Man, just go to an escort. Trust me, it will be better than listening to others. And then buy some earphones that you can always put on if you hear uncomfortable noises.
That's just self-torture what you're doing now.
Going to an escort does not prevent me from hearing. Earphones won't help much, because the knowledge of what is happening is the worst. I would put some noise on AFTER I hear it starting. Could help somewhat, I have intentionally left my apartment for outside walk some times.
I would just do it once tbh, and if you decide that it's too expensive to bother with again, or that it's just not for you, at least you can say you tried and that you lost your virginity.
It doesn't work like that, there's literally no-one here or elsewhere who only managed to go once and then never again in their rest of life. It does not work like that. It does not. Also, I want to keep the bragging rights of being legit virgin and KHHV. In conversations it is much quicker and simpler to make a quick, truthful intervening comment if I have not ever "escortcell"ed. Etc.
You should show up to their front door and ask to join the fun.
I guess they won't be opening the door while they are in session.
How long can this thread go?
Until this site stops working, I die or become incapacitated, I lose Internet connection or hardware necessary to post, get prison sentence (or mental hospital), get banned (last thread stopped because of that, I didn't make a new one before the 3 intercourse day happened), I move away, the sex-havers around me move away, die or separate, I open a new thread or start using the older ones or simply stop posting (during and after my ban was lifted and before I made a new thread, A LOT HAPPENED AND I'VE NEVER WRITTEN ABOUT THEM HERE. Sex-havers above were maybe the most active this year when I could not post about it.).
Honestly, how can you not listen to a woman get fucked and not feel like a cat in heat?
Is here a mistake in the sentence? If one can "not listen" and then when nothing happened listening-wise, not feel like a cat in heat (whatever that means). I have never felt like a cat in heat, listening or not.
[UWSL]I swear, listening to a woman moan is torture.[/UWSL]
I agree. Do you have experiences to share about this?
Just go to an escort as if it's the same fml
Going to an escort is very different experience. After cumming, I must leave immediately to the cold outside and long bicycle trip back home, compared to when normal people can immediately start sleeping after the sexual needs are sated. "The sex" is of course very different and all the dynamics in the fake interaction.
I think I heard 20-30 (now -40) minutes ago English-language sentence being spoken by a man who sounded foreign from somewhere inside the building. Also, above me 2 showers peräjälkeen (sorry, wasted several minutes trying to search for the English word). And it being the sex day (every other day recently) and 21:45/22 kick-off football match on-going that I was watching, I was terrified. Some other speaking. Haven't heard apparent sex-sounds yet, maybe I just didn't notice. Maybe the man verbally asked, but was rejected or 'later'ed. During the second-halfs I am literally shaking in fear and anxiety.