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Blackpill Normies view Victim as Bully - The truth about "Just Punch The Bully in the Face"

@JudeoBiden brootal I also had a bitch kike teacher. I hope the children of all the awful teachers u guys had mine included have their husband or children die. They deserve it especially yours @Paperman @GeckoBus @Gymcelled
My teachers put me in the corner for years autism was a gift they said
What is it that makes the hivemind like you? Is it just looks or more
What is it that makes the hivemind like you? Is it just looks or more
i think its mostly looks
the only exceptions are when you are an obvious cripple, like you have cancer, down syndrome or the hive knows or believes you were abused as a child - these things will make them do a 180 on you and they start collectively virtue signalling and treating you like a victim
i think its mostly looks
the only exceptions are when you are an obvious cripple, like you have cancer, down syndrome or the hive knows or believes you were abused as a child - these things will make them do a 180 on you and they start collectively virtue signalling and treating you like a victim
I feel like everything the hivemind does and says is the opposite of what is right and a lot of what they say and do is based on what authority wants them to be like.

A lot of famous people say they were bullied and whilst a lot probably lie and exaggerate for sympathy I think it genuinely happens because the hivemind hates uniqueness. Another thing is that most normies have nothing going for them they're just simpletons who will have an average life working a 9-5 there's no chance of them becoming famous so the only way they can mog people is via petty bullying they are all talentless and have nothing interesting to say so the second they see the opportunity to bully they do it because it's all they have. The people who don't bully often have other things going for them or dreams so they can mog people without having to attack them they can just passively live their lives and mog like if they produce music in their free time and then happen to become a famous artist.

There are many people who are ugly but their entire lives are just ignored people don't go out of their way to verbally and physically attack them so if normies see anyone with character who is unique and has skills other than being a cog in the system they'll want to test it.
The first sentence I just remembers applies exactly to me.

When I was 15 i punched someone in the face 3 times and kicked them on the ground in school infront of everyone and it literally made no difference whatsoever.

After the fight a girl came up to me saying shit like "you think you're so cool don't you" and then snitched on me. This wasn't because she cared about the person I beat up it was literally down to the fact that she saw me as beneath her. This same girl in a class one time always teased me in that typical way the popular girls tease the ugly loners.
The first sentence I just remembers applies exactly to me.

When I was 15 i punched someone in the face 3 times and kicked them on the ground in school infront of everyone and it literally made no difference whatsoever.

After the fight a girl came up to me saying shit like "you think you're so cool don't you" and then snitched on me. This wasn't because she cared about the person I beat up it was literally down to the fact that she saw me as beneath her. This same girl in a class one time always teased me in that typical way the popular girls tease the ugly loners.
it's never 1v1
the bully is just the spearhead of the hostility, which is collective and coming from everyone.
Like I said, this is easily demonstrable when you think about what happens when someone gets bullied that people collectively value, i.e. children, women, old people, pets etc.

in these situations there is zero ambiguity in how people react. Within a second everyone is on the same page and attacks the perpetrator.

This implies that when you get bullied and nobody automatically defends you, (classmates, teachers, parents, random people around the area) they don't value you enough to protect you.

Like in your case, if you defend yourself they protect the aggressor because they view him like "family" - he is one of their own and so his behavior is unconditionally supported and approved by the group, unlike yours.

You can't win. I was always very quiet and didn't talk or interact with anyone. Despite this, they still did it. If you don't provide them with anything to shit on, they just make shit up. In my case I was called a rapist, school shooter, nazi, they said I smell bad even though that wasn't true... all just because I'm ugly and have autism.

This is why accusing people that self isolate and rot of just having bad social skills is retarded. They are putting the cart before the horse. People avoid pain and seek pleasure. If socializing was pleasurable they wouldn't self isolate.
They isolate because it's painful in the first place, not for a lack of trying.

Personally I've become so used to hostility from people that I don't care much anymore. I don't cut my hair or beard, I wear the same shit everyday and only shower when I feel dirty.

Trying to fit in does not work when you are ugly. I've also done experiments in the past where I grew a pedo mustache for months to see how people reacted. Nothing changed. The underlying looks determine everything.

Another time I jestermaxxed in front of people for years I school. It worked kinda - until I realized they laugh at me not with me. Another thing was once I went to a different school with better looking students, it stopped working completely.

this video is very interesting. What has always stood out to me is how the bigger guy tackles Saint bagelcel and nobody thinks this is fucked up. It's like a grown man attacking a 13 year old.

