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Blackpill Masculinity is an actual social construct and More - Studies

This is a valid and viable approach. It depends on how you learn best. Some learn best in a formal and structured manner, while others learn best in a more free-form and unbounded way.
That's true. I just thought that for most people learning in a formal and structured manner, which tends to be more of an initial investment, is a tough ask if they're doing it in their spare time.
As i said so many times: men are basically sexually mature women (just a little bit more mature, not much). That's why you equate men= adults women= semi children. That's why no one cares about men same as they don't care about adults. That's why female on male violence (any kind of violence) is seen as children on adults violence.

There's no such thing as childhood, just lack of adulthood just like femininity has no properties itself since it's basically underdeveloped passive masculinity (that's why many men act more as women than we do. They are over socialized bastards and are basically more confident and more operative women).
You can easily see how men are grown up women with those men who have full androgen insensitivity and they never are able to mature sexually and end up having a full female body (usually more attractive than real foids JFL). Kim Novak is probably one good example for that.

Men and women basically start off with the same body but women are less disposable since they have wombs so they are allowed to retain juvenile traits more than men while men are forced to grow and become more "adults" and externally functional
Women will have a value and privileges no matter what system they live in, patriarchy protected women, neo liberalism protects women, ancient hunter gatherer societies also valued females and protected them. Thus as incel revolutionaries we must strive to create a society where men supremacy reigns supreme, and females are enslaved .
Having female sharing the same level of sexual disposability as men would be ideal for me. Problem is for that kind of stuff you probably have to abandon humanity itself and have a non-dimorphi elves-like species probably
You got it, brocel. High effort posts need to be appreciated more and given the respect they deserve. There are too many shitposts and low effort trash in the forums (I'm guilty of this myself).

To think that if I was a born a woman with even less intelligence I could have PhDmaxxed in STEM and cruise controlled into whatever I desired in terms of work options, because diversity and affirmative action means I get special scholarships and don't have to work during my thesis. Instead, I had to throw myself into the den of wolves and fight for my existence, because I needed to get a career and support myself. Dreams of being a researcher were just that: dreams. No rich family to live off of, while I hermitmaxxed and finished my graduate degree.

If I was good looking, I'd just marry into money with a low tier becky, while working some braindead administrative job. But as a woman? Get your PhD and become a researcher? No problem. Professors are writing you reference letters left and right and employers are literally fighting over you. Marry a betabuxx engineer, while I get to enjoy life and have my expenses at home and abroad paid for? I could do that half asleep. Marry a billionaire? This is the final boss for holes, but with a bit of finesse it's beatable. Look at Bill Gates' ex wife. She's average or below average in looks, yet she picked a winning horse.

Existing as a man means everyone either sees you as a threat or a tool to be used and discarded. You're either competition or you have your uses. The only solace you have is in forming male bonds with men who legitimately empathize with you and your struggles, because they too know the pain and difficulties.
To think that if I were born as a woman, I could have divorced a millionaire/billionaire is truly the most enraging fact of life.
We've had patriarchy for thousand years yet men were still expected to provide, work while females enjoyed privileges by virtue of them having a hole between their legs. In no patriarchy could a bottom of the barrel unemployed man get a wife.(who most likely wouldn't even provide anything at all)
Being a woman in both World Wars is proof of that.
Why is OP banned?
:feelskek: :feelskek: smh, they could've let that slide. He's like the best poster here, mayne
As i said so many times: men are basically sexually mature women (just a little bit more mature, not much)
If you still unironically believe this, then you have learned nothing from @GeckoBus 's posts.
This thread is next level. It has given me a lot to think about, and has even highlighted the flaws in some of the views I had held and have now changed.

@TheLastandtheFirst @ResidentHell @CantEscapeYourFate @IncelCatechumen @Orzmund @Ahnfeltia @Transcended Trucel @gymletethnicel @cvh1991 You brocels need to read this. Tag anyone else who you think might be interested.

@Master @Fat Link @TheProphetMuscle @The Enforcer @Dregster @proudweeb This needs to be in Must-read. It adds perspective on what it means to an incel in society.
A high IQ post, @BlkPillPres made a similar post before The only difference is he said the standard for masculinity in previous human eras didn't adhere to expectation of female validation. Men took women by force or coercion. There was no "self-improvement" or :redpill:-ness. Also women don't necessarily have the "perfect genes", becoz most women are Beckys and subhumans. Minority of foids are high-tier

I read a theory somwhere about evolutionary sexual biological in humans that said women are treated as more valuable than men because the woman's reproductive ability is naturally limited, while the male is continuous. Women are born with limited amount of eggs. Women cannot produce new eggs, while men produce new sperm every few days. As woman's capacity for reproduction is limited (due to inability to produce new eggs), there's more biological incentive for woman to be pickier & careful about how they reproduce or who they reproduce with. But men's capacity for reproduction is continuous (due to weekly generation of new sperm cells), which means less biological incentive for men to be careful & picky about how they reproduce or who they reproduce with
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In context of neoliberal society, OP seems to be right. But the validity of his theory would be questionable in earlier versions of human society that were less neoliberal and more patriachy --- Like when women were treated as instruments of reproduction, forced housewifery, forced exclusion from academia, no democratic vote rights, were treated as economic property, executed or sent straight to whorehouse / homelessness upon discovery of infidelity or fornication
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High quality and high IQ thread. I agree with every single point.

Very nice.

