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Blackpill People think that lookism is more likely to cost someone a job interview than racism or sexism, according to an official EU survey

  • Thread starter WorthlessSlavicShit
  • Start date


Oct 30, 2022
"You aren't discriminated against in any way incel, you are the evil priviledged white oppressors:soy::soy::foidSoy::foidSoy:!"

Jfl:feelskek:. Wonder how the EU-loving liberal types will react to this, considering that leftists seem to quite dislike us in general, now that an EU-funded survey posted on its official website has found this:feelshaha:? And not only any survey, literally an official, major survey on discrimination in the EU has found this.

Here's the image on the website:


Here's the actual numbers from the study on this question:


This is both absolutely brutal and something of a whitepill at the same time. On one hand, it's pretty brutal that despite discrimination based on race, ethnicity, sex, social class and so on being what is endlessly talked about, it is discrimination based on someone's looks that most people think of when asked what could cost someone a job offer to a similarly qualified candidate, with only age rating higher. People know lookism is a thing and that it majorly shapes your life, without even needing to be told that. And that's actually the whitepill here. No matter how maligned we might be, no matter how many online stalkers might be caricaturing us, no matter how much hatred is sent our way, in the end, we are right and people know it. People know for a fact that lookism exists, they know that ugly men have shit lives, and if you'll talk about it, they will agree with what you are saying.

If you ever find the bullshit we have to read whenever normie bullies confront the cherrypicked examples of what we post here, and start thinking whether it truly is your personality that is the problem, just remember that you are questioning a type of discrimination dozens of millions of people think is more potent than racism, sexism, classism and so on.

This actually makes me genuinely curious about what the "ex-incels", who "saw the light" and "deprogrammed" themselves from our "ideology" would think about this after realizing that they are denying a type of discrimination that a half of an entire continent think about when thinking of what could cost someone their job:feelshaha:. Would they still believe that they've deprogrammed themselves, or would they understand that they actually just programmed themselves to be Uncle Toms of inceldom straining to not see the obvious:feelsjuice::feelskek::waitwhat:.

Oh, and if anyone wants to point out that this was "theoretical" discrimination and not something the people have actually experienced, the survey actually has asked people whether they themselves were discriminated against due to this stuff, and those results are just pure whitepill and kekfuel.


- Despite an increasing stream of social justice propaganda, an absolute, overwhelming majority of people in the EU say they haven't been discriminated against in any way in the last year

- Despite decades of endless feminist propaganda, only 5% of EU citizens say that they have been discriminated against for their gender. Assuming that ALL people who said this were women, which is already a serious stretch, then even that still means that just 10% of women think that they were discriminated against in any way in the last year:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:

- Looks, skin color and ethnic origin are all at 3%, which still places them as some of the most common forms of reported discrimination in the EU. Now, do the same recalculation here. Are ugly incels, nonwhites, and other ethnic minorities anywhere near 50% of population? Of course not. This alone pretty much automatically shows that those forms of discrimination are much more intense and common for the affected groups than "muh soggy knee:foidSoy::foidSoy:" is for women:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:.

- Once again, ageism is the most common and worst:fuk:. The agepill truly always comes to collect:dafuckfeels:.

Tagging some boyos who might be interested:

@based_meme @DarkStarDown @GeckoBus @KillNiggers @NorthernWind @Incline @To koniec @Puppeter @slavcel11 @Pancakecel @Stupid Clown @Ron.Belgrade @Defetivecuckachu @Chudpreet @Copexodius Maximus
Every normie believes in the blackpill, they just don't like the term itself jfl.
Considering that women view 80% of men below average, and men don't give other men freebies, one can assume that lookism and being ugly affects men primarily when it comes to job interviews.
With looksmaxxing gone mainstream you can only expect these numbers to rise.
Yep, and they’ll still deny it. Some bluepillers will even say “yeah well we said that the whole time, it’s just different when talking about dating” such a fucking joke
Beyond ovER for oldcels.
Those employers just have preferences, sweaty. Nobody owes you a job. :soy: :foidSoy:
"You aren't discriminated against in any way incel, you are the evil priviledged white oppressors:soy::soy::foidSoy::foidSoy:!"

