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Blackpill Curries deserve inceldom

Then how did this Arab billionaire fuck all the supermodels? If you are super super rich you have the power in the relationship

Fucking prostitutes is not a big deal. All female celebrities prostitute themselves to ascend to stardom.
You wouldnt last 1 minute in my life
Isn't that a good thing? Think about it; if I had to live your life, I'd rope ASAP and spare myself all of this suffering. You are too stupid to end your own life. Death is too good for you.
Fucking prostitutes is not a big deal
Cope you are fucking them with power in the relationship = You have won. Nothing else
I disagree that whatever foids like is the best genes. Foids are stupid and their opinions should be disregarded
I think you're right insofar as modern day foid sexual selection is dysgenic in a number of ways (they actively select for lower IQs, plus the current fixation on "pretty boys" is unnatural and in large part driven by the effects of birth control), but curries have been incels for literal milennia, dude.
Ok @Chudpreet when i ascend u can be the beta and take care of my children
This you?
Self hating currycel
Captain obvious
Off-topic, but curries are a pain in the ass to deal with at work & an equally bigger pain to work alongside with
You wana tell me now every arranged marriage in india is sexless? Every one of them?
my anakondom has a study for everything mang.

@wereq come have sex mang
If you believe that garbage he posted you're a dumbass. Not even the average betabuxx white married couple in the US is fucking every alternate day, you think ARRANGED JEETS are doing it?!
Off-topic, but curries are a pain in the ass to deal with at work & an equally bigger pain to work alongside with
How do they behave from your experience? Are they just lazy?
Brutal truth, jeets are even more subhuman than groids....
Tyrones and Shaniquas have lust-driven, ball-slapping, non-reproductive sex all the time. Sex like that is a foreign concept to roach-ass jeets
How do they behave from your experience? Are they just lazy?
Lack of basic spatial awareness, poorer communication skills(plenty of international students can communicate easily, such as Rices), poor cognitive functions -I had to explain to one how to work some basic stuff on a washing machine KEK- and also just genuinely seem unaware of everything.

I just, dont feel on the same wavelength as them
Lack of basic spatial awareness, poorer communication skills(plenty of international students can communicate easily, such as Rices), poor cognitive functions -I had to explain to one how to work some basic stuff on a washing machine KEK- and also just genuinely seem unaware of everything.

I just, dont feel on the same wavelength as them
That's even worse. I thought you were talking about Western born curries. I'm surprised you were able to put up with them for this long.
That's even worse. I thought you were talking about Western born curries. I'm surprised you were able to put up with them for this long.
It makes me want to blast my brains out even more

And no, I dont' think I'm "better" than them, I just would rather not have to work with them
Off-topic, but curries are a pain in the ass to deal with at work & an equally bigger pain to work alongside with
Lack of basic spatial awareness, poorer communication skills(plenty of international students can communicate easily, such as Rices), poor cognitive functions -I had to explain to one how to work some basic stuff on a washing machine KEK- and also just genuinely seem unaware of everything.

I just, dont feel on the same wavelength as them
@Made in Heaven you said you've worked with Curries before, right?
but curries have been incels for literal milennia, dude.
Explain your position properly. Because all of the thing and practices present in curry societies WERE found in every other societies as well. Explain how you think curries had anything unique
Not even the average betabuxx white married couple in the US is fucking every alternate day, you think ARRANGED JEETS are doing it?!
:feelstastyman::feelstastyman: Our birth rate is 2+, While white birth rate is sub 1. White divorce rate is 50%, ours literally 0.5% No fault divorce rate isn't valid. Marital rape is legal in India.

Right comparison ig. And I'm talking with data, you're pulling shit out of your ass
Sex like that is a foreign concept to roach-ass jeets
Maybe to your parents. Again our birth rate literally used to be 6+ just 50 years ago. We literally have a book dedicated to this called kamasutra nigga :lul:

Don't project your incompetance on to entire race of 1.8 Billion people plz
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Lack of basic spatial awareness, poorer communication skills(plenty of international students can communicate easily, such as Rices), poor cognitive functions -I had to explain to one how to work some basic stuff on a washing machine KEK- and also just genuinely seem unaware of everything.

I just, dont feel on the same wavelength as them
Were they North Indian or South Indian from what you could tell?
That's even worse. I thought you were talking about Western born curries. I'm surprised you were able to put up with them for this long.
Are western born curries better or worse from what you saw?
Explain your position properly. Because all of the thing and practices present in curry societies WERE found in every other societies as well. Explain how you think curries had anything unique
Jeetroaches practiced arranged marriage on a much larger scale than any other race. Among whites for example it was only the upper and sometimes middle classes who arranged their marriages, the peasantry (which most of the population belonged to) had free mate choice. In a free mate choice dating market, most pajeets fail to pass on their cursed garbage genetics.
:feelstastyman::feelstastyman: Our birth rate is 2+, While white birth rate is sub 1. White divorce rate is 50%, ours literally 0.5% No fault divorce rate isn't valid. Marital rape is legal in India.