I also noticed in school how fat and ugly girls and popular girls sat at the same table and were friends. I was baffled. This would be unthinkable with males. Chads tried to get as far away as possible from anyone who is seen as weird or ugly.
yup women have insane in group bias. This thread is definitely top tier.
Good thread, sorry that it takes a while to respond I'm wage slaving rn.
You also see this pattern of hating other men here, and I'm starting to think that it's all manufactured to divide us.
Yup many users here do seem to hate other men more than women. While it might be partially manufactured, imo in general men tend to get into factions and thus into conflict. It is the male nature.
This thread is next level. It has given me a lot to think about, and has even highlighted the flaws in some of the views I had held and have now changed.

@TheLastandtheFirst @ResidentHell @CantEscapeYourFate @IncelCatechumen @Orzmund @Ahnfeltia @Transcended Trucel @gymletethnicel @cvh1991 You brocels need to read this. Tag anyone else who you think might be interested.

@Master @Fat Link @TheProphetMuscle @The Enforcer @Dregster @proudweeb This needs to be in Must-read. It adds perspective on what it means to an incel in society.
Every young man should be reading these types of threads. Will keep them awake and aware of how life is.
This is what I've been saying the whole time. But people call me a faggot for it. Men hold no power. In this society being a man gives you 0 benefits. Women rule the world.

Oreo man said it himself "Being a man ain't shit. If I had my way I wish I was born a woman instead of a man with a dick and two fucking balls". He didn't say this with the idea of transgenderism, rather he pointed out how fucking beautiful life can be if you're a woman since life is significantly easier. If you're a woman who plays Counter-Strike for example it's extremely easy to get simps to donate skins to you, all for no good reason.

This is the way of the wold. Men work their asses off and the women benefit. This is how the world works now. This is why I admire NEETs who literally do nothing with their life and just live off welfare or benefits.

Women are more educated. Own more property. Make more money. Live more lavish lifestyles despite barely working for that lifestyle. It's over.
Yup they literally get to enjoy life better in every single aspect.
I've literally been lying in bed for the past 30 minutes doing nothing but thinking about this topic. I thought I'd taken literally every black pill there was, but the sex (gender) pill is absolutely brutal.

I mean, we all instinctively knew that being born as a man is already a massive handicap, veteran difficulty, with no save/no checkpoint, but holy fucking shit, the reality is so much worse. The reality is like playing Demon Souls for the first time, blind folded, with one hand tied behind your back, and you can't eat, sleep, or drink water until you beat the entire game.

The overwhelming majority of males are simply just born to lose. And there's nothing anyone can do about it.
The inequality within men of different attractiveness levels is magnitudes higher than women.
You got it, brocel. High effort posts need to be appreciated more and given the respect they deserve. There are too many shitposts and low effort trash in the forums (I'm guilty of this myself).

To think that if I was a born a woman with even less intelligence I could have PhDmaxxed in STEM and cruise controlled into whatever I desired in terms of work options, because diversity and affirmative action means I get special scholarships and don't have to work during my thesis. Instead, I had to throw myself into the den of wolves and fight for my existence, because I needed to get a career and support myself. Dreams of being a researcher were just that: dreams. No rich family to live off of, while I hermitmaxxed and finished my graduate degree.

If I was good looking, I'd just marry into money with a low tier becky, while working some braindead administrative job. But as a woman? Get your PhD and become a researcher? No problem. Professors are writing you reference letters left and right and employers are literally fighting over you. Marry a betabuxx engineer, while I get to enjoy life and have my expenses at home and abroad paid for? I could do that half asleep. Marry a billionaire? This is the final boss for holes, but with a bit of finesse it's beatable. Look at Bill Gates' ex wife. She's average or below average in looks, yet she picked a winning horse.

Existing as a man means everyone either sees you as a threat or a tool to be used and discarded. You're either competition or you have your uses. The only solace you have is in forming male bonds with men who legitimately empathize with you and your struggles, because they too know the pain and difficulties.
Men don't have anyone to fall back one. Women have dozens and society as a whole Really is brutal.
In context of neoliberal society, OP seems to be right. But the validity of his theory would be questionable in earlier versions of human society that were less neoliberal and more patriachy --- Like when women were treated as instruments of reproduction, forced housewifery, forced exclusion from academia, no democratic vote rights, were treated as economic property, executed or sent straight to whorehouse / homelessness upon discovery of infidelity or fornication
Yeah, I think if this study was done in more based countries, results would be somewhat different. But still as a whole, men are still going to be more competitive and simpy.
High quality and high IQ thread. I agree with every single point.

Very nice.

I also noticed in school how fat and ugly girls and popular girls sat at the same table and were friends. I was baffled. This would be unthinkable with males. Chads tried to get as far away as possible from anyone who is seen as weird or ugly.
simps need to wake the fuck up

It's a way of absolving them of any responsibilities by claiming that they're children.
I litterally never did that. I was just describing how the female phenotype is created lol
i actually commend you for having the guts to admit some sort of faith in a higher power at all. Many people will jump at you immediately for this, mostly with zero counter arguments, and after a while you just get so tired from mud fights with retards that you dont say anything anymore. There are actually many believers and interesting faithcels in blackpill spaces, but they mostly keep it hidden because gigafaggots will lunge at them. As if men didn't have it bad enough.

mods always hate me and my threads

ok I have multiple things to say on this

1. "making babies is a valuable trait" - thats a moral value judgement requiring justification on some level. Just because everyone believes this or would agree with this, doesn't make it true. In fact, appealing to the crowd is a logical fallacy. It is entirely possible to have or make a worldview that denies this claim.
The same applies to your second claim

2. "men create things so people have higher expectations from them"

a) what about the act of creation makes it so that we ought to believe creative people hold more responsibility? I don't think there is anything inherent in the act of creating things that tells us that "creating = more responsibility"
That's just another assumption you make that requires justification.