Jfl:feelskek:. Wonder how the EU-loving liberal types will react to this, considering that leftists seem to quite dislike us in general, now that an EU-funded survey posted on its official website has found this:feelshaha:? And not only any survey, literally an official, major survey on discrimination in the EU has found this.
They will react to this like they always do. By completely ignoring it.
This is both absolutely brutal and something of a whitepill at the same time. On one hand, it's pretty brutal that despite discrimination based on race, ethnicity, sex, social class and so on being what is endlessly talked about, it is discrimination based on someone's looks that most people think of when asked what could cost someone a job offer to a similarly qualified candidate, with only age rating higher. People know lookism is a thing and that it majorly shapes your life, without even needing to be told that. And that's actually the whitepill here. No matter how maligned we might be, no matter how many online stalkers might be caricaturing us, no matter how much hatred is sent our way, in the end, we are right and people know it. People know for a fact that lookism exists, they know that ugly men have shit lives, and if you'll talk about it, they will agree with what you are saying.
Yup they know it. Barely anybody gives bluepilled advice irl. They tend to give redpill/blackpill references more often than not which sometimes surprises me. You only see those pathetic leftist talking points on cuckdit.
This actually makes me genuinely curious about what the "ex-incels", who "saw the light" and "deprogrammed" themselves from our "ideology" would think about this after realizing that they are denying a type of discrimination that a half of an entire continent think about when thinking of what could cost someone their job:feelshaha:. Would they still believe that they've deprogrammed themselves, or would they understand that they actually just programmed themselves to be Uncle Toms of inceldom straining to not see the obvious:feelsjuice::feelskek::waitwhat:.
"Ex-incels" are easily gullible so what they say is automatically irrelevant. They are just like normies in this regard. Easily influenced by their own biases and not the bigger picture. Regardless I still think these "ex-incels" were bluepilled on the inside as most people are.
Oh, and if anyone wants to point out that this was "theoretical" discrimination and not something the people have actually experienced, the survey actually has asked people whether they themselves were discriminated against due to this stuff, and those results are just pure whitepill and kekfuel.

View attachment 1138264View attachment 1138265

- Despite an increasing stream of social justice propaganda, an absolute, overwhelming majority of people in the EU say they haven't been discriminated against in any way in the last year
Well atleast they don't like to play victim. I expected a different outcome. Btw it's fucking brutal reading this on my monitor. Could barely read it while tilting my head. Whoever comes up with these designs needs to be fired asap.
The survey does specify "style of dress or presentation" though. I guess there is an argument to be made, however, that a high-tier guy looks "put-together" in just about anything he wears, while a subhuman has to overdress to look presentable to society.

I don't mean to sound bluepilled, but I doubt that your genetic looks are that big of a handicap in an interview. If that were the case, you wouldn't see so many gigasubhuman curroids and rice succeeding in the job market despite miserably failing in the dating market. That said, your physical appearance definitely does affects your job prospects through its impact on your networking ability and perceived respectability/power. That's why tall men and Chads are so overrepresented among CEOs and the like
The survey does specify "style of dress or presentation" though.
I was talking more about "general physical appearance" that's right under the option you're talking about (they are easy to confuse for sure, I thought that people might mistake the two:D), which has "size, weight, face, etc." specified.


I guess there is an argument to be made, however, that a high-tier guy looks "put-together" in just about anything he wears, while a subhuman has to overdress to look presentable to society.
This too is of course true. Good-looking people make whatever they wear look good, unless it's really hideous. the opposite is true for uglies.

I don't mean to sound bluepilled, but I doubt that your genetic looks are that big of a handicap in an interview. If that were the case, you wouldn't see so many gigasubhuman curroids and rice succeeding in the job market despite miserably failing in the dating market. That said, your physical appearance definitely does affects your job prospects through its impact on your networking ability and perceived respectability/power. That's why tall men and Chads are so overrepresented among CEOs and the like
True. The survey was basically about tie-breaking stuff between two candidates with equal qualifications. Overall, it's not too much of a handicap, but as with everything else, it does have an effect and as that effect accumulates over time, even if its barely noticeable to individual people, we end up with a world where there are clear correlations between looks, income, the type of job someone has and so on:feelsokman::

High IQ and high quality, as usual.

Every normie believes in the blackpill, they just don't like the term itself jfl.
They live and experience it, but on the neutral-positive side of it. They just don't like it when these things are called out by the disadvantaged who suffer from the discrimination and mistreatment. It reminds them of their own hypocrisy and makes them "feel like a bad person."
Mods should sticky this. @LeFrenchCel @PLA1092 @Mod King Xerxes
"You aren't discriminated against in any way incel, you are the evil priviledged white oppressors:soy::soy::foidSoy::foidSoy:!"

Jfl:feelskek:. Wonder how the EU-loving liberal types will react to this, considering that leftists seem to quite dislike us in general, now that an EU-funded survey posted on its official website has found this:feelshaha:? And not only any survey, literally an official, major survey on discrimination in the EU has found this.