Right comparison ig. And I'm talking with data, you're pulling shit out of your ass
Literally none of this means anything in regards to how much sex couples are having, you brain-melted shitcoon. Look at the average age of virginity loss in different countries. Anglosphere nations have an age of virginity loss around 17-18; Scandis have it around 15-16; South Asians lose their virginity at fucking 24. You think the average couple would be having more sex in countries with less promiscuous sex? It’s not in curry culture or genes to fuck like rabbits. The idea that arranged couples that weren’t even formed on the basis of mutual attraction would be fucking every other day is totally absurd.

As for your bringing up marital rape, do you not see how that literally defeats your point, Mr. cow piss drinker?? That implies that even if the stats were to be trusted, the numbers are inflated by jeets raping their wives. Aka my point that non-reproductive sex on the basis of mutual attraction is completely foreign to Jeets still stands.
Maybe to your parents. Again our birth rate literally used to be 6+ just 50 years ago. We literally have a book dedicated to this called kamasutra nigga :lul:
Because having that many kids was economically beneficial in Shitskindia. And again you’re on another irrelevant tangent. How many poopy goblins the average womanjeet was crapping out 50 years ago implies next to nothing about how much non-reproductive sex the average shitcoon couple was having.
Don't project your incompetance on to entire race of 1.8 Billion people plz
At least learn to spell “incompetence” right before saying something like this, you cow shit-licking dumbass
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All curries should be incels. Without exception. Curries are the most subhuman race because we've gone the furthest in prioritizing quantity > quality of life. We've reached the crazy population numbers we have because of widespread arranged marriage and attraction-free fucking. Really and truly, curries have ALWAYS been incels, because the vast majority never touch pussy in primal, lustful, non-reproductive sex, but only for the purpose of shitting out more poo-goblin spawn. Why should we NOT be incels when we always have been, and when curries' sickening ability to cheat natural selection and reproduce anyway has led to the miserable existences we're living through now?? Even if a curry incel cheats his genetics, he's just going to bring another incel curry into this world who it's going to be over for. There's no winning in curry "life."

Most .is users were born to parents that came together on their own and genuinely were attracted to each other on some level. Even if your dad was a betabuxx, your mom wouldn't have chosen to proliferate his genes if she didn't believe they possessed at least some value. There are also some of you on here who admit to having literal slayer dads. Meanwhile, finding the last person in my paternal lineage who experienced genuine female attraction would likely entail going back to at least the late Bronze Age. And no, that's not an exaggeration; non-curries do not understand how deep this arranged marriage and caste system bs goes in pajeetland's history. I am the latest turbovirgin permavirgin in a line of thousands before me. The fact of the matter is, even if we share the same plight of inceldom and social rejection, I do not inhabit the same plane of existence as the majority of you. I have more in common with a cockroach or silverfish than I do with most of you. Curry men are the literal epitome of bugmen, and though I might like to think of myself as different from most of them, I'm ultimately what I look like – a subhuman shitskin jeetroach who's curry inside and out.

There is no "ascension" for curry genetics. Even if I managed to knock up a foid with gigastacy looks, a Tesla-tier IQ, and mogger physical strength, I'm sure the half of the child's DNA inherited from me would be enough to fuck its life up completely. Curry blood is like cancer, the only way it can be definitively dealt with is by total eradication. I only lament my inceldom as a part of my greater subhuman bug existence, but not in and of itself. Currycels deserve inceldom
@Destroyed lonely
Quality of life? You mean Poo ?? :feelswhere:
Meanwhile, finding the last person in my paternal lineage who experienced genuine female attraction would likely entail going back to at least the late Bronze Age
:lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :cryfeels:
The only thing wrong with curries is their tendency to worship white women. A lack of female selection just turned you guys ugly, not dysgenic
Inceldom is so painful that nobody deserves it. In a perfect system, the best curries would outbreed other curries but no one would be incel.
Meanwhile, finding the last person in my paternal lineage who experienced genuine female attraction would likely entail going back to at least the late Bronze Age.
India and Pakistan need to nuke each other, 2 birds in 1 stone.
That's a cope. Foreign curries are all fakecel who can ascend with a curry whore there but want only white stacy. And when they don't get that they cry about muh racepill muh curry trueceldom :feelsugh:

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"unless there's a major defect with them"

^ Major defect = 5ft11
All curries should be incels. Without exception. Curries are the most subhuman race because we've gone the furthest in prioritizing quantity > quality of life. We've reached the crazy population numbers we have because of widespread arranged marriage and attraction-free fucking. Really and truly, curries have ALWAYS been incels, because the vast majority never touch pussy in primal, lustful, non-reproductive sex, but only for the purpose of shitting out more poo-goblin spawn. Why should we NOT be incels when we always have been, and when curries' sickening ability to cheat natural selection and reproduce anyway has led to the miserable existences we're living through now?? Even if a curry incel cheats his genetics, he's just going to bring another incel curry into this world who it's going to be over for. There's no winning in curry "life."

