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Blackpill Normies view Victim as Bully - The truth about "Just Punch The Bully in the Face"



commanded to be joyful
Apr 19, 2023
Normies always say "I got bullied but then I punched the bully really hard and they stopped."

Anyone who has been bullied knows this is bullshit.
Bullies usually punch down and it's usually multiple bullies.
If you get bullied, it's probably all of society bullying you (looks work universally).

Also, if they valued you as a person, they would stop the bullying as a group (teachers, parents, peers).

We can easily figure this out by thinking about what happens when people get bullied that society actually values.
Women, children, pets...
People will IMMEDIATELY step in and stop it.
Like, even random strangers.

So when you get bullied and nobody helps, they all have silently agreed that it is ok.
Including teachers, your parents etc.
For example, when I came home with torn up clothes, my parents said I bullied myself, to get back at them.
I am not joking.

Here is an example of how social behavior is SYSTEMIC and does not happen on an individual basis (people are not individuals):

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LlFAd4YdQks

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtVHnZX8E50

You can easily see what I am talking about.
When women abuse men in public, people just laugh.
Society implicitly acknowledges female power and that women rule society.
However, if a man abuses a woman, people will literally go ER on the abuser instantly.

Same for homelessness. There are barely any female homeless because society values foids.
Why are there orphanages? Because society does not value children to that extend.

If you look at peoples behavior, they always tell you who they are.
Don't listen to them, just observe their behavior.
Their values are on full display.

Bullying works off the same dynamics.
Take this great thread by @Gymcelled for example:



Humans always operate in groups.
If one person hates you, everyone does usually, because looks.

1. All bullying is systemic and comes from society. Everyone agrees that you should be bullied.
If someone they value gets bullied, they instantly stop the bullying.

2. If you fight back against the bully, you are actually fighting a group of people.

3. This means if someone can just "punch a bully in the face" and get away with it... - they were not the one being bullied! THEY WERE THE BULLY!
They must have had support from society to get away with that.
And the bully backed down because he had nobody backing him up -> he is alone! (socially outcast!)

This also explains why normies always say "bullies are just insecure people that come from broken homes."

a) ugly
b) socially outcast
c) unhealthy from shitty nutrition and no family supporting them

So normies are basically bragging about how they got away with punching a bunch of abused ugly boys in the face.
This also means:


This is insane to me because I have been wondering for ages how normies can view some sickly ugly man as a threat.
But this explains it.
They are just that retarded.
They think the half-dead hobo under a bridge is a bigger threat to society, than the 6'2 ripped psychopath next to them.


This explains why normies love dark-triad men and bullies if they are good looking enough.
They don't even view these people as committing moral wrongs.
Like, you can be straight up evil, if you have the looks people will act like you are a good person LMFAO.

Someone told me how he was shocked when he saw people from his HS hang out with his bullies.
He said these foids and men were giga psychopathic and dangerous and he does not get how normies can't see this.
Well, now we know.

They probably viewed HIM as the psychopathic, dark-triad aggressor, even though he suffers from crippling health issues.

Is this why they are scared of me in public?
Like normies will get scared and run away.
When they see my face, they flinch. Like this 10 year old boy in superjew, he saw my face and flinched.
Also, when I walk behind people, they turn their head and stop, or they let me pass.
Or when they see me in Isle in supermarket, they do a 180° and leave lmao.

They literally view me as Ted Bundy or some shit. Unbelievable.
Chipmunk levels of IQ.

Reminds me, there are studies that show that first impressions are very primal and mostly on the level of "fight or flight."
This means normies literally see us as predators - based?

Just fucking lol at this world

Ive experienced this many times throughout my life
Yeah im not going outside again
Ive experienced this many times throughout my life
Yes same.
Many examples.
For me in HS, everyone, including teachers were openly hostile.
Then this rumor started spreading, like idk, that i got fucked in the ass my dad or something.
I really dont know.
But suddenly EVERYONE did a 180° and started virtue signalling at me.
Even foids that bully me prior, suddenly are like fake nice to me.