If St bagecel was female but exactly as strong, this would not have happened. It's a great example of how you can be as weak as a woman physically but not have the same privileges.

This is important because people like to say that women deserve special treatment because of their weakness. Cases like this betray that reasoning.

In fact a giant woman that strength mogs a good portion of the male population would still get special treatment too.

Also, Philosophically, going from "someone is weak" to "they deserve protection" is a non sequitur.
By that logic normies should be defending Mussolini because he was a giga manlet. And spiders, snakes and rodents. It's just and example of how people invent justifications for their behavior after the fact, not prior.

They want to worship foids and attack men so they make up reasons why that's justified.

Another example is when people say men are disposable. Bro everything we eat, sit on, drive in, wear and shit in was made by men. Usually they give ad hoc explanation for their misandry like "one man could impregnate multiple women so they are less valuable."

It's the same non sequitur as earlier. One man being able to impregnate multiple women does not automatically imply the value judgement that men are less worth than women. The value judgement comes from the pre-existing misandry.

I could use the same premise - "one man can impregnate multiple women" - and say therefore men are more valuable. You just need a few man to save mankind in an extinction even you see? So men are the linchpin humanity depends on.

Equally fallacious argument with same premise. They also ignore the explosive giga incest that would result in a minority of men fucking all women. That alone negates the whole argument.

What is true is that  people value men less than women. But that's not an objective ethical standard of course and it's also evil, so they deflect it into justifications like

"men are more violent" - wrong
"men commit more sexual assault" - wrong
"most pedos are male" - wrong

@WorthlessSlavicShit (just read his sig)

When you really whittle down peoples beliefs (or your own), you always hit emotional bedrock eventually. There is usually a deep emotional barrier that you can't even explain logically. All other beliefs and justifications are stacked on that core.

Even when they provide studies or info to support their point, you have to wonder why they care enough to do that in the first place.

That's why conservatives often turn out to be gay. Or pedos.

In my case, when I go to the bottom there is just a vague sense of anxiety and idk why I even care about the woman shit. It probably started because my mom and girls in school were dicks. Foids blackpill you first on their own nature, and you just find objective reasons for it later.

With political systems it's the same btw. When someone supports anarchy or anti-authoritarian belief systems, they maybe grew up with a dysfunctional father. They can't accept authority as valid. Or shit mom in childhood.

A lot of people from broken homes become autonomous very early in life because they don't feel safe with their parents. They feel like they have to take care of themselves. This translates into adulthood. They become stubborn.

Anyway, to bring it back around, with misandry people just have this vague primal sense of disliking men. But they will never admit this.

Foids do admit it but instead of saying they are disgusted by men they turn it into

"I fear men, when I'm around men I always wonder if I'm gonna get assaulted"

they know it's unlikely because most men worship them and the biggest threat to a man is another man. Women claiming they fear men is just them admitted to their primal disgust in a virtue signaling manner.
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it's never 1v1
the bully is just the spearhead of the hostility, which is collective and coming from everyone.
Like I said, this is easily demonstrable when you think about what happens when someone gets bullied that people collectively value, i.e. children, women, old people, pets etc.

in these situations there is zero ambiguity in how people react. Within a second everyone is on the same page and attacks the perpetrator.

This implies that when you get bullied and nobody automatically defends you, (classmates, teachers, parents, random people around the area) they don't value you enough to protect you.

Like in your case, if you defend yourself they protect the aggressor because they view him like "family" - he is one of their own and so his behavior is unconditionally supported and approved by the group, unlike yours.

You can't win. I was always very quiet and didn't talk or interact with anyone. Despite this, they still did it. If you don't provide them with anything to shit on, they just make shit up. In my case I was called a rapist, school shooter, nazi, they said I smell bad even though that wasn't true... all just because I'm ugly and have autism.

This is why accusing people that self isolate and rot of just having bad social skills is retarded. They are putting the cart before the horse. People avoid pain and seek pleasure. If socializing was pleasurable they wouldn't self isolate.
They isolate because it's painful in the first place, not for a lack of trying.

Personally I've become so used to hostility from people that I don't care much anymore. I don't cut my hair or beard, I wear the same shit everyday and only shower when I feel dirty.

Trying to fit in does not work when you are ugly. I've also done experiments in the past where I grew a pedo mustache for months to see how people reacted. Nothing changed. The underlying looks determine everything.