Now, please do not fall for the easy trap of thinking that I am trying to compete with you, dismantle you or attack you.
I am not saying your claims are wrong, I am saying they need proper justification before they can be considered valid.

It's the same with people claiming men are disposable because one man can impregnate multiple women.
Why? These arguments would not last ten seconds in a formal debate.
Again, multiple things are conflated in one sentence:

"Men are disposable | one man can impregnate multiple women"
moral claim | observation
ought | is​

One is a moral claim, the other one an observation.
One is about how we ought to act and judge, the other is simply an observation.
Prescription | Description.

The two are not connected by anything but a misandrist worldview that presupposes men to have less value than women from the outset.
The presuppositions of the worldview shape the judgement of the observation. NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND.
The observation does not inform the judgement, the judgement is formed prior to observation.

So the worldview making this claim is anti-male from the outset.
For a final demonstration, let's assume I have a different worldview and I observe that one man can impregnate multiple women:

"Men are inherently valuable, one man alone can impregnate many women."

Same logical error, same observation, completely different value judgement.

So lets tread carefully with our arguments and think things through. I am by no means good at this, but these are just basic things everyone should consider before forming their beliefs.

@tulasdanslos @NorthernWind @Murder Mario
Bro giga high IQ
It logically follows from your statement.
No? The only thing logically following is women should be deprived of any possibility to emancipate from adults aka men
Started with high IQ premises but ended up with retarded conclusions, I guess bible truly rots ones brain.

Imagine counting the reasons why females dominate the group but not copying it because " it make you le jew".

Truly low IQ peasant talk, no wonder guys like you believe when jewish women, who was pregnant tells she is a virgin, and worship the skinny jewish bastard that popes out
Imagine counting the reasons why females dominate the group but not copying it because " it make you le jew".
Troons appropriated and perfected the female strategy. Females have to play by their rules.
Good thread. Looks like whole problem is female validation.
This is what I've been saying the whole time. But people call me a faggot for it. Men hold no power. In this society being a man gives you 0 benefits. Women rule the world.

Oreo man said it himself "Being a man ain't shit. If I had my way I wish I was born a woman instead of a man with a dick and two fucking balls". He didn't say this with the idea of transgenderism, rather he pointed out how fucking beautiful life can be if you're a woman since life is significantly easier. If you're a woman who plays Counter-Strike for example it's extremely easy to get simps to donate skins to you, all for no good reason.

This is the way of the wold. Men work their asses off and the women benefit. This is how the world works now. This is why I admire NEETs who literally do nothing with their life and just live off welfare or benefits.

Women are more educated. Own more property. Make more money. Live more lavish lifestyles despite barely working for that lifestyle. It's over.
I've literally been lying in bed for the past 30 minutes doing nothing but thinking about this topic. I thought I'd taken literally every black pill there was, but the sex (gender) pill is absolutely brutal.

I mean, we all instinctively knew that being born as a man is already a massive handicap, veteran difficulty, with no save/no checkpoint, but holy fucking shit, the reality is so much worse. The reality is like playing Demon Souls for the first time, blind folded, with one hand tied behind your back, and you can't eat, sleep, or drink water until you beat the entire game.

The overwhelming majority of males are simply just born to lose. And there's nothing anyone can do about it.
I stopped reading once he said "nutrition matters more than your genetics" this nigger legit thinks dieting your way out of inceldom trumps genes :lul:

that's it boyos I will diet my 3 yo shitskin cousin with an overbite to be a caucasian model with chiseled face :feelskek: the blackpill is no more the dietpill finished it :feelskek:
I have some disagreement. But I do agree masculinity benefits women more than us men
I stopped reading once he said "nutrition matters more than your genetics" this nigger legit thinks dieting your way out of inceldom trumps genes :lul:

that's it boyos I will diet my 3 yo shitskin cousin with an overbite to be a caucasian model with chiseled face :feelskek: the blackpill is no more the dietpill finished it :feelskek:
I actually laugh at that part so cringe lol . Is he smoking good quality weed?:feelssus:
An absolute moral standard is a logical necessity. There is no other option. Any claim that there is no absolute moral standard necessarily presupposes an absolute moral standard for that claim to be true. @NorthernWind

Now, I think what you are talking about is more related to how we can hold people accountable based on that standard.
And this of course goes into how we can even judge people. Can we?
Can we look at a person and take their entire existence into account and make a perfect moral judgement?

Absolutely not. Never. Maybe in some weird butterfly effect way, them getting pinched in the ass as a child made them kill someone at age 22. We don't know.

Unless you are a neutral, all knowing, all seeing observer of the entire universe, you can not judge anyone appropriately without assuming you have absolute authority. Like I said, there is no morality that is not absolute. The claim itself necessitates it.

So really, there are not many options. Not judge at all is also not an option. Even the claim that there are no morals is an absolute universal and moral truth claim.
So when you say "there is no morality" you have already judged everyone.

Another distinction can be made about women and men, for instance, women could be *ontologically* equal, but otherwise inferior. Meaning, they have the same right to exist, but are otherwise inferior to the male.

View: https://youtu.be/o_2088aX2XM?t=653

View: https://twitter.com/MedWhiteAcolyte/status/1641554420314910720

Studies have shown that women are just as violent as men.
Some studies demonstrate this by removing anti-male bias, such as only physical (read:male) violence being counted as actual violence.
Some studies on domestic incidents find that women are just as likely to engage in physical alterations.
Some studies found that women are just as likely to commit sexual assault as men.
And so forth.