Here's the image on the website:

View attachment 1138253

Here's the actual numbers from the study on this question:

View attachment 1138254View attachment 1138255

This is both absolutely brutal and something of a whitepill at the same time. On one hand, it's pretty brutal that despite discrimination based on race, ethnicity, sex, social class and so on being what is endlessly talked about, it is discrimination based on someone's looks that most people think of when asked what could cost someone a job offer to a similarly qualified candidate, with only age rating higher. People know lookism is a thing and that it majorly shapes your life, without even needing to be told that. And that's actually the whitepill here. No matter how maligned we might be, no matter how many online stalkers might be caricaturing us, no matter how much hatred is sent our way, in the end, we are right and people know it. People know for a fact that lookism exists, they know that ugly men have shit lives, and if you'll talk about it, they will agree with what you are saying.

If you ever find the bullshit we have to read whenever normie bullies confront the cherrypicked examples of what we post here, and start thinking whether it truly is your personality that is the problem, just remember that you are questioning a type of discrimination dozens of millions of people think is more potent than racism, sexism, classism and so on.

This actually makes me genuinely curious about what the "ex-incels", who "saw the light" and "deprogrammed" themselves from our "ideology" would think about this after realizing that they are denying a type of discrimination that a half of an entire continent think about when thinking of what could cost someone their job:feelshaha:. Would they still believe that they've deprogrammed themselves, or would they understand that they actually just programmed themselves to be Uncle Toms of inceldom straining to not see the obvious:feelsjuice::feelskek::waitwhat:.

Oh, and if anyone wants to point out that this was "theoretical" discrimination and not something the people have actually experienced, the survey actually has asked people whether they themselves were discriminated against due to this stuff, and those results are just pure whitepill and kekfuel.

View attachment 1138264View attachment 1138265

- Despite an increasing stream of social justice propaganda, an absolute, overwhelming majority of people in the EU say they haven't been discriminated against in any way in the last year

- Despite decades of endless feminist propaganda, only 5% of EU citizens say that they have been discriminated against for their gender. Assuming that ALL people who said this were women, which is already a serious stretch, then even that still means that just 10% of women think that they were discriminated against in any way in the last year:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:

- Looks, skin color and ethnic origin are all at 3%, which still places them as some of the most common forms of reported discrimination in the EU. Now, do the same recalculation here. Are ugly incels, nonwhites, and other ethnic minorities anywhere near 50% of population? Of course not. This alone pretty much automatically shows that those forms of discrimination are much more intense and common for the affected groups than "muh soggy knee:foidSoy::foidSoy:" is for women:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:.

- Once again, ageism is the most common and worst:fuk:. The agepill truly always comes to collect:dafuckfeels:.

Tagging some boyos who might be interested:

@based_meme @DarkStarDown @GeckoBus @KillNiggers @NorthernWind @Incline @To koniec @Puppeter @slavcel11 @Pancakecel @Stupid Clown @Ron.Belgrade @Defetivecuckachu @Chudpreet @Copexodius Maximus
Another giga iq thread from the OG :bigbrain::bigbrain::bigbrain:
Also giga blackpill - people know exactly what we are talking about when we mention lookism.
But the messenger is the message. As we have said before, when lookism is mentioned in the correct context, like in the study you showed, then they openly admit it. But when an incel mentions it - nope.

Amazing thread!
Mod's put this one into must read - it clearly shows that normies know lookism exists and gaslight the shit out of us @Uggo Mongo
"You aren't discriminated against in any way incel, you are the evil priviledged white oppressors:soy::soy::foidSoy::foidSoy:!"
To start this off, I would like to bring up this graph I saw recently:
GItvYkfWMAAdlfw 1

So whilst I am also a "smelly evil inkwell" enjoying his "male" privilege, despite the fact of this:

The trial found assigning a male name to a candidate made them 3.2 per cent less likely to get a job interview.

Adding a woman's name to a CV made the candidate 2.9 per cent more likely to get a foot in the door.
Which is from this article I did a thread on sometime back: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-06...improve-gender-equality-failing-study/8664888

I also am enjoying my "white privilege" despite the fact these stats show a net-loss for Whites in the job-market. :feelsjuice:

Oh, but it's ok, we only have the lowest in-group racial preference in the country. :society:
Jfl:feelskek:. Wonder how the EU-loving liberal types will react to this,
It would be quite humorous to see their reactions, I would imagine.

Also, I wanted to ask on your opinion of the EU.
considering that leftists seem to quite dislike us in general, now that an EU-funded survey posted on its official website has found this:feelshaha:? And not only any survey, literally an official, major survey on discrimination in the EU has found this.
Cherry-on-top of their entire survey is that it effectively proves blackpillers right, whilst proving their claims of "muh racism" "muh homophobia" etc are effectively myths, dwarfed by the sheer discrimination towards lookism & those who are non-NT, which only applies to males.
Here's the image on the website:

View attachment 1138253
I will say this before, and I will say this again, life as a sub-5 & diagnose Autist(non-NT) is a living hell: The two main stats which dictate your overall life are some of the most discriminated against, thus navigating any kind of workforce or the such is equivalent to being stuck in a coal-mine & being half-blind.