It was pathetic.
Its all group dynamics, never individual shit.
No redemption for your face
Yeah im not going outside again
been saying this for ages, social isolation is the RIGHT CHOICE TO PAIN,
not the wrong choice based on faulty assumptions, like normies and therapists would want you to believe
Humans are evil and repulsive by nature, they are like the infected from the Crossed Comics deep down.
Humans are evil and repulsive by nature, they are like the infected from the Crossed Comics deep down.
I read part of that online years ago. It's good. Like 10 years ago or so idk.
Yes same.
Many examples.
For me in HS, everyone, including teachers were openly hostile.
Then this rumor started spreading, like idk, that i got fucked in the ass my dad or something.
I really dont know.
But suddenly EVERYONE did a 180° and started virtue signalling at me.
Even foids that bully me prior, suddenly are like fake nice to me.

It was pathetic.
Its all group dynamics, never individual shit.
Brutal asf man, I was the most bullied kid in class in high school, and they always tried to find some reason (always irrational) as to why I somehow deserved it.
Brutal asf man, I was the most bullied kid in class in high school, and they always tried to find some reason (always irrational) as to why I somehow deserved it.
yeah, like they claim you are a nazi or some shit, even tho you're just 14 yrs old :lul::lul::lul:
yeah, like they claim you are a nazi or some shit, even tho you're just 14 yrs old :lul::lul::lul:
Literally that, they always said that I was rude and thats why I deserved it, even tho I literally just sat in the back and almost never spoke to anyone at all, horn effect in full force right there jfl
One thing is bullies never fight fair. They always pick you in a group
Literally that, they always said that I was rude and thats why I deserved it, even tho I literally just sat in the back and almost never spoke to anyone at all, horn effect in full force right there jfl
You were their punching bag
Literally that, they always said that I was rude and thats why I deserved it, even tho I literally just sat in the back and almost never spoke to anyone at all, horn effect in full force right there jfl
same same.
Like, I've talked to some ppl that fought back the entire time.
But I was always super super reclusive.
I would hide on toilet or in library during breaks.
Never talk, never interact.
I did not even know peoples names. Like even after years of hearing role call every day, I did not know anybodies names.
Least confrontational person ever.

And yet people were saying I am a nazi (?) and they called me a school shooter, rapist, they said I stink, called me quasimodo, put shit in my hoody, tried to draw swastika on my neck, called my name and did hitler salute and shit...

like, you just sit there and everyone just acts like you are actively aggressive on them lmao.
Even my own family did that.

Did you ever experience that shit, where they get relieved when you actually do something for once? It's like they go, "phew, see guys, he actually is evil, it was all justified!"
One thing is bullies never fight fair. They always pick you in a group
yes, and the group has backing from society.
Its all of society that is bullying you by not stopping the bullies.
Like I said, if its a valuable person getting attacked they stop it instantly.
Thats why these normie takes of "just fight back bro" make zero sense unless the normies were on the side of society, punching down on a less fortunate person who is social outcast
I literally did this back in elementary school and ended up getting in trouble + got harassed even more
yes, and the group has backing from society.
Its all of society that is bullying you by not stopping the bullies.
Like I said, if its a valuable person getting attacked they stop it instantly.
Thats why these normie takes of "just fight back bro" make zero sense unless the normies were on the side of society, punching down on a less fortunate person who is social outcast
Realest user on this forum. I agreer with everything you say. When i got bullied for example they would call me the weird kid or quiet kid based on how i dressed and looked. Whole school knew me by this bacm then. Honestly i decided not to play apex in real life because prison isnt worth it. Like you said normalfags woulf day "just fight" LOL LIKE THAT WOUKD STOP THE BULLYING? it won't unfortunately.
Anyways enough of me gecko is spewing straight facts. I love your threads brocel they are always interesting to read
Realest user on this forum. I agreer with everything you say. When i got bullied for example they would call me the weird kid or quiet kid based on how i dressed and looked. Whole school knew me by this bacm then. Honestly i decided not to play apex in real life because prison isnt worth it. Like you said normalfags woulf day "just fight" LOL LIKE THAT WOUKD STOP THE BULLYING? it won't unfortunately.
Normies always say "I got bullied but then I punched the bully really hard and they stopped."

