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Soy r/IncelTears face reveal: meet AdvocateDoogy, the autist behind the "Prove the Incel Wrong" comic series

He said "that is how a doxx is done inkwells, not going through someone's reddit posts from 6 months ago to screenshot out of context" or something like that.
Now people have posted his full adress and picture of his house, his company, numbers, family pictures and everything. Wonder what he thinks of it now.

@u/AdvocateDoogy thoughts? :feelswhere:
Total: 67 (Incels: 15, Bluepillers: 52)
Isn't it odd how high the ratio of bluepillers is on this thread specifically?

How many FBIcels are watching this thread do you think? :feelskek:

Don't worry we won't hurt him, wE pRomise :feelsdevil:
Thread has above 5k total views and we had at least 100 bluepillers early
Mogs me because of race but he definitely belongs here too. Also, someone should post his views on troids on IT, I'd love to see their reaction jfl
In the last of his photos, his face still mogs me, brutal .:cryfeels::cryfeels::cryfeels::cryfeels::cryfeels::cryfeels:
Dudes, let’s not trash him for having autism, trash him for being a female worshipping soy boy.
Dudes, let’s not trash him for having autism, trash him for being a female worshipping soy boy.
Dude you have autism, yet no one makes fun of you for your autism

You know what we mean when we call him an autist
Dude you have autism, yet no one makes fun of you for your autism

You know what we mean when we call him an autist
They do but I cutted contact with a bunch of people who did this as I’m not giving them the attention they crave.
Dudes, let’s not trash him for having autism, trash him for being a female worshipping soy boy.
Dude you have autism, yet no one makes fun of you for your autism

You know what we mean when we call him an autist
We're not trashing him for being an autist, we're trashing for being an autist AND thinking he's better than anyone here.

Also @PPEcel is GOATed once again
if you are gonna humblebrag here, at least deliver some goods, and this doxx was as good as an early christmas gift as incels can get
7k views in 24 hours
you've earned your champagne and whores and the right to make threads about it undeniably. Let it be known to inceldom-- you put heads on a platter there will be rewards!
:feelsjuice::yes::yes::feelsdevil::feelsEhh: @PPEcel

Hey b
This is really amazing. One of the best threads of 2021 and I’m not even kidding you.

Also, on the tf2 video he’s playing with fucking bots. My god.

I will, I need someone to photoshop his face onto the foid in my Avis face and I’ll update it. Can’t do it rn because I’m on phone
Bummer he was actually in a server with you and dominating you in tf2 lol
Bummer he was actually in a server with you and dominating you in tf2 lol
Cope this is literally u playing tf2
He’s even playing engineer
wanna play tf2 sometime
I barely can anymore, my ram burnt out so my computer is really really slow. A lot of my favorite games like eu4 are unplayable atm and I have to focus on shittier craptop-tier games. I am getting a whole new pc soon tho and when I do I’d be down
I barely can anymore, my ram burnt out so my computer is really really slow. A lot of my favorite games like eu4 are unplayable atm and I have to focus on shittier craptop-tier games. I am getting a whole new pc soon tho and when I do I’d be down

How long does it take to learn to play EU4? I want to get into it but I have no attention span.
How long does it take to learn to play EU4? I want to get into it but I have no attention span.
Idk it’s not that hard once you get the basics down. Haven’t played since Estate rework, I’d recommend Victoria 2 instead tbh. Or maybe it’s because I have 2k hours in eu4 and grinded it too hard
How long does it take to learn to play EU4? I want to get into it but I have no attention span.
To learn all the mechanics? Since there are many obscure ones, more than a hundred hours.

To learn the essential mechanics? 5-10 Hours.

Also, if you plan to buy it (its on sale now), buy art of war, common sense and rights of a man (If I'm not mistaken, there is a pack with all those DLCs and the game, which makes everything 10% cheaper). Dharma, wealth of nations and Emperor are the ones you should buy after those.

If you are also looking for other paradox games, I wouldn't recommend hoi4 for a starter, I find it much less intuitive than eu4 (which even though has much more mechanics, the essential ones are far easier to grasp)
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To learn all the mechanics? Since there are many obscure ones, more than a hundred hours.

To learn the essential mechanics? 5-10 Hours.

Also, if you plan to buy it (its on sale now), buy art of war, common sense and rights of a man (If I'm not mistaken, there is a pack with all those DLCs and the game, which makes everything 10% cheaper). Dharma, wealth of nations and Emperor are the ones you should buy after those.

If you are also looking at other paradox games, I wouldn't recommend hoi4 for a starter, I find it much less intuitive than eu4 (which even though has much more mechanics, the essential ones are far easier to grasp)
I think i'll pirate it honestly. To get all the DLCs it costs 427 normally which is fucking crazy and even with 75% off it's 186. Since I wouldn't be playing multiplayer I don't think there's a reason to buy it.

And yeah, I meant learn enough about it for it to be actually playable. I'm fine with it taking hours to learn all the little mechanics there are.
I think i'll pirate it honestly. To get all the DLCs it costs 427 normally which is fucking crazy and even with 75% off it's 186. Since I wouldn't be playing multiplayer I don't think there's a reason to buy it.

