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Lowest iq posters on this site?

Racebaiters are low IQ.
People who REALLY clench on JBW, (probably ReallyRice)
Driver License Pill
Anyone who talks about "ascending" (ded srs) Ascension is blue pilled cope. Ready to debate anyone on this.
Me. I never made any interesting posts. Most of my posts are 1 or 2 lines.
First I need to know whats your theory on ascension nigger. So I have an idea of what "ascending" is to you.
Being able to legitimately attract non-obese, agematched and looksmatched females without betabuxxing.
Anyone joined after Nov 13, 2018
WNcels who think JBW is false


JBW deniers
Being able to legitimately attract non-obese, agematched and looksmatched females without betabuxxing.
That's just being Chad.
Image result for nicolas cage laughing gif

If you're talking about on a consistent basis anyways. If you mean just being able to attract 1 foid without betabuxxing, that is no "ascension" because it's just 1 foid.
Everyone who believes in JBW.
Being able to legitimately attract non-obese, agematched and looksmatched females without betabuxxing.

let me add also education level matched, money/career matched, sexualexperience matched, ethnicity/culture matched,
betabuxxing may not be so bad if the foid have something to offer back like great domestic skills, homemaker , cooking, sewing, budgeting , gardening, livestock raising etc...
So turbomanlet = height matters more
but normal height = face matters more

yes you're an idiot.
No, its important but not for all.
No one wants a 5'5 guy but its not that hard for a 5'7 guy to get a gf with a good face
Anyone who ever got involuntarily banned or people too stupid to pass the entrance exam to be allowed to post here tie for stupidest posters on this site imo.

Guests a close second.
These are the 4 lowest IQ traits I've observed on this site, and ironically its typical of normies, which is why it stands out so much when expressed by an incel (#1 being the strongest indicator of low IQ thinking)
  1. Incels who think morality is objective
  2. Incels who are religious (follower) rather than "religionmaxxing" (tactician)
  3. Incels who value female validation more than sex (basically female worship)
  4. Incels who have racial allegiance
9 times out of 10 if they have #1 they have #2, and so on and so forth

Men who think morality is objective are usually religious

Religious men usually have strong traditional values, that makes them family oriented

A man that wants a family, will value a woman desiring him, more than sex, because sex alone won't get him his dream of having a "family"

Racial allegiance is like the odd man out, its not really connected to the rest, it takes an extra level of stupid to get that one, even though its ironically less of an indicator of low IQ thinking than the rest. Its in a category all on its own
Lowest IQ posters are the "height is everything" copers and the anti-extremists.
I am white, where's my gf?

You are either knowingly strawmanning JBW, or you don't understand what JBW is

JBW isn't that just being white makes you ATTRACTIVE ENOUGH to get a girlfriend, JBW is that just being white makes you by default be seen as MORE ATTRACTIVE than other races of men who are within your league of looks, and in some minor cases slightly above your league, especially when it comes to ethnic women

For example a 6/10 asian man is going to be seen as a worse choice than a 5/10 white man if an asian woman is choosing (or any woman for that matter, but especially asian women)

JBW doesn't mean that by default being white means you will get a GF or get laid, it means you have an inherent advantage when it comes to looks and social status that makes you be seen as the "trade up" choice for females, especially ethnic females.

Lowest IQ posters are the "height is everything" copers and the anti-extremists.

Oh I fucking HATE the "anti-extremists"

"Come on guuuuuuys, if only we could get normies to see were not so bad, then society would definitely care about us"

Fucking retards
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You are either knowingly strawmanning JBW, or you don't understand what JBW is

JBW isn't that just being white makes you ATTRACTIVE ENOUGH to get a girlfriend, JBW is that just being white makes you by default be seen as MORE ATTRACTIVE than other races of men who are within your league of looks, and in some minor cases slightly above your league, especially when it comes to ethnic women

For example a 6/10 asian man is going to be seen as a worse choice than a 5/10 white woman if an asian woman is choosing (or any woman for that matter, but especially asian women)

JBW doesn't mean that by default being white means you will get a GF or get laid, it means you have an inherent advantage when it comes to looks and social status that makes you be seen as the "trade up" choice for females, especially ethnic females.
I don't deny that, but why do people call it "just be white"? JBW implies being white is all you need to get laid, and that's how most ethnics here use that term.
The fakecels and undercover IT mouthbreathers.
I don't deny that, but why do people call it "just be white"? JBW implies being white is all you need to get laid, and that's how most ethnics here use that term.

