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LOL @ U if you don't pretend to be a girl to get money



ded srs
Nov 8, 2017
I've been ewhoring for 3 years now. Probably made around $50k+ from cucks in total. It's fun when they're willing give you their money without even chatting for 10 minutes.

Social engineering + using cucks = profit.

existentialhack said:
Too easy

Yep, there's an endless supply of these bluepilled cucks online.
blackcel said:
Yep, there's an endless supply of these bluepilled cucks online.
I will be bumping this thread when I get money from a cuck.. I just found a great website where to ewhore.. LEGIT FUCKING CUCK HEAVEN LMAO
Weed said:
I've been ewhoring for 3 years now. Probably made around $50k+ from cucks in total. It's fun when they're willing give you their money without even chatting for 10 minutes.

Social engineering + using cucks = profit.

how do you e-whore exactly?
swissincel said:
Weed said:
I've been ewhoring for 3 years now. Probably made around $50k+ from cucks in total. It's fun when they're willing give you their money without even chatting for 10 minutes.
Social engineering + using cucks = profit.
how do you e-whore exactly?
Just sell pics and vids of some pornstar to a cuck.. Have a young looking girl and say you're 18 or just turned 18... You either get money from a pedo that deep inside hopes you're 15 or from a cuck
Weed said:
Just sell pics and vids of some pornstar to a cuck.. Have a young looking girl and say you're 18 or just turned 18... You either get money from a pedo that deep inside hopes you're 15 or from a cuck

But which social networks do you use to meet these people?
swissincel said:
Weed said:
Just sell pics and vids of some pornstar to a cuck.. Have a young looking girl and say you're 18 or just turned 18... You either get money from a pedo that deep inside hopes you're 15 or from a cuck
But which social networks do you use to meet these people?
To find em, post your kik username to kik username websites.. just type "kik usernames"
What's usually the punishment for getting caught?
CopingGymcel said:
What's usually the punishment for getting caught?
Oh staph it you... You will never get caught...
Weed said:
Oh staph it you... You will never get caught...

That's what we always think. I just need to know all the variables.

Although, who would be cuck enough to report to the police that they sent money to some dude they thought was a woman, and what police station will care enough to use any resources for that kind of shit, probably none.

If they send you money to your Paypal, won't they see that you have a guy name? Do you have to set up a Paypal in a fake name?
CopingGymcel said:
That's what we always think. I just need to know all the variables.

they can't do anything if you are not from the same country
torujo said:
they can't do anything if you are not from the same country

I guess you're right. I have to get into this shit. I have no sympathy for cucks, they are the reason we are here in the first place.
CopingGymcel said:
Weed said:
Oh staph it you... You will never get caught...
That's what we always think. I just need to know all the variables.
Although, who would be cuck enough to report to the police that they sent money to some dude they thought was a woman, and what police station will care enough to use any resources for that kind of shit, probably none.
If they send you money to your Paypal, won't they see that you have a guy name? Do you have to set up a Paypal in a fake name?
I've been doing it on my real paypal for 3 years now.. just don't worry lol

Also I will lol if @Sergeantincel will make an ewhoring section on this website.. Would be great tbh ngl..

Hackforums.net had it for years, that's where I learnt my shit
More than 50k?! What is this sorcery.
Solitarian_Walker said:
More than 50k?! What is this sorcery.
It was 5x easier to ewhore 5 years ago because it wasn't so saturated.. only hackforums.net fags knew about it
Weed said:
It was 5x easier to ewhore 5 years ago because it wasn't so saturated.. only hackforums.net fags knew about it

There are always going to be enough cucks to go around.
Good stuff..cucks deserve it
CopingGymcel said:
Weed said:
It was 5x easier to ewhore 5 years ago because it wasn't so saturated.. only hackforums.net fags knew about it
There are always going to be enough cucks to go around.
Exactly and that's why I am still grinding when I need a quick $20 or smth
Well I do need some cash right now, but how would I go about in doing this? I don't have any prior experience.
VLÖ said:
Well I do need some cash right now, but how would I go about in doing this? I don't have any prior experience.
hackforums will teach you, there are many guides.
Weed said:
Exactly and that's why I am still grinding when I need a quick $20 or smth

Do you add them to Skype? How do you advertise yourself? Do they send money to your paypal or send you gift cards?
LOL this is awesome.
CopingGymcel said:
Weed said:
Exactly and that's why I am still grinding when I need a quick $20 or smth
Do you add them to Skype? How do you advertise yourself? Do they send money to your paypal or send you gift cards?
You can do skype show but you will have to scam them since you can't do a skype show unless do your headache and download a manycam and actually do low quality shows with a chance of them finding out they're being fucked over. Not worth doing them, just tell them that you do skype shows, take money and run away.
I advertise myself on kik usernames websites, just google "kik usernames".
You can do either PayPal or Gift Cards, whatever they have...
Is this a real thing I can try in 2017. I'm gonna be in a 3 month vacation rotting in my pc. And dollars here are x3 the value of my local money, maybe I'll be able to afford some money for a new pc
Weed said:
You can do skype show but you will have to scam them since you can't do a skype show unless do your headache and download a manycam and actually do low quality shows with a  chance of them finding out they're being fucked over. Not worth doing them, just tell them that you do skype shows, take money and run away.
I advertise myself on kik usernames websites, just google "kik usernames".
You can do either PayPal or Gift Cards, whatever they have...

