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Blackpill r/IncelTear femoid writes about her own incel brother's depression: "His disability is a barrier for many women"

If I were him I'd be trying two options:

1) Women who are also disabled

2) Cash.

Not much else to add really, lol. It's not easy out there but at least we don't have menopause to worry about.
If you’re blackpilled you’d know number 1 isn’t even an option. His only option is 2 and even then how can he make a lot of cash as a disabled ugly guy. He’d forever be at the bottom of the corporate ladder so even 2 is impossible unless he wins the lottery. Beyond over for him
It is pretty crazy how people can’t see things for how they are even when it’s right in their face. Seems like she just clings to whatever view point makes her feel better or see things solipsistically however she wants to. Typical eh?
That's women.
The bluepilled foid strikes again
I must ask, How does his brother look like?
Had no idea that this thread would be so popular lmao
i posted it to complete my pentakill
Post and account deleted. Hum.
But look how she turns herself in the center of attention. "My bother has disability, he is alone, dying inside, maybe depressed..... i am the victim here".
i hope this entitled delusional whore cunt trips and gets her empty skull flattened by a bus
Post and account deleted. Hum.
But look how she turns herself in the center of attention. "My bother has disability, he is alone, dying inside, maybe depressed..... i am the victim here".
Typical wymyn

Not even her brother gets cut some slack, it's his fault period. People always tells incels to just go outside and see ugly men with girlfriends, well... what about men with awful personalities with girlfriends? Hell it seems like it's beneficial to kill some people if you want to get a gf.
If you kill people, girls will fall in love with you
The femoid's post on r/TrueOffMyChest pretty much says it all.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/wtc7gd/my_disabled_brothers_depression_is_affecting_me_a/

EDIT: Screenshots because the fragile femoid deleted the post.
View attachment 653655View attachment 653656

First things first, does someone know who her brother might be? Let's get him on the site ASAP; That is, if one of our recruiters hasn't already roped him in :feelshmm:, because it does sound like he's already distant from his sister :feelshaha:. This is supposedly u/TodaySensitive9743 herself, for reference:

View attachment 653659

Right. Now let's get down to the main point of this thread. You have a wheelchaircel who has never been in a relationship. She doesn't say anything about sex, but I'm inferring from the post that he's a virgin. Despite this, he's held onto the bluepill for almost 40 years. Forty. Fucking. Years.

I suppose Wheelchaircel told himself that as long as he was interesting ("traveled the world on his own") and had "a good sense of humor" and "a lot of respect", he would be able to overcome his disability and find a long-term partner. Now that he's aging, this sheer cope is crumbling before his very eyes, as his younger siblings hit developmental and personal milestones that he never will.

u/TodaySensitive9743 herself confesses that he's "one of the people [she] admires the most in [her] life," yet she "[doesn't] know how to handle this".

I don't have to point out how ironic it is that, just five days before the Wheelchaircel post, she wrote a lengthy screed about how incels don't understand how it's purportedly our behavior driving femoids away:

View attachment 653661

Has u/TodaySensitive9743 tried giving her disabled older brother a condescending lecture with the same advice? :foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy: Has she tried telling her own brother, as many feminists have done, that he's a genetic abomination and that it's only fair for femoids to select the fittest of the species?

It's almost as if people experience varying levels of romantic success/failure for variables well beyond their control—like their race, facial structure, height, and yes, their physical and mental disabilities. Maybe, just maybe, the core tenets of the blackpill are in fact accurate:
  • There exists a gendered hierarchy of attractiveness that determine one's sexual market value (SMV).
  • The variables that determine sexual attractiveness are largely genetic and therefore immutable.
  • Because femoids have hypergamous mate preferences, a certain number of men (e.g. Wheelchaircel here) have such low SMV that it is irrational for them to even consider participating in the sexual market. They should just give up because they are destined for crushing rejection and failure.
These are, in fact, undeniable truths about dating and society in general. It's blindingly obvious, even to a child, that some genetic traits are prized by virtually all societies, and other traits are mocked and despised. Yet this is taboo to even acknowledge in our woke societies. Feminists will order that you agree with them that even the poorest disabled man is more privileged than the wealthiest able-bodied woman, and they'll label you a misogynist if you disagree.

Wheelchaircel here has evidently been a victim of society's gaslighting. He should have given up and decided to rot long ago. Now he's experiencing the withdrawal symptoms of the bluepill.