I don't know maybe its called Just Be White because that term is more catchy due to how hyperbolic it is, it has more oomph to it lol.

But when you think about it, isn't the end result of those factors that all it takes for a man to get laid in these times is to "just be white" (too an extent)

If you are a white man, who has average or slightly below average looks, you know that ethnic women basically worship you (especially asian women), you know that if you went to an SEA country you would likely slay, so really and truly can it not be argued that all you really need is to just be white, and by not going to such countries one is just being a "locationcel"

If someone isn't making use of a know advantage, aren't they just handicapping themselves

I'm black and I plan on one day moving to such a country, and that's to escortcel at cheap rates, if I was white would I still move there, except I would not have to escortcel, I could likely get dates in thailand on tinder
If the face is good, honestly anything over 5’7 is not a problem. It’s really just a cope. But if you’re under 5’7 even with a good face it’s gonna be a tough one.
  1. @Insomniac (low effort; doesn't add anything to the conversation)
  2. @Blacktarpill (low effort)
  3. @Ritalincel (lowest effort fag I've EVER seen in ANY forum)
when the coping is too strong
Low IQ posters:

  1. @Insomniac (low effort; doesn't add anything to the conversation)
  2. @Blacktarpill (low effort)
  3. @Ritalincel (lowest effort fag I've EVER seen in ANY forum)
  4. @FACEandLMS (he's actually high IQ, but his posts tend to rely too much on sarcasm and meme)
  5. @HighTGymcel
  6. @Napoleon de Geso (not truly low iq, but only babbles about lolis an underage girls)
There are more to be added, but I can't seem to recall them right now.

High IQ posters:

  1. @SchrodingersDick (probably the poster with the best content and writing)
  2. @Eugenicist (has good thoughts, but can be very verbose. A reader really needs to pay attention to understand what the guy is trying to convey. Nonetheless he's very intuitive)
  3. @BlkPillPres (Has some good thoughts, but there are one or two fallacies)
  4. @RageAgainstTDL (he doesn't post here much anymore, but he's very good)
  5. @wereqryan I am VERY smart! Goes without saying tbh. :feelsautistic::feelsautistic::feelsautistic:
I just post much to keep the forum alive.
So I'm not really low iq tbh
Low IQ posters:

  1. @Insomniac (low effort; doesn't add anything to the conversation)
  2. @Blacktarpill (low effort)
  3. @Ritalincel (lowest effort fag I've EVER seen in ANY forum)
  4. @FACEandLMS (he's actually high IQ, but his posts tend to rely too much on sarcasm and meme)
  5. @HighTGymcel
  6. @Napoleon de Geso (not truly low iq, but only babbles about lolis an underage girls)
There are more to be added, but I can't seem to recall them right now.

High IQ posters:

  1. @SchrodingersDick (probably the poster with the best content and writing)
  2. @Eugenicist (has good thoughts, but can be very verbose. A reader really needs to pay attention to understand what the guy is trying to convey. Nonetheless he's very intuitive)
  3. @BlkPillPres (Has some good thoughts, but there are one or two fallacies)
  4. @RageAgainstTDL (he doesn't post here much anymore, but he's very good)
  5. @wereqryan I am VERY smart! Goes without saying tbh. :feelsautistic::feelsautistic::feelsautistic:
my mind needs to destress somewhat.
I will go back to my posting once I am finished with my biz.
I am posting my topics generally well but still the lack of reading grasp here is astonishing.
people who harp on JBW.
No, its important but not for all.
No one wants a 5'5 guy but its not that hard for a 5'7 guy to get a gf with a good face
So you're saying that height matters more! If a 5'5 guy < 5'7 guy then clearly height>face. You're saying: as long as height is x then face matters more. Which is bull logic, hence why height>face.

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