Anyone who has been bullied knows this is bullshit.
Bullies usually punch down and it's usually multiple bullies.
If you get bullied, it's probably all of society bullying you (looks work universally).
3. This means if someone can just "punch a bully in the face" and get away with it... - they were not the one being bullied! THEY WERE THE BULLY!
They must have had support from society to get away with that.
And the bully backed down because he had nobody backing him up -> he is alone! (socially outcast!)

This also explains why normies always say "bullies are just insecure people that come from broken homes."

a) ugly
b) socially outcast
c) unhealthy from shitty nutrition and no family supporting them

So normies are basically bragging about how they got away with punching a bunch of abused ugly boys in the face.

Fucking thank you, I've been thinking pretty hard about this for the last few days.

Every single time there's talk about bullying online, it gets fucking flooded with "Yeah, I was totally bullied as well, you have to fight back, I just slammed my bully's face into the ground and the bullying stopped:soy::soy::soy::soy:," talk, as if that had anything to do with reality:feelsjuice::feelsjuice::feelsUnreal::feelsUnreal:. Every single person that actually knows what bullying is like will confirm that fighting back is just about impossible, because bullying almost always means a group of people all of which are stronger than you individually attacking you. Yet, even on this forum, you get the "oh yeah, I just beat up my bullies, no biggie:chad::chad:," replies and posts, as if a victim being able to beat up a bully wasn't extremely rare and completely against the power dynamics that makebullying possible in the first place.
Normies always say "I got bullied but then I punched the bully really hard and they stopped."

Anyone who has been bullied knows this is bullshit.
Bullies usually punch down and it's usually multiple bullies.
If you get bullied, it's probably all of society bullying you (looks work universally).

Also, if they valued you as a person, they would stop the bullying as a group (teachers, parents, peers).

We can easily figure this out by thinking about what happens when people get bullied that society actually values.
Women, children, pets...
People will IMMEDIATELY step in and stop it.
Like, even random strangers.

So when you get bullied and nobody helps, they all have silently agreed that it is ok.
Including teachers, your parents etc.
For example, when I came home with torn up clothes, my parents said I bullied myself, to get back at them.
I am not joking.

Here is an example of how social behavior is SYSTEMIC and does not happen on an individual basis (people are not individuals):

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LlFAd4YdQks

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtVHnZX8E50

You can easily see what I am talking about.
When women abuse men in public, people just laugh.
Society implicitly acknowledges female power and that women rule society.
However, if a man abuses a woman, people will literally go ER on the abuser instantly.

Same for homelessness. There are barely any female homeless because society values foids.
Why are there orphanages? Because society does not value children to that extend.

If you look at peoples behavior, they always tell you who they are.
Don't listen to them, just observe their behavior.
Their values are on full display.

Bullying works off the same dynamics.
Take this great thread by @Gymcelled for example:

View attachment 1055846

View attachment 1055847

Humans always operate in groups.
If one person hates you, everyone does usually, because looks.

1. All bullying is systemic and comes from society. Everyone agrees that you should be bullied.
If someone they value gets bullied, they instantly stop the bullying.

2. If you fight back against the bully, you are actually fighting a group of people.

3. This means if someone can just "punch a bully in the face" and get away with it... - they were not the one being bullied! THEY WERE THE BULLY!
They must have had support from society to get away with that.
And the bully backed down because he had nobody backing him up -> he is alone! (socially outcast!)

