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Blackpill PROOF THAT INCELDOM IS GENETIC: Scientists discover 371 genetic variants linked to your age at first sex

  • Thread starter Deleted member 11199
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Deleted member 11199

The living shall envy the dead
Jul 27, 2018
When exactly you lose your virginity has been thought of as a fairly random event, dictated by chance and circumstance. But now an international team of scientists, led by the University of Oxford, reveal the milestone is more controlled by our genetics than we may realise. [OUR DEVELOPMENTAL MILESTONES ARE CONTROLLED BY GENETICS! WE INCELS KNEW IT ALREADY. THE BLACKPILL HAS BEEN PROVED. INCEL TEARS CAN SUCK IT!]

They say they've identified 371 regions of our genetic code that appear to influence not only when exactly we first have sex, but also when we have our first child – not just for women, but men too.

Their analysis of Brits' data revealed genetics can explain between five and 17 per cent of when individuals achieve these two milestones. [SOON IT WILL BE 100%. GENOMICS WILL PROVE THE BLACKPILL OF BIOLOGICAL DETERMINISM BEYOND ANY SHADOW OF DOUBT.]

The study has been led by Professor Melinda Mills at the Leverhulme Centre for Demographic Science, the University of Oxford.

'Our study has discovered hundreds additional genetic markers that shape this most fundamental part of our lives and have the potential for deeper understanding of infertility, later life disease and longevity,' she said.

'Age at first sexual intercourse and age at first birth have implications for health and evolutionary fitness.

The study, published in Nature Human Behaviour, used data on age at first sexual intercourse (AFS) and age at first birth (AFB) – how old a woman is when they have their first baby. For AFS, the team included 397,338 pooled individuals (214,547 women and 182,791 men) from the UK Biobank – a database containing in-depth genetic and health information from half a million UK participants. For AFB, researchers included 542,901 individuals (418,758 women and 124,008 men) from 36 previous studies.

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genetics can explain between five and 17 per cent of when individuals achieve these two milestones.

My genetics 100% say im short and ugly virgin.

it was all predetermined
jfl at religion copers
Genetic determinism is the ultimate truth. We are biological robots.
They haven't churned all the variables yet, including ones like autism, height, frame, facial sexual dimorphism and testosterone levels, mostly because they don't want to I reckon. If they dedicated themselves to discovering the truth with open mindedness, they'd find that genetics 100% determines sexual success.
they might do it eventually and use it for job hiring or something. glad they haven't. fuckers will take DNA which will be auto scanned to see if a job candidate genetics are suitable for the role. and Chads and blessed DNA fuckers will mog us even harder
holy fuck this is brutal
how could i even win? i was never even playing the same game
Genetic determinism is the ultimate truth. We are biological robots.
free will was fake Jewish scam so betabuxxers and visionaries would put effort in growing the economy
holy fuck this is brutal
how could i even win? i was never even playing the same game
we weren't meant to win. only to be the mobs and background characters stepped upon so others can shine
free will was fake Jewish scam so betabuxxers and visionaries would put effort in growing the economy

we weren't meant to win. only to be the mobs and background characters stepped upon so others can shine

Ya we are supposed to be extras who get humiliated and mogged in the storyline. But one fuck you we can do, is not show up for the filming day.
They will do it eventually as genomics becomes more and more accepted in society due to the success of CRISPR therapeutics. However, this kind of progress probably won't take place immediately because of the climate of political correctness and woke which we have today. SJWs will scream about eugenics and fascism. Eventually though, their screams will be drowned out by the dawning of a new age of blackpill enlightenment where normies have accepted genes as the ultimate source of success in life.

If you think about it, this kind of eugenicist feudalism is already upon us as noticed on Tinder or job applications where only the 150 IQ STEM fags succeed. In spite of this brutal reality, we are still being gaslighted as we are told to believe in the value of hard work and discipline. However with the dawning of genomics, there will be no room for deception regarding reality.
true even now there is eugenics in the corporate world no doubt. but with some lying, exaggerating truths, medium IQ or somewhat abover average IQ incels can still make it decently far. but eventually in maybe 30-40 years that straight up won't be possible. I wonder how it will work. automation also coming in to fuck over incels and low IQs. and eventually average jobs too. yet UBI no where in sight. I fear we will enter another feudal era where Chads/Stacies(hereditary genetic wealth) and the hereditary financially rich will be permanently above everyone else and will give the bare minimum to lower classes.

lower classes and uglies will be forced eat bug meat and live in shitty box sized cube apartments, maybe eventually they will straight up genocide them
They will do it eventually as genomics becomes more and more accepted in society due to the success of CRISPR therapeutics. However, this kind of progress probably won't take place immediately because of the climate of political correctness and woke which we have today. SJWs will scream about eugenics and fascism. Eventually though, their screams will be drowned out by the dawning of a new age of blackpill enlightenment where normies have accepted genes as the ultimate source of success in life.

