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Blackpill Neurotypical or not

The Abyss

The Abyss

Aspergerscel. Cope 'til you rope.
Jul 27, 2018
In response to https://incels.is/threads/i-wish-i-were-nt.129825/

Thought I'd put this in a thread on it's own as opposed to a reply that won't get looked at.


Being non-NT isn't the problem. It's due to NT ppl vastly outnumbering us we're expected to adapt & behave like they do (majority rule/mob mentality). When we cannot we're targeted negativity & when we can camouflage & act we're not being true to ourselves (surpressing our natural nature); this causes an inner conflict of interests; thus anxiety.

If we were good looking we could get away with others controlling most of the conversation but we'd still be second fiddle to a nt chad.

Average looking or ugly guys that are NT can at least utilize social skills & not have shortcomings in those respects so while it won't attract women from a physiological sense at least you fit in & ppl accept you as "normal".

Being deficient in an area ppl take for granted is fucked though, we either mimic or emulate a behaviour that resulted in the least discomfort previously but it's not like a computer game where you can predict the ai instructions ahead of time & manipulate the game due to the limitations of the code. Irl you're expected to adapt on the fly so when we do something that worked previously but does not this time (different result) or come across a new set of circumstances that we cannot consult a previous instance of for guidance we either shut down or sperg out.

So many autists have a difficult time with interactions or holding down a job because the truth is we're prime targets for bullying & NT's love to bully those they perceive as less than themselves to establish group ranking & artificially feel good about themselves for having power over another briefly.

Introverted types are usually slow to anger & don't stick up for themselves like a tortoise so a jackass loves messing with someone that presents little challenge, fight v flight response.

Now on the other hand if you sperg out everyone thinks you're the one in the wrong due to behaving in such a manner, we're not sneaky & manipulative enough to be good at deceiving others & being a complete cunt within' the confines of socially acceptable behaviour/rules.

If employers would make exceptions for non-nt, not expecting them to just up & switch their routine on the whim of a boss/manager but allow them a steady/solid unchanging routine there would be a way higher employment rate in this demoraphic.

If introverts were not held to the standards of loud extraverts & all the negativity that comes from the average person for being "different" we'd be a hell of a lot more sociable & actually attempt to interact with others, to a lesser extent than most ppl yes but more than is the current norm.

It starts at school, if your interactions with others are horrible it's setting a precadent of what's to come later & so you develop these "skills" slower than others & nothing you do is ever right as far as ppl are concerned.

They cannot understand that you do not enjoy what they do & the things you do enjoy they think of as boring. The message is clear, how dare you be different, conform or there'll be consequences, different man bad.

Of course they'll then pretend to give a shit if a news story breaks about an autistic child bullied & driven to suicide or the high depression rate amongst autistic ppl, like they even really give a shit lol; no one cares about nothing until they're affected personally.
It is NT supremacy.
i shut down hard the other night. went with my cuck friend to a strip club and a girl started rubbing my chest and putting her arm around me and i started shaking. i tried to focus on my beer but she kept going and she kept saying look me in the eyes i looked her in the eyes for a second mumbled something and walked out
No one says shit to my face they just talk shit behind my back.
NTs are monsters towards us. This is why I don't even flinch when I hear about a massacre/shooting. They want to keep us down so bad. It's downright pathetic.
NTs are monsters towards us. This is why I don't even flinch when I hear about a massacre/shooting. They want to keep us down so bad. It's downright pathetic.
Non-NT brains are actually more masculine and thus, superior to standart normie brain, but they hate us, nevertheless.
It’s called India
Japan is more of an autistic society tbf, high functioning autistic but not loud & in your face like the west.
As long as you get what you want from life, who cares. Normies are pathetic NPC types with zero empathy. Once in a while they have empathy maybe. I was overprotected as a child, and bullied, and wanted so badly to be able to fit in, and have a "Social life". Turns out I'm a sperg, but long story short I learned enough mimicking behaviors to fit acceptably when I wanted to. I found out normies are worse than animals, and not worth having as friends. They will eat their own, let alone outsiders. For decades I have been comfortable not having normie socialization, and find more comfort associating with odd ducks, or "Wierdos", who in reality are often much, much better people.

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