Most .is users were born to parents that came together on their own and genuinely were attracted to each other on some level. Even if your dad was a betabuxx, your mom wouldn't have chosen to proliferate his genes if she didn't believe they possessed at least some value. There are also some of you on here who admit to having literal slayer dads. Meanwhile, finding the last person in my paternal lineage who experienced genuine female attraction would likely entail going back to at least the late Bronze Age. And no, that's not an exaggeration; non-curries do not understand how deep this arranged marriage and caste system bs goes in pajeetland's history. I am the latest turbovirgin permavirgin in a line of thousands before me. The fact of the matter is, even if we share the same plight of inceldom and social rejection, I do not inhabit the same plane of existence as the majority of you. I have more in common with a cockroach or silverfish than I do with most of you. Curry men are the literal epitome of bugmen, and though I might like to think of myself as different from most of them, I'm ultimately what I look like – a subhuman shitskin jeetroach who's curry inside and out.

There is no "ascension" for curry genetics. Even if I managed to knock up a foid with gigastacy looks, a Tesla-tier IQ, and mogger physical strength, I'm sure the half of the child's DNA inherited from me would be enough to fuck its life up completely. Curry blood is like cancer, the only way it can be definitively dealt with is by total eradication. I only lament my inceldom as a part of my greater subhuman bug existence, but not in and of itself. Currycels deserve inceldom
@Destroyed lonely
Males face doesn't depend on his parents. Only height and pheno relies on the parents. Curries have aboriginal DNA so that's why most of them are hideous.
Jeetroaches practiced arranged marriage on a much larger scale than any other race.
Source for this assertion? Compared to Sands, chinks, niggers? You do realize because India was the largest country, the scale would also have been proportionately larger for all things right? You do realize that all societies have had similar practices of arranged marriages that today operate even more than us right? Because today arranged marriage is basically only 20-40% in Urban Areas from stats
In a free mate choice dating market, most pajeets fail to pass on their cursed garbage genetics.
Just like how you aren't able to now. You self-identify as having "cursed garbage genetics" don't you? So you should be happy your "cursed garbage genetics" won't be passing down.

So you should be pro women rights and shouldn't want to curb them because it would create a "free mate choice dating market" and prevent "passing on garbage genetics"
Literally none of this means anything in regards to how much sex couples are having, you brain-melted shitcoon.
Most people have sex to get pregnant idiot, unlike how you were conceived with IVF
Look at the average age of virginity loss in different countries. Anglosphere nations have an age of virginity loss around 17-18; Scandis have it around 15-16;
And they're going extinct, they aren't at all the cultures we should be comparing ourselves with. Their women also have high body counts, would you want your mother to have 10+ body count? Compare with conservative Sand countries next time at least
South Asians lose their virginity at fucking 24.
25% of marriages in India and Pakistan are underage btw. Same with underage pregnancies, we have a rate Higher than Europe. This used to be even higher just few years ago. Idk you can't get a accurate source with this
You think the average couple would be having more sex in countries with less promiscuous sex?
Yes in conservative societies like for example sands
It’s not in curry culture or genes to fuck like rabbits.
No that's stupid take. Curries are know to be super rapey
The idea that arranged couples that weren’t even formed on the basis of mutual attraction would be fucking every other day is totally absurd.
Again 90+% of Muslim marriages are arranged of races of Muslim. Muslims have the highest birth rate where ever they are
As for your bringing up marital rape, do you not see how that literally defeats your point, Mr. cow piss drinker?? That implies that even if the stats were to be trusted, the numbers are inflated by jeets raping their wives. Aka my point that non-reproductive sex on the basis of mutual attraction is completely foreign to Jeets still stands.
This is literally gynocenterism :soy::soy: Ig we need to give women rights and opportunities, good social standing and seduce them next with bluepilled personality :soy::soy: Instead of taking away their rights and treating them like we need to.