And concerning the looks(manner of dress & presentation) all I have to say in regards to that, is in order for the "halo" of your fashionmaxxing to work, you have to already be somewhat average for it to count: Certain "styles" or more geared-towards certain hair-eye colorings, frames, etc.

Here's the actual numbers from the study on this question:

View attachment 1138254View attachment 1138255
Might gives this a second glance later; it will be interesting to see which are the most lookist.
This is both absolutely brutal and something of a whitepill at the same time. On one hand, it's pretty brutal that despite discrimination based on race, ethnicity, sex, social class and so on being what is endlessly talked about, it is discrimination based on someone's looks that most people think of when asked what could cost someone a job offer to a similarly qualified candidate, with only age rating higher.
To be fair, discrimination on age is somewhat justified, as long as it is applied correctly & not used by boomerfags for nepotism, which sadly occurs here in America.

Looks & disability(another way of stating non-NT) are quite literally the most significant things here: According to these metrics, they quite literally dwarf the other factors of discrimination such as race, gender, etc.

I think this highlights to us a few things:
-At the end of the day, whilst myself & others have certain views on race-relations, class-roles, etc.(all perfectly reasonable, and I have used logic/facts to reinforce it) we all have more in common with one another, due to being sub-5 & non-NT
-Lookism & discrimination towards non-NT effectively triumphs over any other kind; amounting to concede that our modern Neo-Liberal society effectively is "Lookist" by definition & default.
People know lookism is a thing and that it majorly shapes your life, without even needing to be told that. And that's actually the whitepill here. No matter how maligned we might be, no matter how many online stalkers might be caricaturing us, no matter how much hatred is sent our way, in the end, we are right and people know it. People know for a fact that lookism exists, they know that ugly men have shit lives, and if you'll talk about it, they will agree with what you are saying.
This relates back to your communal narcissism thread, as well as the thread @based_meme made concerning normies & their behavior.

Simply, most normies are NPCs, and as such, they will adhere to whatever the stigma & societal "buzzwords" are in place: However, as somewhat proven by these findings, many normies can be non-NPCs, though they could never truly be blackpilled the way us here are. They all know subconsciously that looks & NTness are what truly matters in life: Going back to communal narcissism, this shows just how hypocritical many of them can be. Granted, some are likely NPC types, yet they also likely are somewhat aware of the truth of what we say, they are just merely doing it in order to reinforce their status & attempt to appear as some kind of "Hero"
If you ever find the bullshit we have to read whenever normie bullies confront the cherrypicked examples of what we post here, and start thinking whether it truly is your personality that is the problem, just remember that you are questioning a type of discrimination dozens of millions of people think is more potent than racism, sexism, classism and so on.
This actually makes me genuinely curious about what the "ex-incels", who "saw the light" and "deprogrammed" themselves from our "ideology" would think about this after realizing that they are denying a type of discrimination that a half of an entire continent think about when thinking of what could cost someone their job:feelshaha:. Would they still believe that they've deprogrammed themselves, or would they understand that they actually just programmed themselves to be Uncle Toms of inceldom straining to not see the obvious:feelsjuice::feelskek::waitwhat:.
They're doing it to reinforce their status as a now "normie" it's as simple as that: Whenever they get dumped, that will just re-affrim the blackpill to them. :blackpill:
Oh, and if anyone wants to point out that this was "theoretical" discrimination and not something the people have actually experienced, the survey actually has asked people whether they themselves were discriminated against due to this stuff, and those results are just pure whitepill and kekfuel.

View attachment 1138264View attachment 1138265

- Despite an increasing stream of social justice propaganda, an absolute, overwhelming majority of people in the EU say they haven't been discriminated against in any way in the last year
- Despite decades of endless feminist propaganda, only 5% of EU citizens say that they have been discriminated against for their gender. Assuming that ALL people who said this were women, which is already a serious stretch, then even that still means that just 10% of women think that they were discriminated against in any way in the last year:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:

- Looks, skin color and ethnic origin are all at 3%, which still places them as some of the most common forms of reported discrimination in the EU. Now, do the same recalculation here. Are ugly incels, nonwhites, and other ethnic minorities anywhere near 50% of population? Of course not. This alone pretty much automatically shows that those forms of discrimination are much more intense and common for the affected groups than "muh soggy knee:foidSoy::foidSoy:" is for women:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:.
Considering all of this, it makes many such as myself(and I'm sure yourself & others) wonder why we have such a need for all this, despite it not really being even as close to as bad as they make it out to be. However, if we were to state this, we could get "muh conspiracy theorist" thrown at us.
- Once again, ageism is the most common and worst:fuk:. The agepill truly always comes to collect:dafuckfeels:.
I genuinely do not know what I will do when I hit 30, that is something which genuinely makes my head fill with anxiety, dread, resentment, and virtually every other "negative" emotion I can possibly think of.
Tagging some boyos who might be interested:

