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Soy r/IncelTears face reveal: meet AdvocateDoogy, the autist behind the "Prove the Incel Wrong" comic series

i wonder why none of the kiwifarm retards aren't milking this faggot, seems like pretty a lolcow tbh.
I don't oppose this point so much, probably he is a mega autist and possibly he is currently incel.

However, the dude said he wasn't an incel, he had gfs, and he's not a virgin.

And I believe him. Why? Because I think I'm not a coper, like sadly many are around here
He got proven to be lying about having a girlfriend you fucking retarded bluepilled soycuck coping faggot.
Advocate's mommy and daddy

View attachment 546086
Adam is the one in the blue I think, he's wearing autism sneakers

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the advocatedoogy crib:

View attachment 546088

They live in such a tiny house lol, I thought they'd have a little more money than that consider his Father worked for IBM in the states(?) I assume.

I'm guessing that little loft conversion is Adam's little cave. :feelsEhh:
He’s a manlet @FuRed

Obviously incel in looks/height + low functioning autism.
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He’s a manlet @FuRed

Obviously incel in looks/height + low functioning autism.
He's defo got some form of Autism, you can tell by his FB posts and his photos, especially the one with his family where his Father has his arm around him.
He's defo got some form of Autism, you can tell by his FB posts and his photos, especially the one with his family where his Father has his arm around him.
The way he writes (whether in his posts, or his comics, etc) is all you need to know how autistic he is
ITards have no standards, they admit any bottom of the barrel autismo as long as he's against le evil inkwels. also it's not surprise to no one that that retarded autismo is a basement dwelller 30 year old, the only reason this thread is so popular is because we like to mock that hypocritical idiot.
The way he writes (whether in his posts, or his comics, etc) is all you need to know how autistic he is
it was obvious from the start. no sane sucessful person devotes this time into making chris-chan tier comics full of wall of text consistently for years and almost in a daily fashion
ITards have no standards, they admit any bottom of the barrel autismo as long as he's against le evil inkwels. also it's not surprise to no one that that retarded autismo is a basement dwelller 30 year old, the only reason this thread is so popular is because we like to mock that hypocritical idiot.
IT is literally a bunch of "sex workers" aka whores, trannies and turboautistic NEETcels in denial :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
Advocate's mommy and daddy

View attachment 546086
Adam is the one in the blue I think, he's wearing autism sneakers

View attachment 546087
the advocatedoogy crib:

View attachment 546088

They live in such a tiny house lol, I thought they'd have a little more money than that consider his Father worked for IBM in the states(?) I assume.

I'm guessing that little loft conversion is Adam's little cave. :feelsEhh:
OH OKAY looking at his mom's haircut explains EVERYTHING
He jawmogs me
Advocate's mommy and daddy

View attachment 546086
Adam is the one in the blue I think, he's wearing autism sneakers

View attachment 546087
the advocatedoogy crib:

View attachment 546088

They live in such a tiny house lol, I thought they'd have a little more money than that consider his Father worked for IBM in the states(?) I assume.

I'm guessing that little loft conversion is Adam's little cave. :feelsEhh:
Holy shit British "houses" are that shitty? Looks like a shithole ngl @mental_out can you confirm
Holy shit British "houses" are that shitty? Looks like a shithole ngl @mental_out can you confirm
that's just a shitty area, his house is only worth like £100,000 but also it's a low cost of living area, probably ex mining houses, cheap houses built for workers although don't quote me on that as I cbf to research his area.
If you ask me the easiest way to start annoying him is to turn him into the next Blackops2cel and start fabricating blackpilled posts attributed to him. Then eventually the screenshots will percolate into anti-incel communities and he'll be a Sam Hyde of sorts.
1 of the most retarded posts ITT, it somewhat worked with BlackOps2cel (though not really) because his picture was ugly, you'd have to be a retard to think it would work with this guy
i wonder why none of the kiwifarm retards aren't milking this faggot, seems like pretty a lolcow tbh.