Women are just as violent and aggressive as men, at the least.

And in addition, as @NorthernWind say, there are twink ass fags like me who have the wrist size of a teenage girl. My own little sister is heavier than me and has big frame. She can naturally do acrobatic feats like hand stands, which I can't do whatsoever.

@NorthernWind @tulasdanslos
So, in this reply we have established:

1. Absolute Morality is an unavoidable Neccessity. It is apriori. You can't even avoid it, it is proven by the impossibility of the contrary.
2. Our ability to judge people against moral standards of any kind is really shit as we can never take all factors into account (including future -> a negative action now could be really positive in future)
3. The only way to judge rightly would be to have ominpotence before you judge
4. The only solutions here: Trust a higher power exists and will judge with absolute perfect justice, or: Conquer the entire Earth and subject everyone to your own arbitrarily invented moral standard by force and create a One World Government.

.. ontology meaning ? And what is that Twitter foid talking about ? Explain
I wish we could take away the rights from women
Hmmmmm started to make sense women are using men in reality . I like the books " the manipulated men " , " the myth of male dominance"
I actually laugh at that part so cringe lol . Is he smoking good quality weed?:feelssus:
he is calling out evolutionary analysis foid worship. calling this and that foid worship because such points shed light on foids having advantage then proceeds to point out a societal advantage that foids have over males. now to think how in the hell such a self contradicting low iq autist made it to must read is just beyond me :feelscomfy:

just write an essay with a bunch of links and use thesaurus theory
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he is calling out evolutionary analysis foid worship. calling this and that foid worship because such points shed light on foids having advantage then proceeds to point out a societal advantage that foids have over males. now to think how in the hell such a self contradicting low iq autist made it to must read is just beyond me :feelscomfy:

just write an essay with a bunch of links and use thesaurus theory
Foids have previlege and treated nicely by society because of masculinity. They always have advantage of being treated nicely and saved
In regards to neoteny, well I should stop being so lazy and write a full thread out, but we're seeing a trend where men are shamed for preferring neotenous traits. Some form of state-mandated cute-aggression is going on. Every person who complains about a 40 year old man dating a 20 year old woman, or any person who is anti-anime feeds into this mindset. To them, a "real" woman is fat, hairy, and with multiple sex partners before she is 13, but only if those sexual partners are not stable relationships. It's almost like foids are sabotaging the pair-bonding mechanisms of young girls to intentionally poison the dating market. Men will play into this as well because they think from the female perspective, and they have been deluded into thinking only older women can be based and trad.
yea masculinity truly is a scam though. it's only for low IQ's
"You're not a real woman!"
Said no one ever.
Why does that only work on men?
The answer is two-fold

1. women have inherent value, you can't loose your woman card because being a woman is synonymous with having female flesh.
2. masculinity as its propagated by women and society largely harms men and benefits women.

According to this study, you actually need to work constantly to maintain your status as a "real man" - Sisyphus anyone?


I will now explain point 1 and 2 a bit more in detail:

1. Why do Women have more value
a) TL;DR Water Wet, the only thing that makes a woman a woman is her looks

I don't believe in evo-psych sorry. I think it's even completely unnecessary to recount elaborate fables for certain human behaviors, when the same behaviors could simply be explained by narcissism.

Besides, the entire discussion usually slips into female-worship when you bring up evolution, because the implication that for instance "men are disposable" implies that all women are somehow 10/10 genetically perfect and healthy creatures, since the majority of them reproduce. So all women have perfect genes, and if we just let women reproduce with chads, everyone would be 10/10?

This is retarded and foid worship. Especially given that the fetus spends 9 months inside the foid growing, yet somehow only the males sperm is responsible for ALL the traits the child has? Again, foid worship because it leaves the females responsibility out of the equation. If anything the health and nutritional profile of the mother is WAY more important than DNA. Look into nutrition please, "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration" by Weston A. Price is a good starting point. Your looks are mostly shaped by factors such as maternal nutrition, breastfeeding, correct chewing, swallowing and breathing patterns etc.

Good article on the suppression of medical data showing that animal fats are good for you:

Neoteny in women is also often not the result of sexual dimorphism but simply nutritional degeneration. It is just not as apparent in women because women, unlike men, profit from looking neotenous. If the genders were healthy and fully developed after being raised on the correct diet, sexual dimorphism would be reduced greatly.

"Sorry sweaty its just natural selection" - so why does the majority of women reproduce? This is a simple logical fallacy, which, if brought to its conclusion, implies women somehow are more healthy, genetically superior and smarter than men. This is foid-worship, without a doubt.

So, I propose an alternative theory for why women are more valued, with a different starting presupposition:

1. Men respond to neoteny in any form, puppies, children, women with parental instinct (origin of instinct is debatable)
2. Women do everything in their power to exaggerate sexual dimorphism and increase neoteny (Esther Vilar wrote about this in her 1971 book "The Manipulated Man")
3. The mechanism (for lack of a better word) that makes men forgive women, is the same mechanism that makes men forgive a dog for shitting on the rug.

Dogs, btw, are nutritionally deficient mutants bred to look retarded and neotenous. It's literally like having a down syndrome child in your home, but on purpose. Women anyone?
3 million dog bites that need medical attention in US every year, yet nobody cares. Why? Neoteny, the dog is never blamed. If it was a hyena people would put it through meat grinder and applaud the person doing it.
It's the same mechanism that shields women from blame. It's just their looks. Stupid example to make a point: If a woman looked like a man, but acted the same, would her behavior be remotely acceptable? No, of course not -> ALWAYS genderswap in your head. Use faceapp on bitches to see what they would look like as men, then you can tell their actual nature. Some bitches look like thugs when genderswapped and their behavior always matches the looks.

