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Blackpill PROOF THAT INCELDOM IS GENETIC: Scientists discover 371 genetic variants linked to your age at first sex

  • Thread starter Deleted member 11199
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No shit. Genetic determinism is the biggest Blackpill everything every activity you’ll ever do and how good you’ll be at is based off genetics. Looks like my parents genetics skipped me though.
Im very different to everyone in my fam. They’re all good looking. I’m not. Disability. I’m 26 KHHV, my sister is 22 and had 4 bfs already. My parents were very good looking when they had me. I was supposed to be 5‘10“, turned out to be 5‘4“ and very strange looking face unlike rest of my family and extended family
Why is everyone in this thread a retard? We already knew genes (your looks) determine this stuff, yet youre acting like it's new information:feelsaww:
The point of it goes for the lurking newcels
Truth is, the game was rigged from the start
Im very different to everyone in my fam. They’re all good looking. I’m not. Disability. I’m 26 KHHV, my sister is 22 and had 4 bfs already. My parents were very good looking when they had me. I was supposed to be 5‘10“, turned out to be 5‘4“ and very strange looking face unlike rest of my family and extended family
:feelsrope:brutal same here. 5'3 father 4'10 mother. never even began
Your height doesn't matter. If you're short and ugly, you're a dwarf. If you're tall and ugly, you're Frankenstein. The same goes with attractiveness, an attractive short man is called cute by the women, and an attractive tall man is handsome. It is the face that determines place.
No amount of self improvement would stop inceldom :blackpill:

2680549 maxdamage

Wish they would have showed the average age of virginity loss in North African and Middle Eastern countries. I guarantee the average age for men is like 26-27 years of age. For women it's probably like 23.

Those countries are incel factories, unless you're very fortunate to be born in a rich family and you're a Chadam that fucks Muslim sluts on the downlow before you get married. Every other guy has to studymax/career/moneymax until they can afford a wife.

Sad shit.


I must have the perfect storm of genetic nonsense because I am still a virgin in my late 30s.
It was over for me since the pediatrician declared me a runt at the age of five and said I would face a lifetime of bullying from classmates. Not to mention autism….
Wish they would have showed the average age of virginity loss in North African and Middle Eastern countries. I guarantee the average age for men is like 26-27 years of age. For women it's probably like 23.

Those countries are incel factories, unless you're very fortunate to be born in a rich family and you're a Chadam that fucks Muslim sluts on the downlow before you get married. Every other guy has to studymax/career/moneymax until they can afford a wife.

Sad shit.


I must have the perfect storm of genetic nonsense because I am still a virgin in my late 30s.
I wonder how arabcels cope. They cannot drink because of their religion
Kind of bullshit. Took genetic test and said age ar first sex would be 17. Twasnt true. Ugly cancels out instinct
Wish they would have showed the average age of virginity loss in North African and Middle Eastern countries. I guarantee the average age for men is like 26-27 years of age. For women it's probably like 23.

Those countries are incel factories, unless you're very fortunate to be born in a rich family and you're a Chadam that fucks Muslim sluts on the downlow before you get married. Every other guy has to studymax/career/moneymax until they can afford a wife.

Sad shit.


I must have the perfect storm of genetic nonsense because I am still a virgin in my late 30s.
Escort max mate it's the only way
You get your "incel genes" from a couple of sex-havers. Infinite possibilities in infinite combinations I guess.

Looks, height, race, neurotypicality, social skills, game, wealth, status... they are all part of the complete picture that makes you either worthy or unworthy in women's eyes. Some of it you inherit with your genes, some of it gets done to you in childhood...
When exactly you lose your virginity has been thought of as a fairly random event, dictated by chance and circumstance. But now an international team of scientists, led by the University of Oxford, reveal the milestone is more controlled by our genetics than we may realise. [OUR DEVELOPMENTAL MILESTONES ARE CONTROLLED BY GENETICS! WE INCELS KNEW IT ALREADY. THE BLACKPILL HAS BEEN PROVED. INCEL TEARS CAN SUCK IT!]

They say they've identified 371 regions of our genetic code that appear to influence not only when exactly we first have sex, but also when we have our first child – not just for women, but men too.

