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Blackpill r/IncelTear femoid writes about her own incel brother's depression: "His disability is a barrier for many women"

Normies and foids can’t see through their veil of bullshit. It’s honestly insane how they’re this close but due to retardation they can’t see it.
I would love to see the mental gymnastics in her head which lead to this decision.
Probably felt a bit dumb after being exposed as a hypocrite with cognitive dissonance. Also maybe didn't want it to come back to hit her IRL and got irrationally paranoid
Probably felt a bit dumb after being exposed as a hypocrite with cognitive dissonance. Also maybe didn't want it to come back to hit her IRL and got irrationally paranoid
Stupid question, but Is there any way to contact her brother?
Stupid question, but Is there any way to contact her brother?
jfl I doubt it. I dont think anyone has her details anyway. If they did then I guess it would be feasible. I know if I were him i'd want to know if my sister was writing crap about me online and trying to make herself the victim simply because I was disabled and depressed
jfl I doubt it. I dont think anyone has her details anyway. If they did then I guess it would be feasible. I know if I were him i'd want to know if my sister was writing crap about me online and trying to make herself the victim simply because I was disabled and depressed
Would be epic if we could tell her brother, lol.
What are the chances, you think, that deep down she'd be happy if/when her older brother kills himself? After all, femoids hate low SMV males with a burning passion.
She would, he is an emotional burden for his family. They don't feel sad for him, they feel sad for themselves for seeing him like that.
Just hope it wouldnt get too him too much
Maybe he would be the first wheelchair ER...

wheelchaircels just need to fix their personality
It never even began for those crippled at birth.
her account was removed
that fucking cripple is NOT ENTITLED TO SEX :soy::foidSoy:
Yeah wheelchairceldom must Be absolutely brutal. I worked For a year helping a CP Guy on wheelchair. Guy was really hopefull that he Will find a gf in university. Couldnt break it to him.
just fix your wheelchairnality bro!

wheelchaircels just need to fix their personality
I've had to use a wheelchair all my life. Did I wallow in my misery and let it define me? Fuck no. I showered, developed interesting hobbies and maintained a positive outlook on life. Now I'm a marathon runner and I can sprint as fast as Usain Bolt. I have no problems getting girls.
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I've had to use a wheelchair all my life. Did I wallow in my misery and let it define me? Fuck no. I showered, developed interesting hobbies and maintained a positive outlook on life. Now I'm a marathon runner and I can sprint as fast as Usain Bolt. I have no problems getting girls.
“he doesn’t understand why we have a right to a relationship while he doesn’t”

Literally all foids think this including tradthots and that is why I hate every single one of them and want them to all drop dead (or raped brutally first on Minecraft)
She deleted her whole fucking account:lul:

The post barely gained any traction and she got callout by one comment and that was enough for her to delete her account?
She deleted her whole fucking account:lul:

The post barely gained any traction and she got callout by one comment and that was enough for her to delete her account?
you know how fragile they are
I hate IT-types so fucking much. :reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee:
Typical as fuck. Faced with evidence of the blackpill in real life. And then don't extend the same understanding to others. Total lack of understanding, self awareness and empathy. Her brother is an incel due to his disability but by her own logic and reasoning, it must be because he has a bad personality. Not because of any physical features. God forbid physical features play a part. Funny how shes turning it into her problem too. Seems like they're also projecting when they accuse us of victimising ourselves. Pretty sure her brothers situation is infinitely worse for him that it is her.

Notice how she says "He doesn't understand why he doesn't have the right to have a romantic relationship like we have".

It seems like IT are the ones who think that relationships are an entitlement and are just projecting that unto us. They constantly, erroneously conflate natural desires for relationships with entitlement. These posts were only a few days apart right? Just another open display of the level of cognitive dissonance these people have. Is that all it takes to forget such concrete examples? And we're supposed to trust their judgement on reality when they can't even keep their experiences and attitudes straight?

Here's another link since it got deleted
Hi iq
She should give her pussy to her brother, it’s the only pussy he may ever get, so instead of feeling sorry for him while his life goes to shit, she can make his life better and also not have to feel bad for him anymore, everybody wins.
The femoid's post on r/TrueOffMyChest pretty much says it all.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/wtc7gd/my_disabled_brothers_depression_is_affecting_me_a/

EDIT: Screenshots because the fragile femoid deleted the post.
View attachment 653655View attachment 653656

First things first, does someone know who her brother might be? Let's get him on the site ASAP; That is, if one of our recruiters hasn't already roped him in :feelshmm:, because it does sound like he's already distant from his sister :feelshaha:. This is supposedly u/TodaySensitive9743 herself, for reference:

View attachment 653659

Right. Now let's get down to the main point of this thread. You have a wheelchaircel who has never been in a relationship. She doesn't say anything about sex, but I'm inferring from the post that he's a virgin. Despite this, he's held onto the bluepill for almost 40 years. Forty. Fucking. Years.