@based_meme @DarkStarDown @GeckoBus @KillNiggers @NorthernWind @Incline @To koniec @Puppeter @slavcel11 @Pancakecel @Stupid Clown @Ron.Belgrade @Defetivecuckachu @Chudpreet @Copexodius Maximus
Thanks for the tag, great find; IT will nevER touch this like I will never have a foid touch my dick. :feelsbadman:

Great read as always.
In Korea they literally get plastic surgery toget jobs
Considering all of this, it makes many such as myself(and I'm sure yourself & others) wonder why we have such a need for all this, despite it not really being even as close to as bad as they make it out to be. However, if we were to state this, we could get "muh conspiracy theorist" thrown at us.

It should be obvious to EVERYONE since 2016 onwards (if you haven't noticed, wake the f up) that no "high status" liberal normie gives two fucks about identity politics, they only parrot it for ulterior motivations.

Those motivations are two things:
1. Resentment towards white people for looking nicer and being more attractive / associated with inherent higher status
2. To prop up their own social status

That's it. There is nothing more too it.

People don't give a shit actually about race issues or LGBT issues or sexist issues or whatever - the way women behave towards men really shows they don't give a shit about feminism and "deconstructing imposed social roles that don't speak to merit", the way guys talk about gays and trannies behind their back and exclude them from social events shows they don't give a shit about sexual minorities, and they don't give a shit about racist issues because normies are unironically the most racist of them all - they just cloak it better because their "high status" friends appreciate it.
Considering that women view 80% of men below average, and men don't give other men freebies, one can assume that lookism and being ugly affects men primarily when it comes to job interviews.
Another thing is, we should not BE competing with whores in the work place, neither having HR department smelling of old clit.
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In Korea they literally get plastic surgery toget jobs

They really are the most openly black pilled and also the most retardedly shallow nation on the face of the planet.
I remember back in grad school my "friend group" would shun me because I expressed more complicated notions of sexuality, race, and gender roles than what they could articulate, viewing me as a "bad guy", gossiping and slandering me, all the while making fun of cock sucking fags behind their back.
I was talking more about "general physical appearance" that's right under the option you're talking about (they are easy to confuse for sure, I thought that people might mistake the two:D), which has "size, weight, face, etc." specified.
LMFAOOOOO I’M RETARDED :lul: :lul: :lul: While I did read your post in its entirety before replying, I only took a glance at the images. My bad about that.
True. The survey was basically about tie-breaking stuff between two candidates with equal qualifications. Overall, it's not too much of a handicap, but as with everything else, it does have an effect and as that effect accumulates over time, even if its barely noticeable to individual people, we end up with a world where there are clear correlations between looks, income, the type of job someone has and so on:feelsokman::

Agreed. Looks and height do also work as a tiebreaker on top of giving you an advantage in networking and perceived leadership qualities
Agreed. Looks and height do also work as a tiebreaker on top of giving you an advantage in networking and perceived leadership qualities
What is the most disheartening about all this, is that it amounts to concede that whilst hard work, putting in effort, etc. can still pay-off, it ultimately will be dwarfed when compared to someone who mogs you: Both of you could be just as intelligent, capable, and if you're an NTcel, you may even have the charisma which objectively gives you a "better" personality in this circumstance.

However, as you said the "tiebreaker" will ultimately always just reconcile with looks & height: I think that this is what most bluepillers and redpillers get wrong about us, we're not saying that effort does not matter at all, we're simply discerning the fact that looks, height, and especially being NT are tides that raise all the boats which bear the best attributes of these.
For once thankfully there's the truth
How did you get this information? I've been exploring google scholar to post something that might contribute to ID, but I've had no success. Please advise.:feelsstudy:
Retards will tell you women have it worse in this regard but a study showed that unattractive men are less likely to be hired while unattractive women are unaffected and attractive women are less likely to be hired. This is because the majority of hiring is controlled by the female dominated HR. https://www.livescience.com/9038-attractive-women-hired.html
attractive women are less likely to be hired.
I guess it's usually some stacy reporting for not getting her way for the first time in her life. I mean the 'excuse' they always give is that an attractive foid would be more popular in male space, but what is male space in 2024? Every office space is foid space.
Considering that women view 80% of men below average, and men don't give other men freebies, one can assume that lookism and being ugly affects men primarily when it comes to job interviews.
Yet, I see guys with their gaslighting reasoning like, 'oh! foids are people-pleaser, agreeable, co-operative' or whatever fucking other nonsense. These morons really think, a guy hiring a foid isn't thinking with his dick or a foid due to her in-group bias. Foids are literally the rudest and uncooperative bunch at offices.
How did you get this information? I've been exploring google scholar to post something that might contribute to ID, but I've had no success. Please advise.:feelsstudy:
Tbh, it was just pure luck in this case:D. I was browsing The Guardian, saw this report, decided to check the new Eurobarometer out since it was quite some time since I've last looked at one, and discovered this survey among a couple of other ones when I did so.
This remember me about a Mohammed trying a job here in Hungary once
"You aren't discriminated against in any way incel, you are the evil priviledged white oppressors:soy::soy::foidSoy::foidSoy:!"