>40 Years

Truly hell. I mean how is it even worth it to stick around when your quality of life is so shit?
This is so fucking brutal,realising the you lived on false hope for 40 YEARS, being reminded every second what a shit life you have by family and friends. Try to looksmaxx nah just kidding :feelsrope:
What a selfish bitch, it's clear she has herself in mind first when reflecting on her brother.
Had no idea that this thread would be so popular lmao
You are really good writer :chad: chad writercel and it flows well, you're threads are always good reads. :feelsmage:
What a selfish bitch, it's clear she has herself in mind first when reflecting on her brother.

You are really good writer :chad: chad writercel and it flows well, you're threads are always good reads. :feelsmage:
What a brutal thread
family members who attempt to sell you false hope are the fuckin worst even though they might mean good. i have sisters too and if i wasnt their brother they wouldnt say retarded things like "you will find someone someday". i usually grimace and laugh out of cringe when that happens but if they insist their opinion and i sense mockery i might snap. goes without saying i barely talk to them.
Notice how she says "He doesn't understand why he doesn't have the right to have a romantic relationship like we have".

It seems like IT are the ones who think that relationships are an entitlement and are just projecting that unto us. They constantly, erroneously conflate natural desires for relationships with entitlement.
I saw a wheelchair couple recently.
That's probably the only option - find someone with a comparable disability.
I wonder what the male take on this is. I have a pretty solid intuition that a wheelchair-bound male is a non-starter for almost all women, but a wheelchair girl is probably still considered datable by most men.
We gotta find data on this if it exists.
The fuck happend to just be who YOU are!
The femoid's post on r/TrueOffMyChest pretty much says it all.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/wtc7gd/my_disabled_brothers_depression_is_affecting_me_a/

EDIT: Screenshots because the fragile femoid deleted the post.
View attachment 653655View attachment 653656

First things first, does someone know who her brother might be? Let's get him on the site ASAP; That is, if one of our recruiters hasn't already roped him in :feelshmm:, because it does sound like he's already distant from his sister :feelshaha:. This is supposedly u/TodaySensitive9743 herself, for reference:

View attachment 653659

Right. Now let's get down to the main point of this thread. You have a wheelchaircel who has never been in a relationship. She doesn't say anything about sex, but I'm inferring from the post that he's a virgin. Despite this, he's held onto the bluepill for almost 40 years. Forty. Fucking. Years.

I suppose Wheelchaircel told himself that as long as he was interesting ("traveled the world on his own") and had "a good sense of humor" and "a lot of respect", he would be able to overcome his disability and find a long-term partner. Now that he's aging, this sheer cope is crumbling before his very eyes, as his younger siblings hit developmental and personal milestones that he never will.

u/TodaySensitive9743 herself confesses that he's "one of the people [she] admires the most in [her] life," yet she "[doesn't] know how to handle this".

I don't have to point out how ironic it is that, just five days before the Wheelchaircel post, she wrote a lengthy screed about how incels don't understand how it's purportedly our behavior driving femoids away:

View attachment 653661

Has u/TodaySensitive9743 tried giving her disabled older brother a condescending lecture with the same advice? :foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy: Has she tried telling her own brother, as many feminists have done, that he's a genetic abomination and that it's only fair for femoids to select the fittest of the species?

It's almost as if people experience varying levels of romantic success/failure for variables well beyond their control—like their race, facial structure, height, and yes, their physical and mental disabilities. Maybe, just maybe, the core tenets of the blackpill are in fact accurate:
  • There exists a gendered hierarchy of attractiveness that determine one's sexual market value (SMV).
  • The variables that determine sexual attractiveness are largely genetic and therefore immutable.
  • Because femoids have hypergamous mate preferences, a certain number of men (e.g. Wheelchaircel here) have such low SMV that it is irrational for them to even consider participating in the sexual market. They should just give up because they are destined for crushing rejection and failure.
These are, in fact, undeniable truths about dating and society in general. It's blindingly obvious, even to a child, that some genetic traits are prized by virtually all societies, and other traits are mocked and despised. Yet this is taboo to even acknowledge in our woke societies. Feminists will order that you agree with them that even the poorest disabled man is more privileged than the wealthiest able-bodied woman, and they'll label you a misogynist if you disagree.

Wheelchaircel here has evidently been a victim of society's gaslighting. He should have given up and decided to rot long ago. Now he's experiencing the withdrawal symptoms of the bluepill.