So, the only thing that keeps women from getting their register pounded six days from tomorrow is their looks. Obviously.

b) INSANE female in-group bias (4.5 times the one men have, men have ZERO - study below)

Now, this one is less discussed and may come as a surprise to some here.
1. women are the only group in society that has innate in-group preference for their own gender
2. this means women naturally form a "herd" or "hive"
3. women trust women; men trust women; men fight men; ->society

That means, society is only women. Men fighting to get female validation is an attempt to get BACK into society.
ALL men are viewed as and out-group by both men and women. Every man is a stranger effectively.
The only way to get away from this, is by being accepted by women. If one woman accepts you, all do and thus, you are part of society (which is only women).
That's why people always act suspicious around single males, but not around men with women.

What that means for us is that the female in-group dictates which traits men need to display to get access to their in-group. Aka, women define what masculinity is.
As always, everything women say is projection.
Femininity is a social construct, designed to encourage certain behaviors in men by negation. These behaviors are then called "Masculinity."

Women act weak and helpless, there for its Masculine to be strong and help women (Female hypoagency).
This is also a classic manipulation tactic. The easiest way to manipulate people is by giving them what they want, because people don't question compliments (Just world fallacy + Fundamental Attribution Error).

What they do is basically pretend to be weak so the man feels empowered in his pseudo "masculinity" (which is only contingent on women liking him). That makes the man feel powerful and in charge, while she is actually in power and retains plausible deniability.

In reality, women are extremely powerful. This can not be stated enough. Women are infinitely more powerful than men. Their in-group preference alone makes them unstoppable. Imagine having 50% of society unconditionally supporting you + simps worshipping you and ready to kill another man at your order.

The reason why women project that there has to be a patriarchy is because it matches their IRL experience of life.
They constantly cheat the system by getting support from other women. They are like the mafia, but its half of society + simps as their cronies.

Additionally, women control 80% of customer spending or more, depending on sector:

View attachment 744382

This statistic alone should send shivers down your spine.
The implication here is that 40% of the money women spend comes from men, AT THE VERY LEAST.
Furthermore, women hold most of the wealth.

More studies here:

An additional study where they made men and women play an online RPG together. After some time, the women held the majority of the resources and power, while engaging in less risk taking behavior (fighting, dying, competing) -> men gave them all their resources. Even in a video game.

This means exactly what it sounds like.
4.5 in-group preference = women form a large, coherent hive-body with no individualism. This also makes them lesbian.
Men fuck each other. Up.
TL;DR of study:
1. women have much higher in-group bias for other women, communicate much more, have stronger networks to support each other - sisterhood mafia, women are jews
2. men kill each other but paradoxically trust women instantly and surrender all their resources to them
3. as result women are extremely empowered with both males serving them and providing them with resources while women take zero risks of their own
4. society. study link below.

That means, women are in total control of society on any level. They dictate beliefs, thoughts, how men view themselves, who gets big on social media, they dictate the entire market through their spending etc...
I want you to pay attention on livestreams, where the money comes from when they do superchats and shit.

I think even Karl Marx wrote that you can't start a revolution with men. You kickstart the foids first and the men follow.

It all comes down to something we all are familar with: Briffaults law
Briffault's law states:

Now, in the light of all of the above, consider the insane power women hold in society. It's truly staggering how powerless men are.
Please think about this:
How pathetic, I can't stress this enough, HOW PATHETIC is it to tell young men to "just go to the gym" in the light of this?
How absolutely comical is it to make young men participate in a race this rigged?

The biggest pill is the genderpill: IF YOU ARE BORN MALE ITS OVER
That's why "masculinity" doesn't exist outside the context of what women want, that's why you can loose it. It's a passport to society that can be revoked by women at any time. It's a conditional surrender of your individuality and dignity in favor of women.

If it isn't obvious at this point:

1. women control all the wealth, directly and indirectly
2. if you want to be successful in any way financially, you have to cater to women
3. by chasing money you indirectly support women by providing them services and further exploiting men
4. to chase money means to compete with other men for female validation, women don't compete like that, they support each other (4.5 in-group pref)
5. women act just like jewsh with their retarded-tier high in-group preference and nepotism. If you go along with this, you're a jew. A female with a male body would just be jew tbh.

Chasing money is a feminine trait. It's female centered, it serves females, it gets you female attention -> its feminine

There's a reason why it says in the Gospels, you can either serve God or Mammon, not both. A man can only have one master.

- Matthew 6:24, KJV

@lifefuel @MortonZnk @M.Yass @Med Amine @Tarquinius
very high iq
1. Yes, autists are much nicer and we also now have data that shows that virtue signalling is associated with dark triad traits, water wet.

Autists really cant hide their true feelings. Everything just comes out. I've had this discussion with normies where they explained to me how everyone just pretends to feel a certain way, depending on the situation. Virtue signalling. And when I was shocked, they said "but everyone can do that, and if you can't do that you're retarded." But I can literally not do that. My face = my current mood. I can't fake it.

I caused myself insane pain from this btw, because I was so on edge from interacting with double sided normies for years, I saw traps everywhere. So when I came into the blackpill spaces, which have lots of autists, I saw the boogieman behind every post. Inadvertently, i suspected some fellow autists of trying to backstab me and per-emptively attacked them, causing me and them tremendous psychological harm in the short- and long term.