And no women themselves want to be beaten up especially in our state. Look at this, women are more accepting of wife beating than men themselves :lul:


Because having that many kids was economically beneficial in Shitskindia.
So they were having kids, for which sex IS needed :feelstastyman:
And again you’re on another irrelevant tangent. How many poopy goblins the average womanjeet was crapping out 50 years ago implies next to nothing about how much non-reproductive sex the average shitcoon couple was having.
"Sex is a foreign concept" :feelstastyman: Ig that's true when you're shitting out 6 children. And from stats these pregnancies were mostly unplanned 30 years ago
At least learn to spell “incompetence” right before saying something like this, you cow shit-licking dumbass
Excuse my spelling mistake plz :feelsokman:
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finding the last person in my paternal lineage who experienced genuine female attraction would likely entail going back to at least the late Bronze Age. And no, that's not an exaggeration
Sorry but that made me laugh
Source for this assertion? Compared to Sands, chinks, niggers?
Sands and chinks also arranged most of their marriages in the past, but they're nowhere near as subhuman as us since they had a better genetic base to begin with and were also far more warlike in history, leading to a lot of their genetic low-tiers getting weeded out that way.
You do realize that all societies have had similar practices of arranged marriages that today operate even more than us right?
What the fuck are you talking about?
Just like how you aren't able to now. You self-identify as having "cursed garbage genetics" don't you? So you should be happy your "cursed garbage genetics" won't be passing down.

So you should be pro women rights and shouldn't want to curb them because it would create a "free mate choice dating market" and prevent "passing on garbage genetics"
My view is this: I want totalitarian patriarchy with eugenics-based matchmaking for white and East Asian nations; for curry, nig, and spic countries, I'm in PHOOL SAAPORT of extreme hypergamy, radical feminism, LGBT rights, etc. Whatever brings their birth rates closer to where they belong, ZERO.
Most people have sex to get pregnant idiot
No dumbass, they have sex for fun. Most of the sex had by people, at least outside of curry and sand countries, is for hedonistic, pleasure-seeking purposes. But again, this is completely foreign to you with your jeetroach brain and upbringing.
unlike how you were conceived with IVF
Man, what the fuck are you on? I was not conceived via IVF, and I have never stated so...
"SAAR he is MTN" :feelstastyman:
"SAAR he makes $100k a year" :feelstastyman:
"SAAR he was conceived with IVF" :feelstastyman:
Literally none of this is true, why are you making headcanons about me??:forcedsmile::lul:
And they're going extinct, they aren't at all the cultures we should be comparing ourselves with. Their women also have high body counts, would you want your mother to have 10+ body count?
Holy fuck analkonda, stay on topic.
25% of marriages in India and Pakistan are underage btw. Same with underage pregnancies, we have a rate Higher than Europe.
So you just explained the cause of the underage pregnancy rate :feelshaha: Once again proving that:
1. 'Jeets only have sex after marriage
2. 'Jeets only have sex to make babies
No that's stupid take. Curries are know to be super rapey
What the fuck does this have to do with anything?? We're discussing if pajeets have sex based on MUTUAL ATTRACTION
This is literally gynocenterism :soy::soy: Ig we need to give women rights and opportunities, good social standing and seduce them next with bluepilled personality :soy::soy: Instead of taking away their rights and treating them like we need to.

And no women themselves want to be beaten up especially in our state. Look at this, women are more accepting of wife beating than men themselves :lul:

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Oh my fucking god, AGAIN with the retarded ass tangents
So they were having kids, for which sex IS needed :feelstastyman:

"Sex is a foreign concept" :feelstastyman: Ig that's true when you're shitting out 6 children. And from stats these pregnancies were mostly unplanned 30 years ago
"Unplanned" refers to mistimed pregnancies as well, not just unwanted ones.
Excuse my spelling mistake plz :feelsokman:
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Sands and chinks also arranged most of their marriages in the past, but they're nowhere near as subhuman as us since they had a better genetic base to begin with and were also far more warlike in history, leading to a lot of their genetic low-tiers getting weeded out that way.
Sands practice it even today. Chinks don't look better than us. And bullshit on not being "warlike". South India especially was always at war, kingdoms fighting with each other throught history. All of the times Tamils were invaded was when they were fighting civil wars. Read some history

Even many niggers also practice arranged marriage along with child marriage
What the fuck are you talking about?
Urban India AM % is 20-50%. Take some random sand country it's 80-90%. Heck cousin marriage rate reaches 50-70% even. Sands today practice inbred arranged marriages more than urban india
My view is this: I want totalitarian patriarchy with eugenics-based matchmaking for white and East Asian nations; for curry, nig, and spic countries, I'm in PHOOL SAAPORT of extreme hypergamy, radical feminism, LGBT rights, etc. Whatever brings their birth rates closer to where they belong, ZERO.
Castrate yourself first by being the change you wanna see in the world then. You can't even sleep at night without nightmares because of that inferiority complex

Funny how you worship cumskins and chinks when they have the least self-preservation of all. They watch the most amount of cuck porn. They deserve to go extinct rightfully