Another time I jestermaxxed in front of people for years I school. It worked kinda - until I realized they laugh at me not with me. Another thing was once I went to a different school with better looking students, it stopped working completely.
Are you a diagnosed autist or self diagnosed.

I feel like a lot of ugly men who may even be diagnosed as autistic aren't actually autistic but they're just ugly and suffering the symptoms of social isolation, depression, abuse and people being autistic towards them if anything. People will literally look away from me when I talk to them and their voice is incredibly monotone and responses are all short and to the point they want the interaction to be over as soon as possible. You are literally dehumanised as an ugly man. I've made posts in the past in more detail on this which I'll share once found.

And about what you said about not taking care of yourself and getting treated the same I feel like if you try to fit in with the slaves and wear branded clothing have a trendy haircut as an ugly man it actually makes you more of a target. Ive also talked on this before I'm pretty sure wherein everything you do as an ugly man is judged whereas everything you do as an attractive man is justified. Everything little thing you do as an ugly man is scrutinized and taken so seriously. I can think of many examples of this one of which being where I was literally fucking WALKING, fucking walking and someone was complaining to their group saying he thinks he's so cool. And someone who never interacted with me said to his friends that he hates me and said himself that he hates me "just for no reason"

Also in school I got told I looked like a pedo infront of the entire class by another student and everyone in the class including the teacher laughed.
Are you a diagnosed autist or self diagnosed.
I got diagnosed very recently:

I feel like a lot of ugly men who may even be diagnosed as autistic aren't actually autistic but they're just ugly and suffering the symptoms of social isolation, depression, abuse and people being autistic towards them if anything. People will literally look away from me when I talk to them and their voice is incredibly monotone and responses are all short and to the point they want the interaction to be over as soon as possible. You are literally dehumanised as an ugly man. I've made posts in the past in more detail on this which I'll share once found.
yes I have experienced this so many times
sometimes I would be in a room with a person alone, just them and me in empty room.
And I would say something 3x times, trying to start conversation, and they would ignore me.
This happened at my job and at school.

Another time in school they made me do a preparation session with a girl in an empty classroom for an exam.
We basically just had to speak english to another for 20 minutes.
The entire time she turned her head to the left and didnt look me. The entire time.
I dont think she had autism, she was social otherwise and perfectly normal with other people.

Even my own family does this. Like whenever I say anything, they make it awkward on purpose, create this weird silence and then ignore what I said and just talk over me. When I am with them, I am completely quiet while they just talk for hours like I am not there.

And about what you said about not taking care of yourself and getting treated the same I feel like if you try to fit in with the slaves and wear branded clothing have a trendy haircut as an ugly man it actually makes you more of a target. Ive also talked on this before I'm pretty sure wherein everything you do as an ugly man is judged whereas everything you do as an attractive man is justified. Everything little thing you do as an ugly man is scrutinized and taken so seriously. I can think of many examples of this one of which being where I was literally fucking WALKING, fucking walking and someone was complaining to their group saying he thinks he's so cool. And someone who never interacted with me said to his friends that he hates me and said himself that he hates me "just for no reason"
exactly, so it does not matter how you dress. No matter what you do, they will shoehorn it into a reason to hate you. So why bother?
I had exactly the same things happen lmao.
People made fun of my walk multiple times.
And on the being hated for no reason: same same.
This dude I knew in 5th or 6th grade, he later told me to my face "when i saw you for the first time, I thought hopefully I am not in a class with him."

Also in school I got told I looked like a pedo infront of the entire class by another student and everyone in the class including the teacher laughed.
yeah similar shit
people would put nazi flag as background on their school PC and teacher said nothing
i put a ww2 airplane with swastika on tail and teacher exploded and called me nazi in front of entire class, literally screaming

ive also had foid teachers deliberately give me bad grades and then tell me to my face they did it
for example one time we had to write a fictional story - fictional ok?
and I put the name of my street in there, where I live. And the foid teacher came up to me afterwards and said "i googled that name and there is no name spelled like that" and she deducted a point and gave me worse grade LMFAO

