogycel's latest cope for the past year or so has been Reddit, and for the first time in his life, he's gotten more than half a dozen followers, because only on Reddit can you find enough autists who somehow appreciate Doogycel's comics, half of which consist of him arguing against himself.
View attachment 545919

Cmon Doogycel! Why deny your true nature as a failed sperg? Stop torturing yourself. You can't escape the blackpill, you know.
View attachment 545886View attachment 545929View attachment 545930View attachment 545931

You'll always be welcome here, Chris-Chan 2.0.

@Incelius Savage @SlutLiberationFront @Lebensmüder @SlutLiberationFront @tenta @Caesercel @240iq @Mecoja @iamsubhuman @TheNEET @Linesnap99 @Misanthropy1 @kaczynskicel @solblue @Ritalincel @SlayerSlayer @RecessedChinCel @investigatorcel @Lonelycel @proudweeb @calimero @FuRed @-BrettyBoy- @trying to ascend @Legionarivs @Honeypot @Languishingrn @BummerDrummer @wereqryan @kanyepilled @JoeBruhcel @Fat Link @ordinaryotaku @MaxZM98 @keksofthebest @ERadicator @BlkPillPres @SuperPerfectCel @Shigechi @shii410 @dreadtheblackpill @Gyros_Pretcel @FamilyGuy1999 @Dregster666 @ThoughtfulCel @Justdone @RecessedChinCel @0Energy0Happyness @Incline @sckicksal345 @slavcel11 @dirtykombatcel @squirrelsonfire2 @rope2cope @Defetivecuckachu @Marquis de Sade @MarquisDeSade @watcher @Barney Calhoun @TINMAN @mericks @Master @mental_out

545605 9e32d9713ed53f8b8876a79970e82591

Dude literally pulled off the sneako look lol

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