I suppose Wheelchaircel told himself that as long as he was interesting ("traveled the world on his own") and had "a good sense of humor" and "a lot of respect", he would be able to overcome his disability and find a long-term partner. Now that he's aging, this sheer cope is crumbling before his very eyes, as his younger siblings hit developmental and personal milestones that he never will.

u/TodaySensitive9743 herself confesses that he's "one of the people [she] admires the most in [her] life," yet she "[doesn't] know how to handle this".

I don't have to point out how ironic it is that, just five days before the Wheelchaircel post, she wrote a lengthy screed about how incels don't understand how it's purportedly our behavior driving femoids away:

View attachment 653661

Has u/TodaySensitive9743 tried giving her disabled older brother a condescending lecture with the same advice? :foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy: Has she tried telling her own brother, as many feminists have done, that he's a genetic abomination and that it's only fair for femoids to select the fittest of the species?

It's almost as if people experience varying levels of romantic success/failure for variables well beyond their control—like their race, facial structure, height, and yes, their physical and mental disabilities. Maybe, just maybe, the core tenets of the blackpill are in fact accurate:
  • There exists a gendered hierarchy of attractiveness that determine one's sexual market value (SMV).
  • The variables that determine sexual attractiveness are largely genetic and therefore immutable.
  • Because femoids have hypergamous mate preferences, a certain number of men (e.g. Wheelchaircel here) have such low SMV that it is irrational for them to even consider participating in the sexual market. They should just give up because they are destined for crushing rejection and failure.
These are, in fact, undeniable truths about dating and society in general. It's blindingly obvious, even to a child, that some genetic traits are prized by virtually all societies, and other traits are mocked and despised. Yet this is taboo to even acknowledge in our woke societies. Feminists will order that you agree with them that even the poorest disabled man is more privileged than the wealthiest able-bodied woman, and they'll label you a misogynist if you disagree.

Wheelchaircel here has evidently been a victim of society's gaslighting. He should have given up and decided to rot long ago. Now he's experiencing the withdrawal symptoms of the bluepill.

EDIT: There was a formatting error that caused some text to appear incorrectly. It has now been fixed.

Holy shit, I can’t believe this whore has such an inability for critical thinking and cross examining. Yet she gets to breed and spread her low iq genetics. Meanwhile his disabled brother rots on a wheelchair even though he didn’t do anything to deserve it, and will die alone (probably suicide or scrolling this forum).
would she deny her own brother a hug? :cryfeels: :fuk:
this whole thread reminds me a lot of the movie Come As You Are (2011), I recommend you to watch it
What a fucking moron she is. I still can't believe that she actually said "we have a right to a relationship and he doesn't", and that too speaking about a direct relative.

Who's "we"? Those that aren't crippled and/or disadvantaged? Boy do I got news for you :feelskek:

She acknowledges that it's over for big bro but apparently, incels just need to work on their personality. Does she not realize we come in all shapes and sizes?
More evidence that red/black pill stuff is incomprehensible to foids. Waste of time to explain it to them.
The femoid's post on r/TrueOffMyChest pretty much says it all.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/wtc7gd/my_disabled_brothers_depression_is_affecting_me_a/

EDIT: Screenshots because the fragile femoid deleted the post.
View attachment 653655View attachment 653656

First things first, does someone know who her brother might be? Let's get him on the site ASAP; That is, if one of our recruiters hasn't already roped him in :feelshmm:, because it does sound like he's already distant from his sister :feelshaha:. This is supposedly u/TodaySensitive9743 herself, for reference:

View attachment 653659

Right. Now let's get down to the main point of this thread. You have a wheelchaircel who has never been in a relationship. She doesn't say anything about sex, but I'm inferring from the post that he's a virgin. Despite this, he's held onto the bluepill for almost 40 years. Forty. Fucking. Years.

I suppose Wheelchaircel told himself that as long as he was interesting ("traveled the world on his own") and had "a good sense of humor" and "a lot of respect", he would be able to overcome his disability and find a long-term partner. Now that he's aging, this sheer cope is crumbling before his very eyes, as his younger siblings hit developmental and personal milestones that he never will.

u/TodaySensitive9743 herself confesses that he's "one of the people [she] admires the most in [her] life," yet she "[doesn't] know how to handle this".