You're so close to learning the hard truth that NPCs aren't really even human.
He should fuck.her before roping and teach that bitch a lesson
“he doesn’t understand why we have a right to a relationship while he doesn’t”

Literally all foids think this including tradthots and that is why I hate every single one of them and want them to all drop dead (or raped brutally first on Minecraft)
Typical as fuck. Faced with evidence of the blackpill in real life. And then don't extend the same understanding to others. Total lack of understanding, self awareness and empathy. Her brother is an incel due to his disability but by her own logic and reasoning, it must be because he has a bad personality. Not because of any physical features. God forbid physical features play a part. Funny how shes turning it into her problem too. Seems like they're also projecting when they accuse us of victimising ourselves. Pretty sure her brothers situation is infinitely worse for him that it is her.

Notice how she says "He doesn't understand why he doesn't have the right to have a romantic relationship like we have".

It seems like IT are the ones who think that relationships are an entitlement and are just projecting that unto us. They constantly, erroneously conflate natural desires for relationships with entitlement. These posts were only a few days apart right? Just another open display of the level of cognitive dissonance these people have. Is that all it takes to forget such concrete examples? And we're supposed to trust their judgement on reality when they can't even keep their experiences and attitudes straight?

Here's another link since it got deleted
Your comment is awesome dude. Nailed it. It is also fucked she’s basically leveraging her brother to farm attention and sympathy for herself. I have seen specifically women use that old maneuver more times than I can count. And yeah, faced with a living breath black pill they just deny because otherwise it would shatter their wrong worldview where they’re the main character who’s “”oppressed””.
She deleted her whole fucking account:lul:

The post barely gained any traction and she got callout by one comment and that was enough for her to delete her account?
Yeah, most of these people are shockingly weak mentally in the sense that you could tell them that monkeys fly — that could be the new “thing” pushed and enforced by Reddit or the media or whatever — and they just cave to it because they really need to fit in, especially women are like this usually.

They aren’t used to being attacked constantly like we are so when it does happen they go nuclear.
Yeah, most of these people are shockingly weak mentally in the sense that you could tell them that monkeys fly — that could be the new “thing” pushed and enforced by Reddit or the media or whatever — and they just cave to it because they really need to fit in, especially women are like this usually.

They aren’t used to being attacked constantly like we are so when it does happen they go nuclear.
hopefully shes raped or killed soon
"it's affecting me a lot" funny how this dumb bitch still tries to make it about her.
what a nasty little bitch. hope she gets what's coming to her
Your comment is awesome dude. Nailed it. It is also fucked she’s basically leveraging her brother to farm attention and sympathy for herself. I have seen specifically women use that old maneuver more times than I can count. And yeah, faced with a living breath black pill they just deny because otherwise it would shatter their wrong worldview where they’re the main character who’s “”oppressed””.
Its fucking brutal tbh. Yet so common
"I know a guy in a wheelchair with a gf and he is happy, whats your excuse incel" :soy:
I kind of feel sympathetic for wheelchaircel for being dragged to showcase her hypocrisy and fallacies. wheelchaircel if you're reading this your sister is why this happened because of the bad thread she made about you. you deserve better.
The femoid's post on r/TrueOffMyChest pretty much says it all.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/wtc7gd/my_disabled_brothers_depression_is_affecting_me_a/

EDIT: Screenshots because the fragile femoid deleted the post.
View attachment 653655View attachment 653656

First things first, does someone know who her brother might be? Let's get him on the site ASAP; That is, if one of our recruiters hasn't already roped him in :feelshmm:, because it does sound like he's already distant from his sister :feelshaha:. This is supposedly u/TodaySensitive9743 herself, for reference:

View attachment 653659

Right. Now let's get down to the main point of this thread. You have a wheelchaircel who has never been in a relationship. She doesn't say anything about sex, but I'm inferring from the post that he's a virgin. Despite this, he's held onto the bluepill for almost 40 years. Forty. Fucking. Years.

I suppose Wheelchaircel told himself that as long as he was interesting ("traveled the world on his own") and had "a good sense of humor" and "a lot of respect", he would be able to overcome his disability and find a long-term partner. Now that he's aging, this sheer cope is crumbling before his very eyes, as his younger siblings hit developmental and personal milestones that he never will.

u/TodaySensitive9743 herself confesses that he's "one of the people [she] admires the most in [her] life," yet she "[doesn't] know how to handle this".