That islam phase you had was way better because at least sands have otherwise good culture in this respect. This is cringe. Look at yourself in the mirror you are just like that "Phuul sappart Isreal saar" types but for WNs. Imagine a poo skinned dravidian larping as a white nationalist
No dumbass, they have sex for fun. Most of the sex had by people, at least outside of curry and sand countries, is for hedonistic, pleasure-seeking purposes. But again, this is completely foreign to you with your jeetroach brain and upbringing.
That's bad for societies in terms of self-preservation. Even islam prohibits sex before marriage. Like I said sand societies have the most self-preservation so they should be the ones we should compare with and aspire to be
Man, what the fuck are you on? I was not conceived via IVF, and I have never stated so...
"SAAR he is MTN" :feelstastyman:
"SAAR he makes $100k a year" :feelstastyman:
"SAAR he was conceived with IVF" :feelstastyman:
Literally none of this is true, why are you making headcanons about me??:forcedsmile::lul:
JFL but you atleast must be making $80k per year surely
Holy fuck analkonda, stay on topic.

So you just explained the cause of the underage pregnancy rate :feelshaha: Once again proving that:
1. 'Jeets only have sex after marriage
2. 'Jeets only have sex to make babies

What the fuck does this have to do with anything?? We're discussing if pajeets have sex based on MUTUAL ATTRACTION
That had to with me showing how a large section (25%) of South Asians marry and start having children below 15 and 18 itself. This used to be even higher previously. So I don't belive in that age 24 number you randomly gave
"Unplanned" refers to mistimed pregnancies as well, not just unwanted ones.
Yes exactly. Which means they were having sex at THAT point in time not for children.

Like Indian government had to spend lots of money and effort trying to educate jeets of even basic birth control measures like condoms and abortions because jeetroaches were fucking way too much and having unplanned children.
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Chinks don't look better than us.

Ricky Gervais Lol GIF

What a fucking dumbass!
South India especially was always at war, kingdoms fighting with each other throught history. All of the times Tamils were invaded was when they were fighting civil wars. Read some history
Whatever the case may be, South Indians and South Asians at large are still the ugliest and cringiest race bar none, and are significantly dumber, weaker, and filthier than sands and rice. So our wars evidently didn’t do a good job at cleaning our gene pool.
Castrate yourself first by being the change you wanna see in the world then. You can't even sleep at night without nightmares because of that inferiority complex
Yet another headcanon.
Funny how you worship cumskins and chinks when they have the least self-preservation of all. They watch the most amount of cuck porn. They deserve to go extinct rightfully
Why are you so obsessed with cuck/sissy porn?? You constantly bring up this topic unprovoked, I mean you follow the entire Pajeet Copedex to a T, but this topic in particular seems like your favorite thing to bring up over all others.
Look at yourself in the mirror you are just like that "Phuul sappart Isreal saar" types but for WNs.
That’s YOU, you baboon. You are a literal walking, talking caricature of the typical ass-kissing ’jeet nationalist. Nobody sucks dicks on here as much as you do. Your favorite SuPeRiA Tamil on this forum, @Rapist, literally wants you banned, and I guarantee NO Slavic user takes you remotely seriously.

@IceStorm was a 6’3” Nordic pheno Austrian dude with blonde hair and blue eyes, as well as one of the first users on here I became close with. Considering I praise Nordic features the most, if I was anything like you I’d’ve been fondling his balls all the time, but you can literally look for interactions between me and him in the search bar and see that HE initiated most of them. Meanwhile you spam people’s profiles with retarded jeetnigger nonsense all day, desperately trying to get their attention. I’ve never done that lame-ass, beggar-ass shit :lul:
Imagine a poo skinned dravidian larping as a white nationalist
I don’t. I consider myself to be a sympathetic non, not a WN. I have NEVER larped as white, meanwhile your delusional ass thinks Slavs and curries are brother races :forcedsmile: You constantly derail unrelated threads to screech about SlAviC sOoPrEmAsY SaAr; you literally begged for WorthlessSlavicShit to take PANTYSHOTS OF HIS SISTER and send it to you; you’re even more pathetic and simpy than those Zionist ‘jeets that beg for a BOLD AND BUTIFUL IZRAEL WOMAN to marry them.
That's bad for societies in terms of self-preservation. Even islam prohibits sex before marriage. Like I said sand societies have the most self-preservation so they should be the ones we should compare with and aspire to be
I see, you’re just trying to waste my time, aren’t you? You started this shit to argue with me about whether or not the average ‘jeet has pleasure-based sex, now you’re all like “nO wE dOn’T bUt tHaT’S gOOd ACKshually SAaR!”:soy: Stop shitting up my threads with your drivel, man.
JFL but you atleast must be making $80k per year surely
I’m 20 years old and still in college. I don’t have a job. Btw, shouldn’t you be in college? How the fuck do you have all this free time to be online 24/7 using this forum as your designated shitting street??
That had to with me showing how a large section (25%) of South Asians marry and start having children below 15 and 18 itself. This used to be even higher previously. So I don't belive in that age 24 number you randomly gave
It’s 23, I was one year off. Rather irrelevant mistake. If anything, that 25% that marries early is probably dragging the average down by a bit, the majority of jeets might be having their first sexual encounter around 30 :feelskek:
Yes exactly. Which means they were having sex at THAT point in time not for children.
Are you seriously too stupid to know what an early-onset pregnancy is??
Like Indian government had to spend lots of money and effort trying to educate jeets of even basic birth control measures like condoms and abortions because jeetroaches were fucking way too much and having unplanned children.
Most likely they were desperately taking any measures they could to decrease the birth rate. I guarantee most of those jeets being born were intentional by rural parents looking for farmhands and shit
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Ricky Gervais Lol GIF