Will I have to set up a fake Paypal in a female's name? Can't they do a charge back on the money?
CopingGymcel said:
Weed said:
You can do skype show but you will have to scam them since you can't do a skype show unless do your headache and download a manycam and actually do low quality shows with a chance of them finding out they're being fucked over. Not worth doing them, just tell them that you do skype shows, take money and run away.
I advertise myself on kik usernames websites, just google "kik usernames".
You can do either PayPal or Gift Cards, whatever they have...
Will I have to set up a fake Paypal in a female's name? Can't they do a charge back on the money?
They can obviously chargeback money and you can't do shit about it.. But nobody chargebacked me even when I scammed them, cucks are just too le gentleman for that or just stupid.
Don't set up fake PayPal.. PayPal made it in 2016 that you can only transfer money if you have bank account in it and it's not worth it because of fees and changing VPNs everytime.. Just use your real PayPal, put business name on it so they won't find out your real name and you're good to go.
Weed said:
I've been ewhoring for 3 years now. Probably made around $50k+ from cucks in total. It's fun when they're willing give you their money without even chatting for 10 minutes.

Social engineering + using cucks = profit.

LMAO I was 12 doing this shit jacking Runescape accs & gp and selling it, really gotta get back into it (i'm 18 now)
CopingGymcel said:
Will I have to set up a fake Paypal in a female's name? Can't they do a charge back on the money?

Personal/Gift payments cannot be charged back, unless it's changed since the days I did it.
Lmfao! I'm definitely doing this. So this is what it's like to be a woman huh?
We need to sticky this to the top of the page. We've found a solution for neetcels
There's your NEETbux opportunity, boyos :). Use female privilege to YOUR advantage.
just downloaded some free packs and im going to try this now if it actually works ill let you know
behindcloseddoors1 said:
just downloaded some free packs and im going to try this now if it actually works ill let you know
Where'd you get the free packs from?
Good way to punish the retards stupid enough to pay for this stuff I guess.
Just lol @ posting this and letting secret out

you just cut profits out of your racket boyo
NekoStance said:
Just lol @ posting this and letting secret out
you just cut profits out of your racket boyo
Lmao... ewhoring was saturated ages ago.. Profits didn't change since 2015..
Ewhoring was getting saturated since 2012 or so... you think my post changed anything in 2017... after 5 years?

Nautica1983 said:
Lmfao! I'm definitely doing this. So this is what it's like to be a woman huh?
It's kind of gay at first but then you become not gay by having low empathy for these dudes that give out many just like that.. but they do what they get in the end anyways... Some even do not ask for age.. I kind of blackmailed few... well not blackmailed, I just knew their name, googled it.. matched cities where they live and vuolia I do have their legit facebook.. and what do I see? Dude is married with 3 kids, 40-47 years old...
Some of them go into full betabuxx mode and blessing me. It's really interesting to study psychology like that tbh.

BTW Never blackmail, even when you ewhore... Just don't and if you do kys
Nautica1983 said:
behindcloseddoors1 said:
just downloaded some free packs and im going to try this now if it actually works ill let you know
Where'd you get the free packs from?
hackforums.. other forums.. just google ewhore packs
cucked said:
Is there any way you can get in trouble for this? I need to get in on this
WTF!? I literally just made an account and said hi and some thirsty cuck asked if i had a webcam and wanted 1500$? Its unbelievable how easy woman have it
weservenomsg said:
teach me.


Nautica1983 said:
WTF!? I literally just made an account and said hi and some thirsty cuck asked if i had a webcam and wanted 1500$? Its unbelievable how easy woman have it
$1500.. He is a time waster.. I've been ewhoring for so long I know if they bullshit or not.. Just block whoever offers $1000+, block whoever wants to meet, block who just wants to chat, block whoever wants a nude preview. If you're doing business and he's talking about some other topic like if you ever fucked a horse or had a threesome, tell him "So umm wanna talk about our business now?" if he keeps talking random shit = B L O C K.

I could also become someone's mentor... if they pay me teehee but I can teach all the basics for free tbh.
Ofc you can learn for free by ebooks or reading tutorials tho but takes time to know the whole scene.
why would you need a business account though?
retarded_dumbshit said:
why would you need a business account though?
So customers wouldn't see your real name and if they send money the name appears as your business name
I can see this being difficult to do now that people are more internet savvy
CopingGymcel said:
I guess you're right. I have to get into this shit. I have no sympathy for cucks, they are the reason we are here in the first place.

If anything you'd be doing them a favor by teaching them not to trust women so much.
Indari said:
I can see this being difficult to do now that people are more internet savvy

If is more difficult to get money yea but you can still do it.. I can still get $100 per day.. sometimes $50.. really depends. Just ewhore while you're playing or watching YouTube.. You don't have to stare at kik screen 24/7. Plus chatting will pass our time
Weed said:
If is more difficult to get money yea but you can still do it.. I can still get $100 per day.. sometimes $50.. really depends. Just ewhore while you're playing or watching YouTube.. You don't have to stare at kik screen 24/7. Plus chatting will pass our time

I'm an oldcel. I used to a little of this back in the day before everything went mobile. Used to make £200+/month putting in little effort. Is all the action mobile these days? I find it a pain in the ass. Do you know of a good emulator for all the mobile apps that can be used on laptop? I tried Bluestacks but it crashes my PC. Where do you advertise? Just the kik friend finder type sites? Do you just use one girl and make one profile per site or spam loads?

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