Jfl:feelskek:. Wonder how the EU-loving liberal types will react to this, considering that leftists seem to quite dislike us in general, now that an EU-funded survey posted on its official website has found this:feelshaha:? And not only any survey, literally an official, major survey on discrimination in the EU has found this.

Here's the image on the website:

View attachment 1138253

Here's the actual numbers from the study on this question:

View attachment 1138254View attachment 1138255

This is both absolutely brutal and something of a whitepill at the same time. On one hand, it's pretty brutal that despite discrimination based on race, ethnicity, sex, social class and so on being what is endlessly talked about, it is discrimination based on someone's looks that most people think of when asked what could cost someone a job offer to a similarly qualified candidate, with only age rating higher. People know lookism is a thing and that it majorly shapes your life, without even needing to be told that. And that's actually the whitepill here. No matter how maligned we might be, no matter how many online stalkers might be caricaturing us, no matter how much hatred is sent our way, in the end, we are right and people know it. People know for a fact that lookism exists, they know that ugly men have shit lives, and if you'll talk about it, they will agree with what you are saying.

If you ever find the bullshit we have to read whenever normie bullies confront the cherrypicked examples of what we post here, and start thinking whether it truly is your personality that is the problem, just remember that you are questioning a type of discrimination dozens of millions of people think is more potent than racism, sexism, classism and so on.

This actually makes me genuinely curious about what the "ex-incels", who "saw the light" and "deprogrammed" themselves from our "ideology" would think about this after realizing that they are denying a type of discrimination that a half of an entire continent think about when thinking of what could cost someone their job:feelshaha:. Would they still believe that they've deprogrammed themselves, or would they understand that they actually just programmed themselves to be Uncle Toms of inceldom straining to not see the obvious:feelsjuice::feelskek::waitwhat:.

Oh, and if anyone wants to point out that this was "theoretical" discrimination and not something the people have actually experienced, the survey actually has asked people whether they themselves were discriminated against due to this stuff, and those results are just pure whitepill and kekfuel.

View attachment 1138264View attachment 1138265

- Despite an increasing stream of social justice propaganda, an absolute, overwhelming majority of people in the EU say they haven't been discriminated against in any way in the last year

- Despite decades of endless feminist propaganda, only 5% of EU citizens say that they have been discriminated against for their gender. Assuming that ALL people who said this were women, which is already a serious stretch, then even that still means that just 10% of women think that they were discriminated against in any way in the last year:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:

- Looks, skin color and ethnic origin are all at 3%, which still places them as some of the most common forms of reported discrimination in the EU. Now, do the same recalculation here. Are ugly incels, nonwhites, and other ethnic minorities anywhere near 50% of population? Of course not. This alone pretty much automatically shows that those forms of discrimination are much more intense and common for the affected groups than "muh soggy knee:foidSoy::foidSoy:" is for women:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:.

- Once again, ageism is the most common and worst:fuk:. The agepill truly always comes to collect:dafuckfeels:.

Tagging some boyos who might be interested:

@based_meme @DarkStarDown @GeckoBus @KillNiggers @NorthernWind @Incline @To koniec @Puppeter @slavcel11 @Pancakecel @Stupid Clown @Ron.Belgrade @Defetivecuckachu @Chudpreet @Copexodius Maximus
Even the normies know
"You aren't discriminated against in any way incel, you are the evil priviledged white oppressors:soy::soy::foidSoy::foidSoy:!"

Jfl:feelskek:. Wonder how the EU-loving liberal types will react to this, considering that leftists seem to quite dislike us in general, now that an EU-funded survey posted on its official website has found this:feelshaha:? And not only any survey, literally an official, major survey on discrimination in the EU has found this.