What a fucking dumbass!
Ugliest Tamils marry 2x chinks in Singapore. Pakis slay central Asians. Even many South Indians marry central Asians, the best looking chinks forget other chinks.

Their women are the ones tell that
Whatever the case may be, South Indians and South Asians at large are still the ugliest and cringiest race bar none, and are significantly dumber, weaker, and filthier than sands and rice. So our wars evidently didn’t do a good job at cleaning our gene pool.
More like war isn't even a good eugenics program :feelstastyman:
Yet another headcanon.

Why are you so obsessed with cuck/sissy porn?? You constantly bring up this topic unprovoked, I mean you follow the entire Codex Pajeet to a T, but this topic in particular seems like your favorite thing to bring up over all others.
Cope, read that Made in Heaven thread about there not being a white uprising. Porn IS a weapon for extinct ion and societal collapse.
That’s YOU, you baboon. You are a literal walking, talking caricature of the typical ass-kissing ’jeet nationalist. Nobody sucks dicks on here as much as you do. Your favorite SuPeRiA Tamil on this forum, @Rapist, literally wants you banned, and I guarantee NO Slavic user takes you remotely seriously.
Cope all the Slav users like me. You just like to bootlick WN "Saar I also like you saar I also anti immigration please accept me in your countries these new jeets are the problem I totally different". Canada data shows South Asians being more against immigration than even whites. At this point they don't deserve their countries since they are the ones fucking it up.

If you were to live by your words, first castrate yourself and get out of that name sake white country
@IceStorm was a 6’3” Nordic pheno Austrian dude with blonde hair and blue eyes, as well as one of the first users on here I became close with. Considering I praise Nordic features the most, if I was anything like you I’d’ve been fondling his balls all the time, but you can literally look for interactions between me and him in the search bar and see that HE initiated most of them. Meanwhile you spam people’s profiles with retarded jeetnigger nonsense all day, desperately trying to get their attention. I’ve never done that lame-ass, beggar-ass shit :lul:
I don’t. I consider myself to be a sympathetic non, not a WN. I have NEVER larped as white, meanwhile your delusional ass thinks Slavs and curries are brother races :forcedsmile:
Russians were the first ones to advocate it. And yes Russian Slavs are our brothers, they protected us. BASED USSR :feelsautistic:

You literally begged for WorthlessSlavicShit to take PANTYSHOTS OF HIS SISTER and send it to you; you’re even more pathetic and simpy than those Zionist ‘jeets that beg for a BOLD AND BUTIFUL IZRAEL WOMAN to marry them :lul:
Yes Slavic foids :ahegao:
I see, you’re just trying to waste my time, aren’t you? You started this shit to argue with me as to whether or not the average ‘jeet has pleasure-based sex, now you’re all like “nO wE dOn’T bUt tHaT’S gOOd ACKshually SAaR!”:soy: Stop shitting up my threads with your drivel, man.
You aren't getting it
It’s 23, I was one year off. Rather irrelevant mistake. If anything, that 25% that marries early is probably dragging the average down by a bit, the majority of jeets might be having their first sexual encounter around 30 :feelskek:
Source is some random survey. Again median first child in India is 21 while last child is 28. Europe median first pregnancy age is way higher at 30
Are you seriously too stupid to know what an early-onset pregnancy is??

Most likely they were taking desperate measure they could to decrease the birth rate. I guarantee most of those jeets being born were intentional by rural parents looking for farmhands and shit
No pajeets are too dumb to have any sort of planning. The just fuck without a care just like how they shit in the streets
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Ugliest Tamils marry 2x chinks in Singapore. Pakis slay central Asians. Even many South Indians marry central Asians, the best looking chinks forget other chinks.