In reality, they were just gullible idiots like me which can't hide anything from anyone. I was a like an abused dog, hiding in a corner from years of abuse and snapping at anyone trying to touch me. I can't imagine how mentally fucked up I would be now, without these communities, the people I talked to, the blackpill.

2. On your second post:
Silence is the name of the game. They can't cope with being alone. It's their kryptonite. One time my family accidentally ignored my mom for like 2 days (everyone was busy) and she literally fell into deep as fuck depression. Narcissists man, they literally sui if they loose their supply. Loosing one of their narcissistic supply IV-Bags is like loosing a limb for them. They are not people, merely the sum of their sources of attention. So cutting a source of attention = removing a part of their self.

Women are of course most guilty of this, but as you said in your second paragraph, plenty of hyper-socialized men act the same way. Just look at what happened during the lockdowns.

I dont believe social skills exist.
I think its 100% looks and the only definition I would accept as "social skills" is that social skills is just acting according to your looks level.
Aka, if your a weak looking bitch like me, you're supposed to act the part.

Beyond that, all I've ever seen these "social skills" amount to is dark triad shit like
1. pretending to like people
2. faking emotions
3. mogging others physically or intellectually (HYPER CRINGE)
4. fitting in with the crowd by attacking the scapegoat
5. repeating trendy slogans about the holocaust - "we cant let that happen again"
6. more slogans "my body my choice," "be the change"

I think its hilarious that Patrick Batemen is such a strong normie meme at this point, yet they act EXACTLY like him. Like the scene where he listens to that trash pop song by Robert Palmer in the car "simply irresistible" I think, and his gf asks him wtf hes doing and he goes "I want to fit in."

That's normies. Everything is just a tool to manipulate validation out of others. It's not about the truth. Everything is used in the service of eliciting favors from others. Everything.
They only learn things or get interested in things as much as is necessary to leverage it socially.
That's why they never watch old animes for instance. They usually start watching anime because their friends did. They don't do anything that does not yield social returns.

The very idea of doing something simply because YOU enjoy it, and not because it has some social benefit, is insane to them. How many times do autists hear normies say shit like, "why do you care about that? thats such useless information?"

Bro, meanwhile they are getting vaxxed and follow the jew agenda and get turned to mincemeat on distant battlefields. Shit that could've been avoided by reading 1-2 books on geopolitics by their own fucking leaders, such as Henry Kissinger or Zbigniew Brzezinski.

That's what social skills amount to. It's dangerous.
You always have to discern and fight the spirit of the time you live in, it's a must.

1. gays are hypersexual, have 1000s of sexual partners, zero self control, do copious amounts of drugs that fuck up their immune system -> Aquired Autoimmune Deficiency Disorder

The homosexual defines himself as a hypersexual being -> just like women.

2. women dont view them as a threat as they are basically women.
3. Women secretly want to turn 80% of men into castrated eunuchs. Sometimes they openly admit this.
Of course this is a level of delusion scantily imaginable to a man. Literally everything you are currently using, sitting on, eating and looking at was made by men. Women should be on their knees pleasuring us 24/7.

Yet their insane narcissism makes them believe 80% of men are useless because they don't serve female desires. This level of narcissism is just... there are no words.

This is why women validate gay men with affection and attention. In blackpill circles we have long known that women reward evil behavior in men and women. They give more sex and attention to murderers, bullies, dark-triad men, men that attack other men and men that are effeminate.
Women are hyper destructive to society because of this alone.

That's why women reward homosexuality in men. Listen, women are not deep. They are psychopaths devoid of higher thought. Everything they do can be reduced to pain/pleasure and external factors.
NEVER project male traits onto a woman, you are overcomplicating everything.

Any change in their behavior or mood = something external happened. Always look at her environment. She will claim she had some internal change = bullshit.

Often times women are just bored, which makes them depressed, which makes them start drama. Being bored quickly and needing constant stimulation and action btw, IS a trait of psychopathy.
Try to find a single woman that doesn't have 80% of these traits:


The reason why this is not obvious to most people is because of the gender-double standard. If a man acted like the average women, he would be called a psychopath instantly.

However, normies are retarded and don't understand this very simple piece of logic. I have literally seen this on forums. When you go "if you do a genderswap on any given foids actions, its 99% unacceptable behavior morally" people jump at you with dumb shit like "DUH BECAUSE SHES A WOMAN OMFG ARE YOU GAY?"

They don't get the point. Why is it ok for women, but not for men? How can there be two absolute moral standards, one for for women, one for men? This is simply ridiculous. How has psychology not picked up on this? They have, but they apply the same double standards to gender roles and thus eliminate the possibility of objectively judging womens behavior.

There is only one way to act, one way to be good. Not multiple. There is one standard for being a good person. Except for women, they are not subject to any standards it seems.
Woman are never the target of Any Gaslight , and have that No accountability Halo " . They get a Pass on every Shit or lazy behavior Just because their Woman .
This deserves To be pinned @PPEcel @Master @Fat Link @Dregster @SlayerSlayer @proudweeb
High quality and high IQ thread. I agree with every single point.

Very nice.

I also noticed in school how fat and ugly girls and popular girls sat at the same table and were friends. I was baffled. This would be unthinkable with males. Chads tried to get as far away as possible from anyone who is seen as weird or ugly.
I fucking hate fat ugly girls
"You're not a real woman!"
Said no one ever.
Why does that only work on men?
The answer is two-fold

1. women have inherent value, you can't loose your woman card because being a woman is synonymous with having female flesh.
2. masculinity as its propagated by women and society largely harms men and benefits women.

According to this study, you actually need to work constantly to maintain your status as a "real man" - Sisyphus anyone?