This also explains why normies always say "bullies are just insecure people that come from broken homes."

a) ugly
b) socially outcast
c) unhealthy from shitty nutrition and no family supporting them

So normies are basically bragging about how they got away with punching a bunch of abused ugly boys in the face.
This also means:


This is insane to me because I have been wondering for ages how normies can view some sickly ugly man as a threat.
But this explains it.
They are just that retarded.
They think the half-dead hobo under a bridge is a bigger threat to society, than the 6'2 ripped psychopath next to them.


This explains why normies love dark-triad men and bullies if they are good looking enough.
They don't even view these people as committing moral wrongs.
Like, you can be straight up evil, if you have the looks people will act like you are a good person LMFAO.

Someone told me how he was shocked when he saw people from his HS hang out with his bullies.
He said these foids and men were giga psychopathic and dangerous and he does not get how normies can't see this.
Well, now we know.

They probably viewed HIM as the psychopathic, dark-triad aggressor, even though he suffers from crippling health issues.

Is this why they are scared of me in public?
Like normies will get scared and run away.
When they see my face, they flinch. Like this 10 year old boy in superjew, he saw my face and flinched.
Also, when I walk behind people, they turn their head and stop, or they let me pass.
Or when they see me in Isle in supermarket, they do a 180° and leave lmao.

They literally view me as Ted Bundy or some shit. Unbelievable.
Chipmunk levels of IQ.

Reminds me, there are studies that show that first impressions are very primal and mostly on the level of "fight or flight."
This means normies literally see us as predators - based?

Just fucking lol at this world

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This deserves a pin.
I literally did this back in elementary school and ended up getting in trouble + got harassed even more
Same, thats why ugly boys become quiet and stay at home.
its not because of bad social skills or not being NT
its cuz being outside is just painful

Realest user on this forum. I agreer with everything you say. When i got bullied for example they would call me the weird kid or quiet kid based on how i dressed and looked. Whole school knew me by this bacm then. Honestly i decided not to play apex in real life because prison isnt worth it. Like you said normalfags woulf day "just fight" LOL LIKE THAT WOUKD STOP THE BULLYING? it won't unfortunately.
same, always interesting to see how our experiences match, even across continents.
Like you say, the entire school knew my ass. Even random ppl knew me. I never did shit, just was quiet, existed.

Fucking thank you, I've been thinking pretty hard about this for the last few days.

Every single time there's talk about bullying online, it gets fucking flooded with "Yeah, I was totally bullied as well, you have to fight back, I just slammed my bully's face into the ground and the bullying stopped:soy::soy::soy::soy:," talk, as if that had anything to do with reality:feelsjuice::feelsjuice::feelsUnreal::feelsUnreal:. Every single person that actually knows what bullying is like will confirm that fighting back is just about impossible, because bullying almost always means a group of people all of which are stronger than you individually attacking you. Yet, even on this forum, you get the "oh yeah, I just beat up my bullies, no biggie:chad::chad:," replies and posts, as if a victim being able to beat up a bully wasn't extremely rare and completely against the power dynamics that makebullying possible in the first place.
Yes exactly.
It also perfectly overlaps with NT-Pill and how its completely retarded.
Social skills are not real, social life is not a choice. It is just looks.
Bullying is a society-wide issue with how people interpret reality, it is not a learned social behavior, nor does it only happen on an individual basis.

The reason why some people self-isolate and stay at home all the time and rot, is not because of "lack of social skills" or because they are not "NT" - they are putting the cart before the horse to gaslight you - it's because going outside is painful, so you stay at home.

I made a whole thread on this years ago on looksmax, you probably saw it. My anti-NT-Pill thread.
I showed studies where they found that depressed, socially isolated people have BETTER SOCIAL JUDGEMENT (!!!) THAN NORMIES
this is a complete contradiction to what they tell you about how you are just a looser cuz you lack social skills.