they are literally looking for any reason to fail you kek.
ive also had foid teachers deliberately give me bad grades and then tell me to my face they did it
for example one time we had to write a fictional story - fictional ok?
and I put the name of my street in there, where I live. And the foid teacher came up to me afterwards and said "i googled that name and there is no name spelled like that" and she deducted a point and gave me worse grade LMFAO
That reminds of an experience with a teacher I was wearing non school uniform shoes (school shoes in UK have to be all black and I was wearing white and grey trainers) I was on my way to the first lesson of the day and immediately this teacher starts shouting at me not even knowing who i was or why i was wearing shoes (what if i was poor, etc?) and I say I couldn't wear my school shoes cuz they were still wet from the day before when it had been raining and she fucking denied that it had been raining yesterday saying that I was lying and she also shouted at me for being late to my lesson (which I actually had a valid excuse for, my class had moved rooms to the other side of the school) but she still had a go. The chad who I was walking next to speaking with who was also late just walked past her and nothing happened with him.

I could go on and on and on and on and on about bad lookism experiences I've had but it'll take forever. We must have similar faces or somethn
The chad who I was walking next to speaking with who was also late just walked past her and nothing happened with him.
:lul::lul::lul: cant make this up lmao
Normies always say "I got bullied but then I punched the bully really hard and they stopped."

Anyone who has been bullied knows this is bullshit.
Bullies usually punch down and it's usually multiple bullies.
If you get bullied, it's probably all of society bullying you (looks work universally).

Also, if they valued you as a person, they would stop the bullying as a group (teachers, parents, peers).

We can easily figure this out by thinking about what happens when people get bullied that society actually values.
Women, children, pets...
People will IMMEDIATELY step in and stop it.
Like, even random strangers.

So when you get bullied and nobody helps, they all have silently agreed that it is ok.
Including teachers, your parents etc.
For example, when I came home with torn up clothes, my parents said I bullied myself, to get back at them.
I am not joking.

Here is an example of how social behavior is SYSTEMIC and does not happen on an individual basis (people are not individuals):

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LlFAd4YdQks

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtVHnZX8E50

You can easily see what I am talking about.
When women abuse men in public, people just laugh.
Society implicitly acknowledges female power and that women rule society.
However, if a man abuses a woman, people will literally go ER on the abuser instantly.

Same for homelessness. There are barely any female homeless because society values foids.
Why are there orphanages? Because society does not value children to that extend.

If you look at peoples behavior, they always tell you who they are.
Don't listen to them, just observe their behavior.
Their values are on full display.

Bullying works off the same dynamics.
Take this great thread by @Gymcelled for example:

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Humans always operate in groups.
If one person hates you, everyone does usually, because looks.

1. All bullying is systemic and comes from society. Everyone agrees that you should be bullied.
If someone they value gets bullied, they instantly stop the bullying.

2. If you fight back against the bully, you are actually fighting a group of people.

3. This means if someone can just "punch a bully in the face" and get away with it... - they were not the one being bullied! THEY WERE THE BULLY!
They must have had support from society to get away with that.
And the bully backed down because he had nobody backing him up -> he is alone! (socially outcast!)

This also explains why normies always say "bullies are just insecure people that come from broken homes."

a) ugly
b) socially outcast
c) unhealthy from shitty nutrition and no family supporting them

So normies are basically bragging about how they got away with punching a bunch of abused ugly boys in the face.
This also means:


This is insane to me because I have been wondering for ages how normies can view some sickly ugly man as a threat.
But this explains it.
They are just that retarded.
They think the half-dead hobo under a bridge is a bigger threat to society, than the 6'2 ripped psychopath next to them.


This explains why normies love dark-triad men and bullies if they are good looking enough.
They don't even view these people as committing moral wrongs.
Like, you can be straight up evil, if you have the looks people will act like you are a good person LMFAO.

Someone told me how he was shocked when he saw people from his HS hang out with his bullies.
He said these foids and men were giga psychopathic and dangerous and he does not get how normies can't see this.
Well, now we know.

They probably viewed HIM as the psychopathic, dark-triad aggressor, even though he suffers from crippling health issues.

Is this why they are scared of me in public?
Like normies will get scared and run away.
When they see my face, they flinch. Like this 10 year old boy in superjew, he saw my face and flinched.
Also, when I walk behind people, they turn their head and stop, or they let me pass.
Or when they see me in Isle in supermarket, they do a 180° and leave lmao.

They literally view me as Ted Bundy or some shit. Unbelievable.
Chipmunk levels of IQ.

Reminds me, there are studies that show that first impressions are very primal and mostly on the level of "fight or flight."
This means normies literally see us as predators - based?