Cope G_PM2
Cope, read that Made in Heaven thread about there not being a white uprising. Porn IS a weapon for extinct ion and societal collapse.
You don’t bring up porn in a general sense, you always resort to bringing up the same particular fetishes. You’re obsessed.
Cope all the Slav users like me.
Such as?? Let’s hear it from any of THEIR mouths.
You just like to bootlick WN "Saar I also like you saar I also anti immigration please accept me in your countries these new jeets are the problem I totally different".
I never do this. My viewpoint has always been that NO jeets belong in the West. I know you’re not only ass-kissing but also sycophantic in your nature, but that’s YOU, not me.
Canada data shows South Asians being more against immigration than even whites.
Only because they know the Poojabis will destroy their reputation, SMV, etc.
Didn’t even attempt to make an argument. Never change, you 40 IQ curry nigger.
Russians were the first ones to advocate it. And yes Russian Slavs are our brothers, they protected us. BASED USSR :feelsautistic:
You do realize the average Russian your age would probably pimp slap you across the face and spit on top of your turbomanlet head if you ever tried to talk to him?
Yes Slavic foids :ahegao:
Least sexually starved and simpy pajeet
You aren't getting it
Aren’t getting what, dumbass?
Source is some random survey. Again median first child in India is 21 while last child is 28. Europe median first pregnancy age is way higher at 30
Again with the irrelevant bullshit. We’re talking about when people have their first SEXUAL ENCOUNTER, pajeet, and what does this have to do with the overarching topic of this discussion: whether or not jeets have non-reproductive PLEASURE-BASED sex??
No pajeets are too dumb to have any sort of planning. The just fuck without a care just like how they shit in the streets
And you’re evidently among the dumbest (and most insufferable) of them all

Cope G_PM2

You don’t bring up porn in a general sense, you always resort to bringing up the same particular fetishes. You’re obsessed.

Such as?? Let’s hear it from any of THEIR mouths.

I never do this. My viewpoint has always been that NO jeets belong in the West. I know you’re not only ass-kissing but also sycophantic in your nature, but that’s YOU, not me.

Only because they know the Poojabis will destroy their reputation, SMV, etc.

Didn’t even attempt to make an argument. Never change, you 40 IQ curry nigger.

You do realize the average Russian your age would probably pimp slap you across the face and spit on top of your turbomanlet head if you ever tried to talk to him?

Least sexually starved and simpy pajeet

Aren’t getting what, dumbass?

Again with the irrelevant bullshit. We’re talking about when people have their first SEXUAL ENCOUNTER, pajeet, and what does this have to do with the overarching topic of this discussion: whether or not jeets have non-reproductive PLEASURE-BASED sex??

And you’re evidently among the dumbest (and most insufferable) of them all
He's right about pajeet men being attractive to chink women
He's right about pajeet men being attractive to chink women
In Singapore, I’m aware. But that Central Asian claim is probably cherry-picked nonsense like every other piece of evidence he uses to fuel his delusion that pajeets are ultrachads who have all the women of the world thirsting for their cocks

Cope G_PM2
No fucking counter argument. There's literal data showing nigger
You don’t bring up porn in a general sense, you always resort to bringing up the same particular fetishes. You’re obsessed.
Cuck porn watchers go extinct. Going extinct is literally part of the fetish
Such as?? Let’s hear it from any of THEIR mouths.
@Ron.Belgrade @WorthlessSlavicShit @AsakuraHao @UnderdevelopedSlav @NorthernWind are my bros. They will tell you
I never do this. My viewpoint has always been that NO jeets belong in the West.
Then wtf are you doing there? You are like those WN Twitter accounts run by chinks and curries :lul: You are literally a poo skinned Dravidian the most curriest curry
Only because they know the Poojabis will destroy their reputation, SMV, etc.
And dumb cumskins don't get that their literal countries will get destroyed. And curries are the ones that lack self-awareness ig right?
You do realize the average Russian your age would probably pimp slap you across the face and spit on top of your turbomanlet head if you ever tried to talk to him?
No average Russian would be too busy drunk and squatting the streets
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In Singapore, I’m aware. But that Central Asian claim is probably cherry-picked nonsense like every other piece of evidence he uses to fuel his delusion that pajeets are ultrachads who have all the women of the world thirsting for their cocks
No Pakis marrying a lot of central Asian foids is a legit thing
In Singapore, I’m aware.
Singapore is full of rich chinese women, and the country is run by chinese men, so it makes the rice cuckery by pajeet men even more brutal
But that Central Asian claim is probably cherry-picked nonsense
Not really, there is some truth to it. I actually delved into this a long time ago in a much longer post on my "no one should feel sorry for ricecucks" thread, but many Central Asians like Hazaras and Kyrgyz still get eyelid and nosejobs despite being less mongoloid. They have iranian DNA, around 30% on average, so their noses, skulls, and eyes look more caucasion, yet many Hazaras and Kyrgyz STILL view Afghans and Pakis as superior in beauty, to the point that you often see Kyrgyz women or Hazara women glorifying the beauty of bollywood actresses