I will now explain point 1 and 2 a bit more in detail:

1. Why do Women have more value
a) TL;DR Water Wet, the only thing that makes a woman a woman is her looks

I don't believe in evo-psych sorry. I think it's even completely unnecessary to recount elaborate fables for certain human behaviors, when the same behaviors could simply be explained by narcissism.

Besides, the entire discussion usually slips into female-worship when you bring up evolution, because the implication that for instance "men are disposable" implies that all women are somehow 10/10 genetically perfect and healthy creatures, since the majority of them reproduce. So all women have perfect genes, and if we just let women reproduce with chads, everyone would be 10/10?

This is retarded and foid worship. Especially given that the fetus spends 9 months inside the foid growing, yet somehow only the males sperm is responsible for ALL the traits the child has? Again, foid worship because it leaves the females responsibility out of the equation. If anything the health and nutritional profile of the mother is WAY more important than DNA. Look into nutrition please, "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration" by Weston A. Price is a good starting point. Your looks are mostly shaped by factors such as maternal nutrition, breastfeeding, correct chewing, swallowing and breathing patterns etc.

Good article on the suppression of medical data showing that animal fats are good for you:

Neoteny in women is also often not the result of sexual dimorphism but simply nutritional degeneration. It is just not as apparent in women because women, unlike men, profit from looking neotenous. If the genders were healthy and fully developed after being raised on the correct diet, sexual dimorphism would be reduced greatly.

"Sorry sweaty its just natural selection" - so why does the majority of women reproduce? This is a simple logical fallacy, which, if brought to its conclusion, implies women somehow are more healthy, genetically superior and smarter than men. This is foid-worship, without a doubt.

So, I propose an alternative theory for why women are more valued, with a different starting presupposition:

1. Men respond to neoteny in any form, puppies, children, women with parental instinct (origin of instinct is debatable)
2. Women do everything in their power to exaggerate sexual dimorphism and increase neoteny (Esther Vilar wrote about this in her 1971 book "The Manipulated Man")
3. The mechanism (for lack of a better word) that makes men forgive women, is the same mechanism that makes men forgive a dog for shitting on the rug.

Dogs, btw, are nutritionally deficient mutants bred to look retarded and neotenous. It's literally like having a down syndrome child in your home, but on purpose. Women anyone?
3 million dog bites that need medical attention in US every year, yet nobody cares. Why? Neoteny, the dog is never blamed. If it was a hyena people would put it through meat grinder and applaud the person doing it.
It's the same mechanism that shields women from blame. It's just their looks. Stupid example to make a point: If a woman looked like a man, but acted the same, would her behavior be remotely acceptable? No, of course not -> ALWAYS genderswap in your head. Use faceapp on bitches to see what they would look like as men, then you can tell their actual nature. Some bitches look like thugs when genderswapped and their behavior always matches the looks.

So, the only thing that keeps women from getting their register pounded six days from tomorrow is their looks. Obviously.

b) INSANE female in-group bias (4.5 times the one men have, men have ZERO - study below)

Now, this one is less discussed and may come as a surprise to some here.
1. women are the only group in society that has innate in-group preference for their own gender
2. this means women naturally form a "herd" or "hive"
3. women trust women; men trust women; men fight men; ->society

That means, society is only women. Men fighting to get female validation is an attempt to get BACK into society.
ALL men are viewed as and out-group by both men and women. Every man is a stranger effectively.
The only way to get away from this, is by being accepted by women. If one woman accepts you, all do and thus, you are part of society (which is only women).
That's why people always act suspicious around single males, but not around men with women.

What that means for us is that the female in-group dictates which traits men need to display to get access to their in-group. Aka, women define what masculinity is.
As always, everything women say is projection.
Femininity is a social construct, designed to encourage certain behaviors in men by negation. These behaviors are then called "Masculinity."

Women act weak and helpless, there for its Masculine to be strong and help women (Female hypoagency).
This is also a classic manipulation tactic. The easiest way to manipulate people is by giving them what they want, because people don't question compliments (Just world fallacy + Fundamental Attribution Error).

What they do is basically pretend to be weak so the man feels empowered in his pseudo "masculinity" (which is only contingent on women liking him). That makes the man feel powerful and in charge, while she is actually in power and retains plausible deniability.

In reality, women are extremely powerful. This can not be stated enough. Women are infinitely more powerful than men. Their in-group preference alone makes them unstoppable. Imagine having 50% of society unconditionally supporting you + simps worshipping you and ready to kill another man at your order.

The reason why women project that there has to be a patriarchy is because it matches their IRL experience of life.
They constantly cheat the system by getting support from other women. They are like the mafia, but its half of society + simps as their cronies.

Additionally, women control 80% of customer spending or more, depending on sector:

View attachment 744382

This statistic alone should send shivers down your spine.
The implication here is that 40% of the money women spend comes from men, AT THE VERY LEAST.
Furthermore, women hold most of the wealth.

More studies here:

An additional study where they made men and women play an online RPG together. After some time, the women held the majority of the resources and power, while engaging in less risk taking behavior (fighting, dying, competing) -> men gave them all their resources. Even in a video game.

This means exactly what it sounds like.
4.5 in-group preference = women form a large, coherent hive-body with no individualism. This also makes them lesbian.
Men fuck each other. Up.
TL;DR of study:
1. women have much higher in-group bias for other women, communicate much more, have stronger networks to support each other - sisterhood mafia, women are jews
2. men kill each other but paradoxically trust women instantly and surrender all their resources to them
3. as result women are extremely empowered with both males serving them and providing them with resources while women take zero risks of their own
4. society. study link below.

