Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Discussion Poll how old are you?

How old are you?

  • 18-20

    Votes: 13 31.7%
  • 20-22

    Votes: 7 17.1%
  • 22-24

    Votes: 7 17.1%
  • 25-30

    Votes: 8 19.5%
  • 30-35

    Votes: 4 9.8%
  • 40+

    Votes: 2 4.9%

  • Total voters


Mar 24, 2018
Anyone under 25 shouldn't be on this forum. Their underdeveloped brains are just making a mess of this forum
>turn 25
>immediately call for everyone below 25 to be banned
every single time
Well that's a very retarded opinion but there are plenty others around here so we'll accept it
Will be 27 this year, brutal.
Well that's a very retarded opinion but there are plenty others around here so we'll accept it
Maybe you should vet newcomers harder than you have because all I see on this forum are stupid little shits spewing nonsense
Anyone under 25 shouldn't be on this forum. Their underdeveloped brains are just making a mess of this forum
i'm 19 and knew it was over when I was 14,also why the fuck would any non nt user here need to wait until 25 JFL
Over for leapyearcels
i'm 19 and knew it was over when I was 14,also why the fuck would any non nt user here need to wait until 25 JFL
You weren't even fully developed back then jfl 14? That and your stupid little brain didn't even try everything that there is to help you ascend.

So more than likely you will ascend in years to come and until then you'll just spew retarded nonesense on this forum
You weren't even fully developed back then jfl 14? That and your stupid little brain didn't even try everything that there is to help you ascend.

So more than likely you will ascend in years to come and until then you'll just spew retarded nonesense on this forum
what ascension retard I don't even have 2 friends in real life the only way I would get to hang out is if I pay for their shit,everyone here is underdeveloped socially,to hell with your 25 year old reddit cuck theory
Anyone under 25 shouldn't be on this forum. Their underdeveloped brains are just making a mess of this forum
Should have added a "Not old enough to be on this site" option because there are quite a few people on here I refuse to believe are older than 16
what ascension retard I don't even have 2 friends in real life the only way I would get to hang out is if I pay for their shit,everyone here is underdeveloped socially,to hell with your 25 year old reddit cuck theory
How much work have you done in order to ascend? I'm guessing none because if girls don't jump on your dick at the age of 14 then you're an incel right? Fuck off.

I've done everything including hard looksmaxxing and nothing helped me so don't come at me with your stupid zoomer bullshit
How much work have you done in order to ascend? I'm guessing none because if girls don't jump on your dick at the age of 14 then you're an incel right? Fuck off.

I've done everything including hard looksmaxxing and nothing helped me so don't come at me with your stupid zoomer bullshit
why so angry faggot there is no hope if you're an autist who spergs out now shut the fuck up you sound like tiktok normscum. JUST LOOKSMAXX BRO kys
why so angry faggot there is no hope if you're an autist who spergs out now shut the fuck up you sound like tiktok normscum. JUST LOOKSMAXX BRO kys
Exactly. You're just a zoomer retard who thinks it's over because girls don't jump on your dick at the age of 14
Tell me what normie would want to sit with me when i'm almost non verbal and twitch for no reason sometimes
Exactly. You're just a zoomer retard who thinks it's over because girls don't jump on your dick at the age of 14
meanwhile there are kids having sex at 14 kys retard
Should have added a "Not old enough to be on this site" option because there are quite a few people on here I refuse to believe are older than 16
the only people you consider not old enough are those who call out your kiked christcuck copes
Tell me what normie would want to sit with me when i'm almost non verbal and twitch for no reason sometimes
meanwhile there are kids having sex at 14 kys retard
Yeah so what? You can learn how to have conversation with people like I did and not act like a retard.

Just admit that you have done fuck all to help yourself ascend.
the only people you consider not old enough are those who call out your kiked christcuck copes
I'm completely against christcuckery wtf are you on about

I've done everything including hard looksmaxxing and nothing helped me so don't come at me with your stupid zoomer bullshit
If you've done everything that you possibly could, might it be time to go to home depot and start looking for the thickest rope?
Life might only be worth while if you're around average and up, man it's brutal @Profligate
If you've done everything that you possibly could, might it be time to go to home depot and start looking for the thickest rope?
No I won't ever. I have plenty of copes and besides I'll live just to spite the retarded piece of shit redditors, women, normies, moderators and cunts on this forum
Yeah so what? You can learn how to have conversation with people like I did and not act like a retard.

Just admit that you have done fuck all to help yourself ascend.

I'm completely against christcuckery wtf are you on about
sir this is a blackpill forum and I was talking to another faggot not you
21, will be 22 soon: However, I think it was a bit unfair for you to state this
Their underdeveloped brains are just making a mess of this forum
When myself & many other under-25s are reasonable & contributing members: In fact, I bet you thought I was older than I really am, which has happened to me before, both online & IRL.
No I won't ever. I have plenty of copes and besides I'll live just to spite the retarded piece of shit redditors, women, normies, moderators and cunts on this forum
Ah I see. Do you have any dreams in life? Any goals other than getting pussy?
There should be a subforum for oldcels only. I'm curious to see how many youngcel posters make it there without roping or ascending because they're volcels/fakecels.

They'll ascend in college or university while bullying oldercels on here and may still do it while they're ascending. Then soon after once they're done having fun, they'll forget about this forum, and go on to live the otherside of their lives... that being their normie side.

Anyway you hardly hear about a 25 year old something ascending, but rather always some in their late teens to early 20s ascending lol.

Those that bully incels here usually exhibit normie like behaviors. Of course, they wouldn't get along with people like us lol.
Or if not... perhaps they end up actually being incels. Well, that's something to not celebrate over...

However, being an incel is very niche... like being in the minority of the minorities.
Ah I see. Do you have any dreams in life? Any goals other than getting pussy?
I don't. All of my dreams were killed by my multiple failed ascension attempts

They'll ascend in college or university while bullying oldercels on here and may still do it while they're ascending. Then soon after once they're done having fun, they'll forget about this forum, and go on to live the otherside of their lives... that being their normie side.

Anyway you hardly hear about a 25 year old something ascending, but rather always some in their late teens to early 20s ascending lol.

Those that bully incels here usually exhibit normie like behaviors. Of course, they wouldn't get along with people like us lol.
Exactly. The vast majority of users on this forum are normies in disguise. Sooner or later they will grow tired of jacking off in their rooms and they will try to ascend and that's when they will disappear from this forum.
Or if not... perhaps they end up actually being incels. Well, that's something to not celebrate over...

However, being an incel is very niche... like being in the minority of the minorities.
Incels are a very small minority despite what people on this forum want you to believe. The vast majority of people are normies who could easily ascend with a little bit of effort.

I want to be dead already.
>turn 25
>immediately call for everyone below 25 to be banned
every single time

There should be a subforum for oldcels only.
Its sounds like a good Idea. It would be difficult in practice as any youngcel can just fraud their age and the amount of active users is limited to the age restriction if everyone did follow it correctly. Its more of a matter of at what age 25,28,30,35,50 ect you would restrict it to as there would be a diminishing amount of users on the subforum.
Old enough to bleed, old enough to breed
Its sounds like a good Idea. It would be difficult in practice as any youngcel can just fraud their age and the amount of active users is limited to the age restriction if everyone did follow it correctly. Its more of a matter of at what age 25,28,30,35,50 ect you would restrict it to as there would be a diminishing amount of users on the subforum.
An oldcel subforum can be the incel retirement home.
you skipped a few in the poll.

37 in a few weeks
im guessing half of the 18-20 responses are actually underage

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