The opposite is true: People that self-isolate have analyzed the situation, they understand the mechanism behind it, and they draw the right conclusion: It's not fixable, abort mission, go home and rot. They have great social understanding, way better than some normie who keeps trying and failing for years and goes to therapy for nothing.

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I saw a meme a long time ago that showed Saul Goodman in a suit and it said “the teacher and students on there way to bully the autistic kids”
Reading throu
Same, thats why ugly boys become quiet and stay at home.
its not because of bad social skills or not being NT
its cuz being outside is just painful
This thread was honestly a hard read cause it reminded me of how bad my life in elementary and hs was. I remember one time in HS some kid slammed my hand in a door, but then told the teacher I called him a faggot (i didn't) so i ended up getting SUSPENDED. Jfl.
I saw a meme a long time ago that showed Saul Goodman in a suit and it said “the teacher and students on there way to bully the autistic kids”
It's true and we have research on ppl view autistic people as inherently negative:

Reading throu

This thread was honestly a hard read cause it reminded me of how bad my life in elementary and hs was. I remember one time in HS some kid slammed my hand in a door, but then told the teacher I called him a faggot (i didn't) so i ended up getting SUSPENDED. Jfl.
Yeah similar shit. In gradeschool, I had tallfag slap my ears, beat me with broom while 3 foids encouraged him to hit me harder. Teacher didn't give a fuck. Same PE teacher, later, didn't care when the same tallfag gave me a concussion in PE. Concussion was noticed by foid teacher, who called my parents. Doctor confirmed it.
It's true and we have research on ppl view autistic people as inherently negative:

Yeah similar shit. In gradeschool, I had tallfag slap my ears, beat me with broom while 3 foids encouraged him to hit me harder. Teacher didn't give a fuck. Same PE teacher, later, didn't care when the same tallfag gave me a concussion in PE. Concussion was noticed by foid teacher, who called my parents. Doctor confirmed it.
Don't even get me started on gym class omfg. It was even worse in hs like the gym teachers would actively encourage the bullying it would even make fun of me with them.
I made a whole thread on this years ago on looksmax, you probably saw it. My anti-NT-Pill thread.
I showed studies where they found that depressed, socially isolated people have BETTER SOCIAL JUDGEMENT (!!!) THAN NORMIES
this is a complete contradiction to what they tell you about how you are just a looser cuz you lack social skills.

The opposite is true: People that self-isolate have analyzed the situation, they understand the mechanism behind it, and they draw the right conclusion: It's not fixable, abort mission, go home and rot. They have great social understanding, way better than some normie who keeps trying and failing for years and goes to therapy for nothing.

Exactly. Just yesterday this forum itself proved that.

Yeah similar shit. In gradeschool, I had tallfag slap my ears, beat me with broom while 3 foids encouraged him to hit me harder. Teacher didn't give a fuck. Same PE teacher, later, didn't care when the same tallfag gave me a concussion in PE. Concussion was noticed by foid teacher, who called my parents. Doctor confirmed it.
Then they all cry when we fight back
hmm, i actually did end up getting bullying to stop tho, but i had an advantage because it was only 2 guys doing it first
it did take 3 attempts though, and it was mostly out of fear, they bullied me because they didn't respect me, inflicting fear into them by acting insane made them stop, but it didnt make them respect me of course, and it also cost me other people because they acted differently to me after.
the year went by and i got new bullies, this time it was a group of thugmaxxed gangstas, i managed to beat one of them up outside of school with a log, but he ended up sending a bunch of his friends to hunt me down later with knives, i had to switch schools because i was afraid of like, being stabbed to death.

just lol at these simp retards risking their lives to save some random ass hoe getting beat (for a completely valid reason btw) for social points that will expire in 10 minutes.
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also, i don't get this, what does "the victim being seen as the bully" even mean? that's pretty vague
same same.
Like, I've talked to some ppl that fought back the entire time.
But I was always super super reclusive.
I would hide on toilet or in library during breaks.
Never talk, never interact.
I did not even know peoples names. Like even after years of hearing role call every day, I did not know anybodies names.
Least confrontational person ever.