If you think about it, this kind of eugenicist feudalism is already upon us as noticed on Tinder or job applications where only the 150 IQ STEM fags succeed. In spite of this brutal reality, we are still being gaslighted as we are told to believe in the value of hard work and discipline. However with the dawning of genomics, there will be no room for deception regarding reality.

Ya what would make it unstoppable is people are so competitive and if they thought their friends and neighbors were getting their children upgraded.. there is no doubt they would be going in.

It could also start with people with serious issues only, where there is already agreement it would be right to treat them.
are you also a disciple of buddha,mahayana or theravada

I follow mostly pure land Buddhism and thervada meditation method. but I do read some Mahayana texts ocasionally and borrow some of its techniques.

I believe it's possible to astral project or reincarnate in a pure lands heavenly realm with good meditation/enlightenment skills/accomplishments
Ya we are supposed to be extras who get humiliated and mogged in the storyline. But one fuck you we can do, is not show up for the filming day.
true many here already going NEET as it's one of the ways to do this
I follow mostly pure land Buddhism and thervada meditation method. but I do read some Mahayana texts ocasionally and borrow some of its techniques.

I believe it's possible to astral project or reincarnate in a pure lands heavenly realm with good meditation/enlightenment skills/accomplishments

true many here already going NEET as it's one of the ways to do this
I think pure land cultivate method is chanting the name of Amitabha
They haven't churned all the variables yet, including ones like autism, height, frame, facial sexual dimorphism and testosterone levels, mostly because they don't want to I reckon. If they dedicated themselves to discovering the truth with open mindedness, they'd find that genetics 100% determines sexual success.
Yeah they talk about something we already knew, our genes determine who we are, we are product of our ancestors.

My ancestors were short, ugly, stupid, with serious mental illnesses. Me being short, ugly, stupid and crazy was inevitable and guy like that has zero chance to attract a girl.

When they talk about genes determining when will people lose virginity im sure they will twist conclusions to turn out everyone gets their best. Chad lose virginity at 13-14, normie at 17-20 and lower tier normie at 23-30 if some foid want to settle.
I think pure land cultivate method is chanting the name of Amitabha
yes there is a method on doing it that way. I am trying another way. I think it's possible to astral project over permanently. this way I wouldn't have to wait till death to go to the purelands

born too late to avoid foid rights/hypergamy
born too early to experience accessible and reliable genetic modification
Truth is, the game was rigged from the start...
the final nail in the coffin of "selfimprovement"
years? LOL! The economic landscape will be unrecognizably feudalistic by the next 10 to 15 years. Advances in automation and AI will bring about industry 4.0 meaning that only a few high IQ STEMfags and capitalists will control all the resources and means of production. Subhuman workers will be made obsolete and left to die from drug overdoses like in Appalachia.
If this scenario really occurs, then Marx will be right, the only solution is communism
lower classes and uglies will be forced eat bug meat and live in shitty box sized cube apartments, maybe eventually they will straight up genocide them

Really not hard to imagine with the Great Reset upon us. Hedge funds like Blackrock are already buying up houses and reducing families to permanent renter status. Bill Gates is buying up farmland. Ordinary people will own nothing soon.
Its enough for them to separate people into higher and lower caste, then dehumanize the lower and no one will object to genocide. People will do just about anything if they can hide behind the system.
'Over' lmao that would imply a beginning, it didn't begin for me ever
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The quality of your life is decided by three things:

1. How wealthy your parents are.

2. How much testosterone you were exposed to in the womb and very early childhood.

3. Your genes.
The score was settled before the first whistle.
Fuck this world and everyone in it:feelsrope:
My genes have already determined that I will never lose my virginity
When you lose ( or don't lose ) your virginity is written on your face.
It was over before we were born JFL
They will do it eventually as genomics becomes more and more accepted in society due to the success of CRISPR therapeutics. However, this kind of progress probably won't take place immediately because of the climate of political correctness and woke which we have today. SJWs will scream about eugenics and fascism. Eventually though, their screams will be drowned out by the dawning of a new age of blackpill enlightenment where normies have accepted genes as the ultimate source of success in life.
it'll be the Chinese who first use CRISPR, the rest of the world will follow because it's a genetic arms race and they can't be left behind.
it’s all a simulation. They are running millions of simulations at once, and they are testing to see which on produces the best civilization for humanity.
Ya we are supposed to be extras who get humiliated and mogged in the storyline. But one fuck you we can do, is not show up for the filming day.
Or better yet.. we can always destroy the set. There are non violent ways to do this.
Just change your DNA theory.
What a fucking shock. Everything is written in your genes. There is a gene for longevity, gene for muscle gain, gene for autism etc. "I was born and it was over" is the most accurate sentence ever said.
I didn't see anything about it meaning you're biologically coded to never have sex, so it may be that you'll eventually ascend.
This is an omni blackpill, holy shit. Repost this, IT
Why is everyone in this thread a retard? We already knew genes (your looks) determine this stuff, yet youre acting like it's new information:feelsaww:

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