I don't have to point out how ironic it is that, just five days before the Wheelchaircel post, she wrote a lengthy screed about how incels don't understand how it's purportedly our behavior driving femoids away:

View attachment 653661

Has u/TodaySensitive9743 tried giving her disabled older brother a condescending lecture with the same advice? :foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy: Has she tried telling her own brother, as many feminists have done, that he's a genetic abomination and that it's only fair for femoids to select the fittest of the species?

It's almost as if people experience varying levels of romantic success/failure for variables well beyond their control—like their race, facial structure, height, and yes, their physical and mental disabilities. Maybe, just maybe, the core tenets of the blackpill are in fact accurate:
  • There exists a gendered hierarchy of attractiveness that determine one's sexual market value (SMV).
  • The variables that determine sexual attractiveness are largely genetic and therefore immutable.
  • Because femoids have hypergamous mate preferences, a certain number of men (e.g. Wheelchaircel here) have such low SMV that it is irrational for them to even consider participating in the sexual market. They should just give up because they are destined for crushing rejection and failure.
These are, in fact, undeniable truths about dating and society in general. It's blindingly obvious, even to a child, that some genetic traits are prized by virtually all societies, and other traits are mocked and despised. Yet this is taboo to even acknowledge in our woke societies. Feminists will order that you agree with them that even the poorest disabled man is more privileged than the wealthiest able-bodied woman, and they'll label you a misogynist if you disagree.

Wheelchaircel here has evidently been a victim of society's gaslighting. He should have given up and decided to rot long ago. Now he's experiencing the withdrawal symptoms of the bluepill.

EDIT: There was a formatting error that caused some text to appear incorrectly. It has now been fixed.

ppl love females and there full of entitlement
I have always (always) wondered why I still haven't seen a wheelchaircel in this forum.

Something people here don't talk that much for some reason
But according to them it's all about personality and not physical features. Maybe her brother needs to work on his personality :feelsgah::feelsgah:
He should install twin miniguns and jetpack into wheelchair and play some minecraft with girls :feelsYall:
She probably will :feelswhat:

Foids only show superficial empathy. They’ll convince themselves they care (because of societal pressure) but deep down they’ll feel relieved and free since they don’t have to meet any obligations anymore.

Just look at all the foids who claim that they want their bfs to be emotionally vulnerable to them but then feel disgusted and turned off once they do open up.
She can always do community service by giving this cripple a blow job
What a repulsive lying whore.
This entire thread serves as evidence that you can't engage with those retards. They genuinely live in a constant state of cognitive dissonance.

Her brother is a living confirmation of the blackpill. As you've rightfully highlighted, she herself stated he's pleasant. He clearly doesn't hold incel beliefs. He's apparently "handsome", which probably means he's not deformed and well-groomed.

Despite that, he's still an Incel. He didn't choose his fate, but he is one.
He'll die a depressed cripple with nobody who'd even look at him romantically. That's what he's going to take to the grave: Pain, suffering and isolation.

"Just wait till your 30s bro"
"Just wait till your 40s bro"
"Have a great personality"
"Be confident"

She's running out of bluepills which is why she even acknowledges that therapy won't help him. She knows there's no "solution" for his problem. The least she could do is assist him in killing himself but she's too much of a pretentious self-centered whore to even do that so he'll have to suffer until he dies to keep her happy.

It's fucked.
This entire thread serves as evidence that you can't engage with those retards. They genuinely live in a constant state of cognitive dissonance.

Her brother is a living confirmation of the blackpill. As you've rightfully highlighted, she herself stated he's pleasant. He clearly doesn't hold incel beliefs. He's apparently "handsome", which probably means he's not deformed and well-groomed.

Despite that, he's still an Incel. He didn't choose his fate, but he is one.
He'll die a depressed cripple with nobody who'd even look at him romantically. That's what he's going to take to the grave: Pain, suffering and isolation.

"Just wait till your 30s bro"
"Just wait till your 40s bro"
"Have a great personality"
"Be confident"

She's running out of bluepills which is why she even acknowledges that therapy won't help him. She knows there's no "solution" for his problem. The least she could do is assist him in killing himself but she's too much of a pretentious self-centered whore to even do that so he'll have to suffer until he dies to keep her happy.

It's fucked.
I'd pin this comment if I could. It's that good.
We do need to find him and invite him. :feelswhere:
With that sister, incest may be his way out from inceldom
There are several steps of inceldom,the final ones being exitus and acceptance,and only a few can accept their own condition.
If I were him I'd be trying two options:

1) Women who are also disabled

2) Cash.

Not much else to add really, lol. It's not easy out there but at least we don't have menopause to worry about.

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