And yet people were saying I am a nazi (?) and they called me a school shooter, rapist, they said I stink, called me quasimodo, put shit in my hoody, tried to draw swastika on my neck, called my name and did hitler salute and shit...

like, you just sit there and everyone just acts like you are actively aggressive on them lmao.
Even my own family did that.
I feel you brocel, the way the behave is pure evil sometimes man.
Did you ever experience that shit, where they get relieved when you actually do something for once? It's like they go, "phew, see guys, he actually is evil, it was all justified!"
Yep, I was the most quiet kid but also the highest acheiver in my class for all of HS and most of MS. When MS first started I wasnt treated as subhuman yet, so I didnt have a problem with people copying from my papers, because they were also nice to me and usually trying to be friends with me. By the end of MS and the start of HS, my truceldom kicked in (It took me 15 years to begin my puberty), and this completely changed how they treated me.

It was no longer people getting to know me and becoming friends with me before asking to cheat or copy from me, it changed to strangers absolutely demanding I let them copy from me, and if i refused I would get cussed out, insulted, and sweared at (mind you I literally do not even know some of these people, why would I risk getting a 0 for cheating for them?) Another example of how they were no longer asking me but rather demanding from me when i turned subhuman is that I stopped even getting a "thank you". Instead they would coldly ask in a text, id sent it anyway, and then they wouldnt even reply back.

They no longer cared to even to fake a friendship, when they passed by me they never said hello, even though I was the reason they got a 100 on their assignments. Never even looked at me. I was just a pig you ask for homework and pretend doesnt exist outside of that. Id get buillied and beaten up and then those same people would ask me to help them on an exam. Jfl at the cognative dissonance.

I say all of this to say that the second I stopped helping them, I started getting "this is why you get buillied", as if they werent bullying me both verbally and physically before?

Sorry for the long ass rant, its just that this is the first time ive ever talked about this to anyone, as this always felt too shameful to talk about with my parents, and I didnt want my online friends (didnt have any irl, ate sandwiches in bathrooms during breaktime) knowing about this anyway.
Don't even get me started on gym class omfg. It was even worse in hs like the gym teachers would actively encourage the bullying it would even make fun of me with them.
yeah same, even when I wa 18, I fucking overheard teachers saying shit about me on sidelines during basketball games and shit. They would also watch while i made a fool of myself, cuz my body is fucked up and lol or grin. Like, other students would encoruage me to hurt myself and the teacher would let me, and then be like smirk smirk, ok ur getting a C for effort lol

Exactly. Just yesterday this forum itself proved that.

This actually the 2nd time the forum has done the test
in the NT-Pill thread I linked, I also mentioned it, I showed my results and also brought up an old .is thread where people did the test:

Old .is thread where I got it from:
They are just that retarded.
They think the half-dead hobo under a bridge is a bigger threat to society, than the 6'2 ripped psychopath next to them.
Absolutely insane.

Another great post from you as expected. I bet the pinned section is going to spread it's cheeks like stacey did for chad last night. :feelskek:

Contrary to popular belief, bullies are rewarded in soyciety because as you said they basically are a representation of society.

Try pushing a (white) foid around or any foid for that matter. A black van will appear infront of your house and you will be taken to a CIA black site never to be heard of again. Meanwhile my own TEACHERS helped facilitate the bullies that made me go absolutely mad.
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Yes exactly.
It also perfectly overlaps with NT-Pill and how its completely retarded.
Social skills are not real, social life is not a choice. It is just looks.
Bullying is a society-wide issue with how people interpret reality, it is not a learned social behavior, nor does it only happen on an individual basis.

The reason why some people self-isolate and stay at home all the time and rot, is not because of "lack of social skills" or because they are not "NT" - they are putting the cart before the horse to gaslight you - it's because going outside is painful, so you stay at home.