He got proven to be lying about having a girlfriend you fucking retarded bluepilled soycuck coping faggot.
How come your posts are always rage filled tf is wrong with you
He’s a manlet @FuRed

Obviously incel in looks/height + low functioning autism.
Actually he's not

He looks to be average height.
He does however look to be heavily autistic.

Why are you so gay for this guy? This thread is just page after page of you talking about how handsome you think Saint Doogycel is.
Fellow UKcels, as your commanding officer, I ordER you to fulfil your duty :society:

I would do it myself but I'm too fat :feelsbadman:
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Why are you so gay for this guy? This thread is just page after page of you talking about how handsome you think Saint Doogycel is.
Gay because I'm a realist and not a coper, ok[UWSL] yeh great.[/UWSL]

[UWSL]I mean what's next? Saying that guys like Danny DeVito actually were goodlooking?? Seriously think about how damaging it could be when you can't stay objective with blackpill[/UWSL]
Why is everyone on IT, especially Fagdivocate ignoring this thread with 5k views and 220+ replies? :feelswhere:
JFL ITcels proving that they are self-hating simps yet again. :feelsohh:
It takes the lowest of losers to stalk, harass and wish harm onto vulnerable outcasts. Especially when they suffer from physical and mental issues because they were failed by the system and have unfortunate genetics.
If foids can convince the lowest incel-in-denial that he's better than the best blackpilled incel, he won't notice they're using him as a beta cuck orbiter. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll white knight for them.
-Lyndon B. Johnsoncel
I thought the last photo was of him holding a gun. Spooked me a bit

Why are you so gay for this guy? This thread is just page after page of you talking about how handsome you think Saint Doogycel is.
He's on the soon to be banned list
dw brocel mods are just a bit slow at times
1 of the most retarded posts ITT, it somewhat worked with BlackOps2cel (though not really) because his picture was ugly, you'd have to be a retard to think it would work with this guy

How come your posts are always rage filled tf is wrong with you

Actually he's not

He looks to be average height.
He does however look to be heavily autistic.
No the men are obviously manlets look at their height compared to the foid. He’s also seems to be the shortest male in his family. He’s probably like 5’6/5’7
No the men are obviously manlets look at their height compared to the foid. He’s also seems to be the shortest male in his family. He’s probably like 5’6/5’7
The foid could be above average height.
No chance he is that height, that is well below average for english men. My guess would be 5'9 or 5'10.
The foid could be above average height.
No chance he is that height, that is well below average for english men. My guess would be 5'9 or 5'10.
The foid doesn’t look tall and the guys all have short limbs. I’d guess that the second to last one to the right is 5’10/5’11 and advocuck looks to be 5’8/5’7 tbh. He’s barley taller than the foid I don’t buy that she’s like 5’8 she’d have longer limbs. The average height for a vending machine is 72 inches (182.9cm) and the tallest guy in the pic is still shorter than the vending machine.
He did mention having an online girl(boy) friend :feelswhere::feelsbaton:

Why are you so gay for this guy? This thread is just page after page of you talking about how handsome you think Saint Doogycel is.
He looks like a school shooter:lul::lul::lul:
The foid doesn’t look tall and the guys all have short limbs. I’d guess that the second to last one to the right is 5’10/5’11 and advocuck looks to be 5’8/5’7 tbh. He’s barley taller than the foid I don’t buy that she’s like 5’8 she’d have longer limbs. The average height for a vending machine is 72 inches (182.9cm) and the tallest guy in the pic is still shorter than the vending machine.
He is 5'8 most likely
He's unironically probably the only white guy I mog as a shitskin :lul::lul:
He mogs me hard which doesnt mean much tbh, he looks like a shorter watered down uglier shittier more autistic version of @-BrettyBoy- . I talked once to him on reddit and he is a huge condescending jerk that thinks he is a million times better than us.
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He mogs me hard which doesnt mean much tbh, he looks like a shorter watered down uglier shittier more autistic version of @[UWSL] /data/avatars/s/17/17124.jpg?1633467594 [/UWSL]@-BrettyBoy- . I talked once to him on reddit and he is a huge condescending jerk that thinks he is a million times better than us.
Except he's a severely autistic overweight feminine-looking NEET in his mid thirties
add ethnic and turbo manlet and thats me:panties:
No one on .is is even close to where doogycel falls on the spectrum