And yeah, I meant learn enough about it for it to be actually playable. I'm fine with it taking hours to learn all the little mechanics there are.
You don't need all of them, just the 3 first ones.

All the other ones are mostly regional and add just a few mechanics to the overall game
You don't need all of them, just the 3 first ones.

All the other ones are mostly regional and add just a few mechanics to the overall game
Well the starter pack is only 35 and does have all the DLC you mentioned so ok I guess i'll get that.
@BummerDrummer just noticed your new pfp. absolutely based

I lifemog him in almost every single aspect of it. Of course he being white puts him automatically above me, I can even picture this guy having a becky goblina gf here where I live
Hahaha :feelsgah:. Tired now I'll read it after sleep. :feelscomfy:
wtf st doogycel showed up @ my house and called me an incel.
Omfg, this is so cringe. You can't get fired for being autistic in America, that would be a massive violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act and would land Target in hot water. Just fess up and tell us how you got fired doogie, everybody can already tell that whatever happened was 100% your fault.

Thanks for tagging me OP, i appreciate the heads-up as doogie is my favorite lolcow. I'vev got some surgery next week and I'm gonna read through this thread while I'm hopped up on painkillers in the recovery room. :smonk:

@PPEcel thoughts on the irony of him calling you dumb?:feelskek:

Idk why Doogycel hates us so much, it's almost as if we're being used as a proxy for himself which he can abuse. Or perhaps he truly believes that he's better than us, idk which is worse.
Nerds who are bullies are the worst type of nerds.
Serial killer vibes

@PPEcel thoughts on the irony of him calling you dumb?:feelskek:

Idk why Doogycel hates us so much, it's almost as if we're being used as a proxy for himself which he can abuse. Or perhaps he truly believes that he's better than us, idk which is worse.

Two days ago he was running with the story that this wasn't actually him, that he had another friend named Adam who also went to the same high school. :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:

I guess he's ditched that storyline now.

He's pathetic.
Almost as bad as the black nigger prinesskity
Almost as bad as the black nigger prinesskity
I disagree. there's nothing funny about the kitty foid honestly, at least she has some semblance of self-awareness. doogy is on another level.
looks like he's gonna ascend as a new incel saint jfl
OP is a true God. I'm too lazy to go through each of these pages. Did he ever respond about getting doxxed. Hope he livestreams his sui.
Virtually nobody who brags about their IQ online actually has unusually high IQ.
When someone gets at me for my ‘IQ’, I will just assume the person isn’t high IQ themselves as someone with a high IQ doesn’t feel the need to talk about IQ.
he is a true mentalcel he is mentally incapable of empathizing or understanding us
Not all mentalcels lack empathy, normal fags lack it too and the fact IncelTear is a thing is proof of it.
He's not that bad looking. But he has Chris Chan levels of autism. Go take a look at his comics or the great American novel length wall of text he writes every day on reddit about incels.
Really hate how ‘Chris Chan’ is one of the people many think of when they think of autism. There are definitely people I don’t like sharing this disorder with. :feelsbadman:
IT is literally a bunch of "sex workers" aka whores, trannies and turboautistic NEETcels in denial :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
Don’t add autistic people in the same sentence as whores, not fair on the autistic misogynists on this forum (being a misogynist is a good thing).
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He looks like a stereotypical blue-pilled incel in denial, actually looks more like a creepy pedocel. Has an online girlfriend too that lives 1000s of mile away on another continent? Doubt they'll ever meet and he sends her money too JFL.
He looks like a stereotypical blue-pilled incel in denial, actually looks more like a creepy pedocel. Has an online girlfriend too that lives 1000s of mile away on another continent? Doubt they'll ever meet and he sends her money too JFL.
He actually sends her money? Makes you question if she does the same for him at this point and if not then he’s an even bigger simp than I thought and from what I observed, he already is a MAJOR simp so this just makes it even worse if so.
Did he ever respond about getting doxxed
yeah he did. he started blatantly lying, like saying the facebook that got doxxed is ''old'' even though it was last time used in october 2021.

he also denies he's that guy even though both advocate faggy and adam got fired from target exactly for ''being autistic''

yeah he did. he started blatantly lying, like saying the facebook that got doxxed is ''old'' even though it was last time used in october 2021.

he also denies he's that guy even though both advocate faggy and adam got fired from target exactly for ''being autistic''

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so it's not his account, but it's also his old outdated account? The fuck?
And how is ones past "outdated"?
Not all mentalcels lack empathy, normal fags lack it too and the fact IncelTear is a thing is proof of it.
Are you saying that these atrocities on IT are somewhat "normal"? :feelswhat:
When I say ‘normal fag’, I mean people that are the same as the majority.
The majority of people is not normal. The planet is vastly composed of deranged beings. Doubt me? Look at the absolute state of society in general throughout the planet. Either paying the price for their degeneracy, low IQ decision over hundreds of years, or too fucked up to ever recover being screwed by (((them))) financing meaningless wars.
lol Adam I know you're reading this so why not just quit the Uncle Tom act and join us on here? You're already a documented trucel so you'd get some respect around here unlike on IT.

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