That means, women are in total control of society on any level. They dictate beliefs, thoughts, how men view themselves, who gets big on social media, they dictate the entire market through their spending etc...
I want you to pay attention on livestreams, where the money comes from when they do superchats and shit.

I think even Karl Marx wrote that you can't start a revolution with men. You kickstart the foids first and the men follow.

It all comes down to something we all are familar with: Briffaults law
Briffault's law states:

Now, in the light of all of the above, consider the insane power women hold in society. It's truly staggering how powerless men are.
Please think about this:
How pathetic, I can't stress this enough, HOW PATHETIC is it to tell young men to "just go to the gym" in the light of this?
How absolutely comical is it to make young men participate in a race this rigged?

The biggest pill is the genderpill: IF YOU ARE BORN MALE ITS OVER
That's why "masculinity" doesn't exist outside the context of what women want, that's why you can loose it. It's a passport to society that can be revoked by women at any time. It's a conditional surrender of your individuality and dignity in favor of women.

If it isn't obvious at this point:

1. women control all the wealth, directly and indirectly
2. if you want to be successful in any way financially, you have to cater to women
3. by chasing money you indirectly support women by providing them services and further exploiting men
4. to chase money means to compete with other men for female validation, women don't compete like that, they support each other (4.5 in-group pref)
5. women act just like jewsh with their retarded-tier high in-group preference and nepotism. If you go along with this, you're a jew. A female with a male body would just be jew tbh.

Chasing money is a feminine trait. It's female centered, it serves females, it gets you female attention -> its feminine

There's a reason why it says in the Gospels, you can either serve God or Mammon, not both. A man can only have one master.

- Matthew 6:24, KJV

@lifefuel @MortonZnk @M.Yass @Med Amine @Tarquinius
1) ive seen shit like that when I still had a job
this foid walked in our room, 2 men there. Shes carrying a box, puts it down, says oh it so heavy. Look around. Everybody is focused on their shit. Im watching from corner of my eye. Bitch looks, looks, picks up box and just walks away.
Complete larp.

another time she pretended to get something, walked into kitchen, drank a coffee and then came back and said she cant find it, they should send one of us (men)

Dont get me wrong they are weak as shit, but they arent that weak JFL, they constantly exaggerate how weak and retarded they are to manipulate you into doing shit for them. They are actually terrifyingly calculated under all that shit - psychos man.

2) Exactly, its arbitrary. The hoops they invent to make buxxers jump through to get accepted by foids are completely arbitrary. Like in roman times, they actually thought small dicks are cute, big dicks are offensive. Lol if you think thats true but this is probably what they told dudes.

If you believe this sounds unrealistic, in the 1800s Kellogs advertised their cereal as lowering your sex drive. You have to really make a distinction between what society virtue signals about and the underlying human nature, which is always the same. People literally think the victorians were prudes when they had an insane number of prostitutes, like 100s of 1000s, child prostitution up the ass and so on. It was extremely degenerate. People will say anything to fit in and then act the complete opposite.

Remember, pretending to be a certain way = being that way for normies. They think being a good virtue signaller = being virtuous, they are fucking idiots. I remember being in school few years ago, trade school, so grown people.

And we talked about that shit in bible where Jesus says you shouldnt virtue signal ("dont let your left hand know what your right hand is doing", pray in secret, dont pray in public, let nobody know if you do good deeds - morality is what you do when nobody is looking etc).

And they literally couldnt grasp the distinction and I think neither did the teacher (he was an open homosexual, you can find him online, advertising for LGBQT shit in catholic church).

On another occasion, a foid in same class went on about how we have to be inclusive of mental illness and so on. I shit you not, 20 minutes later we had another class and she was sitting at table next to mine with 3 other sluts and openly shat on an autistic guy at their job (they mentioned he had autism).

They see nothing wrong with this.

They have no concept of permanent beliefs. They are all moral relativists. You can fuck them in the ass with 1-2 questions, just ask them why? why is that true and how do you know that?
They never know. Why is that good? Why is that bad?
They just echo some shit because like retarded monkeys, if you say something people reward you for, you keep saying it.
Its walmart-worldview shit, they just spout slogans. Slogan worldview.

So yeah, they dont care about shit. They dont care about you and shit.

If theres a dying man laying in the gutter, the probability of people helping that person DECREASES the more people walk by him because nobody wants to stand out and take the first step.

Its like how you can talk to normies 101 and they aggree with you and then they just revert back to their old self the moment another person joins. They have no spine or IQ.
Indeed, this is one of the reasons why almost all Maoists and communist guerilla insurgent groups today are dominated by females. The society it self is feminine by nature thus revolution starts with females. This is primarily the reason why I believe incel Marxist Rodgerist revolution will never happen as we don't have Foids to reward the male insurgents with sex.
Fuck, you might be right. I spend more time daydreaming about geomaxxing than moving to Siberia and digging trenches with my flabby weak arms
There are gradations of being 'inferior'. Women are protected from many life hardships like war, not because they're totally inferior but because of their child bearing ability and male simps ( many 'strong masculine trad' types are also simps ). Think about it: there are plenty of news where girl attacks a guy with knife and kills him. If women were totally inferior, this would never happen.
Myth of female weakness is useful for soyciety since it helps to hold women in privileged and protected position.
Many women have more developed bodies than framecels. They have bigger hands and feet and broader shoulders. Imagine being so subhuman that many females have broader shoulders than you :feelsrope:.
All the 6'2" lesbians should be forced to fight, not me. I should get neetbux even during a war.

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