Just fucking lol at this world

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Over for many men
This is such an amazing and edifying thread from/for the true blackpill brethren.
Then this rumor started spreading, like idk, that i got fucked in the ass my dad or something.
I really dont know.
But suddenly EVERYONE did a 180° and started virtue signalling at me.
Even foids that bully me prior, suddenly are like fake nice to me.
:feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:
Normies always say "I got bullied but then I punched the bully really hard and they stopped."

Anyone who has been bullied knows this is bullshit.
Bullies usually punch down and it's usually multiple bullies.
If you get bullied, it's probably all of society bullying you (looks work universally).

Also, if they valued you as a person, they would stop the bullying as a group (teachers, parents, peers).

We can easily figure this out by thinking about what happens when people get bullied that society actually values.
Women, children, pets...
People will IMMEDIATELY step in and stop it.
Like, even random strangers.

So when you get bullied and nobody helps, they all have silently agreed that it is ok.
Including teachers, your parents etc.
For example, when I came home with torn up clothes, my parents said I bullied myself, to get back at them.
I am not joking.

Here is an example of how social behavior is SYSTEMIC and does not happen on an individual basis (people are not individuals):

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LlFAd4YdQks

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtVHnZX8E50

You can easily see what I am talking about.
When women abuse men in public, people just laugh.
Society implicitly acknowledges female power and that women rule society.
However, if a man abuses a woman, people will literally go ER on the abuser instantly.

Same for homelessness. There are barely any female homeless because society values foids.
Why are there orphanages? Because society does not value children to that extend.

If you look at peoples behavior, they always tell you who they are.
Don't listen to them, just observe their behavior.
Their values are on full display.

Bullying works off the same dynamics.
Take this great thread by @Gymcelled for example:

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View attachment 1055847

Humans always operate in groups.
If one person hates you, everyone does usually, because looks.

1. All bullying is systemic and comes from society. Everyone agrees that you should be bullied.
If someone they value gets bullied, they instantly stop the bullying.

2. If you fight back against the bully, you are actually fighting a group of people.

3. This means if someone can just "punch a bully in the face" and get away with it... - they were not the one being bullied! THEY WERE THE BULLY!
They must have had support from society to get away with that.
And the bully backed down because he had nobody backing him up -> he is alone! (socially outcast!)

This also explains why normies always say "bullies are just insecure people that come from broken homes."

a) ugly
b) socially outcast
c) unhealthy from shitty nutrition and no family supporting them

So normies are basically bragging about how they got away with punching a bunch of abused ugly boys in the face.
This also means:


This is insane to me because I have been wondering for ages how normies can view some sickly ugly man as a threat.
But this explains it.
They are just that retarded.
They think the half-dead hobo under a bridge is a bigger threat to society, than the 6'2 ripped psychopath next to them.


This explains why normies love dark-triad men and bullies if they are good looking enough.
They don't even view these people as committing moral wrongs.
Like, you can be straight up evil, if you have the looks people will act like you are a good person LMFAO.

Someone told me how he was shocked when he saw people from his HS hang out with his bullies.
He said these foids and men were giga psychopathic and dangerous and he does not get how normies can't see this.
Well, now we know.

They probably viewed HIM as the psychopathic, dark-triad aggressor, even though he suffers from crippling health issues.

Is this why they are scared of me in public?
Like normies will get scared and run away.
When they see my face, they flinch. Like this 10 year old boy in superjew, he saw my face and flinched.
Also, when I walk behind people, they turn their head and stop, or they let me pass.
Or when they see me in Isle in supermarket, they do a 180° and leave lmao.

They literally view me as Ted Bundy or some shit. Unbelievable.
Chipmunk levels of IQ.

Reminds me, there are studies that show that first impressions are very primal and mostly on the level of "fight or flight."
This means normies literally see us as predators - based?

Just fucking lol at this world

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finally someone said it
Happened to the Columbine kids.

Happened to Jeff Weise.

Happened to a whole list of school shooters that I can't even list off rn because my fingers hurt like fuck.

You get the picture. Bullies get away with shit because normies view ugly men as inherently deserving of suffering.
Humans are evil and repulsive by nature, they are like the infected from the Crossed Comics deep down.
humans are selfish not evil, good and evil are just man made concepts, but suffering is real

as for OP another great thread enjoyed reading

i would add that when teacher and virtue signalling normalfags sayy ''JUST STAND UP'' they never know how to stand up to whole group of people who just want to dominate you spit whatever...especially docile autists
Normies always say "I got bullied but then I punched the bully really hard and they stopped."

