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Serious The Japanese dating app is why boomers shouldn't be allowed to make gender decisions



Nov 24, 2017
Delusional, brainrotten boomers think THIS will solve Japan's issues.

They should let some of the passionate youth (or someone like me) to lead the gender relations. We will make their brain rate to 3.6 overnight, as seen in Romania during communist era.

The Tokyo City Hall is developing a dating app called “Tokyo Futari Story”.

The app is expected to be launched this year, accessible through phone or web, a city official said on Thursday. "Futari” means couple in Japanese.

A site offering counsel and general information for potential lovebirds is already online.

Details were still undecided. Tokyo's City Hall declined to comment on Japanese media reports that said the app will require a confirmation of identity, such as a driver’s license, your tax records to prove income and a signed form that says you are ready to get married.

Marriage is decreasing in Japan as the country’s birth rate fell to an all-time low, according to health ministry data Wednesday.

Last year, there were 474,717 marriages, a drop from 504,930 in 2022, while the number of births totalled 727,277, down from 770,759.

The reports also said the app may ask for your height, job and education but the official denied anything was decided.

On the national level, the government has been trying to solve a serious labour shortage by promising cash payments for families with children and supporting child-care facilities.

It’s also relaxed immigration policy over the years to encourage an influx of foreign workers.

During the so-called “baby boom” era of the 1970s, Japan recorded more than 2 million births a year. Like many young adults around the world today, fewer Japanese are interested in old-style marriage or having children.

There are concerns that Japanese workplace norms tend to lead to extremely long hours and rarely meeting people outside work. Some say raising children is expensive.

Tokyo City Hall is also sponsoring events where singles can meet, couples can get counselling on marriage and where lovers can have their stories of how they first met turned into manga comics or songs.
It’s also relaxed immigration policy over the years to encourage an influx of foreign workers

If there's anything based about Asia it's that they're not virtue signaling like cumskins. Everyone knows roasties select by height, looks and money. Especially money because average ricecucks are betabuxxers and don't have much to offer on the height and looks front.
If there's anything based about Asia it's that they're not virtue signaling like cumskins. Everyone knows roasties select by height, looks and money. Especially money because average ricecucks are betabuxxers and don't have much to offer on the height and looks front.
There's nothing wrong with this. "Dating", especially the kind based on looks, is a caveman thing; civilizations across the world married for family relation or business reasons, none of this "love" bullshit ("love" ironically is built over time with the couple).

The only parts of the world that did not had these systems are some starving African tribes, and it's understandable why they remained this state
There's nothing wrong with this. "Dating", especially the kind based on looks, is a caveman thing; civilizations across the world married for family relation or business reasons, none of this "love" bullshit ("love" ironically is built over time with the couple).

The only parts of the world that did not had these systems are some starving African tribes, and it's understandable why they remained this state
True. I never understood why people bash golddiggers, it's much more humane than selecting based on looks or height.
True. I never understood why people bash golddiggers, it's much more humane than selecting based on looks or height.
I think betabuxxers back then better understood their wives weren't married to them because they loved them before the ideal of romantic love became more widespread. It is possible to betabuxx without being a simp that misunderstands female nature and sensationalizes romantic relationships but marketing and propaganda misled many men to believe they must bend over backwards to get female affection and if they compromise their dignity enough, a woman will love them for more than being a provider. Back then, I don't think average or ugly looking men were as brainwashed as today to actually have thought women could look past their mediocre physical appearances and love them.
There's nothing wrong with this. "Dating", especially the kind based on looks, is a caveman thing; civilizations across the world married for family relation or business reasons, none of this "love" bullshit ("love" ironically is built over time with the couple).

The only parts of the world that did not had these systems are some starving African tribes, and it's understandable why they remained this state
There is a reason for the marriage decline being accentuated after women's entering in labor force, with or without love. The dating, as a consequence of hypergamy, isn't a static metric that supposedly haven't changed since millennia, then we have a problem when every working class woman thinks that deserve a billionaire to not die alone with the welfare state (regardless of whether hypergamy existed in the past without a smartphone). Golddiggers and all their viral behavior need to be eradicated to make society functional again, just like all that male supermodel attraction phenomenon, obviously even if it is not the cause and subsequently political top priority. Disagreeing with that is paradoxical, considering the reason for you to be here in the first place; women should not be free to decide absolutely anything!
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Tokyo futanari sttory
We will make their brain rate to 3.6 overnight, as seen in Romania during communist era.
Isn't that because the Soviets mandated it?

The Japanese government is basically promoting contractual relationships at this point, it won't work. By presenting all information about the status and background of the individual on a screen, they will be regarded as commodities. This is only going to worsen the dating scene as I imagine it will present the means for many Japanese men to become disillusioned about how modern women view them. This is like dating apps on crack.
Delusional, brainrotten boomers think THIS will solve Japan's issues.

They should let some of the passionate youth (or someone like me) to lead the gender relations. We will make their brain rate to 3.6 overnight, as seen in Romania during communist era.

The Tokyo City Hall is developing a dating app called “Tokyo Futari Story”.

I hope there comes a virus that kills all asians brutally
30 years too late

japan is completely doomed
Isn't that because the Soviets mandated it?

The Japanese government is basically promoting contractual relationships at this point, it won't work. By presenting all information about the status and background of the individual on a screen, they will be regarded as commodities. This is only going to worsen the dating scene as I imagine it will present the means for many Japanese men to become disillusioned about how modern women view them. This is like dating apps on crack.
Yes, the Romanian government mandated it.

They will need to do this or become Brazil 2.0

You're the GenERal who will resonate with the youth and take control of your land in a coup to establish Incel-land

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