Here's the image on the website:

View attachment 1138253

Here's the actual numbers from the study on this question:

View attachment 1138254View attachment 1138255

This is both absolutely brutal and something of a whitepill at the same time. On one hand, it's pretty brutal that despite discrimination based on race, ethnicity, sex, social class and so on being what is endlessly talked about, it is discrimination based on someone's looks that most people think of when asked what could cost someone a job offer to a similarly qualified candidate, with only age rating higher. People know lookism is a thing and that it majorly shapes your life, without even needing to be told that. And that's actually the whitepill here. No matter how maligned we might be, no matter how many online stalkers might be caricaturing us, no matter how much hatred is sent our way, in the end, we are right and people know it. People know for a fact that lookism exists, they know that ugly men have shit lives, and if you'll talk about it, they will agree with what you are saying.

If you ever find the bullshit we have to read whenever normie bullies confront the cherrypicked examples of what we post here, and start thinking whether it truly is your personality that is the problem, just remember that you are questioning a type of discrimination dozens of millions of people think is more potent than racism, sexism, classism and so on.

This actually makes me genuinely curious about what the "ex-incels", who "saw the light" and "deprogrammed" themselves from our "ideology" would think about this after realizing that they are denying a type of discrimination that a half of an entire continent think about when thinking of what could cost someone their job:feelshaha:. Would they still believe that they've deprogrammed themselves, or would they understand that they actually just programmed themselves to be Uncle Toms of inceldom straining to not see the obvious:feelsjuice::feelskek::waitwhat:.

Oh, and if anyone wants to point out that this was "theoretical" discrimination and not something the people have actually experienced, the survey actually has asked people whether they themselves were discriminated against due to this stuff, and those results are just pure whitepill and kekfuel.

View attachment 1138264View attachment 1138265

- Despite an increasing stream of social justice propaganda, an absolute, overwhelming majority of people in the EU say they haven't been discriminated against in any way in the last year

- Despite decades of endless feminist propaganda, only 5% of EU citizens say that they have been discriminated against for their gender. Assuming that ALL people who said this were women, which is already a serious stretch, then even that still means that just 10% of women think that they were discriminated against in any way in the last year:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:

- Looks, skin color and ethnic origin are all at 3%, which still places them as some of the most common forms of reported discrimination in the EU. Now, do the same recalculation here. Are ugly incels, nonwhites, and other ethnic minorities anywhere near 50% of population? Of course not. This alone pretty much automatically shows that those forms of discrimination are much more intense and common for the affected groups than "muh soggy knee:foidSoy::foidSoy:" is for women:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:.

- Once again, ageism is the most common and worst:fuk:. The agepill truly always comes to collect:dafuckfeels:.

Tagging some boyos who might be interested:

@based_meme @DarkStarDown @GeckoBus @KillNiggers @NorthernWind @Incline @To koniec @Puppeter @slavcel11 @Pancakecel @Stupid Clown @Ron.Belgrade @Defetivecuckachu @Chudpreet @Copexodius Maximus
Ex incels werent ever incels in the first place or they are failed normies or larpers
Yet, I see guys with their gaslighting reasoning like, 'oh! foids are people-pleaser, agreeable, co-operative' or whatever fucking other nonsense. These morons really think, a guy hiring a foid isn't thinking with his dick or a foid due to her in-group bias. Foids are literally the rudest and uncooperative bunch at offices.
To be honest half of that is absolutely true. Foids are way more agreeable and do not compete with their bosses. They are perfect wagecattle followers for low IQ berry picker positions, from a corporate perspective.
To be honest half of that is absolutely true. Foids are way more agreeable and do not compete with their bosses. They are perfect wagecattle followers for low IQ berry picker positions, from a corporate perspective.
Yeah! Maybe for data-entry shit like that. Jobs like these existed since humanity existed, yet, foids make more than men now. Actually, they probably have been making more for well over 50 years now according to Thomas Sowell. 3/4 managers are foids nowadays. It's men who have been conditioned into settling for low-wage shit jobs. Like everything, we just look at a few highly competitive guys and draw these conclusions.

Edit: Honestly, this narrative reminds of the good old foid excuse, "oh! there's someone better out there for you."
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Yeah! Maybe for data-entry shit like that. Jobs like these existed since humanity existed, yet, foids make more than men now. Actually, they probably have been making more for well over 50 years now according to Thomas Sowell. 3/4 managers are foids nowadays. It's men who have been conditioned into settling for low-wage shit jobs. Like everything, we just look at a few highly competitive guys and draw these conclusions.
One has to look at the bigger picture to grasp why that's happening. Not sure what conclusions you are talking about but i wouldn't pay too much attention to normie views and beliefs.
One has to look at the bigger picture to grasp why that's happening. Not sure what conclusions you are talking about but i wouldn't pay too much attention to normie views and beliefs.
The conclusion that "you're an unemployed and homeless trash because you are too competitive bro." IDK what the 'bigger picture' is, to me, it's all just foid worshipping and gender politics. It's just in our nature to make up reasons to satisfy our own conclusions or narratives. I mean, men's competitiveness doesn't become a problem when it comes to any blue-collar job, even though in those professions, you're far more likely to go self-employed. But no, working in comfy AC rooms in Corpo offices or Academia? No, men are too competitive there.
Every normie believes in the blackpill, they just don't like the term itself jfl.
:yes:Take out the "misogyny" part and everyone would agree about the lookism (minus the redditor retards that live in their own made up bubble)
Everyone know this on logical level, but they cant comprehend someone giving up on life. Their thinking is, try hard and live how you can. Only people allowed to complain are sjw landwhale lesbian and trannies, and people only pretend to hear them just so they could shut up and get the victim card.
Chad is a tier of its own and so is incel, if your ugly/handsome enough race and sex is secondary.
"You aren't discriminated against in any way incel, you are the evil priviledged white oppressors:soy::soy::foidSoy::foidSoy:!"