I made a whole thread on this years ago on looksmax, you probably saw it. My anti-NT-Pill thread.
I showed studies where they found that depressed, socially isolated people have BETTER SOCIAL JUDGEMENT (!!!) THAN NORMIES
this is a complete contradiction to what they tell you about how you are just a looser cuz you lack social skills.

The opposite is true: People that self-isolate have analyzed the situation, they understand the mechanism behind it, and they draw the right conclusion: It's not fixable, abort mission, go home and rot. They have great social understanding, way better than some normie who keeps trying and failing for years and goes to therapy for nothing.
Thots @ElTruecel

View: https://youtu.be/HmmP4pygbHs?si=q2jqa7_USDijr2Cr

for you, about the test
back in the day when i made NT-Pill thread, I wanted to know the correct answers to the test
but the study data was dogshit, look at this

so i recompiled it, alongside the right answers so you can read it easily here:

I got this results on first try:
3039841 3032629 Screenshot 2022 08 12 at 20 38 08 Online Survey Software Qualtrics Survey Solu
also, i don't get this, what does "the victim being seen as the bully" even mean? that's pretty vague
it means that people will view the victim as the aggressor.
They cry out in pain as they strike you.

I feel you brocel, the way the behave is pure evil sometimes man.

Yep, I was the most quiet kid but also the highest acheiver in my class for all of HS and most of MS. When MS first started I wasnt treated as subhuman yet, so I didnt have a problem with people copying from my papers, because they were also nice to me and usually trying to be friends with me. By the end of MS and the start of HS, my truceldom kicked in (It took me 15 years to begin my puberty), and this completely changed how they treated me.

It was no longer people getting to know me and becoming friends with me before asking to cheat or copy from me, it changed to strangers absolutely demanding I let them copy from me, and if i refused I would get cussed out, insulted, and sweared at (mind you I literally do not even know some of these people, why would I risk getting a 0 for cheating for them?) Another example of how they were no longer asking me but rather demanding from me when i turned subhuman is that I stopped even getting a "thank you". Instead they would coldly ask in a text, id sent it anyway, and then they wouldnt even reply back.

They no longer cared to even to fake a friendship, when they passed by me they never said hello, even though I was the reason they got a 100 on their assignments. Never even looked at me. I was just a pig you ask for homework and pretend doesnt exist outside of that. Id get buillied and beaten up and then those same people would ask me to help them on an exam. Jfl at the cognative dissonance.

I say all of this to say that the second I stopped helping them, I started getting "this is why you get buillied", as if they werent bullying me both verbally and physically before?

Sorry for the long ass rant, its just that this is the first time ive ever talked about this to anyone, as this always felt too shameful to talk about with my parents, and I didnt want my online friends (didnt have any irl, ate sandwiches in bathrooms during breaktime) knowing about this anyway.
SAME LMAO! Lunch in toilet gang! I would also go to library often to hide in back, cuz it was cozy and nobody went there.
It is not embarrassing trust me. Your emotions are valid, your pain is real. Don't let them gaslight you.
And yeah, parents dont care often, especially if you are a man.
Thank for your reply, appreciate the high effort! :feelsaww: :feelsaww: :feelsaww:
SAME LMAO! Lunch in toilet gang! I would also go to library often to hide in back, cuz it was cozy and nobody went there.
It is not embarrassing trust me. Your emotions are valid, your pain is real. Don't let them gaslight you.
And yeah, parents dont care often, especially if you are a man.
Thank for your reply, appreciate the high effort!
Absolutely insane.

Another great post from you as expected. I bet the pinned section is going to spread it's cheeks like stacey did for chad last night. :feelskek:

Contrary to popular belief, bullies are rewarded in soyciety because as you said they basically are a representation of society.