Anyone who has been bullied knows this is bullshit.
Bullies usually punch down and it's usually multiple bullies.
If you get bullied, it's probably all of society bullying you (looks work universally).

Also, if they valued you as a person, they would stop the bullying as a group (teachers, parents, peers).

We can easily figure this out by thinking about what happens when people get bullied that society actually values.
Women, children, pets...
People will IMMEDIATELY step in and stop it.
Like, even random strangers.

So when you get bullied and nobody helps, they all have silently agreed that it is ok.
Including teachers, your parents etc.
For example, when I came home with torn up clothes, my parents said I bullied myself, to get back at them.
I am not joking.

Here is an example of how social behavior is SYSTEMIC and does not happen on an individual basis (people are not individuals):

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LlFAd4YdQks

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtVHnZX8E50

You can easily see what I am talking about.
When women abuse men in public, people just laugh.
Society implicitly acknowledges female power and that women rule society.
However, if a man abuses a woman, people will literally go ER on the abuser instantly.

Same for homelessness. There are barely any female homeless because society values foids.
Why are there orphanages? Because society does not value children to that extend.

If you look at peoples behavior, they always tell you who they are.
Don't listen to them, just observe their behavior.
Their values are on full display.

Bullying works off the same dynamics.
Take this great thread by @Gymcelled for example:

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View attachment 1055847

Humans always operate in groups.
If one person hates you, everyone does usually, because looks.

1. All bullying is systemic and comes from society. Everyone agrees that you should be bullied.
If someone they value gets bullied, they instantly stop the bullying.

2. If you fight back against the bully, you are actually fighting a group of people.

3. This means if someone can just "punch a bully in the face" and get away with it... - they were not the one being bullied! THEY WERE THE BULLY!
They must have had support from society to get away with that.
And the bully backed down because he had nobody backing him up -> he is alone! (socially outcast!)

This also explains why normies always say "bullies are just insecure people that come from broken homes."

a) ugly
b) socially outcast
c) unhealthy from shitty nutrition and no family supporting them

So normies are basically bragging about how they got away with punching a bunch of abused ugly boys in the face.
This also means:


This is insane to me because I have been wondering for ages how normies can view some sickly ugly man as a threat.
But this explains it.
They are just that retarded.
They think the half-dead hobo under a bridge is a bigger threat to society, than the 6'2 ripped psychopath next to them.


This explains why normies love dark-triad men and bullies if they are good looking enough.
They don't even view these people as committing moral wrongs.
Like, you can be straight up evil, if you have the looks people will act like you are a good person LMFAO.

Someone told me how he was shocked when he saw people from his HS hang out with his bullies.
He said these foids and men were giga psychopathic and dangerous and he does not get how normies can't see this.
Well, now we know.

They probably viewed HIM as the psychopathic, dark-triad aggressor, even though he suffers from crippling health issues.

Is this why they are scared of me in public?
Like normies will get scared and run away.
When they see my face, they flinch. Like this 10 year old boy in superjew, he saw my face and flinched.
Also, when I walk behind people, they turn their head and stop, or they let me pass.
Or when they see me in Isle in supermarket, they do a 180° and leave lmao.

They literally view me as Ted Bundy or some shit. Unbelievable.
Chipmunk levels of IQ.

Reminds me, there are studies that show that first impressions are very primal and mostly on the level of "fight or flight."
This means normies literally see us as predators - based?

Just fucking lol at this world

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I remember recently in lab, I was reading something out loud and some guy in the group told me to shut up and everyone laughed. I wonder if this is bullying, I wanted to say it was kind of a joke and I was reading this thing out loud while everyone else was quiet and so far they haven't done anything else to directly make fun of it but it's easy to think this sort of thing is ok just because it hasn't happened. Also, I am outcasted by the rest of the group I am not included in small talk or major decisions. It's like I am low status and the outcast and while they won't directly make fun of me, they certainly don't like or value me as a group member. Of course, if I do something a bit weird and one of the popular group members gets mad at me and insults me it's ok. But if I did the same thing to him when he acted weird, nobody would laugh because he's popular and well liked, I'd probably be seen as a bully and everyone would rise to his defense. So basically if I retaliate against normies it's not ok but they can make fun of me and if I call them out on it, it's just a joke bro, don't take it so seriously. That's how it works, it fucking sucks.
I was thinking about this yesterday too. Laws also help bullies more than us because we can't do anything to stop them.

