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Brutal Online Dating is already a really low bar, but real world dating is now below that!



Nov 7, 2021
There is now an army of articles that denounce online dating! It has at this point, become a meme. Despite the terrible reputation and lack of goodwill, Match Group still profits every year! I now think I might actually hate Match more than Apple (another terrible company with no goodwill, making huge profits year after year)! Online dating is actually worthless, and every news article about online dating has been negative about it, albeit, redpilled, or worse, bluepilled. Journalists are known for trying to defend regressive feminist crap tbroughout the 2010s, but they don't even want to defend online dating, it's that bad!
So with the bar for dating having been set quite low, how about ditching it and simply trying to ask a roastie out from a bar or workplace or social circle? Nope! Doing that will either get constant rejections, force you to rope, or result in getting butthurt after being used for a free meal. Offline dating is somehow, worse than online dating! I don't even know how offline dating could fall under such a low bar, but it did it anyway. It successfully risked its life by doing the impossible limbo, so we can suffer. Hope it was all worth it, you roasties!
Seriously, dating is dead, if you don't think so, you are either fakecel, have a severe learning disablility, or have overdosed on :bluepill:bluepill. If you overdosed on bluepill, how are you even alive? That alone should've killed you! You shouldn't have needed to be forced to rope!
If you are like me, and think dating is alive because you imaginemaxxed, please see my thread about imaginary girlfriends: https://incels.is/threads/anyone-have-an-imaginary-girlfriend-here.335809/

Women just go on online dating mainly to get an ego boost and attention as 100's of simps send them compliments and ask them out. Which the girls rarely go out with a guy, but enjoy chatting some and all the attention.

It's fucking over for 95% of males.
i have no idea when the fuck dating is supposed to happen now

no, it doesn't happen "naturally" in highschool or college, with you e.g dating unattractive women if you're unattractive

it also doesn't just start when you enter the workforce, or have an apartment without roommates, either

it never starts, now and again you see some lucky low-tier normie who had a girl basically reserved for him by friends and family, but other than that there is nothing, no offline dating that happens "naturally"
i wanna agree but is it me or if u go into town there is a lot of average/below average guys with gfs
anything related with sub8 theory is retarded cope

Pretty much all my normie schoolmates had a gf at some point. The thing is normies can't have standards and get cucked the moment chad comes to steal their gf.
i wanna agree but is it me or if u go into town there is a lot of average/below average guys with gfs
It's normal

Alot of those dudes had to put some effort at face value to get a relationship.

The problem here is that we have too many basement dwellers on here who stake their entire point of view in online dating without actually having put forth effort IRL and get convinced that all sub8 foids are "chad only"
anything related with sub8 theory is retarded cope


It's normal

Alot of those dudes had to put some effort at face value to get a relationship.

The problem here is that we have too many basement dwellers on here who stake their entire point of view in online dating without actually having put forth effort IRL and get convinced that all sub8 foids are "chad only"

Online dating is everything now. JFL the majority of males have no access to females other than via dating apps.

Like I said, it's over.

it is though, if you want something else I have normie acquaintances who are in uni or got out and have a gf

believe it or not normies can get laid, it's the reason why all those normcuck infiltrators got banned
it is though, if you want something else I have normie acquaintances who are in uni or got out and have a gf

believe it or not normies can get laid, it's the reason why all those normcuck infiltrators got banned
True, I just don’t get how it happens. I can very easily go entire years without talking to foids unless I cold approach. I don’t see many normies let alone low tier normies cold approaching foids. They all just happen to have friends that know single foids?
True, I just don’t get how it happens. I can very easily go entire years without talking to foids unless I cold approach. I don’t see many normies let alone low tier normies cold approaching foids. They all just happen to have friends that know single foids?

There was this like sub 5'6" manlet at the trading card store who regularly brought a cute nerdy white Becky with him. I guess he had a normie face so lifefuel for face copers?

JFL no idea how such a thing happens. Fucking outliers.
True, I just don’t get how it happens. I can very easily go entire years without talking to foids unless I cold approach. I don’t see many normies let alone low tier normies cold approaching foids. They all just happen to have friends that know single foids?
you kinda implied it yourself, they mostly just socialcirclemaxx and take the foids that are too low tier/ugly to get a chad

it's also the reason why they compete like monkeys the moment they see a hole in their proximity
The thing is normies can't have standards and get cucked the moment chad comes to steal their gf.
very true. if normie u got to just accept getting cucked and try to ignore it
Why is dating so hard for guys? Gee wilkers, I wonder the fuck that is! HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!

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