Try pushing a (white) foid around or any foid for that matter. A black van will appear infront of your house and you will be taken to a CIA black site never to be heard of again. Meanwhile my own TEACHERS helped facilitate the bullies that made me go absolutely mad.
Yes exactly, my teachers were part of the bullying. Like, I even had other students go WTF at the way teachers would treat me like lmao.
Like teachers would give me lower grades on purpose and tell me to my face, shit like that.


0.001 seconds after you think something negative about a foid like:

Not having a Social skills are completely different than having a disability that legit gives us a completely different brain.
2C44A572 6F59 4952 AA55 4E97838F4398

Large difference between an autist and some Normie claiming they’re socially awkward. Let alone unlucky people such as myself with more than 1 disorder.

Nt pill applies to life as a whole. Who cares if some basement dwelling HTN NEET gets a gf while having no money, no car & no future that’s not going to fix his problems.
it means that people will view the victim as the aggressor.
how exactly does that work?
i dont exactly get what that means
is it like they think the victim has a reason to be bullied and bullies are just avenging something or supressing evil?
because visually its obvious that a superior bigger specimen is attacking an inferior weaker one, how do they think the bullied is the aggressor?
Not having a Social skills are completely different than having a disability that legit gives us a completely different brain.
View attachment 1055941
Large difference between an autist and some Normie claiming they’re socially awkward. Let alone unlucky people such as myself with more than 1 disorder.

Nt pill applies to life as a whole. Who cares if some basement dwelling HTN NEET gets a gf while having no money, no car & no future that’s not going to fix his problems.
imo I dont believe NT matters unless giga giga extreme, like chanting incantations on sidewalk tier.
I think its mostly physical shit thats fucked up, like you we talked about in @lifefuel 's autism thread
socials is largel a meme
because older (read: uglier) humans magically "loose them" - look up, thats what they say
and there is no science supporting the existence of social skills

if you look into it, communication is mostly body language they claim, like 70%
and the science of body language is well known as pseudo-science
there are no solid body language cues that you can quanitfy. In fact, its the opposite, they found in research that people are HORRIBLE at guessing shit about other people based on body language, especially with lying.

Thats why they are phasing out body language training in police training. It does not work, its retarded.
@GeckoBus regardless most autists especially those with autism + adhd never find success. I disagree with the social skills & body language point. You can find studies showing how different the brain is of an autist compared to a Normie. Adhd similar, schizophrenia similar, etc.

Just like disabilities can fuck up your life so can any disorder. However I don’t deny there’s correlations between certain facial & bodily traits people with these disorders can have.
If I see a foid getting abused i'll just ignore and pass on or even join the guy:feelsjuice:
how exactly does that work?
i dont exactly get what that means
is it like they think the victim has a reason to be bullied and bullies are just avenging something or supressing evil?
because visually its obvious that a superior bigger specimen is attacking an inferior weaker one, how do they think the bullied is the aggressor?
you are approaching this with logic
they dont
from objective point of view, it makes no sense for someone who is in a group and has a better life, to view some social outcast as a threat.
But from their viewpoint as a group animal, it does.
Its exactly the same for men.

Like, men feel like they are strong for attacking other men when a foid gets threatened.
But think about this, who is more powerful, the person making others act on their behalf, or the person acting on the behalf of the person getting orders.
Nobody would say that a soldier in the kings army is in charge of the country. The king is. Yet, every soldier in the army probably strength mogs the king.

But that is how normies view women. Women command men with a wink of their finger and yet men claim they are in control for following womens commands.

With bullying, the same thing happens but in reverse. The person that is the victim clearly has no power. But if you bully a powerless person, that means you are evil. So normies misconstrue their hatred (which is probably based on primal feelings that come from looks bias), into being justified because the victim is just so evil and bad, they must deserve the bullying.
Bullied too. Dont think It was looks-related, most of guys that bullied me were much uglier then me. They bullied me because I was/am weak, I guess that's the sole reason

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