I don't have to point out how ironic it is that, just five days before the Wheelchaircel post, she wrote a lengthy screed about how incels don't understand how it's purportedly our behavior driving femoids away:

View attachment 653661

Has u/TodaySensitive9743 tried giving her disabled older brother a condescending lecture with the same advice? :foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy: Has she tried telling her own brother, as many feminists have done, that he's a genetic abomination and that it's only fair for femoids to select the fittest of the species?

It's almost as if people experience varying levels of romantic success/failure for variables well beyond their control—like their race, facial structure, height, and yes, their physical and mental disabilities. Maybe, just maybe, the core tenets of the blackpill are in fact accurate:
  • There exists a gendered hierarchy of attractiveness that determine one's sexual market value (SMV).
  • The variables that determine sexual attractiveness are largely genetic and therefore immutable.
  • Because femoids have hypergamous mate preferences, a certain number of men (e.g. Wheelchaircel here) have such low SMV that it is irrational for them to even consider participating in the sexual market. They should just give up because they are destined for crushing rejection and failure.
These are, in fact, undeniable truths about dating and society in general. It's blindingly obvious, even to a child, that some genetic traits are prized by virtually all societies, and other traits are mocked and despised. Yet this is taboo to even acknowledge in our woke societies. Feminists will order that you agree with them that even the poorest disabled man is more privileged than the wealthiest able-bodied woman, and they'll label you a misogynist if you disagree.

Wheelchaircel here has evidently been a victim of society's gaslighting. He should have given up and decided to rot long ago. Now he's experiencing the withdrawal symptoms of the bluepill.


Thing here is, How will they know if im full of rage and entitlement when they dont even give me the time of day to talk to me
The femoid's post on r/TrueOffMyChest pretty much says it all.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/wtc7gd/my_disabled_brothers_depression_is_affecting_me_a/

EDIT: Screenshots because the fragile femoid deleted the post.
View attachment 653655View attachment 653656

First things first, does someone know who her brother might be? Let's get him on the site ASAP; That is, if one of our recruiters hasn't already roped him in :feelshmm:, because it does sound like he's already distant from his sister :feelshaha:. This is supposedly u/TodaySensitive9743 herself, for reference:

View attachment 653659

Right. Now let's get down to the main point of this thread. You have a wheelchaircel who has never been in a relationship. She doesn't say anything about sex, but I'm inferring from the post that he's a virgin. Despite this, he's held onto the bluepill for almost 40 years. Forty. Fucking. Years.

I suppose Wheelchaircel told himself that as long as he was interesting ("traveled the world on his own") and had "a good sense of humor" and "a lot of respect", he would be able to overcome his disability and find a long-term partner. Now that he's aging, this sheer cope is crumbling before his very eyes, as his younger siblings hit developmental and personal milestones that he never will.

u/TodaySensitive9743 herself confesses that he's "one of the people [she] admires the most in [her] life," yet she "[doesn't] know how to handle this".

I don't have to point out how ironic it is that, just five days before the Wheelchaircel post, she wrote a lengthy screed about how incels don't understand how it's purportedly our behavior driving femoids away:

View attachment 653661

Has u/TodaySensitive9743 tried giving her disabled older brother a condescending lecture with the same advice? :foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy: Has she tried telling her own brother, as many feminists have done, that he's a genetic abomination and that it's only fair for femoids to select the fittest of the species?

It's almost as if people experience varying levels of romantic success/failure for variables well beyond their control—like their race, facial structure, height, and yes, their physical and mental disabilities. Maybe, just maybe, the core tenets of the blackpill are in fact accurate:
  • There exists a gendered hierarchy of attractiveness that determine one's sexual market value (SMV).
  • The variables that determine sexual attractiveness are largely genetic and therefore immutable.
  • Because femoids have hypergamous mate preferences, a certain number of men (e.g. Wheelchaircel here) have such low SMV that it is irrational for them to even consider participating in the sexual market. They should just give up because they are destined for crushing rejection and failure.
These are, in fact, undeniable truths about dating and society in general. It's blindingly obvious, even to a child, that some genetic traits are prized by virtually all societies, and other traits are mocked and despised. Yet this is taboo to even acknowledge in our woke societies. Feminists will order that you agree with them that even the poorest disabled man is more privileged than the wealthiest able-bodied woman, and they'll label you a misogynist if you disagree.

Wheelchaircel here has evidently been a victim of society's gaslighting. He should have given up and decided to rot long ago. Now he's experiencing the withdrawal symptoms of the bluepill.


The fact that she looks like that makes me even angrier.

I was hoping she'd be some fat ugly landwhale just as a middle finger.

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