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Blackpill Masculinity is an actual social construct and More - Studies

I actually done that in my head multiple time. I remember being facinated by the way people tolerated so much more from them. If a man acted the same way as them he would be called a retard in less than 5 seconds. The whole point of "feminity" is acting like a retard (they don't need to "act" that much am sure) and being an entilted whiny bitch. Just watch how they move their hand and giggle while they talk. We only tolerate these kind of behavior in fags.
high iq :bigbrain: :bigbrain: :bigbrain:
A whole thread could be made about this. Someone from here once said that a toxic man is just a man acting like a woman, but a toxic woman is just a woman acting like a woman. A lot of female behaviors would be considered abusive or even criminal if done by men - rape is an easy example. I recently learned that in many countries, such as wales, England and Germany, until recently in history there was not even any legal protection for male rape victims. Basically, only women could get raped. And now, that there is some legal framework, it defines rape only as "forcibly penetrated" and deliberately excluded "forced to penetrate" - which would be type applicable to men.

Timestamp 12:30:

View: https://youtu.be/kr6iS6Fcw7o?t=750

Timestamp 15:57:

View: https://youtu.be/UKlhwleiEiw?t=957

Thus, the only people the law legally recognizes as rapeable are women and gay men, since gay men are the type of minority that has anal sex with other men. Women still can legally not rape men. Another very funny example I want to give is how female behavior is extremely narcissist, yet society ignores narcissistic traits in women and simply calls them "feminine behavior." Thus, the high baseline of narcissism we see in all women is just removed from the data. Here is an example:

- narcissists are obsessed with appearance
- narcissists have giga internal insecurity, no self, so they cope by putting on a facade of grandiosity and beauty on the outside
- narcissists start drama and shit on people to get narcissistic supply. Whether the attention is negative or positive does not matter
- never taking responsibility (every guy knows women don't admit guilt ever)
- etc

Virtually every single narcissist trait can be found in every woman.
They all wear makeup and invest 1000s of hours into their appearance.
They are giga insecure and get triggered instantly by small shit.
Look this up, a lot of women literally say shit like "I gotta put my face on" when talking about makeup.
Women are known to be attention whores, like, this is fucking undeniable.

But because every woman acts like this, this behaviors is not seen as pathological. Thats the funny part. If we lived in the Aztec empire and sacrificing people on top of a pyramid was normal, psychologists would not deem that a negative behavior, because it is culturally accepted. There have been whole treatises written on this, how psychologists invent random pathologies and mental disorders that would be considered normal behavior in other cultures, but I digress.

Here is on thread of mine illustrating this - the normie literally looks at rotting corpses being worshiped, and him and people in comments are ok with that. Now imagine I had my grandpas rotting corpse in my living room in the west, and justified it by saying "it is my culture boyo."

The same applies to incel stuff btw. Before psychologists and other researchers can label incels as dangerous, misogynistic, etc, they have to explain why what we say is morally wrong. A lot of what we say was normal in the past, it's not even extreme by the standards of 20 years ago, when rape jokes were more common for example. They really have nothing, they can not even morally explain why what we say is bad.

Going back to women and narcissism - I always lol when I watch women talk about narcissism, because they sit there, caked in makeup, talking about how the narcissist is afraid of people "seeing his true self" and bla bla bla. Pot calling the kettle black, like seriously.

I already mentioned they don't classify female behavior as pathological, because it is widespread, so it can not be bad - philosohpically this is so incoherent that they should be stoned, INSHALLAH (PBHU).

However, it is worse than that. While they excuse female behavior like that, they do not do the same for men, no sir! They instead say, that most narcissists are MEN :lul::lul::lul:
And they also call male behavior toxic, inspite of the traits thy crititize being ubituous in men as well. For example, if it is a feature of men to be inherently more aggressive, as they claim, should we not excuse male aggression? It does not work like that buddy boyo. Society is always busy inventing new shaming language and "diseases" to torture men with. Just think of the list of insults that exist for men, beta, soyboy, cuck, manchild, neckbeard, incel, faggot, twink, psycho... And in academia it's not much different, as I just explained. I have an example here:

View: https://youtu.be/tfjLLp3_yvc

TLDR: Professor basically advocates for male genocide, claims that men are responsible for all violence in history and that men should be eradicated. He openly says that. Now imagine genderswapping his statements.

Also, it's hilarious when people say shit like that incels want to enslave women because they feel entitled to sex or something, when there are 100s of published books like this:


Just genderswap some of these titles in your head.
Genderswapping by far the most powerful tool a guy can do honestly. Would you do all of this shit, just to get male friends validation? Would you sign any contract under the conditions a woman puts you through? Would you buy a new TV, under the condition that you have to spend 24/7 giving the salesman emotional validation, while not being allowed to use the TV unless he lets you have condom-netflix once a month?
Anyway, enough of this. I am just facinated by societal double standards on this stuff, and how blatant it is.​

Just a final example of insane this pathologizing of male behavior is, we find these links in the description of the video I already posted, "Abolishing Women's Prisons While They Batter, Stab & Assault Men."

5 out of 6 men would not be in prison if they were treated like women:
I recently learned that in many countries, such as wales, England and Germany, until recently in history there was not even any legal protection for male rape victims
Yep. I'm from Germany and my school teachers, mother etc all tried to gaslight me into believing that men can't get raped because he needs a boner to have sex, which means he enjoys it.
Yep. I'm from Germany and my school teachers, mother etc all tried to gaslight me into believing that men can't get raped because he needs a boner to have sex, which means he enjoys it.
:lul: :lul: :lul: @Seahorsecel see how this argument comes from foids? Funny huh?
Going back to women and narcissism - I always lol when I watch women talk about narcissism, because they sit there, caked in makeup, talking about how the narcissist is afraid of people "seeing his true self" and bla bla bla. Pot calling the kettle black, like seriously.

I already mentioned they don't classify female behavior as pathological, because it is widespread, so it can not be bad - philosohpically this is so incoherent that they should be stoned, INSHALLAH (PBHU).

However, it is worse than that. While they excuse female behavior like that, they do not do the same for men, no sir! They instead say, that most narcissists are MEN :lul::lul::lul:
Women don't even have basic honesty and common sense. They call a husband or a partner who demands sex 'narcissist' because in their eyes demanding something from others is 'egoistic' and 'narcissistic'.
And yet, they themselves demand much more from men and don't see something bad in their own behaviour.
Besides, the entire discussion usually slips into female-worship when you bring up evolution, because the implication that for instance "men are disposable" implies that all women are somehow 10/10 genetically perfect and healthy creatures, since the majority of them reproduce. So all women have perfect genes, and if we just let women reproduce with chads, everyone would be 10/10?

And they would probably just inbreed across certain gens, genetic drift isn’t instantaneous and takes quite a while

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