how do these people not rope and not connect the dots
not just with women
i know many of these people on the internet who genuinely try for decades to build like a youtube channel and still end up with 50 subs.
but they not only just continue and never give up, they act entitled like they were some 5 million subs channel. ofc they even got some small hater followship. but even to them they eventually get boring and go somewhere else. like this dood, it seems rather obvious that they are a failure in every regard of life. ik that we live in a copemaxxing society, that prevents us at all cost from roping (roped 1 year ago, 3-4m dropfall. somehow survived without a scratch cuz neckmaxxed i guess jfl. 2 months mental asylum. don't rope, its very risky, i will just say, take a 100% safe method if you are 100% sure, otherwise dont.) so but THESE PEOPLE somehow don't have the whatever thing in their brain, that lets us normal people rope or at least get extremely depressed. When you are a failure at everything you do in life, then you can still be incredible happy, just by getting a girlfriend. And luckily for these, you need no talent, no intelligence or even the ability to self reflect. You just need to be 6'4, and everything else just average is enough to get a perma gf or fuck a random new girl from tinder everyday.
I've lost everything in life. Assuming i ever had something. But lost all my teeth at 18, was maybe a 1/10 left. Am 25 rn, have taken every drug besides meth for the last 5 years. No cope in the world could tell me i can get sober still and then live a happy life. My father (only person i ever liked) died randomly for no reason at an heart attack 3 years ago. 1 year ago i tried ropping, but failed. 8 Months ago i started taking meth everyday since.
I'm 5'5 at about 100lbs. Only way i can still cope existence: 7-8 inch dick at least. Got 1000$ stored in cash. No drivers license. Also too autistic too drive. Only goal left in life: Find a whore, that i can somehow reach, and that will do a 0/10. If possible repeat 2-3 times, then somehow end it for good. Sry for posting this on a random post, my first real post in like 5 years.
There is no point to cope. The blackpill is too strong. Been blackpilled since 18 years ago. Everything only got worse significantly since then. And it's not my attitude. My attitude didn't kill my dad. Free Will doesn't exist anyway, as so, I'm just forced to consciously experience the random decisions of my brain, and then, minutes later, the brain trys to come up with its own coping story about why i apparently made that decision myself 5 minutes ago.
Thanks for the good laugh boyos with this post, i hope it shall be my last of 2024. At most i can "life" until end 2025. Until i have to face drug withdrawal, and im not going through the hell of going through 4 different hells for months, just to perma live in a perma depressing hell until i die alone at 80 as khhv. i hope i meet daddy again and no foids in heaven. besides to fuck them.
if there will be some sort of afterlife dating market 2.0, i must have gone to hell.
and god is a cuck.