Jfl:feelskek:. Wonder how the EU-loving liberal types will react to this, considering that leftists seem to quite dislike us in general, now that an EU-funded survey posted on its official website has found this:feelshaha:? And not only any survey, literally an official, major survey on discrimination in the EU has found this.

Here's the image on the website:

View attachment 1138253

Here's the actual numbers from the study on this question:

View attachment 1138254View attachment 1138255

This is both absolutely brutal and something of a whitepill at the same time. On one hand, it's pretty brutal that despite discrimination based on race, ethnicity, sex, social class and so on being what is endlessly talked about, it is discrimination based on someone's looks that most people think of when asked what could cost someone a job offer to a similarly qualified candidate, with only age rating higher. People know lookism is a thing and that it majorly shapes your life, without even needing to be told that. And that's actually the whitepill here. No matter how maligned we might be, no matter how many online stalkers might be caricaturing us, no matter how much hatred is sent our way, in the end, we are right and people know it. People know for a fact that lookism exists, they know that ugly men have shit lives, and if you'll talk about it, they will agree with what you are saying.

If you ever find the bullshit we have to read whenever normie bullies confront the cherrypicked examples of what we post here, and start thinking whether it truly is your personality that is the problem, just remember that you are questioning a type of discrimination dozens of millions of people think is more potent than racism, sexism, classism and so on.

This actually makes me genuinely curious about what the "ex-incels", who "saw the light" and "deprogrammed" themselves from our "ideology" would think about this after realizing that they are denying a type of discrimination that a half of an entire continent think about when thinking of what could cost someone their job:feelshaha:. Would they still believe that they've deprogrammed themselves, or would they understand that they actually just programmed themselves to be Uncle Toms of inceldom straining to not see the obvious:feelsjuice::feelskek::waitwhat:.

Oh, and if anyone wants to point out that this was "theoretical" discrimination and not something the people have actually experienced, the survey actually has asked people whether they themselves were discriminated against due to this stuff, and those results are just pure whitepill and kekfuel.

View attachment 1138264View attachment 1138265

- Despite an increasing stream of social justice propaganda, an absolute, overwhelming majority of people in the EU say they haven't been discriminated against in any way in the last year

- Despite decades of endless feminist propaganda, only 5% of EU citizens say that they have been discriminated against for their gender. Assuming that ALL people who said this were women, which is already a serious stretch, then even that still means that just 10% of women think that they were discriminated against in any way in the last year:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:

- Looks, skin color and ethnic origin are all at 3%, which still places them as some of the most common forms of reported discrimination in the EU. Now, do the same recalculation here. Are ugly incels, nonwhites, and other ethnic minorities anywhere near 50% of population? Of course not. This alone pretty much automatically shows that those forms of discrimination are much more intense and common for the affected groups than "muh soggy knee:foidSoy::foidSoy:" is for women:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:.

- Once again, ageism is the most common and worst:fuk:. The agepill truly always comes to collect:dafuckfeels:.

Tagging some boyos who might be interested:

@based_meme @DarkStarDown @GeckoBus @KillNiggers @NorthernWind @Incline @To koniec @Puppeter @slavcel11 @Pancakecel @Stupid Clown @Ron.Belgrade @Defetivecuckachu @Chudpreet @Copexodius Maximus
Nice find, although for some reason I didn’t get the notification and just saw that you posted this and it’s in the stickied section.

Btw, it’s hilarious that “being Roma” is its own category. Absolutely over for them, I wonder if there are any Romacels this forum?
Racism is closely connected to lookism
Just look at curries and the treatment they get
The funny thing is Racism and sexism are both subsets of lookism, (because your race and sex PRIMARILY DETERMINE your looks).

this just furthER emphasises how significantly looks affect your quality of life (your race, sex and othER attributes of physical appearance such as height, facial features/facial structure etc. influencing the way you r perceived and treated by potential employERs, which affects your job prospects).
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