There's no way the average chink woman isn't choosing the left guy.


like every other piece of evidence he uses to fuel his delusion that pajeets are ultrachads who have all the women of the world thirsting for their cocks
Pajeets aren't ultra chads, but chinks are SO subhuman, that even pajeets look better by comparison. Pajeets may be horrifyingly ugly, but at least they look human, unlike the average asian. I see many chinks and pajeets in Canada, and while they're both ugly, I at least occasionally see indian girls who look decent, whereas chinks are almost always ugly.
Then wtf are you doing there?
I’m 20 years old and still in college. I don’t have a job.
Illiterate ass nigga.
You are literally a poo skinned Dravidian the most curriest curry
You are barely genetically distinguishable from me admixture-wise, just significantly dumber, more sexually-starved, and shorter.
And curries are the ones that lack self-awareness ig right?
Yes, because South Asians like you are the most hated group around the world, legit social & sexual lepers, yet with all your delusional national pride you’ve somehow convinced yourself that you’re some Chad and women around the world fetishize your subhuman race and phenotype. You are so fucking stupid it isn’t even laughable, just sad.
No average Russian would be too busy drunk and squatting the streets
Probably would still have enough motor function to batter you over the head with the liquor bottle, while you scream “NOoO sAAr, eYe Am BaSeD SLaV fAn, wE aRr BroThErZ aNd TrOo ArYEaNz!”:feels:

Cope G_PM2

You don’t bring up porn in a general sense, you always resort to bringing up the same particular fetishes. You’re obsessed.

Such as?? Let’s hear it from any of THEIR mouths.

I never do this. My viewpoint has always been that NO jeets belong in the West. I know you’re not only ass-kissing but also sycophantic in your nature, but that’s YOU, not me.

Only because they know the Poojabis will destroy their reputation, SMV, etc.

Didn’t even attempt to make an argument. Never change, you 40 IQ curry nigger.

You do realize the average Russian your age would probably pimp slap you across the face and spit on top of your turbomanlet head if you ever tried to talk to him?

Least sexually starved and simpy pajeet

Aren’t getting what, dumbass?

Again with the irrelevant bullshit. We’re talking about when people have their first SEXUAL ENCOUNTER, pajeet, and what does this have to do with the overarching topic of this discussion: whether or not jeets have non-reproductive PLEASURE-BASED sex??

And you’re evidently among the dumbest (and most insufferable) of them all
In India, a study conducted on 686 Indian adults selected through stratified random sampling
from medical, dental, engineering, Arts, Science, and Polytechnic programs reported that
average age of men at the time of first intercourse was 18.3 years (Pradsad, Vinoth Kumar,
& Poovitha, 2014). In another study conducted on 257 adolescents from Chandigarh, India
the median age of first sexual experience was found to be 16 for males and 15 for females
(Lakshmi, Gupta, and Kumar, 2007). The important point to note here is that this study
reported earlier sexual debut among Indian females as compared to American and British
females which is quite surprising considering the views held by the Indian society about
female sexuality. This is also contradictory with the high importance given to virginity
status among females in Indian society. This study reported that Indian females were more
likely to engage in sexual acts much earlier before their marriage but they are less likely to
verbalize and accept their true virginity status publicly due to potential negative
consequences. There are other studies conducted in India reported even earlier age of sexual
debut among Indian (Alexander, Garda, Kanade, Jejeebhoy, & Ganatra, 2006; IIPS &
Population Council Youth in India, 2008; Kirby, 2002; Shekhar, Ghosh, & Panda, 2007;
Verma, Pulerwitz, Mahendra, Khandekar, Barker, Fulpagare, & Singh, 2006).

Here are some list of actual studies. Go thought all of them and conclude for yourself. I am too lazy to read shit
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Illiterate ass nigga.
Why haven't you castrated yet then? Start it with yourself
You are barely genetically distinguishable from me admixture-wise
Did I claim otherwise?
just significantly dumber,
more sexually-starved,
We both are incel
and shorter.
Yes, because South Asians like you are the most hated group around the world, legit social & sexual lepers, yet with all your delusional national pride you’ve somehow convinced yourself that you’re some Chad and women around the world fetishize your subhuman race and phenotype. You are so fucking stupid it isn’t even laughable, just sad.
You are one going off the tangent now. The point was EVEN curry nigger jeets know immigration would fuck up the country, while supposedly more intelligent whites seem to be oblivious to this
Probably would still have enough motor function to batter you over the head with the liquor bottle, while you scream “NOoO sAAr, eYe Am BaSeD SLaV fAn, wE aRr BroThErZ aNd TrOo ArYEaNz!”:feels:
Good Russians are the most superior at war and combat

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