Their analysis of Brits' data revealed genetics can explain between five and 17 per cent of when individuals achieve these two milestones. [SOON IT WILL BE 100%. GENOMICS WILL PROVE THE BLACKPILL OF BIOLOGICAL DETERMINISM BEYOND ANY SHADOW OF DOUBT.]

The study has been led by Professor Melinda Mills at the Leverhulme Centre for Demographic Science, the University of Oxford.

'Our study has discovered hundreds additional genetic markers that shape this most fundamental part of our lives and have the potential for deeper understanding of infertility, later life disease and longevity,' she said.

'Age at first sexual intercourse and age at first birth have implications for health and evolutionary fitness.

The study, published in Nature Human Behaviour, used data on age at first sexual intercourse (AFS) and age at first birth (AFB) – how old a woman is when they have their first baby. For AFS, the team included 397,338 pooled individuals (214,547 women and 182,791 men) from the UK Biobank – a database containing in-depth genetic and health information from half a million UK participants. For AFB, researchers included 542,901 individuals (418,758 women and 124,008 men) from 36 previous studies.

Tell that to a normie
Im very different to everyone in my fam. They’re all good looking. I’m not. Disability. I’m 26 KHHV, my sister is 22 and had 4 bfs already. My parents were very good looking when they had me. I was supposed to be 5‘10“, turned out to be 5‘4“ and very strange looking face unlike rest of my family and extended family
So what you're saying, is, your mother cheated?
So what you're saying, is, your mother cheated?
No. :no:

What I'm saying is one of my genes mutated and therefore I'm very ugly. This can happen to anyone. I know it's my dad because he was carrier of that faulty gene, but his phenotype was not affected. My face was. He was only a CARRIER... this is a 50:50 scenario. You can be facially affected, or not.

I was beautiful as a child till about age 11, then during much too early puberty, my face and skull grew to fast and deformed. I kind of got into puberty "twice", and my facial bones and skull deformed during that time. Also I had a hormonal imbalance. So now I have a very deformed and big skull, weird face shape and extremely asymmetric eyes (much more than "just a little asymmetric". Mine are extremely asymmetric.) Even with sunglasses on I look weird.
No. :no:

What I'm saying is one of my genes mutated and therefore I'm very ugly. This can happen to anyone. I know it's my dad because he was carrier of that faulty gene, but his phenotype was not affected. My face was. He was only a CARRIER... this is a 50:50 scenario. You can be facially affected, or not.

I was beautiful as a child till about age 11, then during much too early puberty, my face and skull grew to fast and deformed. I kind of got into puberty "twice", and my facial bones and skull deformed during that time. Also I had a hormonal imbalance. So now I have a very deformed and big skull, weird face shape and extremely asymmetric eyes (much more than "just a little asymmetric". Mine are extremely asymmetric.) Even with sunglasses on I look weird.
I also looked much better before puberty.
I also looked much better before puberty.
It’s brutal, brother. I feel ya.

When i look at pictures of myself 10 years old and younger… I could cry. I wasn’t affected by my disability back then. I had a beautiful face. Then during about 2 years from 11-13 things changed so quickly. I stopped growing (I’m 5’4”) and am so ugly. Had a hormonal im imbalance so my face is long and feminine looking. Also large head and deformed facial features (extremely asymmetric eyes it hurts to look at them). I was bullied in school (behind my back, people made memes with my school picture) and strangers stare at me or talk about me or laugh. I should have become a 7 or 8/10 but now I’m a 1.5
It’s brutal, brother. I feel ya.

When i look at pictures of myself 10 years old and younger… I could cry. I wasn’t affected by my disability back then. I had a beautiful face. Then during about 2 years from 11-13 things changed so quickly. I stopped growing (I’m 5’4”) and am so ugly. Had a hormonal im imbalance so my face is long and feminine looking. Also large head and deformed facial features (extremely asymmetric eyes it hurts to look at them). I was bullied in school (behind my back, people made memes with my school picture) and strangers stare at me or talk about me or laugh. I should have become a 7 or 8/10 but now I’m a 1.5
Life... :society:

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