It would also be better if they just kill us but they probably enjoy torturing as alive more so system works for them. Most bullies I knew became successful people, they are encouraged by society.
you forgot to mention that retarded bullying prevention tactic that normies love to spout


this assumes that bullies pick their targets at random, which is A LIE. Chad never gets bullied. Stacy never gets bullied. It's always the weak incel who can't defend himself.

And you know what happens when he ignores the bully? He takes it a step further until you CANT IGNORE IT ANYMORE.

Teasing > Insults > Pushing > Beatings

(Of course bullies will just skip some steps if they think you're weak enough)
you forgot to mention that retarded bullying prevention tactic that normies love to spout


this assumes that bullies pick their targets at random, which is A LIE. Chad never gets bullied. Stacy never gets bullied. It's always the weak incel who can't defend himself.

And you know what happens when he ignores the bully? He takes it a step further until you CANT IGNORE IT ANYMORE.

Teasing > Insults > Pushing > Beatings

(Of course bullies will just skip some steps if they think you're weak enough)
yes exactly :bigbrain: :bigbrain: :bigbrain:
also they dont bully you because of your behavior but because of shit like looks. So whether you fight back or ignore, it does not matter, since the origin of the bullying is not in the victims behavior anyway. I ignored as much as possible and they never stopped.
I remember recently in lab, I was reading something out loud and some guy in the group told me to shut up and everyone laughed. I wonder if this is bullying, I wanted to say it was kind of a joke and I was reading this thing out loud while everyone else was quiet and so far they haven't done anything else to directly make fun of it but it's easy to think this sort of thing is ok just because it hasn't happened. Also, I am outcasted by the rest of the group I am not included in small talk or major decisions. It's like I am low status and the outcast and while they won't directly make fun of me, they certainly don't like or value me as a group member. Of course, if I do something a bit weird and one of the popular group members gets mad at me and insults me it's ok. But if I did the same thing to him when he acted weird, nobody would laugh because he's popular and well liked, I'd probably be seen as a bully and everyone would rise to his defense. So basically if I retaliate against normies it's not ok but they can make fun of me and if I call them out on it, it's just a joke bro, don't take it so seriously. That's how it works, it fucking sucks.
yes thats bullying, he lowered your status and increased his own by doing that to you.
yes thats bullying, he lowered your status and increased his own by doing that to you.
My social status was already zero, so I fail to see how he could have lowered it. I think the idea is that he was frustrated realized I was low status and could be rude to me without consequence, even getting approval from the group members. I suppose others felt amused at my expense, it's really quite tame compared to actual bullying but it proves your point.
> Just pucnh the bully
They never seen to think about what if the bully is a women
I actually agree that you have to punch, or threaten to hit bullies when they start their shit. Its the only real way to stop it because you force him to acknowledge you as a threat.
Fear and threat of violence is an incentive towards true politeness

But what do you think would happen if you hit a women? An army of simps would appear out of thin air because you dared to hit m'lady.
Only if you are very low-inhib or was driven to to the point you didn't care what would happen to you anymore would be able to pull this off.

I was reading something out loud and some guy in the group told me to shut up and everyone laughed. I wonder if this is bullying, I wanted to say it was kind of a joke and I was reading this thing out loud while everyone else was quiet and so far they haven't done anything else to directly make fun of it but it's easy to think this sort of thing is ok just because it hasn't happened.
This was bullying and yes, you shuld have said something. Taking it in silence signals the subhumans that you are an easy target, so they will do it again.

I had this problem with a foid back in highschool, I would be talking to my friends, even about the material we were studying, and that worthless subhuman would tell me to shut up. It happened many times.

It only stopped when I, driven into a fury one day, said it out and clear "COME AND MAKE ME!"
I was fully prepared to get up right at that instant and beat the shit out of her if she dared to try, consequences be damned.

But she got scared and backed off, saying nothing. The threat to turn this from a verbal/social matter into a physical one was clear in my voice, and even halfway-smart foids know that this would end very badly for them.

The class also went "oooooooooohhhhh" loud, impressed, so she saw she didn't have their support anymore.

Violence being on the table is an incentive towards true politeness, becaus eit forces the other side to consider you as an equal or at the very least as a threat, and that makes them watch what they say so they don't get punched in the face.

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