If you're overweight, why don't you work out and diet down?
Our worst enemies are incels in denial.
Our worst enemies are incels in denial.
Simps, cucks and whiteknights are the very reason foids have any rights in the first place
No one on .is is even close to where doogycel falls on the spectrum

If you're overweight, why don't you work out and diet down?
Ok im not nearly autistic as he is, im in constant battle with kg, lack of motivation makes me fail every time, once i lost nearly 20 kg and due to ldar i gained them back.
Ok im not nearly autistic as he is, im in constant battle with kg, lack of motivation makes me fail every time, once i lost nearly 20 kg and due to ldar i gained them back.
Have you tried putting on substantial amount of muscle first?
The Absolute State of Incels in denial.
Have you tried putting on substantial amount of muscle first?
Not an easy task without money, good source of proteins and a gym. I am doing strength trainings, ascending is out of window for me, most i can is to not look weak to avoid someone messing with me, im bloat maxxing and beard jihadist maxxing, which is better than framelet manlet which i would be if i lost weight.
Does anyone remember that guy who would take pictures of ITcels and whores and make fake posts saying something racist, misogynistic etc and then uploading it to subs like r/beholdthemasterrace?
doogy looks like a stormfrontcel school shooter. Just an idea.
If you ask me the easiest way to start annoying him is to turn him into the next Blackops2cel and start fabricating blackpilled posts attributed to him. Then eventually the screenshots will percolate into anti-incel communities and he'll be a Sam Hyde of sorts.
like hamlossus :feelskek:
Why is everyone on IT, especially Fagdivocate ignoring this thread with 5k views and 220+ replies? :feelswhere:
that's what i was thinking too. this thread was posted quite early in the day, so they had like all day to say something about it. it'll probably get posted today i guess
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Why is everyone on IT, especially Fagdivocate ignoring this thread with 5k views and 220+ replies? :feelswhere:
Because it's an accurate doxx and doogeycel and his gang of autists don't want it to get more attention than it already has
Because it's an accurate doxx and doogeycel and his gang of autists don't want it to get more attention than it already has
Should someone make a throwaway account there to post it with all the screenshots? :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
He just seems lazy to me, like he doesn't take anything seriously, should take some time and do an art course or something, at least make some interesting and well designed cartoons, then you can rake in the dough like Stone Toss, and get a real following.
This, but he won’t obviously because he beta orbits us just like the whole of IT. He could probably be better if he spent all that time he’s on Reddit doing digital art which is the easiest from art, and get a money from it.
People always want a distraction instead of focusing on their goals.
Total: 67 (Incels: 15, Bluepillers: 52)
Isn't it odd how high the ratio of bluepillers is on this thread specifically?

How many FBIcels are watching this thread do you think? :feelskek:

Don't worry we won't hurt him, wE pRomise :feelsdevil:
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It’s not the autism I have a problem with, it’s the fact he’s a soy boy that is problem.
It’s quite tragic but I don’t feel sorry for him because I feel he is conscious about what he is doing.

I’ve had my fair share of failures in life so I’m not going to make fun of him for failing to hold a string of retail jobs and his attempts on YouTube and other things.

He almost certainly sees himself in us and I think that scares him. To cope with this he justified to himself that he is better than us because he doesn’t hate foids or some other bullshit and used that as justification to punch down on a group that he thinks is beneath him, maybe the first group he ever felt superior to.

With his bullying and punching down he probably got some validation from inceltears, something he probably didn’t get before. That then started a sort of positive feedback loop where he bullies people who he thinks are beneath him and gets some validation for it. I think he didn’t get many upvotes and comments on inceltears but it was probably more than what he got on YouTube, Facebook and the other shit he tried.

I think he got banned from inceltears at one point too, that probably crushed him.

He is probably going to do this for a while, it’s the one thing he did that got any type of traction.

It’s another case of a truecel finding his place and purpose in the world. I understand perfectly St. Doogycel.

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